SUPER VOLCAN de l' OUEST des USA- suite 1
1-13-99 - DREAM - I was taken to a huge garage type area where certain people were being gathered to be witnesses or sacrificed people to both handle the devastation or stave off the suffering for the 7 volcanoes that are going to blow up all at the same time.
DREAM OF SACRIFICE FOR HUMANITY Date: 01/13/1999 This portent is for 7 mountains linked together to all blow up at the same time. There had been 14 scheduled to be linked to blow up all at once, but the Gods/spirits managed to get it down to seven so mankind didn't have to suffer quite as much. Not all of the witnesses and sacrificial people who were going to clean up from the death and destruction had shown up yet. Here is the whole dream: DREAM OF SACRIFICE FOR HUMANITY by Dee Finney 1-13-99 I was taken to a huge garage-like area where certain people were being gathered together to be witnesses and or sacrificial people to either handle the devastation or stave off the suffering for mankind when the seven volcanoes that were linked together that were going to blow up all at the same time. There had been 14 scheduled to be linked to blow up all at once, but the Gods/spirits managed to get it down to seven so mankind didn't have to suffer quite as much. Not all of the witnesses and sacrificial people who were going to clean up from the death and destruction had shown up yet. The garage where the ceremonies were going to be held was a mess. Some construction was still going on in one area. These men who were building some kind of machinery were making a worse mess. One guy was cutting wood and the sawdust would have been pretty easy to clean up, but he was being careless and spilling varnish in the sawdust and when I swept the sawdust, it smeared the varnish across the floor with it. I considered being a sacrifice so that one mountain wouldn't blow up and asked for a hammer and a nail. All I would have had to do was pound a nail somewhere through my ankle and it would have saved one mountain from destruction. But as I placed the nail against my flesh to pound the nail into my ankle, the pain was intense at every point I chose and I couldn't do it. Even knowing that one swift blow of the hammer would be all it took and it would be over and mankind would be saved that much destruction, I couldn't do it. The thought of the pain I would suffer was too much to even think about. I handed the hammer and the nail back to the carpenter and went back to my meager sweeping job. When I had done all I could, I went into a room where a round table was set up. This table had a rim around it to catch the white paint that was going to be put on some icons or something that were going to be used in a ceremony of some kind. I noticed there were about 10 or 12 bottles of this white fluid about the size of correction fluid bottles. A man named Michael (the archangel?) had been there and had spilled some. I noticed that not only one bottle spilled, all the bottles had been spilled and what was left in each bottle was so little and so watered down, it was useless to even try to do a ceremony with it. At the door, I saw that there was many, many feet of snow and ice that had to be cleared away so that people could get around and spring could come and I was dreading having to get out there and shovel all that snow. There was already nowhere to go with it. But, fortunately, the sun came out while I was looking at the mess and it melted about half of it, so at least I was able to open the door to begin the immense task. I then went to look for the other members who were supposed to be arriving for this ceremony. Not all of them had arrived yet and those who had, instead of quietly contemplating the event that was going to take place, had rented a car and went off sightseeing and partying. They invited me to go with them, but I didn't have the stomach for it, knowing what was coming. It was no wonder that the world changes had to happen, no one was disciplined enough to do even the first sacrifice of or any of the work required to stave it off.
NOTE: 8-9-03 - There have been 19 earthquakes in the Yellowstone Park area this past week, all below a 2.
During the month of September 2003, 80 earthquakes took place in the Yellowstone region! The largest quake was a magnitude 3.3 on September 10th at 10:20 UTC, located about 22.4 miles south southeast of West Thumb, Wyoming, near the southern park border. This earthquake is part of an aftershock sequence that began with a main quake that occurred on August 21, 2003, with a magnitude 4.4 has continued to produce smaller aftershocks.
October 30, 2002
Maps shows volcanic bottom of park lake
By MIKE STARK Gazette Wyoming Bureau
New detailed maps reveal long-held secrets at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake, including explosion craters that stretch nearly a mile and hundreds of previously undocumented hot-water vents that dot the wrinkled and jagged floor.
The maps, four years in the making, also confirm that the lake bed is one of the most geologically active spots in Yellowstone National Park and could pose a hazard if there is a large earthquake, landslide or other major geological event.
"The floor of Yellowstone Lake is anything but quiet," said Lisa Morgan, a Denver-based research geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, who led the study.
Morgan and other members of the research team will present their findings today at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in Denver.
Researchers used new surveying techniques, including a camera-equipped robot that traveled the lake bottom, to produce a thorough three-dimensional look at the farthest reaches of the nation's largest mountain lake.
"It does indeed change we what knew or what we thought we knew about Yellowstone Lake by quite a bit," said Robert Christiansen, head scientist at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.
The new maps will help scientists at the observatory as they put together a comprehensive look at geological hazards in Yellowstone in the coming year.
He said the new USGS maps reveal underwater features that could explode, possibly shooting hot mud or rocks out of the water or onto the shore. Christiansen emphasized that the threat of that kind of activity is only potential and there is no sign that anything is likely to happen soon.
"I'm not saying this is immediate or that we're telling people this is something to stay away from," he said. "But it's more to be aware of and something that should be investigated."
Hot springs, craters
Some of the earliest travelers to Yellowstone understood the 136-square-mile lake to be geologically active. Surveys and maps have been done along the shoreline and beneath the water, including one of the most detailed that was produced about 10 years ago.
But Morgan said the new technology and high-resolution pictures of the lake floor offer the best views ever.
"It's like having cataracts removed from your eyes," Morgan said of the new maps compared with those produced a decade ago. "It's that big of a difference."
Yellowstone Lake is part of the Yellowstone Caldera, formed by the last major volcanic eruption 630,000 years ago. The lake's deepest point is about 450 feet in a vent near Stevenson Island.
The surveys revealed more than 250 hydrothermal vents - hot springs bursting from the bottom of the lake. Only about 20 had been identified previously.
Morgan said there will certainly be more than 250 vents once all the data from the survey, which ended last month, are analyzed.
"That 250 pertains to only about a third of the lake," Morgan said.
The mapping project also revealed four underwater craters that scientists believe were caused by explosions thousands of years ago. The theory is that sediment or other material formed a cap on a hot spring. Pressure grew in the clogged vent until something - perhaps an earthquake or landslide - triggered an explosion, creating a steep-walled crater and sending rocks and other material flying.
Morgan said the edges of the craters were often peppered with "ejected material," including rocks several meters in diameter.
Mary Bay, on the northern reaches of the lake, is one of the largest hydrothermal explosion craters. One of the recently discovered craters, just south and west of Mary Bay, is almost a mile across, Morgan said.
Radiocarbon dating indicates that most of the explosions are recent in geological terms, with the oldest around 13,000 years ago. The latest may be between 6,000 and 8,000 years old, Morgan said.
'A significant basin'
The investigation also revealed a series of domes. Morgan and Christiansen speculated that the domes are trapping steam and could represent points where explosions could take place similar to those that created the underwater craters.
As long as the steam beneath the dome and the water above it exert similar pressures, the domes will probably hold. But if that pressure is destabilized, an explosion could take place.
"The domes are really something we're going to look at seriously to see if they are precursors to hydrothermal explosions," Morgan said.
Also on the maps are clear pictures of conical spires more than 20 feet high, lava flows that lace along the rugged bottom, fissures cutting deep cracks, and a fault line snaking 20 miles across the lake.
The intense geologic activity at the bottom of the lake is comparable to some of Yellowstone's best known attractions, including Upper and Norris geyser basins, Morgan said.
"It's another significant hydrothermal basin in Yellowstone National Park," she said. "I think that's probably one of the biggest discoveries in this mapping."
Bob Smith, a University of Utah researcher, said scientists have known for years that the lake bottom was chock full of vents and other activity. But this is the first time high-resolution images have been produced from mapping.
The result, he said, is getting to see perhaps what a geothermic basin looks like without the wear and tear of elements in the open air.
"My gut feeling is this is like what you'd see in a geyser basin if you covered it with water," Smith said. "We're seeing a nice view of a hydrothermal system that hasn't been eroded away by wind, rain and everything else."
Like other geothermal features in Yellowstone, those beneath Yellowstone Lake are driven by an enormous underground magma chamber that heats water from snow and rain percolating through porous rock. The water becomes superheated and creates steam and pressure that is eventually released through vents and other breaks in the ground.
Discovering how much activity was happening at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake took teamwork by seveal agencies, including USGS and the National Park Service, to harness technological and scientific expertise, Morgan said.
"Of the 25 years I have worked for USGS, this has definitely been the most fun," Morgan said.
The bathymetric maps along with computer-generated "fly throughs" of the underwater landscape will be put in final form this winter and could be available for purchase by next summer.
Copyright © The Billings Gazette, a division of Lee Enterprises.
Larry Park has spent 23 years in Research & Development in leading high tech corporations in Silicon Forest (Oregon). He is currently a consulting specialist in Systems design analysis and complex hardware engineering, working with leading technological development groups including Intel, IBM, and Credence.
He formed the company Terra Research & Consulting, where for the past 10 years he has been researching and developing technology in earth precursory sciences, obtaining four patents with a fifth patent pending. He has conducted research in volcanic regions in California, Oregon, & Washington, along with the study of hundreds of earthquakes. The writer of "Forbidden Secrets of the Earthquake Revealed," data has lead him to form a new & complex theory on interaction of true seismic genesis processes. He has arrived at global earth equations which identify specific latitudinal resonant frequencies, and developed proprietary technology to observe genesis mechanisms to phenomena still considered mysterious to current science.
It Is Time To Cast a Worried Eye Towards Yellowstone
Larry Park
To date, United States volcanologists have been lucky – Mt. St. Helens and Mt Pinatubo devastating climactic eruptions have given unmistakable warning signs. Many lives were saved by civil authorities responding to geologist’s advice through ‘red zone’ restrictions or evacuations. However, the worst-case scenario is what geologists dread – zero warning. This is precisely the case for a deadly stratovolcano –Mt Rainier - which puts upwards of 100,000 lives at risk where there may only be 15-30 minutes to run for high ground from a sudden Lahar (volcanic mudflow). Yet this pales in comparison to a sudden cataclysmic eruption of a supervolcano. Many times the lives are at risk from these giants. Yet scientists do not know what these giants can do. Their theories are giving a false sense of security. It is imperative that science ‘wakes up’ to the real dynamics, before it is too late.
This article will attempt to reveal the critical phenomena eluding science and the signs that are currently being interpreted through a lacking model of the earth. New technology, not currently in the hands of scientists, does observe the true nature of earth dynamics. The urgent warning sign will be discussed where readers will get insight into what is said officially, what is not said, and what is not known (by official geology) - regarding current conditions of supervolcano Yellowstone.
A few terms defined for article discussion:
Scalar wave – A ‘mass-less’ wave that propagates differently than traditional electromagnetic waves (radio waves). Scalar waves do not oscillate back and forth between magnetic and electrostatic, yet are real waves of energy. Therefore, to sense them, one requires different technology. Traditional radio wave technology will not properly sense pure Scalar waves.
Scalar – A difference in energy potential between two reference points, with a vector. Think of an arrow; the tip to tail length defines the strength; the pointing direction of arrow determines the 3-D direction it is pointing (from-to).
Gyro-scalar – A ‘precessing’ emanation of scalar wave similar to a rate of wobble to spinning top.
Resonance – a natural vibration or a vibration frequency.
The Instruments Were Right
Since the first volcanism article, Volcanoes In California, Idaho, and Pacific Northwest Building Towards Catastrophic Eruptions, the supervolcano Yellowstone has had reports of concerning developments prompting closure of a section in Norris Geyser Basin due to rapid heating of the ground, new steam vents, and increased geyser activity. The LDI II system is accurate (see: for instrumentation technology).
”Revolutionary technology is observing an alarming deep subterranean process, which is bringing to life an underground system affecting the full state of California, the Pacific Northwest, and eastern Idaho (Yellowstone). Effects of this activity are providing small clues with regard to microquakes or swarms with moderate magnitudes up to 4’s, however the equivalent magnitude of ‘silent’ quake activity in the subterranean process are far greater. Why isn’t mainstream science aware of this? The answer is two reasons: the earth is being very ‘stealthy’ and second, mainstream science theories of crustal mechanics are faulty.”
Aug 21 event: “Rare magnitude 4.4 hits Wyoming near Yellowstone Park, Aug 21 – notable shallow depth of 0.3 miles”
“ …instrumentation that is able to ‘see’ deep within the crust is watching a real-time interaction of all of these volcanic areas”…”Recorded data illustrates a complex plumbing system that is acting as one – or the equivalent of a volcanic version of a much bigger San Andreas Fault except with a ‘Y’ to it.”
Aug 21 event: “The ‘Rare’ M4.4 quake is in line with a eastern arm of the ‘Y’ to Yellowstone.”
New Warnings – Scientists Take Heed
Forgive the urgency, but scientists need to understand that current crustal models may be rendered dangerously incorrect. In deep powerful conditions - that current instrumentation continues to record - the earth can ‘fool’ all leading volcanology to date. Yes, this is correct! Throw out all volcanology models. In very powerful scalar resonance the upper crust itself is alarmingly transformed into a soft state. The presence of thermal anomalies is an ominous sign – coupled with what instruments indicate activity at depth. If a scalar resonance develops near the supervolcano, the magma chamber just a few miles below can breach the roof. The roof is containing the colossal pressure. A sudden change if the crustal strength – i .e. softening – can lead to a dramatic failure with little to no warning.
Other scientific research is recognizing this phenomena of magma recycling from the upper crust – not from deep below. However, the new surprise awaiting science is how it can quickly transform the rock by a ‘scalar resonant’ effect.
Science Awakening to Thermal Anomaly Prior to Earthquake
Science is awakening to the phenomena of crustal heat prior to large earthquakes. Amazingly, science is even commenting on the hopes of predicting earthquakes from this new announcement. The ‘prediction’ word was deemed nearly impossible given reliance on the ‘self organized criticality’ models. Yet, theory still needs some catching up to the real earth dynamics.
What is The Risk – If A Supervolcano Erupts?
To get a sense of what it would be like, the following is a true account from Mt St Helens pyroclastic blast.
On a ridge in the ‘red zone’ less than 5 miles from the summit and moments before succumbing to a massive eruptive blast, USGS geologist David Johnston shouted “Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!”. This was the last radio transmission from David to USGS Cascades Volcanic Observatory in Vancouver Washington when Mt. St. Helen’s north face bulge gave way Sunday morning May 18, 1980 - unleashing the equivalent of 500 Hiroshima atomic bombs. Over 150 square miles of majestic forest were instantly flattened from a high velocity searing hot lateral blast, leaving defoiled trunks arrayed in layers as toothpicks viewed from above. The mountain disgorged ash continuously for 9 hours afterward. Mr. Johnston’s body was never found.
For a supervolcano, this scenario would be hundreds if not thousands of times more powerful. The devastation of ash – high heat and burial risk – would endanger all life up to 600 miles in radius, not just a nearby pristine forest. Only to understand the unbelievable amount of ash capable of a major Yellowstone eruption, see web site for graphic of historic documented ashfall. Up to 20 states in the US will be either fully affected or partially.
Scientists were puzzled at how the magma chamber in this bulge at 7 miles down could transfer the heat to geyser systems near the surface. It was discussed of a form of deep cracks or fissures, but this was commented as ‘but that’s a long pipeline’. What isn’t considered is how the earth can heat the upper crust by scalar energy – no pipeline or fissure needed (although faults & fissures are natural scalar resonators).
Perhaps the most confusing - or potential of - commentary from a geologist in media regarding ‘activity 125 miles deep’. Geologists have strong data indicating that the magma chambers at Yellowstone range very close to the surface (estimates from geologic reports range from 1 to 3 miles in some areas – this from earthquake P wave data, gravitometric data, and from lack of earthquake occurrence below these numbers, indicates ductile material consistent with magmatic entities, although temperature may not be fully fluidic state). Scientists also know that large earthquakes are able to disturb the large magma chambers at Yellowstone. This was demonstrated by the recent effects from Mag 7.9 Denali earthquake in Alaska. Although true the lithospheric Moho discontinuity may range to 125 miles down, readers of comment of ‘activity 125 miles deep’ may infer that magma has to move all of this distance before being at risk of eruption. Clearly this is not the case – the magma is already poised in threatening chambers.
Destiny Comes To Those Who Listen, and Fate Finds The Rest
The bottom line is this, the transformation of the crust rigidity from scalar harmonic resonance is now happening beneath the feet of those living in and near the Yellowstone Park area. It cannot be felt under foot and conventional science has only been able to monitor it through indirect artifacts like geysers, temperature increases, land deformation, and steam vents. With these data collection methods, the possible amount of time for an advance warning is less than optimal, not including the political ramifications, which will only serve to slow the warning once the scientific data has been ascertained. However, through scalar resonance monitoring, the whole systemic processes now building beneath Yellowstone paint a very clear picture of a major eruption event in its early stages.
History and fiction are filled with accounts of warning signs that were ignored, or downplayed by those charged with monitoring those precursors for the purpose of sounding an alarm. The story line always follows the classic formula. Those who monitor precursor events are silenced or suppressed, by those who delegated their own personal responsibility for being aware, by making it someone else’s job. In the final analysis however, Mother Nature could care less who is responsible.
Watch this page at YOWUSA as well for updates.
Yellowstone National Park is in northwest corner of Wyoming. In 1872, legislation was passed making Yellowstone the world's first national park which covers 2.5 million acres of forests, hot springs, geysers and hot mud flats.
Yellowstone National Park in the northwestern corner of Wyoming. Yellowstone is its own very large volcanic system with boiling geysers and mud flows that have entertained the public for decades. Yellowstone has not had any volcanic eruptions for tens of thousands of years, but in the summer of 2003, one public trail heated up to about the boiling point of water which is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. This week I talked with the United States Geological Survey's' scientist-in-charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, Dr. Jacob Lowenstern, about the anomalous heating.
Jacob Lowenstern, Ph.D., Scientist-In-Charge, Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California: "Most of the anomalous behavior has been related to changes in the shallow hydro-thermal system. They are shallow processes that are going on. Yellowstone is a volcanic system, but most of what we see at the surface is related to the hydrothermal system which is well above any deep magma. Heat that rises off that magma, heats up the hydrothermal system. There is a lot of hot water. It's boiling underneath the ground. Steam rises. Hot water rises up to the surface. This year more boiling has been observed in the Norris Geyser Basin that's one of several geyser basins scattered around Yellowstone.
That's right. Of course, that's a normal temperature for any steam vents at Yellowstone. That's the temperature of water when it's boiling, so that's a common temperature. But this summer, there was a variety of new vents that formed and many of them were right around the trail that goes through the back basin of the Norris Geyser Basin. So, obviously when you have soil temperatures and new steam vents forming right along a trail, it presents hazardous conditions for the public, so the park service prudently decided to close that area.
That's right.
Well, we don't really know. It's very possible that it will just form new thermal areas and there will be new hot springs and fumeroles on that trail and there won't be any more problems aside from that. This is not that uncommon in the Norris area. There's another area called the "Ragged Hills" just to the west and that's been growing for the past ten years slowly with increased boiling in the area and new thermal features that are spreading to the west.
It's always a possibility. It's not a high probability in any given year. Certainly, there have been many eruptions in the Yellowstone area. There have been some that have been very large.
But they've occurred in the distant past. the most recent was 640,000 years ago. Since then, there have been about 30 different eruptions, most of them much smaller, all of them much smaller. the most recent lava flow was about 70,000 years ago. So, it's always possible that we'll get another eruption in Yellowstone and that is something that we do monitor and look out for, but it's not something that is likely in any given year.
An earthquake that far away well, it's always possible. It's always possible, but it's not something that we would think would be likely."
This interview is copyrighted by Linda Moulton Howe
Subject: Fw: Volcanoes and The Ninth Thunder
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 09:52:35 -0800
Yellow Stone ~ All these letters about Yellow Stone. Earthquakes, YES... Super Volcano , NO.
" There will be the mighty shaking of the Earth , and the rocking back and forth of the Praies in the areas known as Wyoming, and Montana. A new Mountain range will be born there. They will be called the Co-operation Mountains, as the forming of these new mountains will shock people with the display of force the Earth will show. Rivers will reverse their directions, And in many low lying and altered areas their will be rivers of magma, Rivers of Fire, as spoken about in Old Norse Myth's.
When the Yelow Stone begins to kick up anf shake, it willl be a signal that the Final Days are upon us. For this is one of the great valves of the Royal Tetons, the Paradigm shift will commence, making way for the New Earth. The Yellow Stone will become as the Himalayas and rise thousands of feet....... In thid Birthing of Fire, mankind will again see the coming of the Masters of Old."
Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf ~ 1996
The Ninth Thunder
All my relations,
Long have I talked about the upset of the tectonic plates and the arrival of an impending cataclysm. A cataclysm that would begin a chain of events which would lead to and would cause volcanic eruptions, as well the forming of new volcanoes, and the calling of Grandfather (Mt. Baker). Also I have spoken of a major upheaval not only along the Cascade chain, but to the East ..Near Montana. As many of you are aware there seems to be much activity around Yellowstone. There is even talk of the impending eruption of a super volcano. The prophecies of the Eight Thunders I eluded that there were more prophecies which could not at the time be released until I was given permission from my elders. That time has come and will soon be revealed in the Ninth Prophesy.
The dragon has shown his face, and as you read this is loosed upon the land. Soon that whole of humanity will watch in awe as the Dragon breaths its fiery breath upon the land. The devastation's will be wide spread, and the true meaning of shock and awe understood, as men of science, and the Priests of Organized Religions stand by in utter helplessness, observing the forces of nature unleashed. Look to the area known as Longs Valley Caldera for this is where that events that will change the Earth forever will commence; and the Earth Changes take hold of their destiny...
The tectonic plates comprise which what we call the Earths surface, or curst are always in an ebb and glow cycle of movement. These plates float upon what is known as 'the mantle. 'This mantle is comprised to two layers of magma. One that is soft and one that is stiff.
The inner mantle can be found between 190 miles (300 km) a 1,800 miles (2,890 km) below the earth's surface. The average temperature is 5400 ºF (3000ºC), nevertheless the rock is solid because of the high pressures. The inner mantle for the biggest part probably consists of sulphides and oxides of silicon and magnesium. The density is between 4.3g/cm³ and 5.4g/cm³.
The outer mantle is the one that the earth's surface rides on and is a lot thinner than the inner mantle. It can be found between 7 miles (10 km) and 190 miles (300 km) below the surface of the earth. You can divide the outer mantle into two different layers. The bottom layer is tough liquid rock and probably consists of silicates of iron and magnesium. The temperature in this part is between 2520 ºF (1400ºC) and 5400 º F (3000ºC) and the density is between 3.4g/cm³ and 4.3g/cm³. The upper layer of the outer mantle consists of the same material but is stiffer because of its lower temperature.
Most volcanoes are found along plate boundaries, but some such as Hawaii are found within a plate far from the boundaries. The most likely cause for this is a hot spot, which by the way may also be the cause of Yellowstone. Long Valley Caldera has been formed within a rift zone. In other words the area of Long Valley Caldera is being pulled apart. The New Madrid Fault Zone is a rift zone that for what ever reason failed.
A magma chamber exists beneath active and dormant volcanoes. I'm not ready to rule out inactive volcanoes just because the darn thing hasn't shown any activity in the last 100,000 years or so. This chamber was formed when magma from the mantle found its way up through the curst. For the most part there is no connection between volcanoes, but there are exceptions to every rule. Two volcanoes in Mexico have the same chamber as their source of magma. These volcanoes are Popo and Colima. There may be others, but I have no idea as to their locations. There is no connection between Yellowstone and Long Valley Caldera as the magma comes from two different sources as samples of past eruptions show. This is how Volcanologists know which volcano caused the extinction of some species.
There is a new volcano being born in Northern California at this very moment. Of course at the rate it is being born it still has at least 400,000 years to go before it makes it presence known. This is Lake Pillsbury, which about a 4-hour drive north of San Francisco...
It has been said " When the time will come for the shifting to begin, cannot be foretold. Only the circumstancea that avail them selves near that time can be seen. When the time comes and the shifting commences it will come as a thief in the night, and take you unawares.. prepare yourselves and make your temple ready for the day of the Lord is coming."
That time is now very close. What is spoken of here has effects that will effect the whole of our solar system, and those beyond. Tend to your temples and make them pure. Ready yourselves for your true salvation for all we can do no is observe... and know that those who carried the messages of the impending Earth Changes... Those who were given the visions of the maps by the masters... Truly were and those who remain, the messengers. Call close to you your loved ones , your children and elders who have been foresaken. Give up your judgements of others less you judge yourselves. Compassion and allowence are to be your new virtues, opening your hearts and abundance to all who are sent to your doors. Use discernment and discretion, for many a wolf will dorn sheeps clothing. Now it the time to awaken the Christ within us all. And to take responsibility , and positive actions to help those that make the effort, to cross the bridges of this limited reality...into the light.
And be certain to make peace with the heavens for the heavens are now upon us... and the wars of angels can be felt with each new breath
For we are voyagers of the light and that is all we are...Experiencing the dream as it unfolds in accordance with our thoughts, actions, and deeds.
In the light Grandfather. from a vision
Their are two more Thunder Prophecies that came from that meeting years ago with the elders, the 10th has to do with world pestilence, and the plagues. A complete break down in civil laws, and chaos around the worlds nations.
The 11th and Final of the Thunder Prophecies has everything to do with UFO's and the return of the Ancestors.... The Thunder Prophecies have a 100 % acuracy rate thus far.
Owále piki'la, Wakan Tanka, ni'ci' un
Shunkmanitu Tanka Wanagi Wahai Wiacasa
xxxxxx |
Old Supervolcanoes Give Yellowstone Clues
By Larry O'Hanlon, Discovery News
March 17, 2005 — Clues to past and future mega-eruptions of North America's biggest volcanoes are being unearthed just miles from Yellowstone National Park.
An hour's drive southwest of Yellowstone is a place geologists call the Heise Volcanic Field. Heise is the most recently deceased ancestor in a 400-mile-long line of seven supervolcanoes, stretching from Yellowstone southwest to the Nevada-Idaho state line, near McDermitt, Nevada.
"These are all previous Yellowstones," said Lisa Morgan, a research geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver. "There's really a lot of interesting information we can get out of them."
Like, for instance, how often they erupt, how long they live and what are the signs they are about to erupt again.
Morgan and her colleague William McIntosh of the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources have some answers in a paper about the Heise Volcanic Field that they've published in the March-April edition of the GSA Bulletin.
First there is timing. According to the geologic evidence, Yellowstone's volatile old auntie Heise had four separate cataclysmic caldera-making eruptions in about 2.25 million years — from 6.65 million to 4.45 million years ago, Morgan said.
"Then there was a big hiatus before the first big Yellowstone eruption," Morgan said.
That hiatus lasted more than two million years, she points out, enough time for the North America tectonic plate to keep on steadily moving southwest, exposing fresh parts of the plate to the mysterious stationary hot spot that is burning up from below and powering the eruptions.
The first catastrophic Yellowstone eruption was about 2.1 million years ago, followed by another at 1.3 million years, and then the last big one at 640,000 years ago, Morgan said.
Clusters of mega-eruptions like those at Yellowstone and Heise, with long breaks in between, appear to be the pattern all the way back to more than 16 million years ago, when the original “Yellowstone†was created at McDermitt, Nev., Morgan said.
The life history of these burnt-out Yellowstones might be something like this: as the North American plate's movement pushes fresh, unmelted crust over the hotspot, the intense heat first liquefies the crust's most easily melted rocks — those granitic rocks made of quartz and feldspars minerals.
These are also relatively lightweight minerals, so they float upward, triggering powerful earthquakes along the way and causing dramatic swelling of the landscape as the molten rock gathers in a magma chambers near the surface.
Eventually, the magma bubble bursts onto the surface as one of those mega eruptions, Morgan explained.
Eventually, however, the supply of granitic minerals in the heated portion of crust is used up and the catastrophic eruptions end, she said.
Finally, as the North American Plate continues its inch-per-year creep to the southwest, the once-active caldera is moved off the hotspot.
"Yellowstone is probably in a late phase," said Yellowstone researcher Kenneth Pierce of the U.S. Geological Survey in Bozeman, Mont., regarding where Yellowstone might be in this supervolcano lifecycle.
If so, and if the hotspot activity follows the same pattern it has for 16 million years, there could be a long hiatus as the hotspot works on heating up a "new" Yellowstone up near Red Lodge, Mont., southwest of Billings, he said.
"Before long Billings could get a lot more exciting," Pierce joked.
Alaska Quake Changed Yellowstone Geysers
A powerful earthquake that rocked Alaska in 2002 not only triggered small earthquakes almost 2,000 miles away at Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park -- as was reported at the time -- but also changed the timing and behavior of some of Yellowstone's geysers and hot springs, a new study says. "We did not expect to see these prolonged changes in the hydrothermal system," says University of Utah seismologist Robert B. Smith, a co-author of the study in the June issue of the journal Geology.
While other large quakes have been known to alter the activity of nearby geysers and hot springs, the Denali fault earthquake of Nov. 3, 2002, is the first known to have changed the behavior of such hydrothermal features at great distances, according to Smith and his colleagues. They say the magnitude-7.9 quake was one of the strongest of its type in North America in the past 150 years.
Smith conducted the study with Stephan Husen, a University of Utah adjunct assistant professor of geophysics who works at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; Ralph Taylor, an engineer who designs geyser monitoring equipment at Yellowstone National Park; and Henry Heasler, Yellowstone National Park´s geologist.
Yellowstone Quakes
Less than 18 hours after the Denali earthquake in Alaska, Smith and colleagues at the University of Utah Seismograph Stations reported the major jolt had triggered more than 200 small earthquakes in Yellowstone -- something widely reported by news media in the days following the quake.
Smith now says the triggered numbered more than 1,000 within a week of the Denali quake -- if the count includes tiny temblors that were not "located," meaning their epicenters and depths were not determined. He says the quakes ranged in magnitude from minus 0.5 to just under 3.0. (Tiny quakes have negative magnitudes because modern seismic equipment can detect quakes smaller than was possible when the logarithmic magnitude scales were devised.) Most of the triggered quakes were centered near geysers and hot springs.
Strong Earthquakes as Seismic and Geothermal Triggers Scientists once believed that an earthquake at one location could not trigger earthquakes at distant sites. That belief was shattered in 1992 when the magnitude-7.3 Landers earthquake in California´s Mojave Desert triggered a swarm of quakes more than 800 miles away at Yellowstone, as well as other temblors near Mammoth Lakes, California, and Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The magnitude-7.5 Hebgen Lake, Montana, quake northwest of Yellowstone -- a 1959 disaster that killed 28 people -- triggered changes in Yellowstone´s geysers and hot springs, something not unexpected for a strong quake nearby. Smith believes the Denali fault ruptured in such a direction -- from northwest to southeast -- that the brunt of its energy and its powerful surface waves were aimed southeast toward Yellowstone.
Geyser Activity
As a result, the stresses rippling through the ground at Yellowstone were 200 to 300 times greater than if the Denali quake´s waves were aimed elsewhere, he says. As the Denali quake´s surface waves arrived at Yellowstone, changes in hydrothermal activity first were noted at the 100 Spring Plain hot spring system in Norris Geyser Basin. "Several small hot springs, not known to have geysered before, suddenly surged into a heavy boil with eruptions as high as 1 meter [about 39 inches]," Smith and colleagues wrote in Geology. "The temperature at one of these springs increased rapidly from about 42 to 93to 199 degrees Fahrenheit]" and became much less acidic than normal. "In the same area, another hot spring that was usually clear showed muddy, turbid water." Meanwhile, some geysers erupted more frequently than normal, while others erupted less frequently.
Yellowstone has more than 10,000 geysers, hot springs and fumaroles (steam vents), and scientists monitored how often 22 of the geysers erupted during the winter of 2002-2003. Eight of the 22 "displayed notable changes in their eruption intervals" after the Denali quake, 10 showed no significant changes and the other four were too erratic in the timing of their eruptions to determine if the quake changed them, the researchers wrote. Of the eight that changed: -- Geysers that erupted more frequently following the Denali quake included Daisy, Depression, Plume and Riverside geysers in Upper Geyser Basin, and Pink Geyser in Lower Geyser Basin. -- Geysers that erupted less frequently after the Denali quake included Castle and Plate geysers in Upper Geyser Basin and Lone Pine Geyser in West Thumb Geyser Basin.
Most geysers returned to their normal timing days to months after the Denali quake. Oddly, geysers affected by earlier nearby earthquakes -- most notably Old Faithful and Grand Geyser in Upper Geyser Basin -- were not affected by the Denali earthquake.
How the Denali Quake Sparked Yellowstone Activity Scientists do not know if the strong surface waves from the Denali quake independently triggered Yellowstone´s small quakes and changes in geyser activity. Smith suspects not. He believes the Denali quake´s waves affected the geysers by changing water pressure in underground conduits or "pipes" that feed the geysers. Such changes -- which in some cases would have made hot water "flash" explosively into steam -- would have altered the pressure on adjacent faults, triggering small earthquakes nearby.
Ripple Effect
Why did some geysers erupt more often and others less often? The researchers believe that when the Denali quake waves rippled through Yellowstone, they jarred loose minerals that had sealed some underground hot water conduits. In some cases, that allowed superheated, pressurized water to flow more freely to make geysers erupt more often. In other cases, the rupturing of subterranean mineral seals enlarged the size of the conduits supplying geysers, reducing water pressure so those geysers erupted less often.
Smith speculates that yet other geysers remained unchanged because they did not have pent-up gas and water pressure and were not affected by the Denali quake´s surface waves. The Denali quake also generated noticeable water waves in Seattle´s Lake Union, Louisiana´s Lake Pontchartrain and in swimming pools on the East Coast. It also triggered small quakes in California´s Geysers geothermal area, which is north of San Francisco, and in eastern California´s Long Valley, which, like Yellowstone, is a caldera, or giant volcanic crater created by cataclysmic prehistoric volcanic eruptions.
Hydrothermal Explosions?
The Denali quake also triggered a few small quakes in Utah, and Smith says it is possible some of those quakes occurred near little-known hot springs along the Wasatch fault at the base of the Wasatch Range. Smith says the fact that the Denali quake triggered geyser and hot springs changes at Yellowstone raises an interesting question: "Could large earthquakes closer to Yellowstone trigger hydrothermal explosions?" Such steam-and-hot water explosions in prehistoric times blasted out a hole that now is Mary´s Bay on Yellowstone Lake.
One such explosion has occurred roughly every 1,000 years since the glaciers receded from Yellowstone roughly 14,000 years ago. Smith says there is no evidence prehistoric quakes triggered those blasts. And such explosions were not triggered by the magnitude-7.5 Hebgen Lake, Mont., quake in 1959 or the magnituk, Idaho, quake in 1983. Nevertheless, a big quake near Yellowstone with its surface waves aimed the right way conceivably might "cause large hydrothermal eruptions," says Smith. "I would hypothesize that is certainly possible."
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ALASKA EARTHQUAKE DANGERS ... loss. Anchorage High School and Denali Grade School were damaged severely. Duration ... M 7.9 Denali fault event of November 3, 2002. UPDATE: 14 April 2004
[Editor's Note] - I wish they'd make up their minds if this is dangerous - or Not!!!
April 28, 2004
Yellowstone Park unlikely to blow up anytime soon: No signs of cataclysmic eruption
By MIKE STARK Of The Gazette Staff
Here's a reason to breathe easier: Civilization probably won't be crippled anytime soon by a pulverizing volcanic eruption at Yellowstone National Park.
New research indicates there is probably not a huge pot of magma brewing beneath Yellowstone that's building up to a superviolent eruption thousands of times more powerful than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
"If something like that was cooking up right now we'd see the evidence, and we don't," said Drew Coleman, an assistant geology professor at the University of North Carolina.
Coleman is one of three scientists who authored two recent studies aimed at changing the way we think about volcanoes - especially how often the "big ones" erupt.
Earth has seen staggering volcanic eruptions. The last was about 75,000 years ago when an eruption at the Toba volcano in Indonesia may have come close to wiping out all primates, including humans, university officials said.
Yellowstone, the largest known center of active volcanism on the planet, has had its share. Massive eruptions 2 million, 1.3 million and 630,000 years ago were 2,500, 280 and 1,000 times larger, respectively, than Mount St. Helens.
The latest major eruption formed the famous Yellowstone Caldera than encircles Old Faithful, Canyon, Grant Village and portions of Yellowstone Lake.
"It's not hyperbole to say that the biggest eruptions could bring an end to civilization," said Allen F. Glazner, a geology professor at UNC. "Our new work casts doubt on the assumption that gigantic eruptions should be relatively common."
To reach that conclusion, Coleman, Glazner and the University of Utah's John Bartley examined long-extinct volcanoes in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains.
In particular, they studied bodies of magma that have cooled underground, called plutons, which are the main building blocks of the Earth's crust. They also examined seismic waves produced during earthquakes and measured magma cooling.
According to traditional geologic theories, they should have found big blobs of magma beneath the surface that formed in less than 1 million years - a relatively short period of time on a geologic scale. The huge stores of magma, which is underground molten rock, were thought to be lurking beneath active volcanoes and feeding large-scale eruptions.
Instead, they found that it takes much longer for those plutons to form, up to 10 million years, and that it happens in small fits and starts, not with a big blob of magma rising up.
That means that the giant eruptions fueled by large volumes of magma are less likely to happen, the researchers concluded.
"We conclude that volcanoes are more prone to chugging along, producing many small - though still dangerous - eruptions such as the 1980 eruption at Mount St. Helens, rather than huge civilization-destroying eruptions," Coleman said.
Although the research focused on the Sierra Nevada, Coleman said the results apply to places like Yellowstone.
The findings, which have already drawn praise from some and will likely spur controversy, appear in the April issue of GSA Today and the May issue of Geology.
The research comes amid international debate over the existence of mantle plumes, the columns of hot rocks that were typically thought to rise from deep within the Earth, giving life to volcanoes in Yellowstone, Hawaii, Iceland and elsewhere.
Recent research by the U.S. Geological Survey and others suggests there may not be a deep plume beneath Yellowstone. Instead, a shallow skin of magma beneath the ground may fuel the area's vast geothermal system.
Events at the park, including the discovery of a bulge at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake and briefly higher temperatures at Norris Geyser Basin, have ignited Internet chatter over the possibility of a "supervolcanic" eruption at Yellowstone.
Like other geologists who have weighed in, UNC's Coleman said that prospect seems unlikely for a long time to come.
"Of the seismic evidence under Yellowstone that I'm familiar with, there's no big volume of magma waiting to blow," he said.
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