Ne croyez pas aux ovnis? Ces 3 vidéos militaires décomposées changeront d'avis

Une des vidéos a été enregistrée en 2004, une autre en 2013 et la plus récente en 2014. Dans les vidéos, nous voyons un OVNI effectuer des manoeuvres, contrairement à tout ce que l'humanité peut créer aujourd'hui, en ignorant la gravité et les lois qui régissent les véhicules artificiels. Les deux vidéos ont été analysées par des experts qui s'accordent à dire que les objets en question sont extraordinaires et différents de ce qu'ils ont jamais vu. Certains de ces UFOs n'étaient pas visibles à l'œil nu et en quelque sorte réussi à éviter d'être détecté sur le radar.
Au 21ème siècle, il ya deux types de personnes quand la vie extraterrestre est discutée. Ceux qui croient fermement que nous sommes visités - et ont été visités pendant des milliers d'années - et ceux qui croient que les observations d'OVNIS sont entièrement un phénomène artificiel.
Dans un entretien avec Neil deGrasse Tyson pour un National Geographic Star Talk intitulé «La Science des Alien Sightings», Senior astronome SETI Seth Shostak a déclaré que «un tiers du public croit dans le« phénomènes OVNI ».
Certes, alors qu'il existe d'innombrables vidéos falsifiées disponibles sur Internet, il ya quelques vidéos qui sont au-delà fascinant. Ils sont déroutants.
Deux de ces vidéos ont été récemment déclassifiées par le gouvernement.
Une des vidéos les plus fascinantes d'OVNIS a été enregistrée par Homeland Security. La vidéo est hors de ce monde. Dans la vidéo, un OVNI mystérieux est vu effectuer des manoeuvres, contrairement à tout ce que l'humanité peut créer aujourd'hui. L'objet volant non identifié est vu se déplaçant à une vitesse extrêmement rapide sur la terre, puis s'enfonce dans la distance.
Les lois de la physique qui régissent les avions artificiels ont peu d'effet sur cet OVNI qui semble ignorer complètement la gravité, se déplaçant à travers le ciel à des vitesses allant jusqu'à 120 mph, tout en effectuant des virages et des manœuvres dont nos avions ne sont pas capables. Fait intéressant, à un moment donné, l'OVNI semble plonger dans l'eau sans ralentir. Quel type d'avion peut faire cela?
La vidéo a été révisée par la Coalition Scientifique pour l'ufologie, un groupe de personnes qui ont une longue et longue expérience en science ont fait équipe pour étudier les preuves qui pointe vers les visites d'autre monde.
L'objet volant non identifié suivant a été enregistré sur vidéo par une caméra d'imagerie thermique sur un avion DHS, dans le ciel d'Aguadilla, à Porto Rico. Les ufologues croient que c'est la meilleure preuve des ovnis surveiller notre activité sur la planète Terre. Vous pouvez consulter le rapport complet ici.
Les chercheurs ont analysé la vidéo et sont arrivés à la conclusion que l'objet en question présente des caractéristiques qui défient les lois de la physique comme nous les connaissons. Il ne peut tout simplement pas être catalogué comme un drone, un avion militaire ou des phénomènes naturels.
La deuxième vidéo - tout aussi étonnante - a récemment été déclassifiée et filmée en 2014.

L'incident s'est produit le 11 novembre 2014, quand un hélicoptère de la Marine Chilienne (Airbus Cougar AS-532) était en patrouille de routine, à l'ouest de Santiago, en volant vers le nord.

L'objet volant non identifié a été suivi et enregistré pendant 9 minutes et 12 secondes. L'équipage a tenté à plusieurs reprises de contacter l'OVNI en utilisant la bande passante multi-nationale et civile conçue à cet effet, mais n'a reçu aucune réponse. Le capitaine de la Marine a déclaré que l'objet était une «structure plate et allongée» avec «deux projecteurs thermiques comme des décharges qui ne coïncident pas avec l'axel de mouvement». Le technicien l'a décrit comme «blanc avec une forme semi-ovale sur l'axe horizontal . "
En outre, les rapports indiquent que le pilote a essayé à plusieurs reprises de communiquer avec l'OVNI, en utilisant la bande passante multinationale, civile conçue spécifiquement pour son but.
Il n'a reçu aucune réponse. Autrement dit, incroyable.
Des vidéos comme celles-ci sont précisément ce qui est nécessaire pour que la société comprenne qu'il ya certaines choses là-bas que les explications conventionnelles ne satisfont pas.
Une autre observation aussi étonnante a été enregistrée le 5 mars 2004, lorsque l'armée de l'air mexicaine a vu 11 objets volants voler le long de leur côté pendant une patrouille aérienne d'une contrebande de drogue.

Étrangement, les objets volants non identifiés étaient seulement visibles par le système infrarouge de l'avion militaire et ne pouvaient être vus à l'œil nu. Selon les rapports, l'équipement était exploité par des officiers de la Force aérienne hautement qualifiés et analysés par le ministère de la Défense.
Ni l'équipage ni le personnel au sol n'ont pu voir les OVNIs sur le radar.
Le ministère mexicain de la Défense a écarté toutes les explications mondaines pour les observations. Les conditions atmosphériques étaient presque parfaites. Il n'y avait pas d'inversion de température dans la région et les vents étaient légers à moins de 20 mph. Il y avait une absence complète de foudre, d'activité sismique ou d'activité volcanique. Vénus n'était pas visible à l'époque.
Il ya des sceptiques qui ont rejeté cette rencontre OVNI comme une flamme de brûlage de la plate-forme pétrolière, mais les pilotes militaires mexicains ont dit que l'élévation des lumières était cadencé à une altitude plus élevée que la leur.
En outre, l'armée de l'air mexicaine a déclaré qu'ils poursuivaient quelque chose, et il a disparu à droite comme les lumières apparues.

Image mise en vedette par RussellWSanders

Ivan est un écrivain indépendant, rédacteur en chef de, il écrit aussi pour EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online et Ancient Origins.

L'histoire, l'archéologie, l'espace et les mystères du monde sont quelques-uns des sujets qu'il écrit.
The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations. The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here. Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena. The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014. The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north. The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.” Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose. He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable. Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy. Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling. Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense. Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar. The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time. There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs. Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared. Featured image by RussellWSanders Ivan Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins. History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.
Définitions de The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations. The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here. Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena. The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014. The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north. The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.” Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose. He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable. Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy. Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling. Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense. Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar. The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time. There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs. Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared. Featured image by RussellWSanders Ivan Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins. History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.
La vidéo a été révisée par la Coalition Scientifique pour l'ufologie, un groupe de personnes qui ont une longue et longue expérience en science ont fait équipe pour étudier les preuves qui pointe vers les visites d'autre monde.
L'objet volant non identifié suivant a été enregistré sur vidéo par une caméra d'imagerie thermique sur un avion DHS, dans le ciel d'Aguadilla, à Porto Rico. Les ufologues croient que c'est la meilleure preuve des ovnis surveiller notre activité sur la planète Terre. Vous pouvez consulter le rapport complet ici.
Les chercheurs ont analysé la vidéo et sont arrivés à la conclusion que l'objet en question présente des caractéristiques qui défient les lois de la physique comme nous les connaissons. Il ne peut tout simplement pas être catalogué comme un drone, un avion militaire ou des phénomènes naturels.
La deuxième vidéo - tout aussi étonnante - a récemment été déclassifiée et filmée en 2014.

L'incident s'est produit le 11 novembre 2014, quand un hélicoptère de la Marine Chilienne (Airbus Cougar AS-532) était en patrouille de routine, à l'ouest de Santiago, en volant vers le nord.

L'objet volant non identifié a été suivi et enregistré pendant 9 minutes et 12 secondes. L'équipage a tenté à plusieurs reprises de contacter l'OVNI en utilisant la bande passante multi-nationale et civile conçue à cet effet, mais n'a reçu aucune réponse. Le capitaine de la Marine a déclaré que l'objet était une «structure plate et allongée» avec «deux projecteurs thermiques comme des décharges qui ne coïncident pas avec l'axel de mouvement». Le technicien l'a décrit comme «blanc avec une forme semi-ovale sur l'axe horizontal . "
En outre, les rapports indiquent que le pilote a essayé à plusieurs reprises de communiquer avec l'OVNI, en utilisant la bande passante multinationale, civile conçue spécifiquement pour son but.
Il n'a reçu aucune réponse. Autrement dit, incroyable.
Des vidéos comme celles-ci sont précisément ce qui est nécessaire pour que la société comprenne qu'il ya certaines choses là-bas que les explications conventionnelles ne satisfont pas.
Une autre observation aussi étonnante a été enregistrée le 5 mars 2004, lorsque l'armée de l'air mexicaine a vu 11 objets volants voler le long de leur côté pendant une patrouille aérienne d'une contrebande de drogue.

Étrangement, les objets volants non identifiés étaient seulement visibles par le système infrarouge de l'avion militaire et ne pouvaient être vus à l'œil nu. Selon les rapports, l'équipement était exploité par des officiers de la Force aérienne hautement qualifiés et analysés par le ministère de la Défense.
Ni l'équipage ni le personnel au sol n'ont pu voir les OVNIs sur le radar.
Le ministère mexicain de la Défense a écarté toutes les explications mondaines pour les observations. Les conditions atmosphériques étaient presque parfaites. Il n'y avait pas d'inversion de température dans la région et les vents étaient légers à moins de 20 mph. Il y avait une absence complète de foudre, d'activité sismique ou d'activité volcanique. Vénus n'était pas visible à l'époque.
Il ya des sceptiques qui ont rejeté cette rencontre OVNI comme une flamme de brûlage de la plate-forme pétrolière, mais les pilotes militaires mexicains ont dit que l'élévation des lumières était cadencé à une altitude plus élevée que la leur.
En outre, l'armée de l'air mexicaine a déclaré qu'ils poursuivaient quelque chose, et il a disparu à droite comme les lumières apparues.

Image mise en vedette par RussellWSanders

Ivan est un écrivain indépendant, rédacteur en chef de, il écrit aussi pour EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online et Ancient Origins.

L'histoire, l'archéologie, l'espace et les mystères du monde sont quelques-uns des sujets qu'il écrit.
Synonymes de The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations. The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here. Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena. The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014. The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north. The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.” Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose. He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable. Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy. Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling. Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense. Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar. The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time. There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs. Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared. Featured image by RussellWSanders Ivan Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins. History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.
Exemples de The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations. The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here. Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena. The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014. The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north. The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.” Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose. He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable. Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy. Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling. Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense. Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar. The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time. There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs. Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared. Featured image by RussellWSanders Ivan Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins. History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.
Traductions de The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations. The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here. Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena. The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014. The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north. The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.” Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose. He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable. Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy. Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling. Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense. Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar. The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time. There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs. Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared. Featured image by RussellWSanders Ivan Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins. History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.

The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations.

The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here.

Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena.

The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014.




The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north.


The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.”

Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose.

He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable.

Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy.

Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling.




Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense.

Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar.

The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time.

There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs.

Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared.

Featured image by RussellWSanders

Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins.


History, Archaeology, Space and world’s mysteries are some of the topics he writes about.

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