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Waringdit:"J'aicherchésurlacarteen ligne de GoogleMarsettrouvéundomained'intérêt.Àcetendroit que laphotoest de couleuretpasinfrarouge,ainsiquela NASAn'apastrèsbienédité de cettezonedelacarte.Ily a beaucoupdestructuresprès de l'ombredesmontagnesetausommetdescratères.Cesstructuressontsibienéclairésquenouspouvonsvoirqu'ilssont des objetssolidessurlasurface. »
"Untelcratèreavecunestructuresurlecôtémontreuneombrequicorrespond àdesbâtiments.Cecratèreparticulièreest100 % la preuvequecesbâtimentssontréellementlàetpasd'erreursdansleprocessus de développementphoto.J'ouvrelavidéoaveccecratère,alorsvous le verreztout de suitesivousêtesintéressé parlui, »ditWaring
N'oubliez pasque cen'estpaslacarte de GoogleMarstéléchargé,maislaversionen ligne de plus petite.Vousdevezfrapperleboutoninfrarougesurlebeaucoupsupérieuredroitedel'écranpour le voir.
“Notice the above screenshot has buildings and the shadow matches the buildings. This is 100% proof these structures on Mars are real,” says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.
Waring says, “I was looking over the on-line Google Mars map and found an area of interest. In this location the photo is color and not infrared, and also NASA has not edited this area of the map very well. There are a lot of structures near the shadows of mountains and along the tops of craters. These structures are so well lit up that we can see they are solid objects on the surface.”
“One such crater with a structure on the side shows a shadow that matches the buildings. This particular crater is 100% proof that these buildings are actually there and not mistakes in the photo development process. I open the video with that crater, so you will see it right away if you are interested in it,” says Waring
Remember this is not the downloaded Google Mars map, but the on-line smaller version. You must hit the infrared button on the far upper right of the screen to see it.
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