La maison royale de l'Aln -La maison royale de Avyon

La maison royale de l'Aln
La maison de l'Aln a commencé dans la constellation d'Orion. Les premiers membres de la maison de l'Aln étaient connus comme les Cariens et avaient des corps physiques qui ressemblent à des humains avec des ailes, de plumes et de bec. Ils n'avaient pas commencé de cette façon, mais comme ils ont évolué au fil des millions d'années à un intelligent, éclairé et évolués spirituellement course, ils ont changé de forme un peu.
La classe dirigeante des Cariens ressemblait à l'origine à notre Eagle, et comme beaucoup de courses, il y a beaucoup de variétés différentes de Cariens. Certains comme les gros comme les ptérodactyles ou aussi petit qu'un colibri. Les Cariens provenaient du même univers que les félins de la maison de Avyon. au fait que les oiseaux évoluent avant les mammifères dans le scénario évolutif, les Cariens étaient une race plus évoluée que les félins pendant une longue période.
Il y avait quarante-cinq Cariens qui est arrivé, à l'invitation des fondateurs, pour commencer le jeu universel de l'intégration de la polarité.
Finalement la maison de l'Aln établissent sur une planète voisine dans la Constellation de Lyran, afin de commencer la première grande expérience d'intégration sur la première terre, Avyon. Les deux maisons se sont mariés pour créer des alliances dans le cadre de l'expérience en Grand.
Les Cariens créé la race des êtres connus comme les reptiliens tout en restant dans la constellation d'Orion, avant le début de la première grande expérience de l'intégration.
Comme le temps passait la maison royale de l'Aln est devenu plus Reptilien comme dans les 5ème et 4ème dimensions. Dans ces dimensions, la maison de l'Aln se trouve dans la Constellation d'Orion. C'est seulement pendant le temps de la première terre que la maison de l'Aln s'installe à la Constellation de la lyre.
Jehowah est l'actuel patriarche au pouvoir de la maison de Royal 9 D de l'Aln. Enki est le patriarche régnant de la maison de 5 D de l'Aln en ce moment. Jusqu'à récemment, Marduk, fils aîné de Enki était le commandant actuel de la Fédération phare Nibiru, ayant pris le contrôle de celui-ci de son grand-père Anu.


The Royal House of Aln

The House of Aln began in the Orion constellation.  The original members of House of Aln were known as Carians and had physical bodies that resembled humans with wings, feathers and beaks.  They had not begun that way, but as they have evolved over millions of years to an intelligent, enlightened and spiritually evolved race, they have changed form somewhat.

The ruling class of the Carians originally resembled our Eagle, and like many races, there were... many different varieties of Carians.  Some as big as pterodactyls or as small as a hummingbird.  The Carians came from the same universe as the Felines of the House of Avyon.  Due to the fact that the birds evolve before the mammals in the evolutionary timeline, the Carians were a more evolved race than the Felines for a long time.

There were forty-five Carians that arrived, by invitation of the Founders, to begin the universal game of polarity integration.

Eventually the House of Aln established themselves on a neighboring planet in the Lyran Constellation, in order to begin the first grand experiment of integration on the First Earth, Avyon.  Both Houses intermarried to create alliances as part of the Grand Experiment.

The Carians created the race of beings known as the Reptilians while still in the Orion constellation, before the start of the first grand experiment of integration.

As time went by the Royal House of Aln became more Reptilian such as in the 5th and 4th dimensions.  In those dimensions the House of Aln is located in the Orion Constellation.  It was only during the time of the First Earth that the House of Aln moved to the Lyra Constellation.

Jehowah is the current ruling patriarch of the 9D Royal House of Aln.  Enki is the reigning patriarch of the 5D House of Aln at this time.  Until recently, Marduk, Enki’s firstborn son was the current commander of the Federation Flagship Nibiru, having seized control of it from his grandfather Anu.

The Royal House of Aln

The House of Aln began in the Orion constellation.  The original members of House of Aln were known as Carians and had physical bodies that resembled humans with wings, feathers and beaks.  They had not begun that way, but as they have evolved over millions of years to an intelligent, enlightened and spiritually evolved race, they have changed form somewhat. 

The ruling class of the Carians originally resembled our Eagle, and like many races, there were many different varieties of Carians.  Some as big as pterodactyls or as small as a hummingbird.  The Carians came from the same universe as the Felines of the House of Avyon.  Due to the fact that the birds evolve before the mammals in the evolutionary timeline, the Carians were a more evolved race than the Felines for a long time.

There were forty-five Carians that arrived, by invitation of the Founders, to begin the universal game of polarity integration.

Eventually the House of Aln established themselves on a neighboring planet in the Lyran Constellation, in order to begin the first grand experiment of integration on the First Earth, Avyon.  Both Houses intermarried to create alliances as part of the Grand Experiment.

The Carians created the race of beings known as the Reptilians while still in the Orion constellation, before the start of the first grand experiment of integration. 

As time went by the Royal House of Aln became more Reptilian such as in the 5th and 4th dimensions.  In those dimensions the House of Aln is located in the Orion Constellation.  It was only during the time of the First Earth that the House of Aln moved to the Lyra Constellation.

Jehowah is the current ruling patriarch of the 9D Royal House of Aln.  Enki is the reigning patriarch of the 5D House of Aln at this time.  Until recently, Marduk, Enki’s firstborn son was the current commander of the Federation Flagship Nibiru, having seized control of it from his grandfather Anu.
La maison royale de Avyon
La maison de Avyon, originaire de la « première terre ». À l'époque, il se composait de personnes dont la forme physique était féline. Ces félins venus d'un autre univers qui venait de terminer lui-même et son jeu universel dans la constellation de la lyre. Dans cet univers, le jeu était le même celui choisi pour cet univers. Elle est appelée par le nom « Intégration de polarité ».
Les félins ont été invités ici par les fondateurs de cet univers. Depuis qu'ils ont terminé leur jeu, les fondateurs qu'il est préférable d'inviter les êtres qui connaissaient un) le jeu de l'intégration de la polarité et l'acheva b) avec succès.
Les fondateurs sont un Conseil de 12 êtres qui se sont réunis pour créer leur propre univers et le jeu. Ils sont les âmes qui ont terminé à plus d'un jeu universel dans d'autres endroits. Quand nous disons le jeu, nous l'entendons dans le sens le plus élevé du mot.
Jeux universels est utilisés pour l'évolution de l'âme. Comme nous avons appris ici sur terre, les gens semblent apprennent mieux par le biais de jeux que toute autre forme d'apprentissage technique.
Quatre-vingt-dix personnes étaient dans le groupe invité ici par les fondateurs d'origine. Les quatre-vingt-dix, quarante-cinq ans étaient carienne, (gens de l'oiseau).
Les félins de quarante-cinq a commencé une dynastie qui est devenu connue comme la maison royale de Avyon. Le terme royal a été utilisé pour désigner ces familles qui avaient accepté de maintenir une pure souche ADN pour l'amélioration génétique. Pas tous les membres l'a fait, mais les patriarches marient leurs soeurs pour se conformer à la présente entente. Royal signifie également que ces familles qui ont choisi d'assumer les responsabilités du service à la communauté. Membres de la famille sont formés presque dès sa naissance pour faire respecter les droits de leur peuple et de servir le bien supérieur de tous. Dans ce rôle, les membres de la famille royale servent le peuple au lieu des gens à leur service. Le roi est le père du peuple, lié par le sang et serment s'occuper d'eux...
La maison royale de Avyon inclus beaucoup de gens très instruits, parmi eux se trouvaient les ingénieurs spécialisés en génétique. C'est par ces personnes que les premiers humains ont été créés. Croix de reproduction avec l'un des mammifères indigènes, bipèdes sur la planète, ils ont commencé un programme de développement d'une nouvelle espèce.
La première terre, comme la seconde et notre terre troisième présents, ont mis au point l'espèce humaine de l'ADN d'une autre race. Sur la première terre, c'était les félins. Sur notre terre, la troisième terre, c'était une combinaison de félin, carienne, reptile et ADN humain. L'ADN humain provient de Avyon, dans les Pléiades, qui a été la deuxième terre.
Devin est l'actuel patriarche de la maison D 9 de Avyon. Ils vivent sur le navire étoile, Pelegai.
Jelaila Starr

The Royal House of Avyon

The House of Avyon originated on the “First Earth.”  At the time it consisted of people whose physical form was feline.  These Felines arrived in the Lyra constellation from another universe that had recently completed itself and its universal game.  In that universe the game was the same one chosen for this universe.  It is called by the name “Polarity Integration.”

The Felines were invited here by the Founders of this universe.  Since they have succ...essfully completed their game, the Founders felt it best to invite Beings who had a) knowledge of the Polarity Integration game and b)  successfully completed it.

The Founders are a council of 12 Beings who have come together to create their own universe and game.  They are souls that have completed more than one universal game in other places. When we say game, we mean it in the highest sense of the word.

Universal games are used for soul evolution.  As we have learned here on earth, people seem to learn better through games than any other form of learning technique.

There were ninety people in the original group invited here by the Founders.  Of the ninety, forty-five were Carian, (bird people).

The forty-five Felines began a dynasty which became known as the Royal House of Avyon.  The term royal was used to designate those families who had agreed to maintain a pure DNA strain for genetic upgrades.  Not all members did so, but the patriarchs did marry their sisters to comply with this agreement.  Royal also means those families who chose to take on the responsibilities of service to the community.  Family members are trained almost from birth to uphold the rights of their people and serve the higher good of all.  In this role the members of the royal family serve the people instead of the people serving them.  The King is the father of the people, bound by blood and oath to care for them..

The Royal House of Avyon included many highly educated people, among them were skilled genetic engineers.  It was through these individuals that the first humans were created.  Cross breeding with one of the indigenous, bipedal mammals on the planet, they began a program of developing a new species.

The First Earth, like the Second and our present Third Earth, have developed the human species from the DNA from another race.  On the First Earth, it was the Felines.  On our earth, the Third Earth, it was a combination of Feline, Carian, Reptilian and Human DNA.  The Human DNA came from Avyon, in the Pleiades, which was the Second Earth.

Devin is the current patriarch of the 9D House of Avyon.  They live on the star ship, Pelegai.

Jelaila Starr

The Royal House of Avyon

The House of Avyon originated on the “First Earth.”  At the time it consisted of people whose physical form was feline.  These Felines arrived in the Lyra constellation from another universe that had recently completed itself and its universal game.  In that universe the game was the same one chosen for this universe.  It is called by the name “Polarity Integration.”

The Felines were invited here by the Founders of this universe.  Since they have successfully completed their game, the Founders felt it best to invite Beings who had a) knowledge of the Polarity Integration game and b)  successfully completed it. 

The Founders are a council of 12 Beings who have come together to create their own universe and game.  They are souls that have completed more than one universal game in other places. When we say game, we mean it in the highest sense of the word. 

Universal games are used for soul evolution.  As we have learned here on earth, people seem to learn better through games than any other form of learning technique.

There were ninety people in the original group invited here by the Founders.  Of the ninety, forty-five were Carian, (bird people). 

The forty-five Felines began a dynasty which became known as the Royal House of Avyon.  The term royal was used to designate those families who had agreed to maintain a pure DNA strain for genetic upgrades.  Not all members did so, but the patriarchs did marry their sisters to comply with this agreement.  Royal also means those families who chose to take on the responsibilities of service to the community.  Family members are trained almost from birth to uphold the rights of their people and serve the higher good of all.  In this role the members of the royal family serve the people instead of the people serving them.  The King is the father of the people, bound by blood and oath to care for them.. 

The Royal House of Avyon included many highly educated people, among them were skilled genetic engineers.  It was through these individuals that the first humans were created.  Cross breeding with one of the indigenous, bipedal mammals on the planet, they began a program of developing a new species. 

The First Earth, like the Second and our present Third Earth, have developed the human species from the DNA from another race.  On the First Earth, it was the Felines.  On our earth, the Third Earth, it was a combination of Feline, Carian, Reptilian and Human DNA.  The Human DNA came from Avyon, in the Pleiades, which was the Second Earth.

Devin is the current patriarch of the 9D House of Avyon.  They live on the star ship, Pelegai.

Jelaila Starr

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