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[Présentationde l'éditeur:au coursdesdernièressemaines, les membresdesgroupes« officiels9/11» ne sontvenusvers l'avant--années de retard,aucunsidéesnouvelles,rienàoffrir.Leréelrapport de 9/11,initialementpubliéparlesRusses,désormaispris en chargedirectementparles deuxl'équipequ'ila écritauministèreaméricaindel'énergieet de l'AIEA,ontsuivilasuitedeleursrévélations.
Letexteci-dessousest le leur.Quandilsparlentde"crétins",Voici les meilleursphysiciensnucléaires de l'Amérique,lesgensquiconstruisentlesbombesquisoi-disantnoustiennentsans dangerpendant la nuit, faisant de cesobservations.
Quandilestpubliédansanciens combattantsd'aujourd'hui,ilesticiparce quenoussommesaussi des officiersd'armesnucléaires, les commandosnucléaires de l'OTAN, les assembleursd'armeset,tandis queVTéditeurBastin de Clintonétaitencoreavecnous,l'éditorialmaisonpourdesigner des meilleursarmesnucléairesde l'Amérique.
Noussommesspécialistes des armesnucléaires,universitaires,espions,ingénieurs, agents de renseignement,officiersmilitaires--toutimpayés,tousdeboutcontrelepatronde la tromperie,dusecretetdel'horribleinjustice.
Depuisdeuxmois,nousavonspubliélesdocuments de physiquearmesplusavancéesjamaisàêtremis à la dispositiondupublic.Nousavonsrépondu à défis,nousavonstiré des leçonsnous-mêmes,lire les œuvresde Khalezov,baignaitdanssesidées,maisnousavonsfaitplusaussibien.
Khalezov,onretrouvelamaininvisibledequelqu'un qui travailleaveclui.Nousvoyonsunordre du jour,etnousvoyons la brillanceet la grandehabileté.
Par ailleurs,dans des groupescommeArchitectsandEngineersfor9/11,nousvoyonsquelque chosed'autre.Onne le veuille. Nousvoyons le dogme,l'ignorance, la tromperieetl'intimidation.Nousvoyons la propagandebon marchée,etnousvoyonsplusieursloupsenvêtementsde brebisparmieux.
Nousavonsétévictimed'ungrandregaind'activitésurleurpartie--attaquesenfantines,mauvaisescience,fausses déclarationsetfont perdre du temps.Commeon le voit,une grande partiedu9/11estrésolue.Nousutiliser la meilleurepreuve, le meilleur des sciences.etquand, etsi la meilleuresciencevient,nousréévaluer.Aprèstout,nous ne sommespasfous,nous ne sommespasincompétents,nous ne sommespasmesquinesnarcissiques,nous ne sommespas des amateurs,nous ne sommespasAetE9/11.
Commentairesserontexaminéespardes scientifiques de hautniveaudu monde.Répondre auxquestions.Entréeestsouhaitée.VTalecteursissus des armesnucléaires,ayant une expérienceavancéeetleurscommentairessont les bienvenus.
Une dernière chose:noussommeségalement des professionnels du renseignement.Quandamateursessaientdetromper,noussourions.Aucunemiette de pain ne pourraitjamaislaisserunetracesiclair,unsentiersinécessaire.Nousremercionslesvoleurs,lesmenteursetlesfousdeleurorgueil.
NousremercionségalementDmitriKhalezovpourseseffortset de sacrificespersonnels.]
Pourrépondre à laquestionsonore,questions« cruciales »àAetE9/11 :
1.oùlebruitdesavionsa étéfrappélebâtiment.Commentfortétait-ce?50étages vers le haut,plus de 500piedsau-dessus de vousetplus de 1 500piedsdescaméras de télévision.
2.oùétaitlesondesfrais de coupequi explose.
3.oùestlesondelananothermitealler au large.
5.Sivousavezplus de 500piedsau-dessousdusonauniveau de la rueetplus de 1500mètres,sonsvoyage vers le hautetl'extérieur.Vousn'entendez pas beaucoup.Lamême choseavecl'onde de choc.
6.toutes lesexplosionssouterrainesa eulieu50piedsau-dessous de vouset1500piedsouplusdecaméras.Vousobtenezuneonde de choc, voyageantà traverslesol,avecuneexplosion de poussièresdeplus de pressiondemoinsde6lb/po2pourunepetite1.5ktnuke. A l'instar de qui s'est passé.
L'éclatement de l'airau-dessusdusol50esouffla de 200X200X200piedscarrésd'espace, de constructionplus de 20étages,enmoinsde3secondes.Vaporisé,disparu,ce quifaitcela?(Bouteilles de bière de racineexploser?)
Qui adétruitenviron 8 millions de piedscubesd'espaceenmoinsde3secondes. 40 000tonnesd'acierdisparaîtenmoinsde3secondes.Ce quifaitcela?GodzillaouKingKong?Il suffit de regarderlesphotos.
Ces gens sont faux ou abrutis totales!!! (Uneobservationscientifique,pasdelarédaction de VT)
7.lesbâtimentsplus petitsont étéabandonnéesavec des nukesuniqueplacésàl'étageinférieurdesparkingsoudanslestunnels de l'utilitairefonctionnantsouslesparkings,commeDmitrydit.Bâtiment1et2avaitaumoinstroisarmes nucléairesplantéseneux.1égalesousupérieuresau50eétage,comme on le voitsurlesphotos de l'explosionquiontsortiplus de 20étagesetlesecondplacédanslegarage en sous-solou d'un parking.
8.letroisièmeuntrèsgrosa étéplacéau-dessusdesréservoirs de stockage de fréonairconditionnédanslabuanderie,oujustesousluidanslaGalerie de tuyauutilitaire,commel'a déclaréDmitry.Celui-cifaitlesformationscratèregéantlaissésouslesfondations de bâtimentseta étélacausedelafondueen acieretthermiqueseffetsvusle9-11.
9.quandle1.5ktnukeaexploséà côtédesréservoirs de stockagecontenant26tonnesdefréonliquide,iltransformaenFloride de l'hydrogène(H2F)oudansl'industrie de l'armementnucléaire,onparle de fluorure de deutérium(DF),l'étoffedontsontfaits les bombes à hydrogène.Ceproduitleseffetsthermiquesnécessairespourvaporiserlenoyaucentraletplus de la moitiédestoursjumellesenmoinsde10secondes.Aucunautreenginexplosif ne pouvait le faire.
Dmitrypartaisseulementsurlatailledesarmesutilisées,maistoutes lesautresdonnéesvérifié.Ilétaittropbon,alorssasourceétaitunintérieurjoueur. C'est pourquoi D.O.J le veut!!!
Sisonhistoireétaitfausse,alorsilspasiraientàcelabeaucoup de peinede le garderenfermédansuneextraditiond'attenteprisonThaïlandeauxEtats-Unis.Ceseulfaitvousditquelque chose de grand !Effets de souffle.Lorsquele1.5KTnukeaexplosésous les bâtiments1et2,ilsuçait la plupartdes26tonnesdefréonliquidedusystèmederefroidissementdanslaboule de feu.En raison de la chaleurthermiquede 4 millions de degrésdanslecentredela boule de feuetneutronl'absorption,lefréona étédiviséetensuitefusionnéenfluorure de deutérium...
…Comme danslePacifiquenucléaireIVYMiketesteren1952delapremièrebombe à hydrogène—produisantlesmassifssur le rendementen raisondufréonsupplémentairesetransformeendeutériumsupplémentaire.Le9-11,ila agicommeexternesupplémentaire« deutériumBoostgaz»,stimulerlerendementthermiquedel'arme de KT1,5aumoins10àunmaximumde100fois.15à150KTthermiquesortiepasenénergie de l'explosion.
Quimettraitl'ensemble«l'énergiethermique»sortientre15KTetjusqu'à150à100 %d'efficacité.Probablementplus prochede10 %d'efficacitéseraitpluspratique. Il s'agitd'uncaissier de brut"Lairgâteauouréveil"boosté la fissionnucléaire de conceptionutiliséeuniquementdanslestirsd'essai des années 1950.Réclamationsde Dmitry150thermiqueKTa étéunpeutropgrand. Toutefois, si l'arme avait été deux fois cette taille — 3KT vs 1.5 KT — il aurait fallu sur la moitié inférieure de Manhattan, y compris le quartier financier de Wall Street ensemble, et les retombées auraient pris à moitié de NYC et pas par hasard!!! Ila étéconçu de cettefaçon.
Plus90 %decetteénergieestlibéréesous forme de neutronsrapideset de l'énergieinfrarouge,avecaccompagnement des rayonnementsAlpha,bêtaetGamma.Moinsde10 %étaitenénergiemécaniquesouffleousurpression. La plupartdecesa étéabsorbédanslesolcomme des ondes de chocetcréélescavitésmassivesgauche en dessousdesbâtiments.Lagrandecavitédécentréesetrouvaitjuste en dessouslefréonrefroidissementplanteréservoiremplacement de stockage,quiestungrosindicelégalequant àlasourced'énergieutiliséecejour-là.
Lefluorure de deutériumprincipalement des imbrûlésethautement ioniségaz(anciennementFreon-12)produitparl'explosion,(plus de 20tonnesdecelui-ci)a étépris au piègedanslesdécombres du bâtimentpieuxet sont responsables de touslepost9-11effetsthermiquesdel'acierfondu,pointschaudsetdégazagedegaztrèscorrosifs,etc.. Ce genre de choses,due àl'excitation des neutronset des niveauxtrèsélevésd'ionisation,resteratrèschaudjusqu'à ce que les produits chimiquesabsorbant les neutronsappropriéssontajoutésausolafind'arrêterlesen coursneutronsbasniveau des réactions en chaînene se produise,semblablesàce qui sepasseauJaponavecleurcatastrophenucléaire911.
Fukushimaaprobablement été faitparlesmêmespersonnestrop,commeDmitryaffirmedanssonlivre.Produits chimiquesabsorbant la lumièreUVont étébiendocumentéescommeétantutiliséepourrefroidir de GroundZero.Ils le n'auraientpasutilisée à moins qu'il yavaituneraison,un autreindice de médecine légaleàl'utilisationd'armesnucléairessur le 9-11,afin de taireles"renifleurs de Thermite"etle"AudioBlastnuls"du"DictatorialA & E911directive erronéegroupe".
Il s'agissaitd'unearmethermobariquenucléairequia étéutiliséele9-11etpasuneclassiquemoléculaireaxée sur l'explosifarme(TNT,Thermite)quifonctionneenproduisantrapidementungazchauden expansionàtrèsgrandevitesse.Seseffets de soufflesontatomiquesetnonmoléculairesdans la nature.Leseffetsphysiquesetmécaniquessonttotalementdifférentesdel'utilisationd'explosifsbrisants.Sonbutestdefaire fondreetvaporisertoutautantdelaciblequepossiblepar les effets du rayonnementthermiqueetne pasdufaire sauterdehors.
Elleestunsouffle de sub-surfacesouterrainquiestpris au piègeoucanalisé vers le haut de lapartiecentraledubâtiment,agissantcommeunearme à énergiedirigée.Jusqu'àplus de sonset la pressionestdirigéverticalementjusqu'à tel qu'illustréparlesnuages de poussièreproduitecejour-là.Sivousêtesplus de 1500mètresetl'explosionest de 500pieds vers le hautdansl'air,vousn'allezpasentendreousentirbeaucoupen raison de ladirectiondel'onde de chocetsesdispersement.azerb_003
Quiconquen'ajamaisétéaucombatetaétébombardée le saitsur les effets de souffle.Si ce n'est pas le cas,veuilleztéléchargeretlire« leseffetsdesarmesnucléaires»livredisponiblesurinternetgratuitement,ouvouspouvezobtenirunecopieutiliséesureBay.Faitesvous la décisionquant àce qui a ensuiteétéutiliséle9-11.Etait-ceGodzillaVSKingKong,BatmanVSSpiderMan,AliensVsPredatorsdepuisl'espace,réalisé des armes à énergie,Thermite, des frais de coupeou des Mini-Nukesquil'a fait?Contrairement auxA & E911,vousêteslibredecroirece quevousvoulez.Nous ne sommespasicipourpousserunfauxordre du jour.Nousvoulonsseulementéduquerlemondedansl'utilisationdesarmesnucléaires, donccela ne peutjamaissereproduire.
Depuis1992,plus de 50nukesmicroontexplosédanslemonde entier,etlemêmegroupedeterroristesparrainés par l'Étatquia fait le 911faittous.VictorBouta étéunacteurclédanscemouvement sous faussebannièrequibénéficiaientseulementIsraëletpersonned'autre.DepuisVTaujourd'huiarévélécetteinformationetV.Boutestmaintenantengardeaméricainepermanente,lesbombardementsontcessé.
Coïncidenceoupas,vousdécidez.Vousavezuncerveau, etvouspouvezcomprendreparvous-mêmes ce qui l'a vraimentfait. Etait-ceunécroudansunegrotteoud'unorganisme de renseignementd'Étatnucléairemajeurquil'a fait?Contrairement auxautresgroupes,nousnevousdisent pas ;Nousvousinformonsjuste.Celas'appellela démocratieet à lasuccession de 4e(médiasd'information)autravail—c.-à-d.FreePress.Sanselle,il ne peut y avoiraucunedémocratie. Les gens ont le droit d'être informé et de ne pas être dumbed par « Faux prophètes », « miracle » aspirateurs de vente porte à porte...A & E911.... 14Imagesjointes
Boule de feu1
DOE Investigators Cite Veterans Today Investigations and Disclosures as Preventing a New 9/11
…by Gordon Duff, and Members of the Dept. of Energy 9/11 Investigation Team
Falling man
[ Editor's Introduction: Over the past few weeks, members of the "official 9/11 groups" have come forward -- years late, no new ideas, nothing to offer. The real 9/11 report, initially released by the Russians, now supported directly by both the team that wrote it at the U.S. Department of Energy and the IAEA, have been following the aftermath of their revelations.
The text below is theirs. When they talk of "morons," these are America's top nuclear physicists, the people who build the bombs that supposedly keep us safe at night making these observations.
When it is published in Veterans Today, it is here because we are also nuclear weapons officers, NATO nuclear commandos, weapons assemblers and, while VT Editor Clinton Bastin was still with us, the editorial home for America's top nuclear weapons designer.
We are intelligence agents, nuclear weapons experts, academics, spies, engineers, military officers -- all unpaid, all standing against the pattern of deceit, of secrecy and of horrific injustice.
For two months now, we have published the most advanced weapons physics papers ever to be made available to the public. We have answered challenges, we have learned lessons ourselves, read Khalezov's works, basked in his insights, but we have done more as well.
In Khalezov, we find the unseen hand of someone working with him. We see an agenda, and we see both brilliance and great cleverness.
Moreover, in groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11, we see something else. We don't like it. We see dogma, ignorance, deceit and bullying. We see cheap propaganda, and we see several wolves in sheep's clothing among them.
We have been the victim of a great resurgence of activity on their part -- childish attacks, bad science, misrepresentation and time-wasting. As we see it, much of 9/11 is solved. We use best evidence, best science. and when and if better science comes by, we reassess. After all, we are not insane, we are not incompetent, we are not petty narcissists, we are not amateurs, we are not A and E 9/11.
Comments will be reviewed by some of the world's top scientists. Questions answered. Input is desired. VT has readers with nuclear weapons backgrounds, with advanced experience and their comments are welcomed.
One more thing: We are also intelligence professionals. When amateurs try to deceive, we smile. No bread crumb could ever leave a trail so clear, a trail so needed. We thank the thieves, the liars and the fools for their hubris.
We also thank Dmitri Khalezov for his efforts and personal sacrifice.]
To answer the sound issue, questions “vital” to A and E 9/11:
1. Where was the sound of the jets hitting the building. How loud was that? 50 floors up, over 500 feet above you and over 1500 feet from the TV cameras.
2. Where was the sound from the cutting charges exploding.
3. Where was the sound from the nano thermite going off.
4. How loud was the sound of the collapsing buildings.
5. If you are over 500 feet below the sound at street level and over 1500 feet away, sound travels up and out. You don’t hear much. The same with the shock wave.
6. All underground explosions took place 50 feet below you and 1500 feet or more from the cameras. You get a shock wave traveling thru the ground, with a dust blast from the over pressure of less than 6 psi for a small 1.5kt nuke. Just as happened.
The air burst above the 50th floor blew out 200 X 200 X 200 square feet of building space, over 20 floors, in less than 3 seconds. Vaporized, gone, What does that? (Root Beer bottles exploding?)
That’s about 8 million cubic feet of space destroyed in less than 3 seconds. 40,000 tons of steel just disappears in less than 3 seconds. What does that? Godzilla or King Kong? Just look at the pictures.
These people are either fakes or total Morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( A scientific observation, not from the VT editorial staff)
7. The smaller buildings were dropped with single nukes placed in the lower level of the parking garages or in the utility tunnels running under the parking garages, as Dmitry said. Building 1 and 2 had at least three nukes planted in them. 1 at or above the 50th floor, as seen in the blast photos that took out over 20 floors, and the second one placed in the sub-basement or parking garage.
8. The third really big one was placed over the air conditioning Freon storage tanks in the utility room, or just under it in the utility pipe gallery, as stated by Dmitry. This one made the giant crater formations left under the buildings foundations and was the cause of the melted steel and thermal effects seen on 9-11.
9. When the 1.5kt nuke went off next to the storage tanks containing 26 tons of liquid Freon, it turned it into Hydrogen Floride (H2F), or in the nuclear weapons industry, it is called Deuterium Fluoride (DF), the stuff that hydrogen bombs are made of. This produced the desired thermal effects needed to vaporize the central core and over half of the twin towers in less than 10 seconds. No other explosive device could do that.
Dmitry was off only on the size of the weapons used, but all other data checks out correctly. He was too correct, so his source was an inside player. This is why D.O.J wants him!!!!
If his story were untrue, then they would not go to this much trouble to keep him locked up in a Thailand jail waiting extradition to the USA. That fact alone tells you something BIG!! Blast Effects. When the 1.5KT nuke went off under buildings 1 and 2, it sucked most of the 26 tons of liquid Freon from the cooling system into the fire ball. Due to thermal heat of 4 million degrees in the center of the fireball and neutron absorption, the Freon was split and then fused into Deuterium Fluoride…
…As in the IVY Mike nuclear Pacific test in 1952 of the first Hydrogen Bomb — producing the massive over yield due to the extra Freon being converted into extra Deuterium. On 9-11, this acted as extra external “Deuterium Boost Gas”, boosting the Thermal Yield of the 1.5 KT weapon at least 10 to a maximum of 100 times. 15 to 150 KT thermal output not in blast energy.
That would put the overall “thermal energy” released between 15KT and up to 150KT at 100% efficiency. Most likely closer to 10% efficiency would be more practical. This is a crude Teller “Lair Cake or Alarm Clock” boosted nuclear fission design only used back in the 1950′s test shots. Dmitry’s claims of 150 KT thermal was a bit too big. However, if the weapon had been twice this size — 3KT vs 1.5 KT — it would have taken out the lower half of Manhattan, including the entire Wall Street financial district, and the fallout would have taken out half of NYC and not by accident!!!! It was designed that way.
Over 90% of this energy is released as fast neutrons and Infrared energy, with accompanying Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation. Less than 10% was in mechanical blast energy or over pressure. Most of this was absorbed in the ground as shock waves and created the massive cavities left below the buildings. The off-centered large cavity was located just below the Freon cooling plant storage tank location, which is a big forensic clue as to the energy source used on that day.
The mostly unburnt and highly-ionized Deuterium Fluoride gas (Formally known as Freon-12) produced by the blast, (over 20 tons of it) was trapped in the building debris piles and accounted for all of the post 9-11 thermal effects of molten steel, hot spots, and out-gassing of very caustic gasses, ETC. This stuff, due to neutron excitation and very high ionization levels, will stay very hot until the appropriate neutron-absorbing chemicals are added to the ground in order to stop the ongoing low level neutron chain reactions from occurring, similar to what is happening in Japan with their nuclear 911 disaster.
Fukushima was probably done by the same people too, as Dmitry states in his book. The UV light-absorbing chemicals were well documented as being used to cool Ground Zero. They would not have used it unless there was a reason, another forensic clue to nuclear weapons use on 9-11, in order to shut up the “Thermite Sniffers” and the “Audio Blast Dummies” from the “Dictatorial A&E911 Misdirection Group”.
This was a nuclear thermobaric weapon that was used on 9-11 and not a conventional molecular explosive-based weapon (TNT, Thermite) that works by rapidly producing an expanding hot gas at very high velocity. Its blast effects are atomic and not molecular in nature. The physical and mechanical effects are totally different from the use of high explosives. Its purpose is to melt and vaporize as much of the target as possible by thermal radiation effects and not to blow it apart.
It is an underground sub-surface blast that is trapped or channeled up the central core of the building, acting as a directed energy weapon. So over sound and pressure is directed vertically up as shown by the dust clouds produced that day. If you are over 1500 feet away and the blast is 500 feet up in the air, you are not going to hear or feel much due to the direction of the shock wave and its dispersement.
Anyone who has ever been in combat and has been shelled knows this about blast effects. If not, please download and read “The effects of Nuclear Weapons” book available on the internet for free, or you can get a used copy on eBay. Then make you decision as to what was used on 9-11. Was it Godzilla VS King Kong, Batman VS Spider Man, Aliens Vs Predators from outer Space, Directed energy weapons, Thermite, Cutting Charges or Mini-Nukes that did it? Unlike A&E911, you are free to believe whatever you want. We are not here to push a false agenda. We only want to educate the world in the use of nuclear weapons so this can never happen again.
Since 1992, over 50 micro nukes have been detonated around the world, and the same group of state-sponsored terrorists that did 911 did them all. Victor Bout was a key player in this false flag movement that only benefitted Israel and no one else. Since VT Today has disclosed this information and V. Bout is now in permanent US custody, the bombings have stopped.
Coincidence or not — you decide. You have a brain and you can figure it out for yourselves who really did it. Was it a nut in a cave, or a major nuclear state intelligence agency that did it? Unlike other groups, we don’t tell you; we just inform you. That is called Democracy and the 4th Estate (News Media) at work — i.e. Free Press. Without it, there can be no Democracy. The people have a right to be informed and not to be dumbed down by “False Prophets” selling “miracle” vacuum cleaners door to door……..A&E911………. . 14 Attached Images
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Posted by Gordon Duff on Aug 28 2014, With 9962 Reads, Filed under Editor, WarZone. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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155 Comments for “Nuclear 9/11 Revealed: Theories and Disinformation, the Misguided and the Inhuman”
For quite some time it has been obvious that the official account of 9/11 was an utter whitewash. While it is good to have as fine a counter analysis of what happened (and you can take your choice as they all diverge greatly from the NIST fantasy) as possible, it should be clear now that anyone who could bring about a new investigation is not interested. As with JFK the second round would also be courrupt. In the American mythology bin Laden will always remain the villian, so Remember The Maine. Paul Craig Roberts is correct “All government and most private institutions are corrupt.”
Bin Laden was actually a real blessing to these cannibals. They would’ve had a hard time finding another patsy to fit so well & be so far away & so deeply buried underground as OBL!!!
Opening a new JFK investigation??? why not?? as long as it be managed by Senator Arlene Specter (the inventor of THE MAGIC BULLET) as long as you can get him off this cannibals’ murder table as testified to by Peter Alexander Chernoff.
Put his complete name in YouTube & watch the first couple of clips that come up one after the other to hear Specter’s name.
I have no problem with those who do not wish to read Khalezov’s 1100 pages. It’s their choice. No time? No inclination? Indifference? Dis-belief? Who knows? The problem I do have is those who comment and wish to have answers from the FEW who have read his book. I had a teacher many years ago who called this “brain picking”. Read the book and get most of the answers to the questions on this thread. Or don’t.
What IS the problem with reading anything more than a couple of pages in today’s world? Do we all now live on sound bytes and others analysis? For GAWD sakes, use your own mind. DON”T let the bastardz take that too.
It is still taboo to question the official lines on the Holocaust and 911. Both these events raise questions. Until we can openly discuss and investigate them we will not be free from Jewish/Israeli power.
There are so many holes in the official lines on both events that it is inevitable that future historians will investigate.
But that is the title given to the clip by whoever posted it. I didn’t post it.
Here is one of the best holograms I’ve ever seen captured by a witness – pitty he didn’t stop on the road shoulder to film it when it disappeared or started to move!!!;;;
Matrix glitch – Holographic plane suspended in mid-air – Caught on camera!
Did you read any of the decrypted Khalezov documents??? if so please copy-paste a couple of hot paragraphs here.
LC, it is much cheaper and less grandiose and foolhardy to practice laying down a bead of high speed thermite applied with a caulking gun than billions of dollars for alleged hologram video equipment which may never exist. This hologram nonsense impresses visitors to Disneyland but I am afraid its message has a ring of truth to it quite similar to that of a struck terra cotta flower pot. Let us wrap this puppy up. These imbeciles will have most likely succeeded in ending all life on earth if Fukushima is not taken from the criminal cabal and responsibility for this cleanup not entirely funded by this criminal cabal that built it. Containment now, dogs.
Like Prof. Fetzer has told you many times its much easier if you stop pushing something you obviously can’t come to terms with. You keep writing repetitious comments without a single link to a reference of any kind. You expect everyone on VT to believe everything you state here just because when you were a kid you around your father when he worked on WTC for a short while & heard & saw a few things which may incriminate some people today??? Believe me if you knew anything worthwile you would’ve been dead long ago. That’s how these canibals do bypass NO statutes of limitations on murder.
as an example of a comparison to yourself lets look at this Professional Engineer (PE) who is also a PHD & read more ...
In 1965, I knew of the two WTC/nuke prototypes going up DAILY!. I knew when they blew up the first in1968 and that the second would be detonated early 1969. I saw the ORIGINAL NOTATION OF “ALCHEMY” BEING PART OF THE ORIGINAL ENGINEERING CONTRACT the day after the customer included it in the ORIGINAL contract, and I learned less than 10 minutes after the fact in 1969 that Skilling and Associates had been trapped into building the WTCs I and II around a top to bottom ‘breeder reactor’ demolition system that they would then walk away from, and could not back out. There is a lot you don’t know about the WTCs. Truth is eternal. LC and Ignotzle FAIL. Talk to guys who work steel and aluminum for a living. I was the top ‘A’ in my logic class by 30% read more ...
I must have catalogued 100 9-11 photoshop/phonied up videos by now. Big deal. They are irrelevant beyond establishing accessories after the fact. Only steel can you trust, little Konan. Work with steel and aluminum. Melt it. Cut it. Machine it. Drop it on your foot. It all is the same stuff. Build an engine. Help refurbish a 212 foot cod trawler to go out and ram criminal driftnetters. Burn some rods. Get some high speed thermite in a tube and have some fun cutting steel but don’t hurt anybody. Hologram, schmologram. We still have to contain Fukushima ASAP and prancing doesn’t cut it.
Nukes would explain the disintegration of the central cores, but molten steel was pouring out of the south WTC tower BEFORE the collapase. The hollow steel columns could have been drilled and filled with plain old-fashioned thermite, and that would certainly produce molten steel.
I am a 35 year refrigeration tech. My question is how do you know the freon that you said caused the extra effect in the explosion was R-12? They stopped manufacturing it in 1994 and most large A/C systems were converted to the new refrigerant, maybe not, just a concern.
“In Khalezov, we find the unseen hand of someone working with him. We see an agenda, and we see both brilliance and great cleverness.”
Having followed Dmitri for several years, I know of no agenda or unseen hand. He has always worked pretty much by himself with “a little help from his friends”. A mutual friend helped make the book more readable without any compensation, attesting to Dmitri’s sincerity through face to faced meetings. Brilliant? Absolutely! No one else I know tried to attempt this as long ago as he did. Yes, he is clever and has an abundance of common sense; that’s how he was able to bring all this together while everyone else was talking about thermite, DEW and other such theories while he was read more ...
LC– Seems like you live on another planet. Have you never read Anything or even seen pictures of the Steel Structure the WTC was formed from?? As Gordon might say– “You make my head hurt!”.
Thanks. Yes. I shuttle back & forth to Hollywood!!!
+++ Just hacked from Los Alamos-NSA computers;;;
WTCs were actually made of colored & painted ice emulsions to look like real solid-material buildings. they did have a wire-frame (mostly aluminum & straw) mesh structure to form the two WTC ice-cubes!!!
The liquid freon tanks mentioned above ++ liquid nitrogen tanks were deployed to keep the two WTC ice blocks (Ice-cube towers) frozen since built!!!.
Because it would’ve taken too long to let the cubes melt & could’ve drowned a lot more people & because their icy nature was always top secret the ZIO-CANNIBALS chose this nuke-system to vaporize the ice-cubes by turning it into a gyser in less than read more ...
9/11 should not have happened. Those who were watching over this place had to leave because their home was attacked. The timeline was changed and people had to be sent out to impact the new timeline. It was the same with Fukushima. There have been many, many changes to the timelines but we’re on the best one now.
I’ve heard that there was one timeline where Disclosure happened in 2004 but it was a disaster. So many people could not cope with the shock of discovering the extent of the lies that society fell apart. This is like Groundhog Day – we keep living through these times until we get it right.
Whoever did 9/11 did a very professional job. First, we have the Trade Center which has become a white elephant. How much would it have cost to hire a demolation co to eliminate it? Certainly a fortune. And they would need lots of insurance to cover damage to adjacent areas. A conventional demolation would probably destroy the “bath tub”. So it would have to be an unconventional demolition. Would such a demolition get away with using mini nukes? Unlikely. In which case, how would it be done? Or even could it be done without extensive damage? So really forgetting the false flage aspect this was the best way to take care of the matter. Clearly Larry Silverstein was not going to conventionally deal with this bldg. His even getting a lease read more ...
Can the mini nuke hypothesis save all the appearances, or do we need something more exotic like the hypothesis put forth by Dr. Judy Wood? As far as qualifications go Dr. Wood is the most qualified by background and education. That of course does not make her right. But personally I would need more info on how mini nukes perform. Would they provide the dustification? Are there any photos or videos showing the performance of a mini nuke? Ideally one bringing down a large bulding. For some reason I sense they would project larger fragments rather than turning all to powery dust. That is, would the thrust throw things before it pulverized them? More info needed on these bombs!
During Putin’s Qustion & Answer session this week at a youth convention, Mr. Putin stressed the importance of the humanities to even the engineering disciplines. According to Mr. Putin’s translator “A nuclear engineer needs to know whom he’s working for.” Sound advice, it seems.
In a similar vein, a maintenance supervisor at one of the Twin Towers commented in VT that he sensed the presence of “pure evil” on the vacant 82nd Floor, and so declined to enter it. The supervisor, one Rodriguez, I believe, had heard the sound of something large and heavy being rolled into position in the run-up to 9/11.
Is not Mr. Rodriguez, who later died (anyway?), a metaphor for all of America? A refusal to confirm strongly suspected evil, lest read more ...
I’m informed of happy news Mr. Rodriguez still lives–and thus can tell what he knows, and all he knows; until his truth is generally known and acted upon. In other words, until justice is done.
I am not in disagreement w/ the general theme of what is being revealed in the foregoing article and others preceding it, but there is a question I am unable to answer If nukes were planted 50 meters beneath WTC 1 & 2, how is it that the photos of the “bathtub” foundation enclosures look intact after the cleanup? That is, there is no crater in the bottom, in contrast w/ photos previously posted on this site which look more like what one would expect as the aftermath of a subterranean detonation of a nuclear device. Were the visible bottoms of the foundational encloses repaired before said photos were taken? Can someone explain this discrepancy?
Not all nuclear devices are high velocity violent blasts which pulverize the object focused on. The subbasement device provided massive amounts of radiation and temperature which in working with axilliary components incinerated the WTCs, sublimating most of the steel and denaturing and turning the unusual resin based cement to a powder. There were thousands of different test detonations discovering different ways to bow stuff up or develope ways to control and utilize this exponentially more productive energy resource. There was no risk to “the bath tub”. The basement excavations themselves were done with nuclear devices, secretly. Oh yes. The neighbors noticed and were there to protest the presets, which allowed a few projects to slip in under the read more ...
I am not in disagreement w/ the general theme of what is being revealed in the foregoing article and others preceding it, but there is a question I am unable to answer If nukes were planted 50 meters beneath WTC 1 & 2, how is it that the photos of the “bathtub” foundation enclosures look intact after the cleanup? That is, there is no crater in the bottom, in contrast w/ photos previously posted on this site which look more like what one would expect as the aftermath of a subterranean detonation of a nuclear device. Were the visible bottoms of the foundational encloses repaired before said photos were taken? Can someone explain this discrepancy?
Note this was Dimitry’s estimate for maximum depth using a 150KT weapon. The actual depth of read more ...
D. The NYC FD did not carry them on there trucks then. Only FEMA was allowed to use them. The police were ordered to confiscate or arrest any one using geiger counters in public due to “false alarms” panicking the public.. They even tried to pass a law banning them in the city without a permit. The ones at the UN building and at the federal building did go off, so did the Port authorities.
3. Radiation levels were previously disused in earlier VT articles. However most radiation
was trapped below ground and mainly at ground zero. Fallout from mini nukes is only in the gram level and hydrogen bombs produce no fallout except for the primary fission device. For a 1.5KT blast you get less than 6 grams of unburnt PU-239 fuel as fallout. 90% was trapped below ground.
Dear Gordon– One minute you appear as Dimitri’s friend, and the next minute you say he doesn’t have it right. My QUESTION to YOU has Never been answered! Have YOU read Dimitri’s book of August 2013????????????????????????????? Dimitri has said since the Beginning that he was !00% sure of knowing about a “Scheme” in place to destroy the WTC when the buildings had outlived their usefulness– approved by the Buildings Department and Nelson Rockefeller. It was the ONLY way seen to Properly bring them down in NYC!!!!!! Or at least, the people in charge thought so– even though the technology was very new and they had nothing else to decide upon– it was the Only way to “Try” to solve the problem!!! Read the great Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the best infos are found here on VT ! Congratulation Mr Duff !
About “…You have a brain and you can figure it out for yourselves who really did it. Was it a nut in a cave, or a major nuclear state intelligence agency that did it?…”, some RARE infos amost, if not NEVER mentionned are quite usefull to help concluding on the previous question, that is
1 Bibi Netanyahu WAS in NY the day befor 9/11 2 Helmout Olmert WAS in NY (?) or in another (neighboring ?) state the week before 9/11 3 Bibi Netanyahu WAS in London the very 7/7 bombing day
Khalezov is disadvantaged by his total lack of knowledge of the ET influence on this planet. In fact, he does not even believe that aliens exist. End of story.
Some people deny the existence of human engineers and architects involved in building the WTCs. These engineers are letting me do all of the talking, much to the chagrine of a pack of rat fuckers.
If Dimitri read some of the ridiculous remarks on this forum, he’d believe in alien influence, like you. Do you feel a better story about 9/11 can be told taking into account ET influence? Maybe you should start your own Forum– you can be the leader.
One clarification needed is the demolition sequence in WTC 1. The upper floors and roof antenna start to drop in a manner that resembles controlled demolition for about 1 second, then the explosion with pyroclastic flow occurs (this matches well with the claim of the mini-nuke above the 50th floor).
Was there limited controlled demolition of the upper floors (where the thinner columns would require relatively small amount of conventional explosives) to help insure that the majority of larger debris would not land too far away, followed by one or two mini-nukes to convert most of the structure into dust, then a final larger explosion below grade to mostly vaporize the remaining collapsing building mass?
One thing I have not seen mentioned is that buildings are designed to fail in a ductile manner (read the relevant AISC and ACI code and commentary), so even if both WTC 1 and 2 had been hit by transport aircraft carrying loads of thermite, the failure would have been a “hinge” developing where the steel melted and the portion of the tower above toppling, leaving the portion below the fire standing. Anyone with understanding of structural engineering watching television on 9/11/2001 should have had their BS detector go off before all the pieces hit the ground – the damage pre-demolition was relatively minor and the buildings could have been back in service in a matter of weeks.
The engineers who wrote the NIST reports on the collapse must have either been paid a whole lot of money, had a gun pointed at read more ...
They derive a perverse pleasure in executing their nefarious plays with enough obvious flaws that anyone who can overcome their cognitive dissonance will be able to see right through them. But they know that this will only include a small fraction of the populace…that the vast majority of the sheeple will remain ignorant, willfully or otherwise, and that their army of gatekeepers and crisis actors will keep their matrix of lies intact. Look at Sandy Hook for another egregious example.
For those who have tumbled far enough down the rabbit hole, the 9/11 charade pales in comparison to things like the Holohoax, fractional reserve central banking, the Bolshevik revolution, GMOs and the cancer industry, and engineered world wars. The multi-generational PTB read more ...
Here it is folks animation from paper-pad to MOON-LANDING to 9/11 planes into WTC;;;
AUG. 29, 2014
Today, computer animated films are a multi-billion dollar business, and characters like Buzz Lightyear, Shrek, and Nemo are household names. But veteran animator Tom Sito says that the men and women who developed CGI weren’t Hollywood types—they were scientists and engineers trying to solve the problems of digital simulation. Produced by Annie Minoff, SciArts Producer
The videos of the aircraft hitting the towers appears to be CGI (point #7 in Fetzer’s article ******www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/21/top-ten-911-cons-fraud-vitiates-everything-fve/ ).
Save only for the fact that embarrassment is not on their list, This should be Downright Embarrassing. We get red faces when we screw up, these guys have all that under control. I wonder, Do They Ever Look In The Mirror? (OK, and they probably high five themselves, silly me. Meanwhile, I do not know if you noticed, we are giving these bastards real grief, that might be why they are in such a hurry, maybe even think they might not Rule the World after all! I suspect that is the stuff of Nightmares in some quarters. They would have got in a hurry anyway, sorry for any trouble we caused.
The obvious answer is that “they” are sociopaths, therefore lack the shame of normal people.
Solve the sociological/psychological problem of sociopaths naturally rising to the top and being seen as leaders and people to be admired, and pretty much all the problems that this website deals with would go away.
After 45 years in commercial/residential construction, the discovery of Nano-thermite powder in dust samples from various locations involved and watching how the structure disintegrated from top to bottom, I am more inclined to believe controlled demo via Nano-thermite. That being said, I feel very strongly that the Jew propaganda machine and their toadies in D.C. are playing us like a cheap violin. Vladimir Lenin, the filth that started it all for Eastern Europe/Russia is quoted as saying the best way to control the opposition is to lead it. We are falling into a disinformation trap if we continue chasing Golems in the night. Let’s focus our energy in exposing them, (Israel/Mossad), and the bevy of traitors in D.C. as the culprits THEN we can discuss how they pulled it off as we begin meting out long overdue justice read more ...
Okay, I’m drying my head as I type this. The point I was making is we shouldn’t allow ourselves to become too involved in the “how”. Rather, we should work on proving the “who”. As for nanothermite? I don’t care if they used Black-Cat firecrackers packed in trucks. The buildings came down, it wasn’t from being smacked by an aircraft, it was controlled demo. There’s a legendary book I believe is still in print. Find it, buy it and read it over several times; It’s called “How to make friends and influence people”. I may well be wrong and I can accept being corrected. What shocked and disappointed me is your nasty/ juvenile attack. Dude, read the book, take a “chill-pill” and conduct yourself in a manner more appropriate with your station. Bottom line, we need to stop all the vitriol regarding how. We need to focus read more ...
paschn……wrong title. The book is ‘How to WIN Friends and Influence People’ (1936) by Dale Carnegie, who consciously changed his name from Carnagey to ride on the back of the much more successful and famous Scot Andrew Carnegie (many thought they were related but they weren’t). Read it 30 years ago. It’s very ‘dated’ as a read now by the way, considering what we now know about the way the world ‘works’.
These articles are being put up for all to read, but are specifically aimed at intelligence agencies, scientists, government people and (not least), the shysters who did this. So the ‘how’ is vitally important – the closer to the truth (and VT seem to be pretty much there with these latest unprecedented releases), the less likely the shysters will be to pulling the same stunt in future because their methods have been read more ...
The knowledge of who actually coordinated the 9-11-2001 assaults is esoteric knowledge ONLY because folks won’t grow up and investigate for themselves and do the right thing.
I’m happy to see Gordon speak frankly!! Those who will not read are no better off than those who can not read. Those who read and still repeat asinine remarks can go flush!
I love it how everyone hides behind technical talk. Chickens, all. White people run the Military-Industrial Complex. Dear PeterPahn, if what Gordon wrote is true, then White people acquiesced and allegedly gave away old nukes to Israel. Influential White people, who imagine themselves at the top of the food chain in America, allowed many White people in the Twin Towers to be nuked on 9-11-01, as collateral damage to launch the Iraq invasion.
Are White people still selling this Nation down the drain because they are too scaredy-cat to face these facts? - Now, are White people pretending to be offline over Labor Day so they don’t have to deal with this?
I recommend that White people need to stop blaming everybody else and repeat, while looking in the mirror, “It was a White President of America read more ...
What’s this “white people ” crap? We’re all controlled by illuminati banksters who are mostly Talmudia dual-citizens….The WASP crowd has been on the way out for 100 yrs…where’ve you been?
“Whatever you do, don’t do anything to endanger our sweet contract with the government, … that’s the most important thing,” said a white Celt, 1999, Military-industrial complex, upwardly-mobile young manager.
I heard what I heard, and it was echoed many times over.
I like people of all colors, but it’s time to acknowledge that Whites, just like others, have had fellow Whites betray them by selling out. Our survival almost depends on acknowledging this.
The chickens I refer to are certainly not any of these authors on this site, but its potential readers, who may seem to bury their heads in technical details. We were nuked.
Thank you, to Gordon for making this article possible.
Ive used a 55 gallon metal drum to grill over but I don’t think it counts. It was welded to operate like the store bought variety with operating lid and four posts for standing in a horizontal position.
It is not race ( although that may be coincidental ) that motivates people ( or demons ) to rule the world . It just so happens that a particular tribe ( or race ) of people believe that they were divinely chosen to rule over the world — not because they were white ; because they were chosen or chose themselves — because they were all of the same race ( or tribe ) — not because they were all the same color which was coincidental to belonging to the same tribe ( or race ) . Since everyone knows that [ all races are created equal ] , skin color should be an irrelevant issue and considered to be an erroneous cause for anything . It should not be statisticly surprising to have mostly so-called white presidents of a country in which the major part of the population is so-called white . What you think is a race read more ...
Mr. Duff, I have two questions, which have bothered me for some time. 1) If, as seems likely, the thermobaric weapons vaporized the towers for a significant portion of its height, how then could radiation via fallout be controlled? For some reason, perhaps my own ineptitude, I recall that claims of residual radioactivity around the terror attack site were claimed to be relatively clean. 2) What is the pattern for ignition of these weapons? It seems clear that the sponsors of this attack are far too cowardly to subject themselves to the effects of these weapons, yet ignition follows a consistent pattern that suggests tactical control. Any thoughts? The scenario that is developing is forcing the hand of the people of this nation. If, indeed, the next Dick Cheney style attack takes place, it will be a matter of read more ...
Mike Kay and Jack Heart——– \The Truth hidden for many is that Dimitri Khalezov’s New Book of August 2013 has explained, in great detail, the answers so may people desire. I say, go back to sleep, take another Blue Pill, or read Dimitri’s fully explained version and Decide For Yourself!!! Can your read? Do you care? Up yours if you don’t care!!!!!!!!!!
Really? So DK gets somethings right, some things wrong, but he’s the oracle???? Or maybe its because we have butthead experts like you who think they make it all clear.
Mike– I’m not an expert and not a butthead and I didn’t say I can make things all clear. I only say to Read for Yourself and You decide– do you understand, now, what I’m saying? Don’t bother to reply until you read for yourself. Unless you are being paid to cause distraction about what happened, maybe you will take the time to read all of Dimitri’s Book(1100 pages with many pictures and illustrations). I’m sorry, but I don’t have much patience unless you have something constructive to say.
I think when he was planning his life and persona, he must have had a few beers when formulating the contents of his book-to-be. Should he reach the stage of completing his book, his work would have been done. Think of it this way – if you have been told you must prepare a soup and you can choose up to 10 ingredients. Chicken, beans and cabbage must go in but the rest is completely at your discretion. You’ve been here a long time and it hasn’t exactly been much fun and you do enjoy a bit of fun. What ingredients will you choose? There’s potatoes, swede, carrots, ear wax, feathers, pebbles, fur balls, onions etc You can choose anything……
I think its time we all start facing facts. I don’t care if their your friend, your neighbor or your own family if they still “believe” the official 9/11 story you better start seeing them for what they really are and that is enemy combatants. I think most people who have this ‘we have to tell the masses’ attitude are just masking their own fear of being outnumbered in a fight. Like Nietzsche said the greatest river of alms is the river of cowardice and like Niel Young said in Power Finger “Red means run, son, numbers add up to nothin.”
Loud and Clear. I have lost them all. However, The human race has only so many who are protectors and remain vigilant through the night. There are those who are busy with other things like mopping floors and growing spinach. Recognize these characters and remember that the allotment for bed pan cleaning and hospice care have no time for this. Therefore, focus of direction and attention is critical to outcome. The enemy is not those who we protect, but those who pursue their wages and children under the guise of leadership. The heart gets angry and the body gets active. Some do not have the choice. Stay with family or go into the fray, is the choice of the warrior. Misplaced aggression serves neither.
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side. The summer’s gone, and all the flowers are dying. ‘Tis you, ’tis you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow, Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow ‘Tis I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.
And if you come, when all the flowers are dying, And I am dead, as dead I well may be … You’ll come and find the place where I am lying And kneel and say an “Ave” there for me.
And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me, And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be, If you’ll not fail to tell me that you love me. I’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
I think of Iran in 1975 when I hear statements like this. What did the Shah do to piss so many people off? When that happens in Murica the car wax and weekend grass cutting crowd will be red eyed and fuming enough to consider the 9-11 investigation a second base to spending their weed whacker money on rope. Also, only trolls defend the government story, everyone else forgot about it or wont bring it up because their already over the edge with their own miserable existence. They smile a lot and talk really loud to cover up their anxiety.
The Shah put down the order to machine gun the huge crowd yelling for his head on a pike for his mass torture/imprisonments. Several thousands more died while the Shah ran out the back. This from an Honor Student son of one of Iran’s top surgeons who witnessed it LIVE.
Dead right. I recall Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn after exposing the fact that the Bolshevik revolution was essentially a rabid Jewish coup against the Russian people also made the point that there were plenty of people in Russia calling themselves Christians who would stab you in the back to support the Jewish commissars. It will be no different in America.
When I first heard it I thought Mr. Duff was just throwing that sentient oil X files stuff out there but I’ve done a little research of my own since then. First of all you are all being sprayed like Cockroaches, thats a fact! America was caught doing it as early as 1951 in Operation Sea Spray, the Brits in the DICE trials from 1971-1974. One of the things you are being sprayed with is Pseudomonas fluorescens a bacterium that feeds on oil and is used to clean up oil spills. It is listed in one hundred and sixty three Pentagon patents for bioremediation. There’s more, there’s much more, lots of dead British microbiologists and another bacterium called Serratia marcescens which has the unique ability in the animal kingdom to interact with metal but there’s little sense in me going on about it right now. What I want to say now read more ...
Thank You Gordon, for yet another long awaited brilliant ball of light bringing sanity to the world, as that relates to the events of that horrible day. Your efforts are deeply appreciated and if you do run for president, I WILL VOTE FOR YOU. Now, on a very serious note. One question that continually bounces around in my head is this……….given that the players who did this crime and MANY OTHERS are well known to people in the intelligence community! why has there NOT been an effective concerted effort initiated to rid the planet of these evil bastards by whatever means possible? The players are well known. There are MANY men who know how to accomplish this. There must be tens of thousands of you. Why, oh why do those men not serve humanity Ina manner that would allow us to have a fighting chance at starting anew? read more ...
You cannot just haul the crooks into court and expect justice because the courts may also be corrupted ; and you do not want to start a war if your not reasonably sure of the results . In other words , we are not dealing with girl scouts .
I think we have reached the “beyond a reasonable doubt” point that the courts are corrupted. Remember how people persecuted, er prosecuted, by the Bush II administration were not allowed to defend themselves due to evidence being withheld for “security reasons”? A non-corrupt judge would have thrown the case out as not meeting the fair trial standard. And of course, the rot goes to the very top (Bush v. Gore and several other cases).
We should consider any judge whose nomination was supported by the Federalist Society to be corrupt until proven otherwise.
Great article Gordon! Keep it up! And NEVER give up! Only the Simple minded Babylon programmed loyal sheeple still believe the “Official Story” And Bush lovers too. But How in the hell can ALL the people that are involved sleep at night? Some of them will eventually break and hopefully won’t get “Suicided” or “Accidented” before they come forth and spill the beans! These evil monster’s house of cards is starting to wobble. We can’t back down before these ***..@ devils!
A debate is essential to clearing the original rubber stamped fallacy that airplane fuel can down two sky-scrappers and cause the forced demolition of a third. A&E seem convinced on their nano-thermite theory and VT on the mini-nukes. All the information is their, as well as the support needed to insure a through discussion from both sides. Let the debate air to the far corners of the Universe and get as much attention as this thing deserves.
YOU want to Learn about Micro and Mini Nukes??? Dimitri covers many so-called Car Bombings around the World and the Murrah Federal Nuclear explosion. Quit speculating and learn something!! http //www.911-truth.net/9-11thology-third_truth_v4_full.zip
I thought Holder and the white house announced his resigning for this summer some time ago. Will we have real Americans appointing his replacement and not more AIPACand CFR/Neocon nominations?
I guess there is a process of grief and disbelief that non-research oriented Americans may go through, almost writing to themselves to convince themselves that — 1) Weapons could not do this, based on what little they know about Hiroshima, and 2) if the White world of non-Semites allowed 9-11 to happen and even conspired to make it happen, then Whites who have been so self-congratulatory since WWII might have to take action. Whites don’t want to take action or acknowledge that they are in the global-galactic “food chain” and can be targets, so they float their canoe in the River of Disbelief. … They have forgotten the Vietnam was also about targeting Whites and reducing their genetic pool.
lol Emma (but no its not funny), more people of color were drafted and sacrificed in Vietnam. people of Germany didnt understand until too late, what their country had been turned into, much like the US now. to me this isnt anything about “race”, I’m fairly colorblind that way with exception to a “race” of “politicians”. strong dislike for any induviduals who would victimize me, nevermind skin pigmentations. no, PEOPLE dont want to believe they’ve been conned, and they DO try to avoid the question. we have a MSM that is complicit covering up the crime and disbelief brainwashing most folks.
“” more people of color were drafted and sacrificed in Vietnam “”
Official DoD research stats publicly revealed decades ago that there was no unusually high KIA of blacks in Vietnam . Who else could possibly have a better claim to the statistical facts of that matter ? The DoD claim must be accepted until proven wrong ; and how could you ever prove it false ?
Oops! I was looking at the data. A whole number times zero should be zero, right? So the entire equation is wrong! Ha ha, I am joking, joking! Anyway, the refrigerant gas was likely R-22, not R-12. Ref 12 is used in appliances and small A/C’s, like autos. It may not matter, but in case it does… As you know, Gordon, no explanation will answer all possible questions. I noticed long ago that the sections where the alleged plane split the tower appears to have all the bolts removed from the 14/14” exterior girders, leaving the girders intact. The fact that the heat/radiation would have atomized everything, as opposed to blasting it like TNT, is essential to understanding it. I recall a witness, doorman maybe, in T2 or T1, who said the elevator door opened, people scrambled out, he was hit by a blast of heat, knocked read more ...
I don’t have the tech know-how to ask an intelligent question based on this material..but, as someone who, after High School, had a job as a messenger in lower manhattan, which meant I was in those buildings daily, I knew almost from the get-go the official story was somebullshit. Planes don’t make buildings fall that way. And, later, when I was taking some flying lessons, It occurred to me how much the “non-interception” of the planes part of the story stunk too. What I see here, along with all of the Articles you and Jim Fetzer, and company have posted, is the most scientifically comprehensive and coherent explanation for what happened so far. I understand enough of it to make that statement. So, instead of questions, I’ll just say thank you. also..I REALLY want revenge on these evil buttheads..
Thank you VT! The photo diagram with colored arrows of suspected box placement, the diagram of the cooling plant placement and the diagram above the final cavity are especially helpful. I do not recall previous articles as having been so specific about suspected locations, numbers or relative power of these devices. The 200x200x(200 ?) volume of building mass disappearing in three seconds seems like exactly what happened, however impossible it still seems.
G has covered this a lot already….The W54 nuke artillery shells were positioned to blow up and out…and that’s exactly what we saw a mid-air pulverization..And Gordon you’re right to be suspicious of Dr. Jones at BYU…Chris Bollyn is still sniffing the magic thermite.
jvmcdee———— You will get 10X the detail in common sense and easily understandable form by actually reading Dimitri Kahlezov’s latest book— I’m thinking it will take you a Full Month to read– if you are sincere about Learning something new– otherwise– just go back to sleep.
Great info. Thank-you! One small correction Hydrogen Fluoride is HF, and is never called Deuterium Fluoride. It becomes DF when bombarded by neutrons from a nuclear weapon or other source of high energy neutrons.
Sometime today (August 29, 2014) there is a live program in Los Angeles where fakers from NASA JPL (the real Hollywood) demonstrate how they created photoshoping & video fakery in their studios in the 60′s leading to their Lunar-tic & Mars-Trip hoaxes. Those who want to go there to watch the whole presentation can find out about it on USSG & ZIO-Spy radio *****www.npr.org/
which is also broadcasting it live on their website & On their FM radio. They usually archive their programs for a while also.
I don’t remember the time or the program’s name but if I hear it while driving I will re-post it here.
It’s nice to see some Truth in the 9/11 Truth Movement once in a while.
AE911Truth are being exposed as the limited hangouts they really are. They have had a nice run. Richard Gage has raised a lot of money, flown all over the place and spoken to a lot of people. Lost in all of this is the fact he hasn’t told the public the Truth of what happened on 9/11.
I’ve met Richard in person and he is a nice guy. I enjoyed talking to him. He is well spoken and articulate. But the time has come to recognize that he is a limited hang out.
The Nuclear Truth of 9/11 cannot be denied any longer. The Genie is out of the bottle. The snowball is rolling down the hill and the Zionists and their controlled opposition like AE911Truth are going to be buried under an avalanche of their own lies and read more ...
regarding bombs in surrounding gases One mental note that I have, is that, at the first (93) WTC bombing the perpetrators released large amounts of hydrogen gas around the bomb. In some ways I think this event was, if not a dress rehearsal so at least, a fact finding mission for 9/11. Most common interpretation of the hydrogen is that it was an attempt at an isobaric explosion effect… but I’m not so sure… have no answer… just passing the note on…
VT has nailed it alright. I imagine the Israeli government, PNAC and your sundry, average neo-con are apoplectic right about now. Shadenfreude! As to the ‘Saudis did it crowd’ , Alex Jones, Lyndon LaRouche, et al, if thoughts could kill… Anyway, good job. I hesitate to speculate, but there might be more of these devices (courtesy of you know who) secretly placed around the nation ready to go for whenever or when ‘you know who’ is having a particularly bad day.
Well Romney was going to have a press conference in Battery Park that Tues morning ( as Chairman of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics ) but it was cancelled…gee I can’t imagine why but I would guess his buddies in Mossad probably told him to avoid breathing radioactive asbestos…
I wouldnt discount it as a real possibility, compartmentalized as much as Masons. I have my own experiences that’d bias against “the church”, Latter Day Saints (zios maybe?!) ya right.. I feel same about “Boy Scouts of America” being UK based junior army brainwash, covering up homo-paedos, buying LAND, and the “LDS” sure love that “organization”.. (beware of those saying you gotta get organized, it may involve ankle grabbing!).
Tarpley suggest a certain equivalency between the Mormon networks today and MI6. And well, we recall MI6′s “advisory” role in shaping the CIA’s predecessor organization the OSS and that of Israel’s Mossad. Could it be the Queen of England is the secret behind 9-11?? Shades of LaRouche!
Went to a HS reunion in ’04 and a detective R. Pena was still vigorously defending the official lies of 9-11…He was working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force…How stupid are these guys? I’d like to know if he’s woken up yet..
hard to say, as a youngin in college I had a buddy who was a controlled demolitions expert, it was his job and I thought it was a very interesting “sciencey” process. its kinda hard for me to understand how people arent familiar with it nowadays because of the internet, why would they look for it, or at WTC-7 that so many STILL havent heard about.. is pretty baffling.
Maybe I can give you an idea why people don’t know about WTC-7 and other facts of 9/11, regardless of the Internet… I know a mechanical engineer who should know about this, but doesn’t. The reason is that he was working long hours, going to college at night, and raising a family. Then he almost died in 2002, so add health problems. Working people like him have very little time to surf the Internet. When this gets announced to the American people, it might help if the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is part of it and it’s in prime time, so people pay attention all at once.
“” Working people like him have very little time to surf the Internet.”"
Exactly correct ; and they are the ones that keep everything going . The others appear to be having too much fun living off the working people to bother with knowing what they do not know . Word-of-mouth information distribution is totally inadequate for global action . Simultaneous worldwide broadcasts are required .
The Rothschild gangsters, behind 9/11 and most of the world’s miseries, are getting nervous. Their Apartheid nightmare is getting too much bad press, the 9/11 truth movement is opening up more minds each day and their chokehold on the world’s finances, thru usury, control of central banks and the USD, is falling apart.
That’s why they desperately want to start a war with Russia, and will stop at nothing to protect their sorry behinds, even if that means setting off WWIII.
yes. they are setting up for a WW3, a USA revolution, or both! 2 billion rounds of hollowpoints to DHS, rounds that have been declared war crime to use against another country, are for who exactly? their DHS-TSA in airports feeling everyone up, getting busted for stealing or ogling naked body scan images, cannot stop a heat seeker launched from 2-3 miles from an airport, is ALL a sham!
There was a camera shot from a helicopter that I saw on TV that day – you sensed immediately that the tower was devoured by a power totally unrelated to gravitational collapse. In that camera shot, it vanished in almost a blink of an eye. Someone on the helicopter said – “It’s gone! The towers gone!” As you know, this event was a direct challenge to God and certainly all his creation – meaning Humanity. It should be crystal clear the true 911 perpetrators have no chance what so ever to evade Justice – and anyone who is related to them or defends them or explains for them or apologizes for them deserves the same due Justice.
agreed. MSM being completely complicit to the crime. BBC announcer-girl saying WTC-7 was down some 23 minutes early is a huge red flag clue she’d read a script too early. GWB with his “catapult the propaganda teehee” remark, rumsfeld saying “missile”, lucky larry saying “pull it”, and LOTS more, but none of them on trial? bush-cheney “off record” to the 911 omission isnt funked up enough?
I’m no expert and wouldnt want to be branded “disinfo” or “controlled opposition” either. my heart and mind KNEW it was inside job controlled demolitions the day it happened, they replayed it over and over… what I saw, was the top of one tower had started to lean over, maybe 3 degrees worth, then “magically” get its feet knocked out from under it to fall vertically, virtually into its own footprint, near perfectly.
didnt know about WTC7 until a couple years later. didnt know about progressive top down demolitions blowing parts upwards-outwards until it was shown and explained here at VT as the clear fact. didnt know about USGS findings of radioactive elements in large quantities either, MSM never says and is complicit.
it was tough getting through to my dad, phone lines were clogged, when I did I’d asked him what read more ...
..continued.. near 3000 dead, many thousand rescue workers with radiation exposure cancers etc. maybe a million killed in another country that had nothing to do with perpetrating 911, an event that targetted financial fraud investigations like hitting bullseyes.. is what I’d later learned. 19 guys with box cutters, yeah right. if bin laden was such an “America Hater”, he’d sat back with popcorn watching financial fraud trials sending criminals to jail forever, he’d had no incentive to stop them happening, so he was a patsy. he died very early 2002, so who is this ASSCLOWN who claimed “I got him” in 2012, with zero proof..
oops, 2011 I think, when his birth cert was near front page news, Fukushima was deliberately done, and he said “lets go bomb Libya”. the “I got him” being more 911 fraud and coverup complicity. it amazes me the con man is still in office at all, appointing multiple felon and traitor hillary to the position of secretary of state should have removed him from office instantly (and still could, it was treason!).
Re; (Root Beer bottles exploding?). This must’ve be real WMD directed energy beer !!!
Re; Khalezov; on his website & in his latest sound tracks he claimed he knew full details of nukes depolyed on 9/11 & had posted them on his site by encrypted them. he said if something happens to him (like now locked up) he would have someone release the decrypts so that everyone can plug them in to dowload files. Question;;; Does VT know if Khalezov already did this???
Re;;; Force-physics;;;
from simple force calculations as I posted in the recent page of Mr. Saive for throwing so many massive pieces of the buildings hundreds of yards away tens of kilotons of force were needed.
Question;; other than massive nukes deployed on 9/11 how could this have happened???
Perhaps Khalezov has decided to withhold the 3rd code in order to stay alive in prison…. Or maybe his friend has had a mishap. It is very, very dangerous to be associated with him.
Instead of your “speculation”— read Dimitri’s Book(might take you a Month!) His Encrypted Documents, yet to be released, will implicate Thailand in something and he Never said it had anything to do with 9/11. Wherever you heard this doesn’t know what they are talking about.
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I think he has been here before, and if he was who I think he might have been (and I truly don’t know), he said he’ll be back.
For quite some time it has been obvious that the official account of 9/11 was an utter whitewash. While it is good to have as fine a counter analysis of what happened (and you can take your choice as they all diverge greatly from the NIST fantasy) as possible, it should be clear now that anyone who could bring about a new investigation is not interested. As with JFK the second round would also be courrupt. In the American mythology bin Laden will always remain the villian, so Remember The Maine. Paul Craig Roberts is correct “All government and most private institutions are corrupt.”
RiteON WSG;;;
Bin Laden was actually a real blessing to these cannibals. They would’ve had a hard time finding another patsy to fit so well & be so far away & so deeply buried underground as OBL!!!
Opening a new JFK investigation??? why not?? as long as it be managed by Senator Arlene Specter (the inventor of THE MAGIC BULLET) as long as you can get him off this cannibals’ murder table as testified to by Peter Alexander Chernoff.
Put his complete name in YouTube & watch the first couple of clips that come up one after the other to hear Specter’s name.
I have no problem with those who do not wish to read Khalezov’s 1100 pages. It’s their choice. No time? No inclination? Indifference? Dis-belief? Who knows? The problem I do have is those who comment and wish to have answers from the FEW who have read his book. I had a teacher many years ago who called this “brain picking”. Read the book and get most of the answers to the questions on this thread. Or don’t.
What IS the problem with reading anything more than a couple of pages in today’s world? Do we all now live on sound bytes and others analysis? For GAWD sakes, use your own mind. DON”T let the bastardz take that too.
It is still taboo to question the official lines on the Holocaust and 911. Both these events raise questions. Until we can openly discuss and investigate them we will not be free from Jewish/Israeli power.
There are so many holes in the official lines on both events that it is inevitable that future historians will investigate.
Insider’s quote;;; “…..We’re gonna need another 9/11″
September 11 Shocking Discovery!
++ Re CGI planes below;;
A CGI and a hologram are not the same. Totally different processes. The planes on 9/11 were created via CGI, not a hologram.
But that is the title given to the clip by whoever posted it. I didn’t post it.
Here is one of the best holograms I’ve ever seen captured by a witness – pitty he didn’t stop on the road shoulder to film it when it disappeared or started to move!!!;;;
Matrix glitch – Holographic plane suspended in mid-air – Caught on camera!
Did you read any of the decrypted Khalezov documents??? if so please copy-paste a couple of hot paragraphs here.
thanks. -lc
LC, it is much cheaper and less grandiose and foolhardy to practice laying down a bead of high speed thermite applied with a caulking gun than billions of dollars for alleged hologram video equipment which may never exist. This hologram nonsense impresses visitors to Disneyland but I am afraid its message has a ring of truth to it quite similar to that of a struck terra cotta flower pot. Let us wrap this puppy up. These imbeciles will have most likely succeeded in ending all life on earth if Fukushima is not taken from the criminal cabal and responsibility for this cleanup not entirely funded by this criminal cabal that built it. Containment now, dogs.
H. Lewis III;
Like Prof. Fetzer has told you many times its much easier if you stop pushing something you obviously can’t come to terms with. You keep writing repetitious comments without a single link to a reference of any kind. You expect everyone on VT to believe everything you state here just because when you were a kid you around your father when he worked on WTC for a short while & heard & saw a few things which may incriminate some people today??? Believe me if you knew anything worthwile you would’ve been dead long ago. That’s how these canibals do bypass NO statutes of limitations on murder.
as an example of a comparison to yourself lets look at this Professional Engineer (PE) who is also a PHD & read more ...
I have posted a link to Dmitri’s site. All the info is there.
In 1965, I knew of the two WTC/nuke prototypes going up DAILY!. I knew when they blew up the first in1968 and that the second would be detonated early 1969. I saw the ORIGINAL NOTATION OF “ALCHEMY” BEING PART OF THE ORIGINAL ENGINEERING CONTRACT the day after the customer included it in the ORIGINAL contract, and I learned less than 10 minutes after the fact in 1969 that Skilling and Associates had been trapped into building the WTCs I and II around a top to bottom ‘breeder reactor’ demolition system that they would then walk away from, and could not back out. There is a lot you don’t know about the WTCs. Truth is eternal. LC and Ignotzle FAIL. Talk to guys who work steel and aluminum for a living. I was the top ‘A’ in my logic class by 30% read more ...
I must have catalogued 100 9-11 photoshop/phonied up videos by now. Big deal. They are irrelevant beyond establishing accessories after the fact. Only steel can you trust, little Konan. Work with steel and aluminum. Melt it. Cut it. Machine it. Drop it on your foot. It all is the same stuff. Build an engine. Help refurbish a 212 foot cod trawler to go out and ram criminal driftnetters. Burn some rods. Get some high speed thermite in a tube and have some fun cutting steel but don’t hurt anybody. Hologram, schmologram. We still have to contain Fukushima ASAP and prancing doesn’t cut it.
If there is anyone who can interpret Lewis, I would appreciate it. I have no idea what he’s talking about.
Nukes would explain the disintegration of the central cores, but molten steel was pouring out of the south WTC tower BEFORE the collapase. The hollow steel columns could have been drilled and filled with plain old-fashioned thermite, and that would certainly produce molten steel.
It could have been a combination of methods.
I am a 35 year refrigeration tech. My question is how do you know the freon that you said caused the extra effect in the explosion was R-12? They stopped manufacturing it in 1994 and most large A/C systems were converted to the new refrigerant, maybe not, just a concern.
It was.
From the article
“In Khalezov, we find the unseen hand of someone working with him. We see an agenda, and we see both brilliance and great cleverness.”
Having followed Dmitri for several years, I know of no agenda or unseen hand. He has always worked pretty much by himself with “a little help from his friends”. A mutual friend helped make the book more readable without any compensation, attesting to Dmitri’s sincerity through face to faced meetings. Brilliant? Absolutely! No one else I know tried to attempt this as long ago as he did. Yes, he is clever and has an abundance of common sense; that’s how he was able to bring all this together while everyone else was talking about thermite, DEW and other such theories while he was read more ...
I think this is the best 9-11 article yet. From anywhere.
Haven’t done much reading? Try Khalezov’s 1100 page book.
Pancaking evidence revealed at last!!!
WTC was 110 floors. If you think they couldn’t pancake as USSG claimed then look at this slow 67 pancaking collapse into a black-hole in 44 minutes;;;
Which means the WTCs were much much softer than the collapsing pancakes seen here because they took just a few seconds to vanish!!!
The fact that WTCs were at least 1000 times softer than those pancakes also explains why aluminum-can planes could disappear into it so easy!!!
LC– Seems like you live on another planet. Have you never read Anything or even seen pictures of the Steel Structure the WTC was formed from?? As Gordon might say– “You make my head hurt!”.
Thanks. Yes. I shuttle back & forth to Hollywood!!!
+++ Just hacked from Los Alamos-NSA computers;;;
WTCs were actually made of colored & painted ice emulsions to look like real solid-material buildings. they did have a wire-frame (mostly aluminum & straw) mesh structure to form the two WTC ice-cubes!!!
The liquid freon tanks mentioned above ++ liquid nitrogen tanks were deployed to keep the two WTC ice blocks (Ice-cube towers) frozen since built!!!.
Because it would’ve taken too long to let the cubes melt & could’ve drowned a lot more people & because their icy nature was always top secret the ZIO-CANNIBALS chose this nuke-system to vaporize the ice-cubes by turning it into a gyser in less than read more ...
LC, why do you not grow up or go away and let adults have a conversation.
“Here’s a little song I wrote Don’t Worry Be Happy”
Ho, ho, ho!
So, your name is McFerrin?
I doubt it.
9/11 should not have happened. Those who were watching over this place had to leave because their home was attacked. The timeline was changed and people had to be sent out to impact the new timeline. It was the same with Fukushima. There have been many, many changes to the timelines but we’re on the best one now.
I’ve heard that there was one timeline where Disclosure happened in 2004 but it was a disaster. So many people could not cope with the shock of discovering the extent of the lies that society fell apart. This is like Groundhog Day – we keep living through these times until we get it right.
Whoever did 9/11 did a very professional job. First, we have the Trade Center which has become a white elephant. How much would it have cost to hire a demolation co to eliminate it? Certainly a fortune. And they would need lots of insurance to cover damage to adjacent areas. A conventional demolation would probably destroy the “bath tub”. So it would have to be an unconventional demolition. Would such a demolition get away with using mini nukes? Unlikely. In which case, how would it be done? Or even could it be done without extensive damage? So really forgetting the false flage aspect this was the best way to take care of the matter. Clearly Larry Silverstein was not going to conventionally deal with this bldg. His even getting a lease read more ...
Can the mini nuke hypothesis save all the appearances, or do we need something more exotic like the hypothesis put forth by Dr. Judy Wood? As far as qualifications go Dr. Wood is the most qualified by background and education. That of course does not make her right. But personally I would need more info on how mini nukes perform. Would they provide the dustification? Are there any photos or videos showing the performance of a mini nuke? Ideally one bringing down a large bulding. For some reason I sense they would project larger fragments rather than turning all to powery dust. That is, would the thrust throw things before it pulverized them? More info needed on these bombs!
During Putin’s Qustion & Answer session this week at a youth convention, Mr. Putin stressed the importance of the humanities to even the engineering disciplines. According to Mr. Putin’s translator “A nuclear engineer needs to know whom he’s working for.” Sound advice, it seems.
In a similar vein, a maintenance supervisor at one of the Twin Towers commented in VT that he sensed the presence of “pure evil” on the vacant 82nd Floor, and so declined to enter it. The supervisor, one Rodriguez, I believe, had heard the sound of something large and heavy being rolled into position in the run-up to 9/11.
Is not Mr. Rodriguez, who later died (anyway?), a metaphor for all of America? A refusal to confirm strongly suspected evil, lest read more ...
I’m informed of happy news Mr. Rodriguez still lives–and thus can tell what he knows, and all he knows; until his truth is generally known and acted upon. In other words, until justice is done.
YES Mr. Wick;;;
Meet that pure evil in testimony of this victim woman to David Icke in the 90′s in my recent comment’s links;;;
Re Bottom of page comments;;;
Khalezov has apparently released 2 of 3 pass-codes to open the files.
Has anyone downloaded Dimitri KHalezov’s decrypted files & found somethings interesting???
He is still. in prison and you will find the most current info right here
http //www.911thology.com/
Did you decrypt the files & read them??? if so how do they embarass Thailand???
Do you have the actual links to the files to post here???
Thanks. -lc
All the info needed is on that site.
I am not in disagreement w/ the general theme of what is being revealed in the foregoing article and others preceding it, but there is a question I am unable to answer If nukes were planted 50 meters beneath WTC 1 & 2, how is it that the photos of the “bathtub” foundation enclosures look intact after the cleanup? That is, there is no crater in the bottom, in contrast w/ photos previously posted on this site which look more like what one would expect as the aftermath of a subterranean detonation of a nuclear device. Were the visible bottoms of the foundational encloses repaired before said photos were taken? Can someone explain this discrepancy?
Not all nuclear devices are high velocity violent blasts which pulverize the object focused on. The subbasement device provided massive amounts of radiation and temperature which in working with axilliary components incinerated the WTCs, sublimating most of the steel and denaturing and turning the unusual resin based cement to a powder. There were thousands of different test detonations discovering different ways to bow stuff up or develope ways to control and utilize this exponentially more productive energy resource. There was no risk to “the bath tub”. The basement excavations themselves were done with nuclear devices, secretly. Oh yes. The neighbors noticed and were there to protest the presets, which allowed a few projects to slip in under the read more ...
Not axilliary, auxiliary.
Please read Dmitri’s book. He goes into the bath tub situation very extensively WITH photos.
I am not in disagreement w/ the general theme of what is being revealed in the foregoing article and others preceding it, but there is a question I am unable to answer If nukes were planted 50 meters beneath WTC 1 & 2, how is it that the photos of the “bathtub” foundation enclosures look intact after the cleanup? That is, there is no crater in the bottom, in contrast w/ photos previously posted on this site which look more like what one would expect as the aftermath of a subterranean detonation of a nuclear device. Were the visible bottoms of the foundational encloses repaired before said photos were taken? Can someone explain this discrepancy?
Note this was Dimitry’s estimate for maximum depth using a 150KT weapon. The actual depth of read more ...
D. The NYC FD did not carry them on there trucks then. Only FEMA was allowed to use them. The police were ordered to confiscate or arrest any one using geiger counters in public due to “false alarms” panicking the public.. They even tried to pass a law banning them in the city without a permit. The ones at the UN building and at the federal building did go off, so did the Port authorities.
3. Radiation levels were previously disused in earlier VT articles. However most radiation
was trapped below ground and mainly at ground zero. Fallout from mini nukes is only in the gram level and hydrogen bombs produce no fallout except for the primary fission device. For a 1.5KT blast you get less than 6 grams of unburnt PU-239 fuel as fallout. 90% was trapped below ground.
Dear Gordon– One minute you appear as Dimitri’s friend, and the next minute you say he doesn’t have it right. My QUESTION to YOU has Never been answered! Have YOU read Dimitri’s book of August 2013????????????????????????????? Dimitri has said since the Beginning that he was !00% sure of knowing about a “Scheme” in place to destroy the WTC when the buildings had outlived their usefulness– approved by the Buildings Department and Nelson Rockefeller. It was the ONLY way seen to Properly bring them down in NYC!!!!!! Or at least, the people in charge thought so– even though the technology was very new and they had nothing else to decide upon– it was the Only way to “Try” to solve the problem!!! Read the great Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
read more ...All the best infos are found here on VT ! Congratulation Mr Duff !
About “…You have a brain and you can figure it out for yourselves who really did it. Was it a nut in a cave, or a major nuclear state intelligence agency that did it?…”, some RARE infos amost, if not NEVER mentionned are quite usefull to help concluding on the previous question, that is
1 Bibi Netanyahu WAS in NY the day befor 9/11 2 Helmout Olmert WAS in NY (?) or in another (neighboring ?) state the week before 9/11 3 Bibi Netanyahu WAS in London the very 7/7 bombing day
Now for VT intel to confirm this…
Again, please read Dmitri’s book to reveal the real perps.
in actuality, Khalezov always blamed Freemasons
Only part of a much bigger story.
Khalezov is disadvantaged by his total lack of knowledge of the ET influence on this planet. In fact, he does not even believe that aliens exist. End of story.
Some people deny the existence of human engineers and architects involved in building the WTCs. These engineers are letting me do all of the talking, much to the chagrine of a pack of rat fuckers.
Sorry. I meant to say, “…diseased rat aspirants.”
If Dimitri read some of the ridiculous remarks on this forum, he’d believe in alien influence, like you. Do you feel a better story about 9/11 can be told taking into account ET influence? Maybe you should start your own Forum– you can be the leader.
All will be revealed in due course. Please do not get too upset with the truth.
One clarification needed is the demolition sequence in WTC 1. The upper floors and roof antenna start to drop in a manner that resembles controlled demolition for about 1 second, then the explosion with pyroclastic flow occurs (this matches well with the claim of the mini-nuke above the 50th floor).
Was there limited controlled demolition of the upper floors (where the thinner columns would require relatively small amount of conventional explosives) to help insure that the majority of larger debris would not land too far away, followed by one or two mini-nukes to convert most of the structure into dust, then a final larger explosion below grade to mostly vaporize the remaining collapsing building mass?
One thing I have not seen mentioned is that buildings are designed to fail in a ductile manner (read the relevant AISC and ACI code and commentary), so even if both WTC 1 and 2 had been hit by transport aircraft carrying loads of thermite, the failure would have been a “hinge” developing where the steel melted and the portion of the tower above toppling, leaving the portion below the fire standing. Anyone with understanding of structural engineering watching television on 9/11/2001 should have had their BS detector go off before all the pieces hit the ground – the damage pre-demolition was relatively minor and the buildings could have been back in service in a matter of weeks.
The engineers who wrote the NIST reports on the collapse must have either been paid a whole lot of money, had a gun pointed at read more ...
every individual who believed any of the 9/11 bullshit should put his or hear heads (in case they have more than one) in a toilet and keep them there…
I would have said “no one is that stupid” but as Jim W. Dean so often says, “you just can’t make shit like that up”
Which still leaves the question – why did the PTB choose a 9/11 “script” that is so easily proven false?
‘By deception, thou shalt mindfk the goyim.’
They derive a perverse pleasure in executing their nefarious plays with enough obvious flaws that anyone who can overcome their cognitive dissonance will be able to see right through them. But they know that this will only include a small fraction of the populace…that the vast majority of the sheeple will remain ignorant, willfully or otherwise, and that their army of gatekeepers and crisis actors will keep their matrix of lies intact. Look at Sandy Hook for another egregious example.
For those who have tumbled far enough down the rabbit hole, the 9/11 charade pales in comparison to things like the Holohoax, fractional reserve central banking, the Bolshevik revolution, GMOs and the cancer industry, and engineered world wars. The multi-generational PTB read more ...
The Birth of CGI
From the Lab to the Silver Screen
Here it is folks animation from paper-pad to MOON-LANDING to 9/11 planes into WTC;;;
AUG. 29, 2014
Today, computer animated films are a multi-billion dollar business, and characters like Buzz Lightyear, Shrek, and Nemo are household names. But veteran animator Tom Sito says that the men and women who developed CGI weren’t Hollywood types—they were scientists and engineers trying to solve the problems of digital simulation. Produced by Annie Minoff, SciArts Producer
The videos of the aircraft hitting the towers appears to be CGI (point #7 in Fetzer’s article ******www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/21/top-ten-911-cons-fraud-vitiates-everything-fve/ ).
Save only for the fact that embarrassment is not on their list, This should be Downright Embarrassing. We get red faces when we screw up, these guys have all that under control. I wonder, Do They Ever Look In The Mirror? (OK, and they probably high five themselves, silly me. Meanwhile, I do not know if you noticed, we are giving these bastards real grief, that might be why they are in such a hurry, maybe even think they might not Rule the World after all! I suspect that is the stuff of Nightmares in some quarters. They would have got in a hurry anyway, sorry for any trouble we caused.
The obvious answer is that “they” are sociopaths, therefore lack the shame of normal people.
Solve the sociological/psychological problem of sociopaths naturally rising to the top and being seen as leaders and people to be admired, and pretty much all the problems that this website deals with would go away.
After 45 years in commercial/residential construction, the discovery of Nano-thermite powder in dust samples from various locations involved and watching how the structure disintegrated from top to bottom, I am more inclined to believe controlled demo via Nano-thermite. That being said, I feel very strongly that the Jew propaganda machine and their toadies in D.C. are playing us like a cheap violin. Vladimir Lenin, the filth that started it all for Eastern Europe/Russia is quoted as saying the best way to control the opposition is to lead it. We are falling into a disinformation trap if we continue chasing Golems in the night. Let’s focus our energy in exposing them, (Israel/Mossad), and the bevy of traitors in D.C. as the culprits THEN we can discuss how they pulled it off as we begin meting out long overdue justice read more ...
join the “head in toilet” brigade
there is no such thing as nanothermite, never has been, never made
when given the chance to prove it, Bollyn managed to prove, conclusively, that nanothermite never existed….
long published
long proven
show me the nanothermite…who made it..etc
head in toilet please
Okay, I’m drying my head as I type this. The point I was making is we shouldn’t allow ourselves to become too involved in the “how”. Rather, we should work on proving the “who”. As for nanothermite? I don’t care if they used Black-Cat firecrackers packed in trucks. The buildings came down, it wasn’t from being smacked by an aircraft, it was controlled demo. There’s a legendary book I believe is still in print. Find it, buy it and read it over several times; It’s called “How to make friends and influence people”. I may well be wrong and I can accept being corrected. What shocked and disappointed me is your nasty/ juvenile attack. Dude, read the book, take a “chill-pill” and conduct yourself in a manner more appropriate with your station. Bottom line, we need to stop all the vitriol regarding how. We need to focus read more ...
paschn……wrong title. The book is ‘How to WIN Friends and Influence People’ (1936) by Dale Carnegie, who consciously changed his name from Carnagey to ride on the back of the much more successful and famous Scot Andrew Carnegie (many thought they were related but they weren’t). Read it 30 years ago. It’s very ‘dated’ as a read now by the way, considering what we now know about the way the world ‘works’.
These articles are being put up for all to read, but are specifically aimed at intelligence agencies, scientists, government people and (not least), the shysters who did this. So the ‘how’ is vitally important – the closer to the truth (and VT seem to be pretty much there with these latest unprecedented releases), the less likely the shysters will be to pulling the same stunt in future because their methods have been read more ...
The knowledge of who actually coordinated the 9-11-2001 assaults is esoteric knowledge ONLY because folks won’t grow up and investigate for themselves and do the right thing.
I’m happy to see Gordon speak frankly!! Those who will not read are no better off than those who can not read. Those who read and still repeat asinine remarks can go flush!
I love it how everyone hides behind technical talk. Chickens, all. White people run the Military-Industrial Complex. Dear PeterPahn, if what Gordon wrote is true, then White people acquiesced and allegedly gave away old nukes to Israel. Influential White people, who imagine themselves at the top of the food chain in America, allowed many White people in the Twin Towers to be nuked on 9-11-01, as collateral damage to launch the Iraq invasion.
Are White people still selling this Nation down the drain because they are too scaredy-cat to face these facts? - Now, are White people pretending to be offline over Labor Day so they don’t have to deal with this?
I recommend that White people need to stop blaming everybody else and repeat, while looking in the mirror, “It was a White President of America read more ...
What’s this “white people ” crap? We’re all controlled by illuminati banksters who are mostly Talmudia dual-citizens….The WASP crowd has been on the way out for 100 yrs…where’ve you been?
“Whatever you do, don’t do anything to endanger our sweet contract with the government, … that’s the most important thing,” said a white Celt, 1999, Military-industrial complex, upwardly-mobile young manager.
I heard what I heard, and it was echoed many times over.
I like people of all colors, but it’s time to acknowledge that Whites, just like others, have had fellow Whites betray them by selling out. Our survival almost depends on acknowledging this.
The chickens I refer to are certainly not any of these authors on this site, but its potential readers, who may seem to bury their heads in technical details. We were nuked.
Thank you, to Gordon for making this article possible.
also…most white people don’t know bbq from shoe polish
Ive used a 55 gallon metal drum to grill over but I don’t think it counts. It was welded to operate like the store bought variety with operating lid and four posts for standing in a horizontal position.
I have been around real pit masters long enough to know I am NOT one of them
It is not race ( although that may be coincidental ) that motivates people ( or demons ) to rule the world . It just so happens that a particular tribe ( or race ) of people believe that they were divinely chosen to rule over the world — not because they were white ; because they were chosen or chose themselves — because they were all of the same race ( or tribe ) — not because they were all the same color which was coincidental to belonging to the same tribe ( or race ) . Since everyone knows that [ all races are created equal ] , skin color should be an irrelevant issue and considered to be an erroneous cause for anything . It should not be statisticly surprising to have mostly so-called white presidents of a country in which the major part of the population is so-called white . What you think is a race read more ...
Mr. Duff, I have two questions, which have bothered me for some time. 1) If, as seems likely, the thermobaric weapons vaporized the towers for a significant portion of its height, how then could radiation via fallout be controlled? For some reason, perhaps my own ineptitude, I recall that claims of residual radioactivity around the terror attack site were claimed to be relatively clean. 2) What is the pattern for ignition of these weapons? It seems clear that the sponsors of this attack are far too cowardly to subject themselves to the effects of these weapons, yet ignition follows a consistent pattern that suggests tactical control. Any thoughts? The scenario that is developing is forcing the hand of the people of this nation. If, indeed, the next Dick Cheney style attack takes place, it will be a matter of read more ...
Mike Kay and Jack Heart——– \The Truth hidden for many is that Dimitri Khalezov’s New Book of August 2013 has explained, in great detail, the answers so may people desire. I say, go back to sleep, take another Blue Pill, or read Dimitri’s fully explained version and Decide For Yourself!!! Can your read? Do you care? Up yours if you don’t care!!!!!!!!!!
Really? So DK gets somethings right, some things wrong, but he’s the oracle???? Or maybe its because we have butthead experts like you who think they make it all clear.
Mike– I’m not an expert and not a butthead and I didn’t say I can make things all clear. I only say to Read for Yourself and You decide– do you understand, now, what I’m saying? Don’t bother to reply until you read for yourself. Unless you are being paid to cause distraction about what happened, maybe you will take the time to read all of Dimitri’s Book(1100 pages with many pictures and illustrations). I’m sorry, but I don’t have much patience unless you have something constructive to say.
I think when he was planning his life and persona, he must have had a few beers when formulating the contents of his book-to-be. Should he reach the stage of completing his book, his work would have been done. Think of it this way – if you have been told you must prepare a soup and you can choose up to 10 ingredients. Chicken, beans and cabbage must go in but the rest is completely at your discretion. You’ve been here a long time and it hasn’t exactly been much fun and you do enjoy a bit of fun. What ingredients will you choose? There’s potatoes, swede, carrots, ear wax, feathers, pebbles, fur balls, onions etc You can choose anything……
I think its time we all start facing facts. I don’t care if their your friend, your neighbor or your own family if they still “believe” the official 9/11 story you better start seeing them for what they really are and that is enemy combatants. I think most people who have this ‘we have to tell the masses’ attitude are just masking their own fear of being outnumbered in a fight. Like Nietzsche said the greatest river of alms is the river of cowardice and like Niel Young said in Power Finger “Red means run, son, numbers add up to nothin.”
Loud and Clear. I have lost them all. However, The human race has only so many who are protectors and remain vigilant through the night. There are those who are busy with other things like mopping floors and growing spinach. Recognize these characters and remember that the allotment for bed pan cleaning and hospice care have no time for this. Therefore, focus of direction and attention is critical to outcome. The enemy is not those who we protect, but those who pursue their wages and children under the guise of leadership. The heart gets angry and the body gets active. Some do not have the choice. Stay with family or go into the fray, is the choice of the warrior. Misplaced aggression serves neither.
On queue, thank you David. Cutting the comment in half and dissembling the first part may work, but not on the people I wrote it for.
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side. The summer’s gone, and all the flowers are dying. ‘Tis you, ’tis you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow, Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow ‘Tis I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.
And if you come, when all the flowers are dying, And I am dead, as dead I well may be … You’ll come and find the place where I am lying And kneel and say an “Ave” there for me.
And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me, And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be, If you’ll not fail to tell me that you love me. I’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
if we had more bandwidth on phone or Skype I would sing it on radio…if I can still remember the words…
though..I am no Dennis O’Day
“” Misplaced aggression serves neither.”"
Worth repeating .
I think of Iran in 1975 when I hear statements like this. What did the Shah do to piss so many people off? When that happens in Murica the car wax and weekend grass cutting crowd will be red eyed and fuming enough to consider the 9-11 investigation a second base to spending their weed whacker money on rope. Also, only trolls defend the government story, everyone else forgot about it or wont bring it up because their already over the edge with their own miserable existence. They smile a lot and talk really loud to cover up their anxiety.
The Shah put down the order to machine gun the huge crowd yelling for his head on a pike for his mass torture/imprisonments. Several thousands more died while the Shah ran out the back. This from an Honor Student son of one of Iran’s top surgeons who witnessed it LIVE.
Dead right. I recall Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn after exposing the fact that the Bolshevik revolution was essentially a rabid Jewish coup against the Russian people also made the point that there were plenty of people in Russia calling themselves Christians who would stab you in the back to support the Jewish commissars. It will be no different in America.
You know, I’ve heard this too…perhaps its a rumor spread by history
Good point . A word for the wise . Thanks E.D.
When I first heard it I thought Mr. Duff was just throwing that sentient oil X files stuff out there but I’ve done a little research of my own since then. First of all you are all being sprayed like Cockroaches, thats a fact! America was caught doing it as early as 1951 in Operation Sea Spray, the Brits in the DICE trials from 1971-1974. One of the things you are being sprayed with is Pseudomonas fluorescens a bacterium that feeds on oil and is used to clean up oil spills. It is listed in one hundred and sixty three Pentagon patents for bioremediation. There’s more, there’s much more, lots of dead British microbiologists and another bacterium called Serratia marcescens which has the unique ability in the animal kingdom to interact with metal but there’s little sense in me going on about it right now. What I want to say now read more ...
I have sat thru black oil briefings….
Thank You Gordon, for yet another long awaited brilliant ball of light bringing sanity to the world, as that relates to the events of that horrible day. Your efforts are deeply appreciated and if you do run for president, I WILL VOTE FOR YOU. Now, on a very serious note. One question that continually bounces around in my head is this……….given that the players who did this crime and MANY OTHERS are well known to people in the intelligence community! why has there NOT been an effective concerted effort initiated to rid the planet of these evil bastards by whatever means possible? The players are well known. There are MANY men who know how to accomplish this. There must be tens of thousands of you. Why, oh why do those men not serve humanity Ina manner that would allow us to have a fighting chance at starting anew? read more ...
You cannot just haul the crooks into court and expect justice because the courts may also be corrupted ; and you do not want to start a war if your not reasonably sure of the results . In other words , we are not dealing with girl scouts .
“…because the courts may also be corrupted…”
I think we have reached the “beyond a reasonable doubt” point that the courts are corrupted. Remember how people persecuted, er prosecuted, by the Bush II administration were not allowed to defend themselves due to evidence being withheld for “security reasons”? A non-corrupt judge would have thrown the case out as not meeting the fair trial standard. And of course, the rot goes to the very top (Bush v. Gore and several other cases).
We should consider any judge whose nomination was supported by the Federalist Society to be corrupt until proven otherwise.
Great article Gordon! Keep it up! And NEVER give up! Only the Simple minded Babylon programmed loyal sheeple still believe the “Official Story” And Bush lovers too. But How in the hell can ALL the people that are involved sleep at night? Some of them will eventually break and hopefully won’t get “Suicided” or “Accidented” before they come forth and spill the beans! These evil monster’s house of cards is starting to wobble. We can’t back down before these ***..@ devils!
A debate is essential to clearing the original rubber stamped fallacy that airplane fuel can down two sky-scrappers and cause the forced demolition of a third. A&E seem convinced on their nano-thermite theory and VT on the mini-nukes. All the information is their, as well as the support needed to insure a through discussion from both sides. Let the debate air to the far corners of the Universe and get as much attention as this thing deserves.
Question The article says . . .
“Since 1992, over 50 micro nukes have been detonated around the world, and the same group of state-sponsored terrorists that did 911 did them all.”
The Murrah Bldg. in Oklahoma City was bombed in 1995. Was that one of these micro nuke events?
Where can one see a list of these 50+ micro nuke incidents?
YOU want to Learn about Micro and Mini Nukes??? Dimitri covers many so-called Car Bombings around the World and the Murrah Federal Nuclear explosion. Quit speculating and learn something!! http //www.911-truth.net/9-11thology-third_truth_v4_full.zip
obviously the IAEA has a list. here’s the rub…they decided to put that number out there.
and they are the people who, more than any other group in the world, is qualified to do that
I thought Holder and the white house announced his resigning for this summer some time ago. Will we have real Americans appointing his replacement and not more AIPACand CFR/Neocon nominations?
How can we help do this?
I guess there is a process of grief and disbelief that non-research oriented Americans may go through, almost writing to themselves to convince themselves that — 1) Weapons could not do this, based on what little they know about Hiroshima, and 2) if the White world of non-Semites allowed 9-11 to happen and even conspired to make it happen, then Whites who have been so self-congratulatory since WWII might have to take action. Whites don’t want to take action or acknowledge that they are in the global-galactic “food chain” and can be targets, so they float their canoe in the River of Disbelief. … They have forgotten the Vietnam was also about targeting Whites and reducing their genetic pool.
lol Emma (but no its not funny), more people of color were drafted and sacrificed in Vietnam. people of Germany didnt understand until too late, what their country had been turned into, much like the US now. to me this isnt anything about “race”, I’m fairly colorblind that way with exception to a “race” of “politicians”. strong dislike for any induviduals who would victimize me, nevermind skin pigmentations. no, PEOPLE dont want to believe they’ve been conned, and they DO try to avoid the question. we have a MSM that is complicit covering up the crime and disbelief brainwashing most folks.
“” more people of color were drafted and sacrificed in Vietnam “”
Official DoD research stats publicly revealed decades ago that there was no unusually high KIA of blacks in Vietnam . Who else could possibly have a better claim to the statistical facts of that matter ? The DoD claim must be accepted until proven wrong ; and how could you ever prove it false ?
Oops! I was looking at the data. A whole number times zero should be zero, right? So the entire equation is wrong! Ha ha, I am joking, joking! Anyway, the refrigerant gas was likely R-22, not R-12. Ref 12 is used in appliances and small A/C’s, like autos. It may not matter, but in case it does… As you know, Gordon, no explanation will answer all possible questions. I noticed long ago that the sections where the alleged plane split the tower appears to have all the bolts removed from the 14/14” exterior girders, leaving the girders intact. The fact that the heat/radiation would have atomized everything, as opposed to blasting it like TNT, is essential to understanding it. I recall a witness, doorman maybe, in T2 or T1, who said the elevator door opened, people scrambled out, he was hit by a blast of heat, knocked read more ...
Outstanding article, this one as well as your PressTV article about the missing nuclear pits.
I don’t have the tech know-how to ask an intelligent question based on this material..but, as someone who, after High School, had a job as a messenger in lower manhattan, which meant I was in those buildings daily, I knew almost from the get-go the official story was somebullshit. Planes don’t make buildings fall that way. And, later, when I was taking some flying lessons, It occurred to me how much the “non-interception” of the planes part of the story stunk too. What I see here, along with all of the Articles you and Jim Fetzer, and company have posted, is the most scientifically comprehensive and coherent explanation for what happened so far. I understand enough of it to make that statement. So, instead of questions, I’ll just say thank you. also..I REALLY want revenge on these evil buttheads..
Thank you VT! The photo diagram with colored arrows of suspected box placement, the diagram of the cooling plant placement and the diagram above the final cavity are especially helpful. I do not recall previous articles as having been so specific about suspected locations, numbers or relative power of these devices. The 200x200x(200 ?) volume of building mass disappearing in three seconds seems like exactly what happened, however impossible it still seems.
For readers We are not gods here…although compared to A and E and the rest of what are called “morons” here, we might as well be.
Any and all technical questions…doubts…go head put them in. All go to the authors, nuclear physicists and weapons designers.
I will try to get them answered and published…we have done this 3 times before. YOUR QUESTIONS HELP.
G has covered this a lot already….The W54 nuke artillery shells were positioned to blow up and out…and that’s exactly what we saw a mid-air pulverization..And Gordon you’re right to be suspicious of Dr. Jones at BYU…Chris Bollyn is still sniffing the magic thermite.
jvmcdee———— You will get 10X the detail in common sense and easily understandable form by actually reading Dimitri Kahlezov’s latest book— I’m thinking it will take you a Full Month to read– if you are sincere about Learning something new– otherwise– just go back to sleep.
the actual parking places were known…and the license numbers of the vans carrying the weapons
after 93, there was HD video, offsite, of everything, kept forever….as required
Great info. Thank-you! One small correction Hydrogen Fluoride is HF, and is never called Deuterium Fluoride. It becomes DF when bombarded by neutrons from a nuclear weapon or other source of high energy neutrons.
waiting for correction..this was done at 3am
frankly…these guys spell for shit
Was there ever an explanation for the hole caused by a non existent Boeing? (The picture with the lady standing in the hole.)
I am still trying to make a “cheese knife..” You know the one..a knife made of cheese that cuts steel….
Why “puh-leeze”?
When is the last time you saw a coke can penetrate steel columns no matter how fast it was thrown?
We have been played and most Americans in a trance like state have fallen for it.
Watch 9/11 The Key or September Clues.
9/11 plane holograms & video fakeries;;;
Sometime today (August 29, 2014) there is a live program in Los Angeles where fakers from NASA JPL (the real Hollywood) demonstrate how they created photoshoping & video fakery in their studios in the 60′s leading to their Lunar-tic & Mars-Trip hoaxes. Those who want to go there to watch the whole presentation can find out about it on USSG & ZIO-Spy radio *****www.npr.org/
which is also broadcasting it live on their website & On their FM radio. They usually archive their programs for a while also.
I don’t remember the time or the program’s name but if I hear it while driving I will re-post it here.
Great article Gordon.
It’s nice to see some Truth in the 9/11 Truth Movement once in a while.
AE911Truth are being exposed as the limited hangouts they really are. They have had a nice run. Richard Gage has raised a lot of money, flown all over the place and spoken to a lot of people. Lost in all of this is the fact he hasn’t told the public the Truth of what happened on 9/11.
I’ve met Richard in person and he is a nice guy. I enjoyed talking to him. He is well spoken and articulate. But the time has come to recognize that he is a limited hang out.
The Nuclear Truth of 9/11 cannot be denied any longer. The Genie is out of the bottle. The snowball is rolling down the hill and the Zionists and their controlled opposition like AE911Truth are going to be buried under an avalanche of their own lies and read more ...
I had let los Alamos get copied on the a and e emails with them running their mouths and lying out their collective asses
real scientists who investigated 9/11, as you see, cited the a and e crowd as “morons”
Speaking of Los Alamos, Louis Freeh had a car “accident” this week.
regarding bombs in surrounding gases One mental note that I have, is that, at the first (93) WTC bombing the perpetrators released large amounts of hydrogen gas around the bomb. In some ways I think this event was, if not a dress rehearsal so at least, a fact finding mission for 9/11. Most common interpretation of the hydrogen is that it was an attempt at an isobaric explosion effect… but I’m not so sure… have no answer… just passing the note on…
VT has nailed it alright. I imagine the Israeli government, PNAC and your sundry, average neo-con are apoplectic right about now. Shadenfreude! As to the ‘Saudis did it crowd’ , Alex Jones, Lyndon LaRouche, et al, if thoughts could kill… Anyway, good job. I hesitate to speculate, but there might be more of these devices (courtesy of you know who) secretly placed around the nation ready to go for whenever or when ‘you know who’ is having a particularly bad day.
we are broadening the scope of 9/11 to include the Mormon church as well, BYU and their cartel friends
Well Romney was going to have a press conference in Battery Park that Tues morning ( as Chairman of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics ) but it was cancelled…gee I can’t imagine why but I would guess his buddies in Mossad probably told him to avoid breathing radioactive asbestos…
I wouldnt discount it as a real possibility, compartmentalized as much as Masons. I have my own experiences that’d bias against “the church”, Latter Day Saints (zios maybe?!) ya right.. I feel same about “Boy Scouts of America” being UK based junior army brainwash, covering up homo-paedos, buying LAND, and the “LDS” sure love that “organization”.. (beware of those saying you gotta get organized, it may involve ankle grabbing!).
The Mormons are a branch of Freemasonry….
Tarpley suggest a certain equivalency between the Mormon networks today and MI6. And well, we recall MI6′s “advisory” role in shaping the CIA’s predecessor organization the OSS and that of Israel’s Mossad. Could it be the Queen of England is the secret behind 9-11?? Shades of LaRouche!
Went to a HS reunion in ’04 and a detective R. Pena was still vigorously defending the official lies of 9-11…He was working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force…How stupid are these guys? I’d like to know if he’s woken up yet..
hard to say, as a youngin in college I had a buddy who was a controlled demolitions expert, it was his job and I thought it was a very interesting “sciencey” process. its kinda hard for me to understand how people arent familiar with it nowadays because of the internet, why would they look for it, or at WTC-7 that so many STILL havent heard about.. is pretty baffling.
Maybe I can give you an idea why people don’t know about WTC-7 and other facts of 9/11, regardless of the Internet… I know a mechanical engineer who should know about this, but doesn’t. The reason is that he was working long hours, going to college at night, and raising a family. Then he almost died in 2002, so add health problems. Working people like him have very little time to surf the Internet. When this gets announced to the American people, it might help if the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is part of it and it’s in prime time, so people pay attention all at once.
“” Working people like him have very little time to surf the Internet.”"
Exactly correct ; and they are the ones that keep everything going . The others appear to be having too much fun living off the working people to bother with knowing what they do not know . Word-of-mouth information distribution is totally inadequate for global action . Simultaneous worldwide broadcasts are required .
JS – when you say that it will help if the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs makes the announcement on Prime Time… I’m assuming he will be in handcuffs?
Great job Gordon, secret grand jury hearings can not be far off.
The Rothschild gangsters, behind 9/11 and most of the world’s miseries, are getting nervous. Their Apartheid nightmare is getting too much bad press, the 9/11 truth movement is opening up more minds each day and their chokehold on the world’s finances, thru usury, control of central banks and the USD, is falling apart.
That’s why they desperately want to start a war with Russia, and will stop at nothing to protect their sorry behinds, even if that means setting off WWIII.
yes. they are setting up for a WW3, a USA revolution, or both! 2 billion rounds of hollowpoints to DHS, rounds that have been declared war crime to use against another country, are for who exactly? their DHS-TSA in airports feeling everyone up, getting busted for stealing or ogling naked body scan images, cannot stop a heat seeker launched from 2-3 miles from an airport, is ALL a sham!
Maybe this article would be helpful in understanding where the Rothschilds fit into the NWO power structure
http //troyspace2.wordpress.com/2008/12/25/rothschilds-papal-royal-knights/
and a current manifestation of it in action
http //www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_blackwater12.htm
There was a camera shot from a helicopter that I saw on TV that day – you sensed immediately that the tower was devoured by a power totally unrelated to gravitational collapse. In that camera shot, it vanished in almost a blink of an eye. Someone on the helicopter said – “It’s gone! The towers gone!” As you know, this event was a direct challenge to God and certainly all his creation – meaning Humanity. It should be crystal clear the true 911 perpetrators have no chance what so ever to evade Justice – and anyone who is related to them or defends them or explains for them or apologizes for them deserves the same due Justice.
agreed. MSM being completely complicit to the crime. BBC announcer-girl saying WTC-7 was down some 23 minutes early is a huge red flag clue she’d read a script too early. GWB with his “catapult the propaganda teehee” remark, rumsfeld saying “missile”, lucky larry saying “pull it”, and LOTS more, but none of them on trial? bush-cheney “off record” to the 911 omission isnt funked up enough?
I’m no expert and wouldnt want to be branded “disinfo” or “controlled opposition” either. my heart and mind KNEW it was inside job controlled demolitions the day it happened, they replayed it over and over… what I saw, was the top of one tower had started to lean over, maybe 3 degrees worth, then “magically” get its feet knocked out from under it to fall vertically, virtually into its own footprint, near perfectly.
didnt know about WTC7 until a couple years later. didnt know about progressive top down demolitions blowing parts upwards-outwards until it was shown and explained here at VT as the clear fact. didnt know about USGS findings of radioactive elements in large quantities either, MSM never says and is complicit.
it was tough getting through to my dad, phone lines were clogged, when I did I’d asked him what read more ...
..continued.. near 3000 dead, many thousand rescue workers with radiation exposure cancers etc. maybe a million killed in another country that had nothing to do with perpetrating 911, an event that targetted financial fraud investigations like hitting bullseyes.. is what I’d later learned. 19 guys with box cutters, yeah right. if bin laden was such an “America Hater”, he’d sat back with popcorn watching financial fraud trials sending criminals to jail forever, he’d had no incentive to stop them happening, so he was a patsy. he died very early 2002, so who is this ASSCLOWN who claimed “I got him” in 2012, with zero proof..
oops, 2011 I think, when his birth cert was near front page news, Fukushima was deliberately done, and he said “lets go bomb Libya”. the “I got him” being more 911 fraud and coverup complicity. it amazes me the con man is still in office at all, appointing multiple felon and traitor hillary to the position of secretary of state should have removed him from office instantly (and still could, it was treason!).
A-BOMB work Mr. Duff. Thank you.
Re; (Root Beer bottles exploding?). This must’ve be real WMD directed energy beer !!!
Re; Khalezov; on his website & in his latest sound tracks he claimed he knew full details of nukes depolyed on 9/11 & had posted them on his site by encrypted them. he said if something happens to him (like now locked up) he would have someone release the decrypts so that everyone can plug them in to dowload files. Question;;; Does VT know if Khalezov already did this???
Re;;; Force-physics;;;
from simple force calculations as I posted in the recent page of Mr. Saive for throwing so many massive pieces of the buildings hundreds of yards away tens of kilotons of force were needed.
Question;; other than massive nukes deployed on 9/11 how could this have happened???
whole read more ...
This is the latest we have from Dmitri posted July 18th
http //www.911thology.com/
Khalezov has apparently released 2 of 3 pass-codes to open the files.
Has anyone downloaded Dimitri KHalezov’s decrypted files & found somethings interesting???
Perhaps Khalezov has decided to withhold the 3rd code in order to stay alive in prison…. Or maybe his friend has had a mishap. It is very, very dangerous to be associated with him.
Instead of your “speculation”— read Dimitri’s Book(might take you a Month!) His Encrypted Documents, yet to be released, will implicate Thailand in something and he Never said it had anything to do with 9/11. Wherever you heard this doesn’t know what they are talking about.