La NASA admet qu'il est en contact avec des espèces exotiques et vient d'oublier de le mentionner


La NASA admet qu'il est en contact avec des espèces exotiques et vient d'oublier de le mentionner Partager 48.4K 48.4K Selon les rapports, Trish Chamberson, un porte-parole officiel de la NASA a confirmé l'existence de la vie extraterrestre et a affirmé que les étrangers ont visité la planète Chamberson a confirmé qu'un certain nombre de théories qui avaient été précédemment rejetées comme une spéculation sans fondement de la part des amateurs de la frange sont réellement fondées dans la réalité. Le porte-parole de la NASA confirme l'existence d'aliens. Chamberson a fait plusieurs allégations sensationnelles au cours de l'entrevue, affirmant que les espèces étrangères connues sous le nom des Gris ont été la visite de la Terre depuis des milliers d'années et qu'ils ont pu avoir eu une main dans la construction de mégastructures telles que les anciennes pyramides de Gizeh et Il y a tant de films, de documentaires et de programmes de télévision sur les étrangers, que nous pensions que tout le monde était au courant d'eux maintenant. Chamberson a continué à confirmer diverses théories sur les opérations minières étrangères dans le système solaire. Elle a affirmé qu'une des mines se trouvait à l'autre bout de la Lune et que diverses planètes du système solaire étaient évaluées pour les minéraux. Récemment, elle a affirmé que les aliens ont commencé à exploiter Jupiter, ce qui explique pourquoi les observateurs ont pu voir plusieurs anneaux apparemment nouveaux apparaissant autour du géant du gaz. Désolé. Chamberson a également allégué que la NASA est en contact régulier avec pas moins de quatre espèces différentes et entièrement distinctes espèces étrangères à partir de divers endroits dans la galaxie. Elle a affirmé que tout contact avec les espèces exotiques a été amical. Alors que les extraterrestres n'ont pas soulevé de sérieux conflits avec l'humanité, Chamberson a allégué qu'ils ont exprimé leur inquiétude concernant la prolifération et les essais des armes nucléaires qui a de graves conséquences non seulement pour la vie sur Terre, mais pour les races de peuples partout dans la galaxie. Les étrangers sont réellement inoffensifs et ne s'intéressent qu'aux ressources naturelles de la planète. Cependant, Chamberson n'a pas réussi à confirmer que les étrangers sont responsables des enlèvements d'êtres humains. Elle a dit que les extraterrestres sont totalement inoffensifs et que leur seul intérêt pour la Terre est lié aux ressources naturelles de la planète. Nous étions tellement occupés à retourner à l'ingénierie de leur technologie, nous avons simplement oublié tout cela. Ils ont même une base sur l'autre côté de la lune, et sont actuellement l'exploitation de plusieurs planètes dans notre système solaire pour les minéraux. Ils ont seulement commencé sur Jupiter récemment, d'où les nouveaux anneaux autour de lui. C'est tout bon cependant, ils sont un groupe assez gentil. Ils ne parlent pas beaucoup, mais se plaignent toujours de nos armes nucléaires, affirmant qu'ils affectent des univers parallèles chaque fois qu'ils sont déclenchés. LIRE PLUS:
NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It Share 48.4K 48.4K According to reports, Trish Chamberson, an official spokesperson from NASA has confirmed the existence of extra-terrestrial life and has claimed that aliens have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years.NASA spokeswoman confirms the existence of aliensDuring the two-hour briefing, Chamberson confirmed that a number of theories which had previously been dismissed as groundless speculation from fringe enthusiasts are actually grounded in reality. Chamberson made various sensational allegations in the course of the interview, claiming that the alien species known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that they may have had a hand in the construction of megastructures such as the ancient pyramids of Giza and various other buildings dotted around the world.Alien Contact?There are so many films, documentaries and TV programs on aliens, that we thought everyone was aware of them by nowChamberson went on to confirm various theories about alien mining operations in the solar system. She claimed one of the mines was on the far side of the Moon and that various planets in the solar system were being assessed for minerals. Recently, she claimed aliens have begun to mine Jupiter, which is why observers have been able to see several apparently new rings appearing around the gas giant.Sorry. We just kinda assumed everyone knew about itChamberson also alleged that NASA is in regular contact with no less than four different and entirely separate alien species from various locations in the galaxy. She claimed that all contact with the alien species have been amicable. While the aliens have raised no serious bone of contention with humanity, Chamberson has alleged that they have expressed concern about the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons which has serious consequences not only for life on Earth but for races of peoples all over the galaxy.The aliens are actually harmless and only interested in the planet’s natural resourcesHowever, Chamberson did stop short of confirming that aliens are responsible for the abductions of human beings. She said that the aliens are completely harmless, and their only interest in Earth relates to the planet’s natural resources.we were so busy back-engineering their technology, we simply forgot all about it. They even have a base on the far side of the moon, and are currently mining several planets in our solar system for minerals. They’ve only started on Jupiter recently, hence the new rings around it. It’s all good though, they’re a nice enough bunch. They don’t talk much though, but always complaining about our Nuclear weapons, claiming they affect parallel universes every time they’re triggered READ MORE:
Définitions de NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It Share 48.4K 48.4K According to reports, Trish Chamberson, an official spokesperson from NASA has confirmed the existence of extra-terrestrial life and has claimed that aliens have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years.NASA spokeswoman confirms the existence of aliensDuring the two-hour briefing, Chamberson confirmed that a number of theories which had previously been dismissed as groundless speculation from fringe enthusiasts are actually grounded in reality. Chamberson made various sensational allegations in the course of the interview, claiming that the alien species known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that they may have had a hand in the construction of megastructures such as the ancient pyramids of Giza and various other buildings dotted around the world.Alien Contact?There are so many films, documentaries and TV programs on aliens, that we thought everyone was aware of them by nowChamberson went on to confirm various theories about alien mining operations in the solar system. She claimed one of the mines was on the far side of the Moon and that various planets in the solar system were being assessed for minerals. Recently, she claimed aliens have begun to mine Jupiter, which is why observers have been able to see several apparently new rings appearing around the gas giant.Sorry. We just kinda assumed everyone knew about itChamberson also alleged that NASA is in regular contact with no less than four different and entirely separate alien species from various locations in the galaxy. She claimed that all contact with the alien species have been amicable. While the aliens have raised no serious bone of contention with humanity, Chamberson has alleged that they have expressed concern about the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons which has serious consequences not only for life on Earth but for races of peoples all over the galaxy.The aliens are actually harmless and only interested in the planet’s natural resourcesHowever, Chamberson did stop short of confirming that aliens are responsible for the abductions of human beings. She said that the aliens are completely harmless, and their only interest in Earth relates to the planet’s natural resources.we were so busy back-engineering their technology, we simply forgot all about it. They even have a base on the far side of the moon, and are currently mining several planets in our solar system for minerals. They’ve only started on Jupiter recently, hence the new rings around it. It’s all good though, they’re a nice enough bunch. They don’t talk much though, but always complaining about our Nuclear weapons, claiming they affect parallel universes every time they’re triggered READ MORE:
Synonymes de NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It Share 48.4K 48.4K According to reports, Trish Chamberson, an official spokesperson from NASA has confirmed the existence of extra-terrestrial life and has claimed that aliens have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years.NASA spokeswoman confirms the existence of aliensDuring the two-hour briefing, Chamberson confirmed that a number of theories which had previously been dismissed as groundless speculation from fringe enthusiasts are actually grounded in reality. Chamberson made various sensational allegations in the course of the interview, claiming that the alien species known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that they may have had a hand in the construction of megastructures such as the ancient pyramids of Giza and various other buildings dotted around the world.Alien Contact?There are so many films, documentaries and TV programs on aliens, that we thought everyone was aware of them by nowChamberson went on to confirm various theories about alien mining operations in the solar system. She claimed one of the mines was on the far side of the Moon and that various planets in the solar system were being assessed for minerals. Recently, she claimed aliens have begun to mine Jupiter, which is why observers have been able to see several apparently new rings appearing around the gas giant.Sorry. We just kinda assumed everyone knew about itChamberson also alleged that NASA is in regular contact with no less than four different and entirely separate alien species from various locations in the galaxy. She claimed that all contact with the alien species have been amicable. While the aliens have raised no serious bone of contention with humanity, Chamberson has alleged that they have expressed concern about the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons which has serious consequences not only for life on Earth but for races of peoples all over the galaxy.The aliens are actually harmless and only interested in the planet’s natural resourcesHowever, Chamberson did stop short of confirming that aliens are responsible for the abductions of human beings. She said that the aliens are completely harmless, and their only interest in Earth relates to the planet’s natural resources.we were so busy back-engineering their technology, we simply forgot all about it. They even have a base on the far side of the moon, and are currently mining several planets in our solar system for minerals. They’ve only started on Jupiter recently, hence the new rings around it. It’s all good though, they’re a nice enough bunch. They don’t talk much though, but always complaining about our Nuclear weapons, claiming they affect parallel universes every time they’re triggered READ MORE:
Exemples de NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It Share 48.4K 48.4K According to reports, Trish Chamberson, an official spokesperson from NASA has confirmed the existence of extra-terrestrial life and has claimed that aliens have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years.NASA spokeswoman confirms the existence of aliensDuring the two-hour briefing, Chamberson confirmed that a number of theories which had previously been dismissed as groundless speculation from fringe enthusiasts are actually grounded in reality. Chamberson made various sensational allegations in the course of the interview, claiming that the alien species known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that they may have had a hand in the construction of megastructures such as the ancient pyramids of Giza and various other buildings dotted around the world.Alien Contact?There are so many films, documentaries and TV programs on aliens, that we thought everyone was aware of them by nowChamberson went on to confirm various theories about alien mining operations in the solar system. She claimed one of the mines was on the far side of the Moon and that various planets in the solar system were being assessed for minerals. Recently, she claimed aliens have begun to mine Jupiter, which is why observers have been able to see several apparently new rings appearing around the gas giant.Sorry. We just kinda assumed everyone knew about itChamberson also alleged that NASA is in regular contact with no less than four different and entirely separate alien species from various locations in the galaxy. She claimed that all contact with the alien species have been amicable. While the aliens have raised no serious bone of contention with humanity, Chamberson has alleged that they have expressed concern about the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons which has serious consequences not only for life on Earth but for races of peoples all over the galaxy.The aliens are actually harmless and only interested in the planet’s natural resourcesHowever, Chamberson did stop short of confirming that aliens are responsible for the abductions of human beings. She said that the aliens are completely harmless, and their only interest in Earth relates to the planet’s natural resources.we were so busy back-engineering their technology, we simply forgot all about it. They even have a base on the far side of the moon, and are currently mining several planets in our solar system for minerals. They’ve only started on Jupiter recently, hence the new rings around it. It’s all good though, they’re a nice enough bunch. They don’t talk much though, but always complaining about our Nuclear weapons, claiming they affect parallel universes every time they’re triggered READ MORE:
Traductions de NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It Share 48.4K 48.4K According to reports, Trish Chamberson, an official spokesperson from NASA has confirmed the existence of extra-terrestrial life and has claimed that aliens have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years.NASA spokeswoman confirms the existence of aliensDuring the two-hour briefing, Chamberson confirmed that a number of theories which had previously been dismissed as groundless speculation from fringe enthusiasts are actually grounded in reality. Chamberson made various sensational allegations in the course of the interview, claiming that the alien species known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that they may have had a hand in the construction of megastructures such as the ancient pyramids of Giza and various other buildings dotted around the world.Alien Contact?There are so many films, documentaries and TV programs on aliens, that we thought everyone was aware of them by nowChamberson went on to confirm various theories about alien mining operations in the solar system. She claimed one of the mines was on the far side of the Moon and that various planets in the solar system were being assessed for minerals. Recently, she claimed aliens have begun to mine Jupiter, which is why observers have been able to see several apparently new rings appearing around the gas giant.Sorry. We just kinda assumed everyone knew about itChamberson also alleged that NASA is in regular contact with no less than four different and entirely separate alien species from various locations in the galaxy. She claimed that all contact with the alien species have been amicable. While the aliens have raised no serious bone of contention with humanity, Chamberson has alleged that they have expressed concern about the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons which has serious consequences not only for life on Earth but for races of peoples all over the galaxy.The aliens are actually harmless and only interested in the planet’s natural resourcesHowever, Chamberson did stop short of confirming that aliens are responsible for the abductions of human beings. She said that the aliens are completely harmless, and their only interest in Earth relates to the planet’s natural resources.we were so busy back-engineering their technology, we simply forgot all about it. They even have a base on the far side of the moon, and are currently mining several planets in our solar system for minerals. They’ve only started on Jupiter recently, hence the new rings around it. It’s all good though, they’re a nice enough bunch. They don’t talk much though, but always complaining about our Nuclear weapons, claiming they affect parallel universes every time they’re triggered READ MORE:



NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It Share 48.4K 48.4K According to reports, Trish Chamberson, an official spokesperson from NASA has confirmed the existence of extra-terrestrial life and has claimed that aliens have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years.NASA spokeswoman confirms the existence of aliensDuring the two-hour briefing, Chamberson confirmed that a number of theories which had previously been dismissed as groundless speculation from fringe enthusiasts are actually grounded in reality. Chamberson made various sensational allegations in the course of the interview, claiming that the alien species known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that they may have had a hand in the construction of megastructures such as the ancient pyramids of Giza and various other buildings dotted around the world.Alien Contact?There are so many films, documentaries and TV programs on aliens, that we thought everyone was aware of them by nowChamberson went on to confirm various theories about alien mining operations in the solar system. She claimed one of the mines was on the far side of the Moon and that various planets in the solar system were being assessed for minerals. Recently, she claimed aliens have begun to mine Jupiter, which is why observers have been able to see several apparently new rings appearing around the gas giant.Sorry. We just kinda assumed everyone knew about itChamberson also alleged that NASA is in regular contact with no less than four different and entirely separate alien species from various locations in the galaxy. She claimed that all contact with the alien species have been amicable. While the aliens have raised no serious bone of contention with humanity, Chamberson has alleged that they have expressed concern about the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons which has serious consequences not only for life on Earth but for races of peoples all over the galaxy.The aliens are actually harmless and only interested in the planet’s natural resourcesHowever, Chamberson did stop short of confirming that aliens are responsible for the abductions of human beings. She said that the aliens are completely harmless, and their only interest in Earth relates to the planet’s natural resources.we were so busy back-engineering their technology, we simply forgot all about it. They even have a base on the far side of the moon, and are currently mining several planets in our solar system for minerals. They’ve only started on Jupiter recently, hence the new rings around it. It’s all good though, they’re a nice enough bunch. They don’t talk much though, but always complaining about our Nuclear weapons, claiming they affect parallel universes every time they’re triggered READ MORE:

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