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SPIRITUAL MEDICINE Manataka American Indian Council
Manataka American Indian Council
by Hunbatz Men, Maya Itza Tradition
Solar Initiate: May the Great Father Sun be with you when you receive this message. The Mayas are already here to continue the harmony of the Cosmic New Age. The following message was delivered at the sacred temples of Chichen Itza last December 21, 2012. We are attaching this message for a better understanding of the things that happened on that important day and marked the beginning of the counting of this Cosmic New Age in which the initiates are going to start their work for the wellness of mankind. May the Great Spirit be always with you. Council of the Supreme, Commandment of the Mayan Elders
I feel really glad to share with you what happened at the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza, Mexico, on the 21 of December, 2012, when we performed the ritual of the prophecy of the New Age. The ritual began at 7 AM when the sun had just started to form the shadow of the Pyramid of Kukulcan right there in Chichen Itza. About 200 people from many places of the world took part in this ritual, and I, Hunbatz Men, was watching if the guards of the government would interfere or not. Fortunately, these people did not interrupt us; it was like magic but none of the security guards came to bother us.
Around 7.30 AM, it suddenly started to drizzle, but this light rain looked more like some type of dew, and it just lasted for about 15 minutes. Just after this rain, there was an absolute silence that lasted for 15 minutes, too. Then I watched all around and I was nicely surprised to see that about 70% of the people were wearing white clothes. A few minutes later all of them started to play some type of musical instruments, so an atmosphere of joy could be seen and heard everywhere. Summarizing, first, there was the dew-rain: then the absolute silence; next, many people wearing white and playing some musical instruments. In conclusion, my heart was very happy for all those wonderful things I could experience in just a few minutes.
But the biggest surprise is that none of the local authorities intervened to stop the rituals. This was great for me since it seems like the Mayan Gods gave their consent to allow everything go smoothly and harmoniously. After that, my group of about 200 people and I concluded our ritual in front of the Pyramid of Kukulcan giving thanks to the spirits and our Father Sun. We were going to walk in circles around the pyramid but we had just walked a few steps when a group of about 10 people started to ask questions. Some of them looked familiar to me, and as we were about to complete the first lap, I realized I had not seen those people for many years.
I can say that by the second lap I had already talked with several of these people who were wearing very strange clothes that did not look like native clothes by the way. I also noticed that they asked questions that were unclear to me. By the third lap around the pyramid, I came to the understanding that the faces of those people did not belong to this physical dimension. Mi understanding became clearer when I saw someone I was sure did not exist in this third dimension anymore; anyway I kept walking with the group. It is then when I realized I had just entered another dimension. Thus, even before completing the third lap around the pyramid, I thanked all the participants and ended the ritual in honor of the Cosmic New Age.
Now, after some reasoning, I can understand that the pyramid is actually in several dimensions and the people I talked to there had just gotten manifested in that sacred site of Chichen Itza. It is here where we could have many questions but just a few answers. The good thing is that many spirits got manifested in such a sacred site like the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza. It can be said that in a cosmic way these spirits were allowed by our universal creator to be manifested at the beginning of this Cosmic New Age and accompany us during this ritual in honor of our Father Sun and all the givers of life that were with us, too. This way our initiatic work fulfilled its commitment to our universal creator Hunab K’u and all the high spirits successfully.
But I truly believe that the sacred crystal skulls also helped us from their own dimension, like it was the case of the sacred crystal skull NAGA K’U that was sent to me from Tibet. This sacred crystal skull was always with us during the whole of the ritual. All the energy it projected to us, together with the energy of the initiates who were with us, contributed to the fulfillment of part of the prophecies. Only with the help and energy projected by Naga K’u and the spirits of the high Tibetan teachers, who were always with us in spirit, we were able to complete our sacred mission.
Continuing with our initiate’s process, let me inform you that we were also given another sacred crystal skull named K’IN BATZ that belongs to the Maya Lacandon people of Chiapas, Mexico. This crystal skull was lent by the Maya priest Kayun from the Maya Lacandon community to the French initiates Carole Tridon and Franck Echardour who took the skull on a journey through several sacred sites in France. After that process our French siblings have returned this sacred skull to Mexico and given it to me on the condition that I shall hand it in to its original owners, the Maya Lacandons, in a ritualistic act that is going to be performed during the pilgrimage of the skulls in March 2014.
We can say then that in this Cosmic New Age the sacred skulls are going to help the new things coming from the cosmos to be manifested in this dimension in order to contribute to the spiritual development of the new initiates within the wisdom from the cosmos and with the purpose of helping mankind. Then the skulls from all over the world are going to fulfill part of the prophecies of the new awakening of mankind and the ancient temples from all over the world are going to receive the energy from the universe retransmitted by the sacred crystal skulls from all over the world and universe. Thus, these skulls are going to activate the 13 sacred sites where we are going to begin our work of reactivation.
This is the reason why we are going to start with these 13 sites and 13 skulls. Each of the 13 chosen initiates will have to choose a sacred site to perform this universal spiritual work. So the gate is open to any initiate who wants to participate and choose a sacred site to activate. Please let me know if you are interested so that I can add you to the record of initiates who will be in charge of activating the magnetic poles of our Mother Earth in conjunction with the cosmos. This way we are going to begin the New Age with the crystal skulls and the enlightened beings of these times; this great commitment is necessary in order to create a new pathway for the whole mankind.
When these initiates have concluded their work, the sacred crystal skulls will begin to activate other hundreds of sites more both in our world and the cosmos. Thus, this will be the beginning of all what will come from the new education coming from everywhere and we can say that these 13 sacred sites will be the source of the beginning. All the skulls from all over the world will be intercommunicated for the benefit of the holy human race and all the dimensions will be connected; as well, all the thinking beings are going to commence this work, and in this way everybody here and there will be connected cosmically forming a unique thinking mind that will work for the supreme mind following the laws of the universe.
WE inform:
All the initiates and followers from all over the world should know that the New Age commenced last December 21, 2012. Now we will proceed to perform the activation of the 13 sacred ceremonial centers in several places of the world. This activation will be performed through the 13 sacred crystal skulls we mentioned. So these 13 skulls will reactivate the 13 ancient centers in different places of our terrestrial globe.
We are convoking everyone on the day December 21, 2014, when we all together are going to perform this work to allow all that channeling of positive energy be used for the spiritual development of the human beings who from now on are going to venerate the universe.
LesMayassontdéjàicipourcontinuerl'harmoniedelaCosmicNewAge.Lemessagesuivanta étélivréauxtemplessacrésdeChichenItzadernier 21 décembre 2012.
Noussommesy attachercemessagepourunemeilleurecompréhensiondecequis'est passécejour-làimportantet a marquéledébutdelacomptabilisationdecettecosmiqueNewAgeoùlesinitiésvontcommencerleurtravailpourlebien-êtredel'humanité.Quelegrandespritsoienttoujoursavecvous.
ConseildelaCour suprême, le commandementdesanciensMayas
Jeme sensvraimentheureuxdepartageravecvousce quiest arrivéauxtemplesmayasdeChichenItza(Mexique),le21décembre2012,lorsquenous avonseffectuéleritueldelaprophétieduNewAge.Lerituela commencéà07quandlesoleilvenaitjuste de commenceràformerl'ombredelapyramidedeKukulcanlààChichenItza.Environ200personnesvenant de nombreuxendroitsdumondeont prispartàcerituel,etj'ai,HunbatzMen,regardaissilesgardesdugouvernementinterféreraitounon.Heureusement,cespersonnesnepasinterrompentC'étaitcomme par magie, maisaucundesagents des sécuritéest venuànousembêter.
Autour de 07:30,il a soudainementcommencéàarroser,maiscettepluie de lumièreressemblaitplusàunesortederosée,etçaa duréseulementpendant15minutesenviron.Justeaprèscettepluie,il yavaitunsilenceabsoluquia duré15minutes,aussi.Puisj'airegardétoutautouretj'aiétéagréablementsurprisdevoirqu'environ70 %desgensportaient des vêtementsblancs.Quelquesminutesplus tardtoutd'euxa commencéàjouercertainstyped'instruments de musique,doncunclimatdejoiepourraitêtrevuetentendupartout. En résumé,tout d'abord,il yavaitlarosée-pluie :puislesilenceabsolu;Ensuite,beaucoup de genshabillé de blancet de jouer de certainsinstruments de musique.Enconclusion,moncœurétaittrèsheureusepourtoutesceschosesmerveilleuses, que jepourraisvivredansquelquesminutes.
Maislaplus grandesurprise, c'estqu'aucunedesautoritéslocalesest intervenupourarrêterlesrituels.C'étaitformidablepourmoi, carilsemblequelesdieuxMayasont donnéleurconsentementpourpermettretoutalleren douceuret en harmonie.Aprèscela,mongrouped'environ200personnesetmoi avons conclunotreritueldevantlapyramidedeKukulcanquiconfessentlesespritsetnotrepèresoleil. Nousallionsàmarcherenrondautour de lapyramide, maisnousavionsvient de marcherquelquespasquandungroupe d'une dizaine de personnesont commencéàposer des questions.Certainsd'entreeuxsemblaitfamilierpourmoi,etcommenousdevaistoutàaccomplirlepremiertour,j'airéaliséque jen'avaispasvucesgenspendant de nombreusesannées.
Jepeuxdirequeparledeuxièmetourj'avaisdéjàparléavecplusieursdecespersonnesquiportaient des vêtementstrèsétrangesquineressemblentpasàvêtementsnativesenpassant.J'aiaussiremarquéqu'ils ontposé des questionsquin'étaientpas clairespourmoi. Parletroisièmetourautour de lapyramide,jesuis venuàlacompréhensionquelesvisagesdecespersonnesn'appartenaientpasàcettedimensionphysique.Accord de miest devenuplus clairquandj'aivuquelqu'unque j'étaissûrn'existaitpasdanscettetroisièmedimensionplus;en tout casj'aicontinuéà piedaveclegroupe.Ilestalorsquandj'airéalisé que jevenaisd'entrerune autredimension.Ainsi,avantmêmed'avoir terminéletroisièmetourautour de lapyramide,jeremercietouslesparticipantsets'est terminélerituelenl'honneurdelaCosmicNewAge.
Maintenant,aprèsunraisonnement,jepeuxcomprendrequelapyramideesten faitdansplusieursdimensionsetlesgensque j'aiparléàil yavaientjusteobtenuse manifestedanscesitesacrédeChichenItza.C'estlàoùnouspourrionsavoirbeaucoup de questionsmaisjusteunpeu de réponses.Le point positifestquebeaucoupd'espritssemanifestedansuntelsitesacrécommelestemplesmayasdeChichenItza.Onpeutdireque, demanièrecosmique, cesespritsont étéautorisésparnotrecréateuruniverselàsemanifesteraudébutdecettecosmiqueNewAgeet de nousaccompagnerau cours de cerituelenl'honneurdenotrepèresoleilettouslesdonneursdeviequiétaientavecnous,trop. De cettefaçonnotretravailinitiatiqueremplisonengagementenversnotrecréateuruniverselHunabK'youettouslesespritsélevésavec succès.
Maisjecroisvraimentquelescrânes de cristalsacrénousa permisaussideleurpropredimension,comme si c'étaitlecasducrâne de cristalsacréNAGAK'Uquim'a étéenvoyédepuis le Tibet.Cecrâne de cristalsacré a toujoursétéavecnouspendant toute laduréedurituel.Toutel'énergie, ildevraitnous,ainsi quel'énergiedesinitiésquiétaientavecnous,a contribuéàlaréalisation d'une partiedesprophéties.Seulementavecl'aideetl'énergieprojetéepar le NagaK'youetlesespritsdeshautesmaîtrestibétains,quiétaienttoujoursavecnousdansl'esprit,nousavonsputerminernotremissionsacrée.
Continueravec le processusdenotreinitié,permettez-moi de vousinformerquenousavonseuaussiun autrecrâne de cristalsacrénommékBATZquiappartientaupeupleMayaLacandonduChiapas, au Mexique.Cecrâne de cristala étéprêtéparleprêtreMayaKayundelacommunautéMayaLacandonauxinitiésFrançaisCaroleTridonetFranckEchardour, quia eulecrânesurunvoyageà traversplusieurssitessacrésenFrance.Aprèsceprocessus de nosfrères et sœursFrançaisontretournécecrânesacréauMexiqueetdonnéàmoiàconditionquejevaisremettreàsespropriétairesd'origine,lesLacandonsMayas,dansunacterituelquivaêtrejouéependantlepèlerinagedescrânesenmars2014.
NouspouvonsdirealorsquedanscettecosmiqueNewAgelescrânessacrésvontaiderlesnouvelleschosesvenantducosmossemanifesterdanscettedimensionafin de contribueraudéveloppementspiritueldesnouveauxinitiésau sein de lasagessedanslecosmoset dans le butd'aiderl'humanité.Ensuite, lescrânesdepartout danslemondevontremplir la partiedesprophétiesdelanouvelle prise de consciencedel'humanitéetlestemplesantiquesdepartout danslemondevontrecevoirl'énergiedel'universretransmisparlescrânes de cristalsacrédepartout danslemondeetl'univers.Ainsi,cescrânesvontactiverles13sitessacrésoùnousallonscommencernotretravailderéactivation.
C'estlaraisonpourquoinousallonscommenceravecces13siteset13crânes.Chacundes13initiéschoisiesdevrachoisirunsitesacrépourexécutercetravailspiritueluniversel.Sileportailestouvertàtoutinitiéquiveutparticiperetchoisissezunsitesacrépourl'activer.S'il vous plaîtfaites le moisavoirsivousêtesintéresséafinquejepuissevousajouteraudossierdelancequiseraen charge de l'activationdespôlesmagnétiquesdenotremère la terreenconjonctionaveclecosmos. De cettefaçon, nousallonscommencerleNewAgeavecdescrânes de cristaletlesêtresilluminésdecestemps;Cetengagementestnécessaireafin de créerunenouvellevoiepourtoutel'humanité.
Lorsquecesinitiésontconcluleurstravaux,lescrânes de cristalsacrécommenceraàactiverd'autresdes centainesdesitesplusdansnotremondeetlecosmos.Ainsi,ceseraledébutdetoutce quiviendradel'éducationnouvelvenantdepartoutetnouspouvonsdirequeces13sitessacrésseralasourcedudébut.Touslescrânesdepartout danslemondevontêtreintercommunicated pour le bénéfice de l'humanitéSainteettouteslesdimensionsserontconnectées;ainsi,touslesêtrespensantsvontcommencercetravail,etdecettefaçontout le mondeicietlàestconnectécosmiquementformantunesprit de la penséeuniquequifonctionnerapourl'espritsuprême, suiventlesloisdel'univers.
Touslesinitiéset les disciplesdepartout danslemondedevraientsavoirquelenouvelâgea commencédernier 21 décembre 2012.Nousallonsmaintenantprocéder à l'activationdes13centrescérémonielssacrésdansplusieursendroitsdumonde.Cetteactivationseferaà traversles13crânes de cristalsacré, que nous l'avonsmentionné.Sices13crânesréactiverontles13centresanciensdansdifférentsendroitsdenotreglobeterrestre.
Noussommesconvoquertout le mondelejour 21 décembre 2014,quandquetousensemblenousallonseffectuercetravailpourpermettre à touscettecanalisationdel'énergiepositiveêtreutilisépourledéveloppementspiritueldesêtreshumainsquivontàl'avenirpourvénérerl'univers.
Jewish - Yom Kippur
October 2
Muslim - Day of Arafat
October 3
Pagan - Halloween
October 31
"We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down."~Kurt Vonnegut
Manataka Council Fire
Honored elders and members of Manataka;
In a very real way these corn kernels are what we are looking to preserve through the efforts of Manataka. It was the ancestors who originally selectively cross bred this grass seed to create what it was when the Europeans landed.
It was the ancestors who fed these new arrivals, and taught them how to plant it and harvest, prepare, and store it.
Indian Rainbow Corn
Knowing a good thing when they see it, and money, being ever the prime mover of all, they took this holy staple of indigenous tribes and developed it for their own designs. It is one of the most hybridized plants in existence...and its products pervade every foodstuff and feed in existence, all in the name of profit. I was blessed with the seeds, the rains were plentiful in Arkansas this summer, and from 42 seeds I increased to 4400 seeds. I tied the stalks to stakes due to two windstorms in July, the kernels had pretty much already made, so my efforts were rewarded. The corn grows 14' tall and grew in 4" of soil spread on rocky foundation, so it will grow in almost any conditions.
You are all invited to share in the seeds of our ancestors, and grow your own orange, purple, white, blue and red corn.
I only ask that you keep these historic markers far away from the genetically modified yellows, so the genetics may be preserved. This is historic preservation of native culture made manifest. I grew it in my side yard, many miles from any existing corn. Send me a request and I will forward TSA-LA- GI corn seed for you to take part in the preservation of this beautiful flour corn.
I am glad and joyful with blessings from the great spirit
Michael Eye of Eagle Feather Burton, Chairman,
Manataka American Indian Council
"Life is like a path...and we all have to walk the path... As we walk... we'll find experiences like little scraps of paper in front of us along the way. We must pick up those pieces of scrap paper and put them in our pocket... Then, one day, we will have enough scraps of papers to put together and see what they say... Read the information and take it to heart." -- Uncle Frank Davis (quoting his mother), Pawnee
The Creator designed us to learn by trial and error. The path of life we walk is very wide. Everything on the path is sacred - what we do right is sacred - but our mistakes are also sacred. This is the Creator's way of teaching spiritual people. To criticize ourselves when we make mistakes is not part of the spiritual path. To criticize mistakes is not the Indian way. To learn from our mistakes is the Indian way. The definition of a spiritual person is someone who makes 30-50 mistakes each day and talks to the Creator after each one to see what to do next time. This is the way of the Warrior.
Today let me see my mistakes as a positive process. Let me learn the aha's of life... Awaken my awareness so I can see the great learning that You, my Creator, have designed for my life.
At Manataka we teach the path of a blessed life is called the Good Red Road. The journey presents many powerful messages leading one to the wonderful place where our Spirits live forever. ~Lee Standing Bear Moore
by Hunbatz Men, Maya Itza Tradition
I feel really glad to share with you what happened at the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza, Mexico, on the 21 of December, 2012, when we performed the ritual of the prophecy of the New Age.
The ritual began at 7 AM when the sun had just started to form the shadow of the Pyramid of Kukulcan right there in Chichen Itza. About 200 people from many places of the world took part in this ritual, and I, Hunbatz Men, was watching if the guards of the government would interfere or not. Fortunately, these people did not interrupt us; it was like magic but none of the security guards came to bother us.
Around 7.30 AM, it suddenly started to drizzle, but this light rain looked more like some type of dew, and it just lasted for about 15 minutes. Just after this rain, there was an absolute silence that lasted for 15 minutes, too. Then I watched all around and I was nicely surprised to see that about 70% of the people were wearing white clothes. A few minutes later all of them started to play some type of musical instruments, so an atmosphere of joy could be seen and heard everywhere. Summarizing, first, there was the dew-rain: then the absolute silence; next, many people wearing white and playing some musical instruments. In conclusion, my heart was very happy for all those wonderful things I could experience in just a few minutes.Read More...
American Outrage!
American Outrage is part of The Human Rights Watch Collection. Two feisty Western Shoshone sisters put up a heroic fight for their land rights - and their human rights.
Carrie and Mary Dann endure terrifying roundups by armed federal marshals in which thousands of their horses and cattle are confiscated, for the crime of grazing them on the open range outside their private ranch - even though that range is part of 60 million acres recognized as Western Shoshone land by the U.S. After the government sued them for trespassing, their dispute went to the Supreme Court, and eventually the United Nations.
Why has the U.S. spent millions persecuting and prosecuting two elderly women grazing a few hundred horses and cows in a desolate desert? The Dann sisters say the real reason is the resources hidden beneath this seemingly barren land, their Mother Earth: it is the second largest gold producing area in the world.
This “eloquent testament to the courage of the Dann sisters” is “an important document for those who want to understand the ongoing resistance of Native peoples to U.S. colonialism in Indian country” (Eric Cheyfitz, Director of the American Indian Program, Cornell University). READ MORE....
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Hello Manataka - Smoke Signal Readers:
For visitors to the National Museum of the American Indian, the sheer number of objects on view is nothing short of remarkable. Around every corner of the museum, you can find intricately woven clothing items, expertly blown glass, or magnificently carved tools for hunting and fishing. There is always another item that you missed on a previous visit – a connection to Native culture that is awe-inspiring and thought-provoking. When the NMAI was established in 1989 with the passage of the National Museum of the American Indian Act (NMAI Act), it included the first U.S. repatriation legislation that provided for the return of Native American human remains and certain cultural items in the collections. Since the museum's inception, one of the highest priorities has been the return of Native American human remains and their associated funerary items back to their communities of origin. READ MORE...
"If there is a shadow of a doubt someplace, that will cause a weakness."-- Wallace Black Elk, Lakota
Dear Manataka Friends:
I am finding it difficult to write this note as I sit here getting ready to write to you about my feather case. Words cannot express what went through my mind Saturday as one of our lawyers sat at our Native church. I will never forget the expression on his face as I asked him to share with the church attendees about the win. He looked at us with a glowing smile and said, "We Won."
Two words I will never forget: "We Won." For most of you, this is just another case in the courtrooms but for the ones involved, this is far more than a win for us. It is a win for every Native person in the United States of America. What was decided by the three judges of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans LA will be remembered for years to come and will be a referred to from now until the Lord comes back. This was not a victory for our eagle feathers. This was a victory for all Indian people throughout the United States. While the case was about our rights as Native People to use such articles as eagle feathers in our ceremonies and powwows, the case will affect every aspect of our Native lives. READ MORE...
Sleeping Grandfather Mountain, Linville, NC
The highest peak in the Blue Ridge Mnts.
"You want to know who's a real medicine man? He's the one who doesn't say 'I'm a medicine man.' He doesn't ask you to come to him. You've got to go and ask him. And you'll find he's always there among his own people." -- Louis Farmer, Onondaga
The Medicine Man is a role model of what it is like to live in harmony and balance with the Creator. It takes a long time, a lot of sacrifice and discipline to become a Medicine Man. A Medicine Man is humble and never crass about anything. He knows he lives to do the will of the Great Spirit. He knows he is to help the people. He lives very low key - the more low key he lives, the more people seek him out - and such is life. The more one serves the people and is quiet about it, the more he is sought out. The quieter he is, the more powerful is his medicine.
Great Spirit, allow me this day to be humble. Allow me this day not to seek attention, but to live quietly and keep my focus and attention on serving You.
At Manataka, most of our Medicine people are women. Maybe that is because the great feminine spirit resides inside the sacred mountain. Her nurturing and caring ways is powerful and beautiful at the same time. ~Lee Standing Bear Moore
10 Foods Natives Had Before Europeans
Indian Country Today Media Network Staff, Summer 2014
Much confusion surrounds Indigenous foods. "Before 1492, tomatoes, potatoes, wild rice, salmon, pumpkins, peanuts, bison, chocolate, vanilla, blueberries and corn, among other foods, were unknown in Europe, Africa and Asia. Today, we think of tomatoes as an Italian staple, of potatoes as quintessentially Irish or northern European, and even of peanuts as native to Africa. But Native American farmers cultivated and developed these foods over hundreds of generations, long before Europeans exported them throughout the world," explains Kevin Gover (Pawnee), director of the National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution, in the foreword for The Mitsitam Café Cookbook: Recipes from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian by executive chef Richard Hetzler.
Many of the foods people love today have grown and been planted, stewarded and eaten on Turtle Island for centuries, if not millennia.
Indian Country Today Media Network has rounded up a list of 10 key plants, nuts, seeds, berries and roots that Natives have farmed and foraged for time immemorial in the present-day Americas. In a second installment, we'll feature some of the indigenous game, fish and shellfish our ancestors fished and hunted pre-European contact. READ MORE...
Traditions, Change & Celebration: Native Artists of the Southeast
Mckissick Museum
816 Bull St, Columbia, SC 29208803-777-7251
The McKissick Museum at the University of South Carolina will host a year-long exhibit entitled, Traditions, Change & Celebration: Native Artists of the Southeast.
As a part of the opening for the exhibit, the Museum held FolkFabulous on the historic Horseshoe at USC. The goal of the event is to spotlight artists in the exhibit and to bring together members of the Native American communities throughout the Southeast for a celebration with the interested public.
(left) Roger Amerman's beautifully beaded Choctaw Frontier Jacket
He is one of over 40 artists that will be exhibited from over 9 states and over 25 distinct Native American Indian tribal nations and cultures presented in the exhibition. Of course the historic "Five Civilized Tribes" are featured and have significant presence in the exhibition including the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole.
Yet we also have a wonderful collection of Pamunkey Indian Pottery from Virginia, who just recently gained federal recognition, highlighting their Chief Kevin Brown's pottery.
Washington Wolves Targeted by Helicopter, Traps -- Help Them Over the weekend the Center learned that Washington state's wildlife agency was planning to demolish a pack of wolves by shooting them from helicopters -- and on Sunday the first wolf was killed. The targeted wolf family, known as the Huckleberry pack, has pups born late this spring that will starve if the adults are killed. The agency says the wolf killed was young -- it could even have been one of the pups. Later in the week, the agency switched to trapping -- with plans to kill those they snare. The Huckleberry pack is being targeted because of recent sheep deaths in the area that could have been prevented without lethal force. Instead of allowing nonlethal measures to work, Washington Fish and Wildlife went straight for the deadliest action in its playbook -- and these wolves are paying the price. Contact: Phil Anderson, Director, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way N. Olympia, WA 98501-1091 360-902-2200 director@dfw.wa.govpublicaffairs@dfw.wa.gov
Lawsuit Challenges Massive Timber Sale in Alaska's Tongass The U.S. Forest Service is poised to allow more than 6,000 acres of old-growth forest to be logged in Alaska, including some trees that are nearly 1,000 years old. The Big Thorne project on Prince of Wales Island would be the largest logging project on the Tongass National Forest in 20 years. This week the Center and allies filed a lawsuit against the Forest Service to block the dangerous timber sale. Aside from ruining these ancient forests, a key scientist says the project could "break the back" of the vital relationship between Alexander Archipelago wolves and their main prey base: Sitka black-tailed deer. A long history of clearcut logging on the Tongass, as well as on private and state-owned lands, has already devastated much of the wolf's habitat in southeast Alaska. The last thing they need is another massive logging project. Get more from Alaska Public Media.
Mr. President:
Leonard Peltier is in frail health, he’s 70 years old this September and he's been a political prisoner since he was 31.
We, the people of the world, ask that you, President Obama, COMMIT A HOLY ACT, while you can, to bring about justice in this brief life.
Liberate Leonard Pelteir today. Liberation for Leonard Peltier is liberation for us all! Let the name, Leonard Peltier be heard on the wind, echoing among the starts. We are a chorus of millions Hear Us!
Millions around the globe know that a great injustice continues as long as Leonard Peltier is imprisoned. Here is a powerful opportunity to hear the voice and will of the people. We call out to you. Will you hear us? Sincerely, - The people of the world.
The 10 worst ways GMOs threaten humanity and our natural world
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) Why are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a serious threat to humanity and the environment? The reasons span the realms of science, social justice, economics and the environment, and once you understand this, you'll readily understand why so many environmentalists, humanitarians, responsible scientists and social justice advocates are strongly opposed to GMOs. Here are the top 10 ways GMOs threaten us all: #1) Every grain of GM corn contains poison
GM corn is genetically engineered to develop a deadly pesticide in every grain of corn. When this corn is harvested and turned into Corn Flakes, corn tortillas, corn syrup or other corn-based foods, that same poison remains in the corn. What is the effect of human children eating all the poisons grown in GM corn? Nobody knows for sure because the tests have not been conducted on human consumption. That's why GMOs remain an untested experiment that exploits humans as guinea pigs. READ MORE...
NV - Reincarnation Beliefs of North American Indians by Warren Jefferson New!
This book provides an in-depth look at spiritual experiences about which very little has been written. Belief in reincarnation exists not only in India but in most small tribal societies throughout the world, including many Indian groups in North America. The stories and commentary presented here are well researched and drawn from anthropological records and other reliable sources of information. Learn about a Winnebago shaman’s initiation, the Cherokee’s Orpheus myth, the story of “A Journey to the Skeleton House” from the Hopi, the Inuit man who lived the lives of all animals, the Ghost Dance, and other extraordinary accounts. “The elements and majestic forces in nature, Lightning, Wind, Water, Fire, and Frost, were regarded with awe as spiritual powers, but always secondary and intermediate in character. We believed that the spirit pervades all creation and that every creature possesses a soul in some degree, though not necessarily a soul conscious of itself. The tree, the waterfall, the grizzly bear, each is an embodied Force, and as such an object of reverence.” —Ohiyesa Read Reviews ISBN: 9781570672125; Author: Warren Jefferson; Page Count: 208; Publication Year: 2009; Width: 6.0; Height: 9.0; Format: Softcover ; Publisher: Native Voices; Price: $16.95
NV - Basic Call to Consciousness John Mohawk New! Akwesasne Notes Basic Call to Consciousness is a compelling critique of Western Culture and an eloquent text on the rights of Indigenous nations. New contributions by John Mohawk, Chief Oren Lyons, and Jose Barreiro provide an added depth and continuity to this revised edition. In 1977 a conference on Discrimination Against the Indigenous Populations of the Americas was hosted by the Non-Governmental Organizations of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland in 1977. Included here are the three position papers that were delivered to the UN by leaders of the Haudenosaunee, or Six Nation Iroquois. These position papers, the first authentic analysis of the modern world ever committed to writing by an official body of Native people, called for fundamental changes in the policies of developed nations and an end to the destruction of the natural world. John Mohawk introduces the events that transpired prior to the trip to UN. Chief Oren Lyons gives an overview on the struggle for self-determination before and since the Geneva meetings. And an afterword by Jose Barreiro looks to a new era of possibility for Native nations. This edition with its expanded end notes, index, and bibliography section, is a valuable resource as a college textbook for classes in history, sociology, religion, and anthropology. Not many books portray the heart and courage of so many people in one volume. In a compelling and impassioned voice, Basic Call to Consciousness speaks for the basic rights of humankind and all our relations. Photos, illustrations. Page Count: 160; Width: 6 inches; Height: 9 inches; Format: Soft cover; Publication Year: 2005 Price: $12.95 + s/h
NV - Sisters In Spirit by Sally Roesch WagnerNew!
This compelling history of women's struggle for freedom and equality in this country is recounted with documentation of the Iroquois influence on this broad social movement. Iroquois women had always possessed rights beyond the wildest imagination of their European sisters: control of their own bodies, custody of children they bore, the power to initiate divorce, choice in the type of work they did, a place in the spiritual sector of their communities, and the enjoyment of a home life free of violence.
The revolutionary changes unleashed by the Iroquois-feminist relationship continue to shape our lives today. This book is used in many Women's Studies courses at colleges and universities around the country.
Field to Fork: Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley - See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
Field to Fork: Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley - See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
Field to Fork: Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley - See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
Field to Fork: Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley - See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley is located on the Big Pine Indian Reservation in California, at the foot of the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The tribe’s early ancestors utilized the land and water to create irrigated areas that produced the tribe’s main food source. However, at the turn of the twentieth century, the city of Los Angeles purchased most of the land and water rights in the Owens Valley and transferred them to the Los Angeles basin, thus severing the tribe’s connection with the land and water and interfering with its ability to feed its own people.
Today, the Big Pine Reservation is considered a “food desert” because of the lack of access to healthy and affordable food. In 2010, the tribe established the Sustainable Food System Development Project to transform its food desert into a more robust, sustainable food system by establishing a permaculture garden.
In 2013, First Nationsawarded the Big Pine Paiute Tribe $37,500 through the Native Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Initiative (NAFSI) to expand the permaculture garden to include a demonstration site, a fruit orchard, a seed bank, and a weekly farmers’ market. This grant, underwritten by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has allowed the tribe to develop an innovative field-to-fork model that will sustain the community for generations to come.
This grant allowed the tribe to expand their small permaculture garden into a larger educational community garden that teaches tribal members how to plant, grow and harvest healthy, organic heirloom fruits and vegetables as well as Native plants and medicine. The tribe used the expanded permaculture garden as a demonstration site to conduct several classes and workshops, including a three-day intensive permaculture course, food policy/sovereignty classes, youth mentoring sessions, and numerous gardening workshops.
The gardening workshops, in particular, have been very popular among tribal members. At these workshops, tribal members learn about composting, caring for plants and respecting ecosystems. Many workshop participants used these lessons to create their own personal home gardens. These workshops encouraged tribal members to start their own gardens while simultaneously attending to the community garden. As a result of these hands-on workshops, tribal members helped plant, grow and harvest more than 100 pounds of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and bell peppers that were eventually donated to the tribal grocery store.
Many tribal members also volunteered at the expanded permaculture garden site outside of these workshops. For example, several volunteers helped plant 50 perennial fruit trees. The trees did not yield any fruit this season. However, once these trees mature, they have the potential to yield hundreds of pounds of fruit. These trees will produce healthy, fresh fruit for generations. The tribe speculates that eventually they will need to hire more workers to maintain the fruit orchard and the ever-expanding permaculture garden.
The tribe determined which fruits and vegetables to plant in the permaculture garden by conducting a community survey. This survey also helped the tribe determine which seeds to collect and store for the seed bank. The purpose of the seed bank is to gather the seeds of plants originally grown in the region and preserve them for future generations. The seed bank is a continuing process that will grow as the tribe becomes more and more aware of its needs and learns proper seed-saving techniques.
A portion of this grant was also used to host weekly farmers’ markets that helped farmers and workshop participants sell their fruits and vegetables. These farmers markets are intended to help growers earn extra money and provide tribal members with a healthy alternative to processed foods.
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley developed the Sustainable Food System Development Project to improve the physical health and well-being of their people and to preserve their tribal community for generations to come. The success of this innovative field-to-fork model reiterates that tribes have the potential to strengthen and improve their own communities.
- See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley is located on the Big Pine Indian Reservation in California, at the foot of the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The tribe’s early ancestors utilized the land and water to create irrigated areas that produced the tribe’s main food source. However, at the turn of the twentieth century, the city of Los Angeles purchased most of the land and water rights in the Owens Valley and transferred them to the Los Angeles basin, thus severing the tribe’s connection with the land and water and interfering with its ability to feed its own people.
Today, the Big Pine Reservation is considered a “food desert” because of the lack of access to healthy and affordable food. In 2010, the tribe established the Sustainable Food System Development Project to transform its food desert into a more robust, sustainable food system by establishing a permaculture garden.
In 2013, First Nationsawarded the Big Pine Paiute Tribe $37,500 through the Native Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Initiative (NAFSI) to expand the permaculture garden to include a demonstration site, a fruit orchard, a seed bank, and a weekly farmers’ market. This grant, underwritten by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has allowed the tribe to develop an innovative field-to-fork model that will sustain the community for generations to come.
This grant allowed the tribe to expand their small permaculture garden into a larger educational community garden that teaches tribal members how to plant, grow and harvest healthy, organic heirloom fruits and vegetables as well as Native plants and medicine. The tribe used the expanded permaculture garden as a demonstration site to conduct several classes and workshops, including a three-day intensive permaculture course, food policy/sovereignty classes, youth mentoring sessions, and numerous gardening workshops.
The gardening workshops, in particular, have been very popular among tribal members. At these workshops, tribal members learn about composting, caring for plants and respecting ecosystems. Many workshop participants used these lessons to create their own personal home gardens. These workshops encouraged tribal members to start their own gardens while simultaneously attending to the community garden. As a result of these hands-on workshops, tribal members helped plant, grow and harvest more than 100 pounds of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and bell peppers that were eventually donated to the tribal grocery store.
Many tribal members also volunteered at the expanded permaculture garden site outside of these workshops. For example, several volunteers helped plant 50 perennial fruit trees. The trees did not yield any fruit this season. However, once these trees mature, they have the potential to yield hundreds of pounds of fruit. These trees will produce healthy, fresh fruit for generations. The tribe speculates that eventually they will need to hire more workers to maintain the fruit orchard and the ever-expanding permaculture garden.
The tribe determined which fruits and vegetables to plant in the permaculture garden by conducting a community survey. This survey also helped the tribe determine which seeds to collect and store for the seed bank. The purpose of the seed bank is to gather the seeds of plants originally grown in the region and preserve them for future generations. The seed bank is a continuing process that will grow as the tribe becomes more and more aware of its needs and learns proper seed-saving techniques.
A portion of this grant was also used to host weekly farmers’ markets that helped farmers and workshop participants sell their fruits and vegetables. These farmers markets are intended to help growers earn extra money and provide tribal members with a healthy alternative to processed foods.
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley developed the Sustainable Food System Development Project to improve the physical health and well-being of their people and to preserve their tribal community for generations to come. The success of this innovative field-to-fork model reiterates that tribes have the potential to strengthen and improve their own communities.
- See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley is located on the Big Pine Indian Reservation in California, at the foot of the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The tribe’s early ancestors utilized the land and water to create irrigated areas that produced the tribe’s main food source. However, at the turn of the twentieth century, the city of Los Angeles purchased most of the land and water rights in the Owens Valley and transferred them to the Los Angeles basin, thus severing the tribe’s connection with the land and water and interfering with its ability to feed its own people.
Today, the Big Pine Reservation is considered a “food desert” because of the lack of access to healthy and affordable food. In 2010, the tribe established the Sustainable Food System Development Project to transform its food desert into a more robust, sustainable food system by establishing a permaculture garden.
In 2013, First Nationsawarded the Big Pine Paiute Tribe $37,500 through the Native Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Initiative (NAFSI) to expand the permaculture garden to include a demonstration site, a fruit orchard, a seed bank, and a weekly farmers’ market. This grant, underwritten by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has allowed the tribe to develop an innovative field-to-fork model that will sustain the community for generations to come.
This grant allowed the tribe to expand their small permaculture garden into a larger educational community garden that teaches tribal members how to plant, grow and harvest healthy, organic heirloom fruits and vegetables as well as Native plants and medicine. The tribe used the expanded permaculture garden as a demonstration site to conduct several classes and workshops, including a three-day intensive permaculture course, food policy/sovereignty classes, youth mentoring sessions, and numerous gardening workshops.
The gardening workshops, in particular, have been very popular among tribal members. At these workshops, tribal members learn about composting, caring for plants and respecting ecosystems. Many workshop participants used these lessons to create their own personal home gardens. These workshops encouraged tribal members to start their own gardens while simultaneously attending to the community garden. As a result of these hands-on workshops, tribal members helped plant, grow and harvest more than 100 pounds of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and bell peppers that were eventually donated to the tribal grocery store.
Many tribal members also volunteered at the expanded permaculture garden site outside of these workshops. For example, several volunteers helped plant 50 perennial fruit trees. The trees did not yield any fruit this season. However, once these trees mature, they have the potential to yield hundreds of pounds of fruit. These trees will produce healthy, fresh fruit for generations. The tribe speculates that eventually they will need to hire more workers to maintain the fruit orchard and the ever-expanding permaculture garden.
The tribe determined which fruits and vegetables to plant in the permaculture garden by conducting a community survey. This survey also helped the tribe determine which seeds to collect and store for the seed bank. The purpose of the seed bank is to gather the seeds of plants originally grown in the region and preserve them for future generations. The seed bank is a continuing process that will grow as the tribe becomes more and more aware of its needs and learns proper seed-saving techniques.
A portion of this grant was also used to host weekly farmers’ markets that helped farmers and workshop participants sell their fruits and vegetables. These farmers markets are intended to help growers earn extra money and provide tribal members with a healthy alternative to processed foods.
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley developed the Sustainable Food System Development Project to improve the physical health and well-being of their people and to preserve their tribal community for generations to come. The success of this innovative field-to-fork model reiterates that tribes have the potential to strengthen and improve their own communities.
- See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley is located on the Big Pine Indian Reservation in California, at the foot of the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The tribe’s early ancestors utilized the land and water to create irrigated areas that produced the tribe’s main food source. However, at the turn of the twentieth century, the city of Los Angeles purchased most of the land and water rights in the Owens Valley and transferred them to the Los Angeles basin, thus severing the tribe’s connection with the land and water and interfering with its ability to feed its own people.
Today, the Big Pine Reservation is considered a “food desert” because of the lack of access to healthy and affordable food. In 2010, the tribe established the Sustainable Food System Development Project to transform its food desert into a more robust, sustainable food system by establishing a permaculture garden.
In 2013, First Nationsawarded the Big Pine Paiute Tribe $37,500 through the Native Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Initiative (NAFSI) to expand the permaculture garden to include a demonstration site, a fruit orchard, a seed bank, and a weekly farmers’ market. This grant, underwritten by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has allowed the tribe to develop an innovative field-to-fork model that will sustain the community for generations to come.
This grant allowed the tribe to expand their small permaculture garden into a larger educational community garden that teaches tribal members how to plant, grow and harvest healthy, organic heirloom fruits and vegetables as well as Native plants and medicine. The tribe used the expanded permaculture garden as a demonstration site to conduct several classes and workshops, including a three-day intensive permaculture course, food policy/sovereignty classes, youth mentoring sessions, and numerous gardening workshops.
The gardening workshops, in particular, have been very popular among tribal members. At these workshops, tribal members learn about composting, caring for plants and respecting ecosystems. Many workshop participants used these lessons to create their own personal home gardens. These workshops encouraged tribal members to start their own gardens while simultaneously attending to the community garden. As a result of these hands-on workshops, tribal members helped plant, grow and harvest more than 100 pounds of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and bell peppers that were eventually donated to the tribal grocery store.
Many tribal members also volunteered at the expanded permaculture garden site outside of these workshops. For example, several volunteers helped plant 50 perennial fruit trees. The trees did not yield any fruit this season. However, once these trees mature, they have the potential to yield hundreds of pounds of fruit. These trees will produce healthy, fresh fruit for generations. The tribe speculates that eventually they will need to hire more workers to maintain the fruit orchard and the ever-expanding permaculture garden.
The tribe determined which fruits and vegetables to plant in the permaculture garden by conducting a community survey. This survey also helped the tribe determine which seeds to collect and store for the seed bank. The purpose of the seed bank is to gather the seeds of plants originally grown in the region and preserve them for future generations. The seed bank is a continuing process that will grow as the tribe becomes more and more aware of its needs and learns proper seed-saving techniques.
A portion of this grant was also used to host weekly farmers’ markets that helped farmers and workshop participants sell their fruits and vegetables. These farmers markets are intended to help growers earn extra money and provide tribal members with a healthy alternative to processed foods.
The Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley developed the Sustainable Food System Development Project to improve the physical health and well-being of their people and to preserve their tribal community for generations to come. The success of this innovative field-to-fork model reiterates that tribes have the potential to strengthen and improve their own communities.
- See more at: http://indiangiver.firstnations.org/nl140506-01/#sthash.DkuNMPxg.dpuf
Look behind you. See your sons and your daughters. They are your future. Look farther and see your sons' and your daughters' children and their children's children even unto the Seventh Generation. That's the way we were taught. Think about it: you yourself are a Seventh Generation." -- Leon Shenandoah, Onondaga
The Creator designed us with a free will. That means we function from choices and consequences. It is important that we practice thinking about consequences before we make decisions about choices. Every choice I make is like setting up dominos one after the other that produce consequences. Not just for me but also for my children and for the children that are unborn. My choices and decision today will have consequences for seven generations. For example, if I work on my own spiritual development and I walk the Red Road, the odds are that my children will. They will marry and their children will follow the Red Road and so will my grandchildren even up to the seventh generation. This will happen because of the choices and decisions that I make today.
Great Spirit, grant that the choices and decisions that I make today will honor Your laws and values. May I live in peace today that will ripple into the seventh generation.
We are those we have been waiting for! It is this generation that will make a future for our children's children. ~Lee Standing Bear Moore
The Long Walk: A tragedy unobserved 150 years later
By Anne Constable, Santa Fe, The New Mexican
[left photo] From the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Navajo captives receive rations under guard at Fort Sumner, N.M.in the 1860s. Courtesy Palace of the Governors Photo Archive Negative Number 028536
Key events - Navajo Long Walk
1855: Manuelito is recognized as one of the leading chiefs of the Navajo tribe.
1860: Manuelito and Barboncito lead more than 1,000 warriors in an attack on Fort Defiance in New Mexico Territory.
1863: The U.S. government decides to relocate Navajos to an area near Fort Sumner in east-central New Mexico.
1864: Many Navajos died during the Long Walk, forced marches between 350 miles and 450 miles to Bosque Redondo.
Please help Manataka Now! Over the past 20 years, we seldom asked for help. We need it now.
Education Committeeneeds Teachers, Educators, Cirriculum Developers. We are developing a new approach to teach values using American Indian philosophy and customs. Contact: Dr. Rev. Fred Wilcoxson.
Are you a minister, psychologist, teacher or counselor? Elder Robert Gray Hawk Coke announces that more professional volunteer counselors are needed for the Manataka's free online Counseling program helping hundreds of people with emotional, spiritual, family, marital and other issues -- anonymously and free!. There are education, professional experience and licensure requirements. http://www.manataka.org/Counseling.htmlEmail: counseling@manataka.org
Planning is in full-swing to convert vacant lots on the east side of Manataka (Hot Springs) Mountain into memorial gardens. Everyone is excited! http://www.manataka.org/page1392.html
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Please rescind the so-called "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" regulation. Turning most poultry inspection over to poultry companies so that they can police themselves is no way to address the rampant food- and workplace-safety problems plaguing this industry. The proposed rule would decrease the number of USDA inspectors in poultry plants while increasing line speeds by up to 175 birds per minute, or three birds per second. In order to compensate for missed fecal contamination, the proposed rule would permit companies to use more anti-microbial chemicals to clean the poultry carcasses. Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. Working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America. This rule will worsen those conditions. I urge you to withdraw the "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" rule.
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Please rescind the so-called "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" regulation. Turning most poultry inspection over to poultry companies so that they can police themselves is no way to address the rampant food- and workplace-safety problems plaguing this industry. The proposed rule would decrease the number of USDA inspectors in poultry plants while increasing line speeds by up to 175 birds per minute, or three birds per second. In order to compensate for missed fecal contamination, the proposed rule would permit companies to use more anti-microbial chemicals to clean the poultry carcasses. Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. Working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America. This rule will worsen those conditions. I urge you to withdraw the "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" rule.
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Please rescind the so-called "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" regulation. Turning most poultry inspection over to poultry companies so that they can police themselves is no way to address the rampant food- and workplace-safety problems plaguing this industry. The proposed rule would decrease the number of USDA inspectors in poultry plants while increasing line speeds by up to 175 birds per minute, or three birds per second. In order to compensate for missed fecal contamination, the proposed rule would permit companies to use more anti-microbial chemicals to clean the poultry carcasses. Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. Working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America. This rule will worsen those conditions. I urge you to withdraw the "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" rule.
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Please rescind the so-called "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" regulation. Turning most poultry inspection over to poultry companies so that they can police themselves is no way to address the rampant food- and workplace-safety problems plaguing this industry. The proposed rule would decrease the number of USDA inspectors in poultry plants while increasing line speeds by up to 175 birds per minute, or three birds per second. In order to compensate for missed fecal contamination, the proposed rule would permit companies to use more anti-microbial chemicals to clean the poultry carcasses. Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. Working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America. This rule will worsen those conditions. I urge you to withdraw the "Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection" rule.
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports.
So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. In other words, the USDA’s new “plan” will put both consumers and workers at greater risk.
Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the “Filthy Chicken Rule.”
Food & Water Watch calls the USDA’s plan the “Filthy Chicken Rule,” because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. First, by drastically reducing the number of government inspectors. And second, by increasing the line speeds from 140 birds to 175 birds per minute.
Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. That’s according to a recent Consumer Reports survey that found, “More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.”
Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. Inspect? They’d be whizzing by so fast they’d hardly see them!
We could also call the USDA’s new plan the “Dead Inspector Rule.” With breakneck line speeds at slaughterhouses, poultry processing plants are turning to toxic, bacteria-killing chemicals to remove contaminants that escape notice. These chemicals can be deadly. Plant inspectors and workers exposed to chemicals like chlorine and parecetic acid complain of respiratory problems. Many cough up blood. Some experience lung hemorrhage and, at least one has died of lung and kidney failure.
If you’ve eaten chicken anytime since 1998, you may have already eaten food from slaughterhouses operating under the USDA’s proposed “Filthy Chicken Rule.” Tyson has been piloting the plan at some of its poultry plants for years. According to a Government Accountability Office report, under the pilot program, “sorting responsibilities [removing unsafe birds from production] on the slaughter line [were] not required or standardized and faster line speeds allowed under the pilot projects raise[d] concerns about food safety and worker safety.”
It’s time to tell President Obama and Secretary Vilsack to protect consumers and workers by abandoning their "Filthy Chicken Rule.”
- See more at: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/index?action_KEY=13222&start=25#sthash.060mSHc5.dpuf
"When you get older and you are ready, your ancestors will show up to guide you." -- Joe Coyhis, Stockbridge-Munsee
Many of us, when we are young, spend a portion of our lives in learning. Unfortunately, some of us spend this time learning the hard way. When we are young we sometimes think we know everything. Sometimes we do foolish things. As we get a little older, we realize we don't know anything. This is when we become teachable. There is a saying that goes, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. We usually aren't teachable unless we are ready. The ancestors are waiting and willing to help. When we are ready, many beautiful teachers start to come into our lives. Then we really start to grow and mature. We are ready for the spiritual lesson.
Praying to seek a vision, to seek truth is always right. Truth builds upon itself - as the true mark of a warrior who conducts himself/herself accordingly - so that its beauty may shine in the faces of our children." --Barney Bush, Shawnee
We move toward and become like that which we think about. What we think about creates our vision. If our thoughts are wise and good, then our vision becomes strong and truthful. If our thoughts are junk, then our vision becomes contaminated. It's important to be aware of what we are thinking about. As I live my vision, my children watch and live their lives the same way. We need to live the walk of the Warrior. We need to walk in beauty and respect.
Oh Great Spirit, give me a vision for today. Let me see truth. Let me walk in beauty. Let my heart guide me in truth. The law says the truth shall set you free. Let me be free today.
If we speak our dream with our lips, our dream will become reality. Thinking about something is not the same as dreaming it. Speaking it with our lips is praying for the vision with truth. ~Lee Standing Bear Moore
Hello Representative Tom Cotton,
In your letter (attached) you made incorrect statements, “...To your point regarding your concern about the 2,4-D herbicide's comparison with "Agent Orange", you'll be happy to know these chemical treatments are not related...” is wrong, absolutely wrong!
I remember when Dow and Monsanto told Congress and the EPA back in the 1960’s a bunch of research lies about Agent Orange. Today, as a 100% disabled Vietnam veteran, I suffer from DOW and MONSANTO poisoning – congestive heart problems, COPD, diabetes, etc. – ALL approved by an ignorant Congress and EPA who were willingly fooled by DOW and MONSANTO. DOW and MONSANTO are rouge corporations who value the dollar more than the environment. Read More...
Columbus Hilton Downtown and Columbus Convention Center
BIC, a Bioproducts Innovation Center at The Ohio State University is proud to announce a first-of-its-kind event to accelerate the manufacturing, distribution, and use of bio-based products. We will bring together procurement officials and commercial buyers with producers of bio-based materials and product manufacturers to facilitate business relationships through the bio-product industry. www.bioproductsworld.org
This session is designed for court personnel, public safety and law enforcement, and others involved in tribal juvenile justice. This session examines the juvenile justice system and case management, civil rights, gang violence, diversion programs, alternatives to incarceration, confidentiality of records & federal prosecution of major crimes. For more info or to register, visit www.nijc.org
This session provides a comprehensive overview of how federally-funded tribal grant programs should be implemented and managed from beginning to conclusion. Course analyzes grant regulatory requirements and common administrative issues and explores grant roles and responsibilities, and best
management practices. For more info. and to register, visit www.nijc.org
Link to : Registration. Link to: Brochure . Contact Info.: E: aipi@asu.edu or (480) 965-1055. In today's working environment, remaining current on developments affecting Indian Country requires ongoing professional development and learning. NAFOA has partnered with ASU's American Indian Policy Institute (AIPI) to bring you the Tribal Financial Managers Certificate Program. For further info., view 2014 Fall Finance & Tribal Economies Conference.
(College of Menominee Nation – Sustainable Development Institute
Keshena, WI
This Summit will emphasize information & material relevant to the DOI Northeast region, but is relevant to Tribes, federal agencies & academic institutions looking to work together to address the common issues associated with climate change. The Summit will provide adaptation training for Tribes, and cooperative training for federal and academic climate change scientists looking to work with Tribes. For more info., call (715) 799-6226 ext.3145, or send e-mail to: shiftingseasons@menominee.edu, or visit
Construction Management & Contract Administration (HUD/ONAP)
Reno, NV
FREE 2-day training will offer IHBG Grantees the skills to understand the process of construction administration from the drafting table to the grand opening. Training topics include basic skills, reading schematics and drawings, understanding the project manual, contracting, construction, and closeout. Topics of special interest include contracting for rehabilitation work and also special procurement and construction issues such as design-build, force account, small purchase, and non-competitive. Attendees will participate in hands-on group exercises that are designed to turn theoretical knowledge into daily practice. http://registration.firstpic.org or call 202.393.6400
Fifth Annual Native American Health Care Conference
Native Nation Events would like to present the Fifth Annual Native American Health Care Conference. Health Care Directors and Tribal Leaders can look forward to the latest in Health Care such as the newest treatments, equipment and opportunities. This year’s conference will take place November 13th-14th at Morongo Casino Resort & Spa in Cabazon, California.
Exciting line up of more than fifty guest speakers revealed for this year’s World Indigenous Health Conference in Cairns Queensland Australia on 15th – 17th December 2014 at Pullman Cairns International Hotel. What an exciting year for conferences with Australia playing hosts to two international Indigenous conferences which looks like an invasion by Indigenous Peoples from around the world rather than a meeting of the minds. The overwhelming response even surprised the event organizers as sixty (60%) of the fifty confirmed speakers at the World Indigenous Health Conference & World Domestic Violence Conference are coming from world class international First Nations’ backgrounds representing various countries worldwide.
Thomas Square, 925 South Beretania Street , Honolulu, Hawaii
honolulupowwow@gmail.com http://www.honoluluintertribalpowwow.com/ Arena Director: Tom Rowland. Less than 100 dancers Everyone is invited to attend this free event which will honor our elders, especially those who started the Hawaii powwow 40 years ago. Enjoy the tropics and celebrate your culture! This is a non-competition powwow.
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center: 444 Mt Rushmore Rd, Rapid City, SD
Stephen Yellow Hawk -- 605-341-0925 s_yellowhawk23@hotmail.com http://blackhillspowwow.com/ Less than 100 dancers. Schedule: Friday: October 11, 2013; 9 A.M. Youth Day Symposium – Main Arena; 1st Grand Entry: Friday 7 P.M.; Saturday: October 12, 2013 1 P.M. and 7 P.M.; Sunday: October 13, 2013 1 P.M.’ Admission. 3 Day Pass – (ages 13-64) $26 (4-12) $18; 3 Day Pass – Groups of 25 or more – $18 1 Day Pass – (13-64) $15 (4-12) $9; Over 64 and under 4 are free. Miss He Sapa Win Contest; Archery Tournament; Hand Game Competition
Community College of Beaver County – The Dome: 1 Campus Drive, Monaca, PA. Jeffery Jones 724-462-1738 jeffjones.nev64@gmail.com Over 100 dancers. Dancing is inside of the dome on the campus. We have inside (19) and outside (6-10) traders. Outside demonstrators. Men’s traditional dance contest-trophy given. George M. “Pappy” Tew memorial Peoples Choice Award-trophy given (voted on by the public)
Lower Muskogee Creek Tribe: 107 Tall Pine Dr., Whigham , GA
(229) 762-3165 Arena Director: Bill Truax Jr.
Entrance Fee $3.00 a vehicle. Everyone is Welcome! Gates Open To Public: Friday, Oct. 17 at 5:00 PM Saturday, Oct. 18th at 9:30 AM Sunday, Oct. 19th at Noon Native Made Crafts Dancing Native Food Living History Village
Granby Gardens Park. 1800 12th Street Ext. Cayce, SC 29033.
Fun Festival for the entire family. Native American Dancers in Regalia History of the Cherokee Trail and Demonstrators Story Telling, Children Activities Craft Vendors, Food Vendors . Laura Bailey. 803-366-
Mary Hayes - 918-698-0583 maryhayes2005@yahoo.com Host Gourd Lenape Gourd Society Co-Host Gourd Yellow Hill Gourd, Less than 100 dancers. *Winner Take All* Mens Womens Traditional Cloth Fancy Fancy Shawl Grass Straight Specials: Men’s Lulu, Women’s War Cry, & Tiny Tots Storytelling Native American Make and Take Corner
Original Jackson Powwow – 22nd Annual Land of Falling Waters Traditional Powwow
Middle School at Parkside: 2400 Fourth Street, Jackson, Mi
Linda L. Cypret-Kilbourne - 269-781-6409 landoffallingwaters@hotmail.com landofthefallingwaters.tripod.com "Honoring All Nations Elders and Anishinabe Traditions" - Head Veteran, Darwin Sanada - Grand Entries on Saturday at 1:00 pm and again at 7:00 pm, Sunday only at 1:00 pm. - dancing Sunday until about 5:00 pm - Storytelling - showing of the film about boarding schools - Health Services = General admission $5.00 / or $8.00 weekend - Students with school ID $3.00 - Seniors $1.00 = Children 12 and under FREE (accompanied by adult) Public Invited this is a family event for the whole family No alcohol or other drugs allowed. No dogs - No smoking on school property. Presented by NASCO Movement and the Major Sponsor is Jackson Public Schools, 100-499 dancers
Withlacoochee River Park:Opens 9:00 am Saturday. Opening ceremony Saturday at 10:00 am. Closes 6:00 pm Sunday. $2.00 per vehicle for admission and parking. There is a county park fee for camping and electric. Vendors, crafts, Native American style flutes, blankets, Painted Ponies, Native American food, ice cream, kettle corn, Native American leather clothing, (etc), nonstop entertainment all weekend (flute players, story tellers, singers, didge players, (etc.), 1800s settlement, trails thru the woods along the river with observation tower. Saturday evening “Friendship Fire” (flute playing, drumming, singing, story telling, fellowship), “American Indian Christian Circle” Sunday at closing. A grassroots gathering in the country. Camping on the grounds. Motels 15 min away in Dade City. A family event, No Drugs or Alcohol allowed! Come join us for a wonderful day or the whole weekend. This is a gathering, a music event. I have been told this is one of the friendliest events around. “Public welcome”
DanaMasters/ Libby Rogers 318-992-1205 dana@powwowinthepines.com Powwowinthepines.com 100-499 dancers. Paying out four places, over 25,000.00 in prize money! Will host a hand drum competition, separate chicken dance competition. Other competitions may be separated out as well, per committee approval! More information will be coming soon!
Richmond Raceway, 600 E. Laburnum Ave., Richmond, VA
A special ceremony will be held in appreciation of veterans on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, gates will open at 10:00AM (for early shoppers), and the event will kick off with a parade of nations (grand entry) at 12:00 noon. Over 100 Tribes and over 200 American Indians in regalia (outfits) will be represented at this year’s event, and they include: Haliwa-Saponi, Pamunkey, Piscataway, Chickahominy, Cherokee, Rappahannock, Sioux, Iroquois, Lumbee, Hopi, Mattaponi, Nansemond, Choctaw, Navajo, and so many other Tribes and nations. Barry Richardson (252) 532-0821 powwow@vance.net
Arena Director is Victor Chavez, Dine', Spiritual Advisor is E. Z. Zazueta, Yaqui, Hog Fry is a potluck picnic, food provided is pork, fry bread, and pinto beans, Traditional Cherokee arts & crafts and games (stickball and Cherokee marbles)
Sagebrush Roundup, Benefit powwow for the MSWV raptor sanctuary birds of prey. The birds will be on shown at the powwow both days.Head Man: Aaron Two Hawks Bosnick. Head Lady: Bree Little Bear Brumage. MC: John White Hawk Dailey. Invited Drums- White Oak Singers, and Red Circle. . Susan Snow Owl Woman Lewis. 304-376-5137 sbsnowowl@aol.com
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