Ancient Aliens In Baghdad -Visite extraterrestre en Mésopotamie

Visite extraterrestre en Mésopotamie ?

SourceHuffington Post vendredi 31 janvier 2014 à 15h44 via Le

Le Musée national irakien renferme-t-il la preuve de l’existence des extraterrestres ? C’est une question qu’on est en droit de se poser quand on jette un coup d’œil à certaines de ses pièces de collection.

© Reuters

© Reuters



Le musée national irakien de Bagdad est l’un des plus intéressants et des plus mystérieux. Il renferme en effet, parmi ses collections, des œuvres d’art et des objets que nous ont laissés les civilisations chaldéenne, assyrienne, akkadienne, babylonienne et sumérienne. Il possède entre autres le « Trésor de Nimrud », une collection de bijoux en or et de pierres précieuses qui remonte au IXe siècle avant notre ère, et une collection de sculptures de pierre et de tablettes cunéiformes d’Uruk datant de 3000 -3500 avant Jésus-Christ.

Au milieu de toutes ces pièces de collection, on retrouve également d’anciens vases ornés de figures plutôt étranges. Cliquez ici pour voir les photos (les 3 premières).

Les vases dateraient de 4000-6000 avant Jésus-Christ. Ils sont ornés de personnages à la silhouette allongée, aux longs bras et aux grands yeux ronds qui évoquent l’archétype même de l’extraterrestre de notre société contemporaine. Même si à l’époque les représentations n’étaient pas vraiment réalistes, il est légitime de se demander quelle a bien pu être la source d’inspiration de cette figure qui, somme toute, à l’air très peu humaine.

Oh, So THIS Is What ET Looks like: Proof Of Ancient Aliens In Baghdad


It's 5,000 years old. And proof of ETs.

It’s 6,000 years old. And proof of ETs.

I found this guy, let’s call him Xorx, on some pottery in the National Museum of Iraq. Due to some looting and the place being a general mess, the jar was marked “4000 – 6,000 BC” and they left it at that. Now, I know that artwork back then wasn’t exactly realistic but, seriously, WTF? They drew what they knew – and this does not look human. I don’t care what your Uncle Bubba says.

But, it makes sense – think about it: Iraq is the birthplace of the Old Testament – The Garden Of Eden (Basra), The Ziggurat of Ur (Hello, alien architecture!), Babylon, etc. etc. – and how the heck did humans all of a sudden learn how to build all these things? Aliens, that’s how!

Let’s look a closely at Xorx. Large bulging eyes: Check. Weird wiggly arms: Check. No Hair: Check. More than five fingers (or is that less?): Check. No lips: Check; Weird elongated body: Check. Therefore, Xorx is an alien.

Okay, fine. I’m not nuts. Nor am I a faithful watcher of the (new) History Channel. I’m just saying there’s some weird, unexplained art in the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad.

After the jump, more extraterrestrial art – If this shizz ain’t proof of aliens, I don’t know what is:


If this isn't proof of ancient aliens, I don't know what is.

Some inappropriate alien touching.

ET number 3

ET number 3, also known and Blixorjs and her weird aunt, Zyrgl.

More signs of life from outer space.

This thing will eat you.

Now, for some non alien art, because really – when are you gonna get to Baghdad? And while this museum was looted, It was one of the most interesting I’ve ever been into.

baghdad museum


Okay - this lady like like 10,000 years old.

Okay – this lady like like 10,000 years old.

The museum - surroundd by sandbags.

The museum – surrounded by sandbags/blast walls.

a fine categorization

a fine categorization

Not alien - but kind of looks like my mom...

Not alien – but kind of looks like my mom…

A tiny but alien, no?

Very Egyptian, no?


Just like in the Met!

Just like in the Met!

Like the Lion of Babylon

Based on the Lion of Babylon

Just some shells behind glass. No sign.

Just some shells behind glass. No sign. Presumably they are very old.

oh, hello.

oh, hello.

This guy was my favorite...

This guy was my favorite…

This looks like me if I don't have access to a hairdryer.

This looks like me if I don’t have access to a hairdryer.


Don't judge - it was 102 degrees out an I had to cover up.

Don’t judge – it was 102 degrees out and I had to cover up.



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