Kathleen Stecklair McGinty
La hiérarchie se compose de toutes les entités de tous les motifs qui ont lié leurs énergies en sous-groupes. Ces sous-groupes sont indépendants branches de l'arbre immense, cosmologique qui embrasse toute chose en dehors de la réalité de la Source. Les racines de l'arbre sont liés dans le sol de mémoire génétique et instincts subconscients. À la base de l'arbre les premières branches poussent et ils sont les plus anciennes, représentant les religions indigènes de l'espèce. Les branches du milieu sont les religions orthodoxes et les institutions, alors que les branches supérieures représentent les systèmes de croyances contemporaines qui sont nouveaux dans tout l'univers. L'arbre tout entier, dans cette définition, est la hiérarchie, et ses graines a été initialement conçu, plantée et nourrie par l'Intelligence de la Source dans le but de stimuler l'expérience Grand.
Il s'agit de l'expérience de la transformation et l'évolution. Evolution est le processus ardu et en cours de déplacement des postes au sein de la hiérarchie — toujours évaluer votre position actuelle par rapport à un autre qui vous montre du doigt. Transformation est simplement la reconnaissance qu'il n'y a accéléré les voies qui contournent la hiérarchie menant à la maîtrise souveraine, et non saviorship interdépendant, et que ces nouvelles voies d'accès sont accessibles par le biais de l'expérience directe de la tonalité-vibration de l'égalité qui est présente dans toutes les entités.
Cette vibration de tonalité, c'est pas ce qui est plus communément appelé la musique des sphères ou la vibration de l'esprit se déplaçant dans l'univers en résonance à l'intention de la Source. C'est une vibration qui tient ensemble les trois principes de l'expérience transformationnelle : relation de l'univers par le biais de gratitude, respect de la Source de toutes choses et le soutien de la vie. L'application de ces principes de vie dans une équation spécifique de conduite couples hors une entité à partir des éléments de contrôle de la hiérarchie.
Comment la Loi de la hiérarchie dans le rôle d'un centre d'interprétation de la vérité sans manipulation des entités et ainsi, occultant leur libre arbitre ? La grande expérience a été conçu avec le libre arbitre comme son principal moyen d'obtenir des informations authentiques qui peuvent être utilisées pour étendre la réalité de la Source à toutes les dimensions de l'existence. Libre arbitre est le fil d'authenticité qui imprègne la valeur aux diverses épreuves au sein de la grande expérience. La hiérarchie ou toute autre structure externe jamais compromet libre arbitre. Seule l'entité peut choisir leur réalité, et c'est le principe fondamental de libre arbitre.
Libre arbitre n'est pas obscurci tout simplement parce qu'une entité est présentée avec des réalités alternatives ou des vérités relatives qui retardent sa réalisation de l'égalité de Source. C'est le choix de l'entité à s'investir dans des comptes extérieurs de la réalité au lieu de se plonger dans ses propres ressources et la création d'une réalité qui est souveraine. La valeur du libre-arbitre est toujours en expansion comme vous vous déplacez vers la souveraineté et de la même façon, êtes toujours en baisse lorsque vous vous déplacez vers la dépendance extérieure. Le choix entre la souveraineté ou de la dépendance extérieure est à la base du libre arbitre, et il n'y a aucune structure ou source externe capable d'éliminer ce choix fondamental. C'est un choix vers l'intérieur qui, quelle que soit la circonstance extérieure, est incapable de se voir refuser par quelque chose d'externe.
L'univers de plénitude englobe tous les aspects (y compris la réalité de la Source), et par conséquent, toutes les réalités sont qu'il contient. Dans cette diversité incompréhensible, chaque entité est fournie une structure qui définit leur libre arbitre en ce qui concerne sa relation à la réalité de la Source. Chacune de ces structures varie en latitude de choix, mais chacun est connecté dans la superstructure de la hiérarchie. La réalité sans structure de la réalité de la Source est le libre arbitre a été initialement conçue, et lorsque le principe développé dans l'univers de l'espace-temps comme le fil d'authenticité, il est devenu de plus en plus dépendant de la reconnaissance de l'entité de sa plénitude en ce qui concerne l'Intelligence de la Source.
Si l'entité était fragmentée en ses éléments constitutifs, sa compréhension du libre arbitre se limite à ce qui circonscrit la hiérarchie. Si l'entité est une conscience collective, le principe de la libre volonté réalisant son intégrité souveraine, était une forme de structure qui n'était pas nécessaire, comme un feu dans une journée d'été. Lorsque les entités sont inconscients de leur plénitude, structure se produit comme une forme de sécurité auto-imposées. Grâce à ce développement continu d'un univers structuré et ordonné, entités défini leurs frontières — leurs limites — par le biais de l'expression de leur insécurité. Ils sont progressivement devenus des morceaux de leur intégrité, et comme des éclats de verre d'un beau vase ils ressemblent peu à leur beauté globale.
Si vous deviez percevoir l'origine de votre existence, vous verriez sans aucun doute comment vaste est de l'entité. Si vous pouvez percer à travers les voiles qui couvrent votre destin, vous comprendriez combien plus vaste vous deviendrez. Entre ces deux points de l'existence — origine et destin — l'entité est toujours le conteneur dynamique de l'Intelligence de la Source. Il s'est volontiers laissée à explorer l'univers de l'espace-temps comme un avant-poste de la première Source. Par conséquent, alors que la hiérarchie peut obscurcir la compréhension de l'entité de sa plénitude, c'est l'entité qui a abandonné, par choix, à écouter la langue de limitation, les proclamations d'externes et devenir séduit par le modèle d'évolution/saviorship.
Pourquoi la hiérarchie non fourni le modèle alternatif de transformation/maîtrise et activé l'entité à faire un choix et ce faisant, véritablement exercer son libre arbitre ? C'est parce que la hiérarchie, comme la plupart des entités, n'est pas au courant de sa plénitude. Ses fragments ou sous-groupes, sont entièrement vouées aux limites. il y a des limites qui définissent et limitent, il y a aussi des structure. Lorsqu'il est profondément enraciné structure il y a une croyance répandue que la transformation est impossible. Naturellement, l'univers de l'espace-temps est conforme à la matrice de projection de la croyance, et la notion même de transformation est retirée de la réalité de la hiérarchie.
Ainsi, la hiérarchie ne peut pas même concevoir le modèle de transformation/maîtrise avec précision, et encore moins informer l'entité que des alternatives existent qui délivrent des services de renseignement de Source. La hiérarchie n'est pas responsable de cette condition, chaque entité est. Le modèle dominant de l'Intelligence de la Source est primordial. Il existait avant la hiérarchie. C'est l'entité qui a choisi d'explorer le modèle de la hiérarchie de l'existence dans le but de participer à la grande expérience et d'aider à l'émergence du modèle de synthèse de l'existence. La hiérarchie est tout à fait bénigne comme une force manipulatrice et représente seulement un ingrédient clé de la recette de complétude qui transforme l'entité pour aller au-delà de son rôle comme un conteneur dynamique de l'Intelligence de la Source et devenir la bridgeway l'expansion de la réalité de la Source dans l'univers de l'espace-temps.
Il y a une croyance antique, née de la hiérarchie, que les univers de l'espace-temps monterai dans la réalité de la Source et l'instrument humain de l'amour vous accompagnera ce processus d'ascension. Toutefois, il est Source de réalité qui s'agrandit pour englober les univers de l'espace-temps dans le but d'aligner toutes les entités du modèle de synthèse de l'existence. Renseignement de source est loin de décapage les voiles qui cachent la véritable signification du modèle entité d'expression dans les univers de l'espace-temps. Lorsque cela se produit, l'entité doit posséder l'égalité Source dans toutes les dimensions et les champs de la vibration, et ses composants seront Unis pour la pleine expression de son point de vue souveraine.
Cette transformation de l'entité est la voie dans la plénitude et la reconnaissance que le modèle d'entité d'expression est un composite des formes et l'informe qui est unifié dans une énergie, une conscience. Quand les fragments sont alignés et reliés entre-eux, l'entité devienne l'instrument qui facilite l'expansion de la réalité de la Source. Ainsi, l'entité ne remonte pas de l'univers de l'espace-temps, mais plutôt fusionne en un état de plénitude, auquel cas son expression souveraine peut aider à l'expansion, ou dans un contexte différent, la descente, de la réalité de la Source dans l'univers de l'espace-temps.


The hierarchy is composed of all entities of all motives that have linked their energies into sub-groups. These sub-groups are independent branches of the vast, cosmological tree that encompasses all things outside of Source Reality. The roots of the tree are bound in the soil of genetic memory and subconscious instincts. At the base of the tree the first branches sprout and they are the oldest, representing the native religions of the species. The middle branches are the orthodox religions and institutions, while the upper branches represent the contemporary belief systems that are newly emerging throughout the universe. The whole tree, in this definition, is the hierarchy, and its seed was initially conceived, planted, and nurtured by Source Intelligence for the purpose of stimulating the Grand Experiment. This is the experiment of transformation versus evolution. Evolution is the arduous and ongoing process of shifting positions within the hierarchy—always assessing your present position in relation to a new one that beckons you. Transformation is simply the recognition that there are accelerated pathways that bypass the hierarchy leading to sovereign mastership rather than interdependent saviorship, and that these new pathways can be accessed through direct experience of the equality tone-vibration that is present within all entities. This tone vibration is not what is more commonly referred to as the music of the spheres or the vibration of spirit moving through the universe in resonance to Source intention. It is a vibration that holds together the three principles of the transformational experience: Universe relationship through gratitude, observance of Source in all things, and the nurturance of life. The application of these life-principles in a specific equation of conduct de-couples an entity from the controlling elements of the hierarchy. How can the hierarchy act in the role of an interpretive center of truth without manipulating entities, and thus, obscuring their free will? The Grand Experiment was designed with free will as its primary method of obtaining authentic information that can be used to expand Source Reality to all dimensions of existence. Free will is the thread of authenticity that imbues value in the various tests within the Grand Experiment. The hierarchy or any other external structure never jeopardizes free will. Only the entity can choose their reality, and this is the fundamental principle of free will. Free will is not obscured simply because an entity is presented with alternative realities or relative truths that delay its realization of Source equality. It is the choice of the entity to invest itself in external accounts of reality instead of delving within its own resources and creating a reality that is sovereign. The value of free will is always expanding as you move towards sovereignty, and in like manner, is always diminishing as you move towards external dependence. The choice between sovereignty or external dependence is the basis of free will, and there is no structure or external source that can eliminate this basic choice. It is an inward choice that, regardless of outward circumstance, is incapable of being denied by anything external. The Universe of Wholeness encompasses all dimensions (including Source Reality), and therefore, all realities are contained therein. In this incomprehensible diversity, each entity is provided a structure that defines their free will in terms of its relation to Source Reality. Each of these structures varies in latitude of choice, but each is connected into the superstructure of the hierarchy. The structureless reality of Source Reality is where free will was initially conceived, and when the principle expanded into the time-space universe as the thread of authenticity, it became increasingly dependent upon the entity’s recognition of its wholeness in relation to Source Intelligence. If the entity was fragmented into its component parts, its comprehension of free will was limited to that which the hierarchy circumscribed. If the entity is a conscious collective, realizing its sovereign wholeness, the principle of free will was a form of structure that was unnecessary, like a fire in a summer’s day. When entities are unknowing of their wholeness, structure will occur as a form of self-imposed security. Through this ongoing development of a structured and ordered universe, entities defined their borders—their limits—through the expression of their insecurity. They gradually became pieces of their wholeness, and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty. If you were to perceive the origin of your existence, you would undoubtedly see how vast the entity is. If you could pierce through the veils that cover your destiny, you would understand how much vaster you will become. Between these two points of existence—origin and destiny—the entity is always the vibrant container of Source Intelligence. It has willingly allowed itself to explore the time-space universes as an outpost of First Source. Therefore, while the Hierarchy may obscure the entity’s comprehension of its wholeness, it is the entity who has surrendered, by choice, to listen to the language of limitation, the proclamations of externals, and become seduced by the model of evolution/saviorship. Why has the hierarchy not provided the alternative model of transformation/mastership and enabled the entity to make a choice, and in so doing, truly exercise its free will? It is because the hierarchy, like most entities, is not aware of its wholeness. Its fragments, or subgroups, are completely devoted to boundaries. Where there are boundaries that define and limit, there is also structure. Where there is deeply ingrained structure there is a pervasive belief that transformation is impossible. Naturally, the time-space universe conforms to the matrix of belief projection, and the very concept of transformation is removed from the hierarchy’s reality. Thus, the hierarchy is unable to even conceptualize the model of transformation/mastership with any precision, let alone inform the entity that alternatives exist which issue from Source Intelligence. The hierarchy is not responsible for this condition, each entity is. The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal. It existed before the hierarchy. It is the entity that has chosen to explore the hierarchy’s model of existence for the purpose of participating in the Grand Experiment and assisting in the emergence of the synthesis model of existence. The hierarchy is quite benign as a manipulative force, and merely represents a key ingredient to the recipe of wholeness that is transforming the entity to reach beyond its role as a vibrant container of Source Intelligence, and become the bridgeway in the expansion of Source Reality into the time-space universes. There is an ancient belief, born of the hierarchy, that the time-space universes will ascend into Source Reality and the human instrument of love will accompany this ascension process. However, it is Source Reality that is expanding to encompass the time-space universes with the purpose of aligning all entities to the synthesis model of existence. Source Intelligence is stripping away the veils that hide the true meaning of the entity model of expression in the time-space universes. When this occurs, the entity will possess Source equality in all dimensions and fields of vibration, and its componentry will be united for the full expression of its sovereign perspective. This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness. When the fragments are aligned and inter-connected, the entity becomes the instrument that facilitates Source Reality expansion. Thus, the entity does not ascend from the time-space universes, but rather coalesces into a state of wholeness whereby its sovereign expression can assist in the expansion, or in a different context, the descent, of Source Reality into the time-space universes.


The hierarchy is composed of all entities of all motives that have linked their energies into sub-groups. These sub-groups are independent branches of the vast, cosmological tree that encompasses all things outside of Source Reality. The roots of the tree are bound in the soil of genetic memory and subconscious instincts. At the base of the tree the first branches sprout and they are the oldest, representing the native religions of the species. The middle branches are the orthodox religions and institutions, while the upper branches represent the contemporary belief systems that are newly emerging throughout the universe. The whole tree, in this definition, is the hierarchy, and its seed was initially conceived, planted, and nurtured by Source Intelligence for the purpose of stimulating the Grand Experiment.
This is the experiment of transformation versus evolution. Evolution is the arduous and ongoing process of shifting positions within the hierarchy—always assessing your present position in relation to a new one that beckons you. Transformation is simply the recognition that there are accelerated pathways that bypass the hierarchy leading to sovereign mastership rather than interdependent saviorship, and that these new pathways can be accessed through direct experience of the equality tone-vibration that is present within all entities.
This tone vibration is not what is more commonly referred to as the music of the spheres or the vibration of spirit moving through the universe in resonance to Source intention. It is a vibration that holds together the three principles of the transformational experience: Universe relationship through gratitude, observance of Source in all things, and the nurturance of life. The application of these life-principles in a specific equation of conduct de-couples an entity from the controlling elements of the hierarchy.
How can the hierarchy act in the role of an interpretive center of truth without manipulating entities, and thus, obscuring their free will? The Grand Experiment was designed with free will as its primary method of obtaining authentic information that can be used to expand Source Reality to all dimensions of existence. Free will is the thread of authenticity that imbues value in the various tests within the Grand Experiment. The hierarchy or any other external structure never jeopardizes free will. Only the entity can choose their reality, and this is the fundamental principle of free will.
Free will is not obscured simply because an entity is presented with alternative realities or relative truths that delay its realization of Source equality. It is the choice of the entity to invest itself in external accounts of reality instead of delving within its own resources and creating a reality that is sovereign. The value of free will is always expanding as you move towards sovereignty, and in like manner, is always diminishing as you move towards external dependence. The choice between sovereignty or external dependence is the basis of free will, and there is no structure or external source that can eliminate this basic choice. It is an inward choice that, regardless of outward circumstance, is incapable of being denied by anything external.
The Universe of Wholeness encompasses all dimensions (including Source Reality), and therefore, all realities are contained therein. In this incomprehensible diversity, each entity is provided a structure that defines their free will in terms of its relation to Source Reality. Each of these structures varies in latitude of choice, but each is connected into the superstructure of the hierarchy. The structureless reality of Source Reality is where free will was initially conceived, and when the principle expanded into the time-space universe as the thread of authenticity, it became increasingly dependent upon the entity’s recognition of its wholeness in relation to Source Intelligence.
If the entity was fragmented into its component parts, its comprehension of free will was limited to that which the hierarchy circumscribed. If the entity is a conscious collective, realizing its sovereign wholeness, the principle of free will was a form of structure that was unnecessary, like a fire in a summer’s day. When entities are unknowing of their wholeness, structure will occur as a form of self-imposed security. Through this ongoing development of a structured and ordered universe, entities defined their borders—their limits—through the expression of their insecurity. They gradually became pieces of their wholeness, and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty.
If you were to perceive the origin of your existence, you would undoubtedly see how vast the entity is. If you could pierce through the veils that cover your destiny, you would understand how much vaster you will become. Between these two points of existence—origin and destiny—the entity is always the vibrant container of Source Intelligence. It has willingly allowed itself to explore the time-space universes as an outpost of First Source. Therefore, while the Hierarchy may obscure the entity’s comprehension of its wholeness, it is the entity who has surrendered, by choice, to listen to the language of limitation, the proclamations of externals, and become seduced by the model of evolution/saviorship.
Why has the hierarchy not provided the alternative model of transformation/mastership and enabled the entity to make a choice, and in so doing, truly exercise its free will? It is because the hierarchy, like most entities, is not aware of its wholeness. Its fragments, or subgroups, are completely devoted to boundaries. Where there are boundaries that define and limit, there is also structure. Where there is deeply ingrained structure there is a pervasive belief that transformation is impossible. Naturally, the time-space universe conforms to the matrix of belief projection, and the very concept of transformation is removed from the hierarchy’s reality.
Thus, the hierarchy is unable to even conceptualize the model of transformation/mastership with any precision, let alone inform the entity that alternatives exist which issue from Source Intelligence. The hierarchy is not responsible for this condition, each entity is. The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal. It existed before the hierarchy. It is the entity that has chosen to explore the hierarchy’s model of existence for the purpose of participating in the Grand Experiment and assisting in the emergence of the synthesis model of existence. The hierarchy is quite benign as a manipulative force, and merely represents a key ingredient to the recipe of wholeness that is transforming the entity to reach beyond its role as a vibrant container of Source Intelligence, and become the bridgeway in the expansion of Source Reality into the time-space universes.
There is an ancient belief, born of the hierarchy, that the time-space universes will ascend into Source Reality and the human instrument of love will accompany this ascension process. However, it is Source Reality that is expanding to encompass the time-space universes with the purpose of aligning all entities to the synthesis model of existence. Source Intelligence is stripping away the veils that hide the true meaning of the entity model of expression in the time-space universes. When this occurs, the entity will possess Source equality in all dimensions and fields of vibration, and its componentry will be united for the full expression of its sovereign perspective.
This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness. When the fragments are aligned and inter-connected, the entity becomes the instrument that facilitates Source Reality expansion. Thus, the entity does not ascend from the time-space universes, but rather coalesces into a state of wholeness whereby its sovereign expression can assist in the expansion, or in a different context, the descent, of Source Reality into the time-space universes.


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