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Déflecteur de tuyaux 150 000-year-Old scientifiques en Chine
150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time?
Sunday, June 22, 2014 0:45
Déflecteur de tuyaux 150 000-year-OldscientifiquesenChine:saPlacedans le temps?
Dimanche 22 juin 20140:4
Unefichierphoto, d'unepipeetunevuedulacQinghaienChine,prèsduquel les tuyaux en fontemystérieuxtrouvées.(LA NASA ;TubeimageviaShutterstock *)
L'universestpleindemystèresqui remettent en questionnosconnaissancesactuelles.En« Au-delà de la Science»EpochTimesrecueillehistoires au sujet de cesphénomènesétrangespourstimulerl'imaginationetouvrirprécédemmentinsoupçonnéesdespossibilités.Sont-ilsvrais?Vousdécidez.
OOPArt(horslieuartefact)estuntermeappliquéàdes dizainesd'objetspréhistoriquestrouvésdansdifférentsendroitsautourdumondequisemblentmontrerunniveaud'avancementtechnologiqueincongruavecletempsdanslequelellesont étéfaites.OoPartssouventfrustrerscientifiquesclassiques,déliceaventureuxenquêteursouvertauxthéoriesalternativesetsusciter le débat.
Dansunepyramidemystérieusedans la Provincechinoise duQinghaiprès de MountBaigongsonttroisgrottesremplis de tuyauxmenantàunlacd'eau saléeà proximité.Ily a aussi des tuyauxsouslelit du lac,surlarive.Leferpipesgammedans la taille,aveccertainsplus petitqued'uncure-dent.Lapartieplus étrange, c'estqu'ilssoientâgésd'environ 150 000ans.
Datationeffectuéeparl'Institutdegéologie de Pékindéterminéque cestuyaux de feront étéfondus à environ 150 000ans,s'ilsont étéen effetfabriquésparl'homme,selonBrianDunningdeSkeptoid.com.
Ladatationa étéréaliséeà l'aide de thermoluminescence,unetechniquequidétermine les minérauxcristallindepuiscombien de tempsa étéexposéeausoleilouchauffée.Les humainssontseulementpensaientonthabitélarégiondepuis 30 000ans.Au seinmême de l'histoiredelarégion,leshumainsseulsàhabiterlarégionétaientnomadesdontlifestyle ne laisseraitpasdetellesstructuresderrière.
L'Agence de presseétatiqueXinhuaenChinea rapportésurlapyramide,lestuyauxetlarecherchea commencéparunscientifiques de l'équipeenvoyéepourenquêteren2002.
Bien quedepuis, certainsontessayéd'expliquerlesconduitescommeunphénomènenaturel,YangJi,chercheuràl'AcadémiechinoisedesSciencessociales,a déclaré à que Xinhualapyramidepeutavoirétéconstruitepar des êtresintelligents.Ila faitpasrejeterlathéorieantiquesextraterrestrespouvantêtreresponsables,disant que cettethéorieest« compréhensibleetintéressantregarderdans...mais les moyensscientifiquesdoiventêtreemployéspourprouversi ouiounonc'estvrai. »
Une autrethéorieestqu'ila étéconstruitparl'hommepréhistoriqueavectechniques de perdupourles humainsd'unepériodeultérieure.
Lestuyaux de plombdansunlacsalé,siunlactwinest prochecontientd'eau douce.Lepaysageestparsemé de ce queXinhuadécritcomme«pierres de formeétrangement. »Rochesfont sailliedusolcomme des colonnesbrisées.
Lechefdudépartementpublicitédugouvernementlocal de Delinghaa déclaré à Xinhualestuyauxont étéanalyséesàunefonderielocaleet8pour centdelamatière n'a paspuêtreidentifié.Leresteétaitcomposéd'oxyde de calcium,dioxyde de siliciumetd'oxydeferrique.Ledioxyde de siliciumetoxyde de calciumsont des produitsdelongueinteractionentreleferet le grèsenvironnants,montrantl'ancienâgedestuyaux.LiuShaolin,l'ingénieurquia faitl'analyse,a déclaré à Xinhua:« cerésultatafaitlesiteencoreplusmystérieux. »
« La natureestdureici, »dit-il.« Iln'y a aucunrésidentssansparler de l'industriemodernedanslarégion,seulsquelquesbergersmigrantsverslenorddelamontagne ».
Pourajouterencoreaumystère,ZhengJiandong,unchargé de recherche de géologiedel'Administration de tremblement de terre de Chine a déclaréétatiquejournalpopulaire tous les joursen2007quecertainsdestuyauxse sontrévéléshautementradioactifs.
Jiandongditmagmariche en ferpeutavoiraugmentédeprofondémentdanslaterre,ce qui porteleferdans les fissuresoùilpourraitse solidifierdans des tubes. Bien qu'il aadmis,« ilesten effetquelque chose de mystérieux dans cespipes. »Il acitélaradioactivité à titred'exempledesqualitésétrangesdestuyaux.
D'autresontdit de sédiments de ferpeuventavoirlavédanslesfissures,faitesavec de l'eaulors des crues.
Bien queXinhuaetautrespublicationsenChineontmentionnéunepyramideouencoreunepyramidemystérieusedanslaquellelestuyauxont étéretrouvés,certainsontdit que c'étaituneformationnaturelleen forme de pyramide.
Une autrethéorieestquelestuyauxsont des racines des arbresfossilisés.XinminWeeklya rapportéen2003quescientifiques a trouvé la matièrevégétaledansuneanalysedestuyaux,etils ontégalementtrouvéce quiressemblaità des cernes annuels.L'articlerelatif à laconstatationd'unethéoriegéologiquequedanscertainestempératuresetsouscertainesconditionschimiques,racines des arbrespeuventsubir la diagenèse(transformationdusolenroche)etautresprocessusquipeuventproduire des formationsferrifères.
Rapportssurl'explication de racine d'arborescencepourlestuyaux de Baigongce qu'on appellesouventconduisentàcettecitationd'articleou de l'absence de XinminWeekly.On ignoreexactementcommentbien supportécettethéorieesten relation aveclestuyaux de Baigong.
UnarticlepubliédansleJournalofResearchsédimentairesen1993décrit les racines des arbresfossilisésdans le sud de la LouisianeauxÉtats-Unis.
A file photo of a pipe, and a view of Qinghai Lake in China, near which mysterious iron pipes were found. (NASA; Pipe image via Shutterstock*)
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
Oopart (out of place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that seem to show a level of technological advancement incongruous with the times in which they were made. Ooparts often frustrate conventional scientists, delight adventurous investigators open to alternative theories, and spark debate.
In a mysterious pyramid in China’s Qinghai Province near Mount Baigong are three caves filled with pipes leading to a nearby salt-water lake. There are also pipes under the lake bed and on the shore. The iron pipes range in size, with some smaller than a toothpick. The strangest part is that they may be about 150,000 years old.
Dating done by the Beijing Institute of Geology determined these iron pipes were smelted about 150,000 years ago, if they were indeed made by humans, according to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid.com.
And if they were made by humans, history as it is commonly viewed would have to be reevaluated.
The dating was done using thermoluminescence, a technique that determines how long ago crystalline mineral was exposed to sunlight or heated. Humans are only thought to have inhabited the region for the past 30,000 years. Even within the known history of the area, the only humans to inhabit the region were nomads whose lifestyle would not leave any such structures behind.
The state-run news agency Xinhua in China reported on the pyramid, the pipes, and the research began by a team scientists sent to investigate in 2002.
Though some have since tried to explain the pipes as a natural phenomenon, Yang Ji, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Xinhua the pyramid may have been built by intelligent beings. He did not dismiss the theory that ancient extraterrestrials may be responsible, saying this theory is “understandable and worth looking into … but scientific means must be employed to prove whether or not it is true.”
Another theory is that it was built by prehistoric humans with techniques lost to humans of a later period.
The pipes lead into a salty lake, though a twin lake nearby contains freshwater. The surrounding landscape is strewn with what Xinhua described as “strangely shaped stones.” Rocks protrude from the ground like broken pillars.
The head of the publicity department at the local Delingha government told Xinhua the pipes were analyzed at a local smeltery and 8 percent of the material could not be identified. The rest was made up of ferric oxide, silicon dioxide, and calcium oxide. The silicon dioxide and calcium oxide are products of long interaction between the iron and surrounding sandstone, showing the ancient age of the pipes. Liu Shaolin, the engineer who did the analysis, told Xinhua: “This result has made the site even more mysterious.”
“Nature is harsh here,” he said. “There are no residents let alone modern industry in the area, only a few migrant herdsmen to the north of the mountain.”
To further add to the mystery, Zheng Jiandong, a geology research fellow from the China Earthquake Administration told state-run newspaper People’s Daily in 2007 that some of the pipes were found to be highly radioactive.
Other Theories
Jiandong said iron-rich magma may have risen from deep in the Earth, bringing the iron into fissures where it would solidify into tubes. Though he admitted, “There is indeed something mysterious about these pipes.” He cited the radioactivity as an example of the strange qualities of the pipes.
Others have said iron sediments may have washed into the fissures, carried with water during floods.
Though Xinhua and other publications in China have referred to a pyramid or even a mysterious pyramid in which the pipes were found, some have said it was a pyramid-shaped natural formation.
Another theory is that the pipes are fossilized tree roots. Xinmin Weekly reported in 2003 that scientists found plant matter in an analysis of the pipes, and they also found what looked like tree rings. The article related the finding to a geological theory that in certain temperatures and under certain chemical conditions, tree roots can undergo diagenesis (transformation of soil into rock) and other processes that can produce iron formations.
Reports on the tree-root explanation for the so-called Baigong pipes often lead back to this Xinmin Weekly article or lack citation. It’s unclear exactly how well-supported this theory is in relation to the Baigong pipes.
An article published in the Journal of Sedimentary Research in 1993 describes fossilized tree roots in South Louisiana in the United States.
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