Égyptien veut poursuivre Israël sur les fléaux bibliques

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A writer in Egypt is demanding that his nation sue Israel over the 10 biblical plagues.

“We want compensation for the plagues that were inflicted upon [us] as a result of the curses that the Jews’ ancient forefathers [cast] upon our ancient forefathers, who did not deserve to pay for the mistake that Egypt’s ruler at the time, Pharaoh, committed,” said columnist Ahmad al-Gamal, in a column in the Egyptian daily Al-Yawm Al-Sabi.

The column was spotted and cited by officials with the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors and comments on media in the Middle East.

The commentator also advocated suing Israel for the “precious materials” used by the Israelites to build their desert tabernacle, Turkey for damages for invading Egypt during the Ottoman empire and France for Napoleon’s invasion.

And he wants Britain to pay for 72 years of occupation.

After the 10 plagues resulted in their freedom from Egyptian slavery, the Israelites soon beheld Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea. Now you can watch the acclaimed “Red Sea Crossing” video documentary, in which robotic submarine cameras reveal Egyptian chariots strewn across the sea floor. Save $15 – just $4.95 today only!

“For what is written in the Torah proves that it was Pharaoh who oppressed the children of Israel, rather than the Egyptian people. [But] they inflicted upon us the plague of locusts that didn’t leave anything behind them; the plague that transformed the Nile’s waters into blood, so nobody could drink of them for a long time; the plague of darkness that kept the world dark day and night; the plague of frogs; and the plague of the killing of the firstborn, namely every first offspring born to woman or beast, and so on,” he wrote.

“We want compensation for the gold, silver, copper, precious stones, fabrics, hides and lumber, and for [all] animal meat, hair, hides and wool, and for other materials that I will mention [below], when quoting the language of the Torah. All these are materials that the Jews used in their rituals. These are resources that cannot be found among desert wanderers unless they took them before their departure…” he continued.

The MEMRI report noted al-Gamal calls for using “all measures of the law” to collect compensation.”

He quotes the Bible’s description of the Exodus.

“The stories of the Holy Scriptures state that the Israelites set off from the [Nile] valley at night and went to the Sinai Peninsula. This is known to be a desert, were there is no use for large quantities of gold, silver, precious stones, meats, oils, fabrics and the like. Therefore it is clear that the Israelites took all these things from Egypt before they left. Chapter 25 of Exodus, on the [Israelites'] departure [from Egypt], states: ‘The Lord said to Moses: Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering… These are the offerings you are to receive from them: gold, silver and bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and another type of durable leather; acacia wood; olive oil for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense; and onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.”

He also notes the construction of the portable tabernacle assembled by the Israelites used acacia wood and gold, as well as linens.

He even cites the mental injury from Egypt’s long history.

“We want compensation from the Turks for damaging the Egyptian psyche through their racism and haughtiness, their contempt for Egypt and the Egyptians, and their disgraceful treatment of the peasant as someone who [merely] plows, sows and reaps – although the harvest from the sweat of his brow filled the stomachs of the indolent Ottomans,” he said.

The plagues included turning the Nile’s water into blood, frogs, lice, flies, diseased livestock, boils, thunder and hail, locusts, darkness, and the deaths of the firstborn.

A stunning DVD called “Navigating History: Egypt” is now available. It explores the nation’s history from Pharaonic mythology to modern-day Islam.”

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A writer in Egypt is demanding that his nation sue Israel over the 10 biblical plagues.

“We want compensation for the plagues that were inflicted upon [us] as a result of the curses that the Jews’ ancient forefathers [cast] upon our ancient forefathers, who did not deserve to pay for the mistake that Egypt’s ruler at the time, Pharaoh, committed,” said columnist Ahmad al-Gamal, in a column in the Egyptian daily Al-Yawm Al-Sabi.

The column was spotted and cited by officials with the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors and comments on media in the Middle East.

The commentator also advocated suing Israel for the “precious materials” used by the Israelites to build their desert tabernacle, Turkey for damages for invading Egypt during the Ottoman empire and France for Napoleon’s invasion.

And he wants Britain to pay for 72 years of occupation.

After the 10 plagues resulted in their freedom from Egyptian slavery, the Israelites soon beheld Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea. Now you can watch the acclaimed “Red Sea Crossing” video documentary, in which robotic submarine cameras reveal Egyptian chariots strewn across the sea floor. Save $15 – just $4.95 today only!

“For what is written in the Torah proves that it was Pharaoh who oppressed the children of Israel, rather than the Egyptian people. [But] they inflicted upon us the plague of locusts that didn’t leave anything behind them; the plague that transformed the Nile’s waters into blood, so nobody could drink of them for a long time; the plague of darkness that kept the world dark day and night; the plague of frogs; and the plague of the killing of the firstborn, namely every first offspring born to woman or beast, and so on,” he wrote.

“We want compensation for the gold, silver, copper, precious stones, fabrics, hides and lumber, and for [all] animal meat, hair, hides and wool, and for other materials that I will mention [below], when quoting the language of the Torah. All these are materials that the Jews used in their rituals. These are resources that cannot be found among desert wanderers unless they took them before their departure…” he continued.

The MEMRI report noted al-Gamal calls for using “all measures of the law” to collect compensation.”

He quotes the Bible’s description of the Exodus.

“The stories of the Holy Scriptures state that the Israelites set off from the [Nile] valley at night and went to the Sinai Peninsula. This is known to be a desert, were there is no use for large quantities of gold, silver, precious stones, meats, oils, fabrics and the like. Therefore it is clear that the Israelites took all these things from Egypt before they left. Chapter 25 of Exodus, on the [Israelites'] departure [from Egypt], states: ‘The Lord said to Moses: Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering… These are the offerings you are to receive from them: gold, silver and bronze; blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair; ram skins dyed red and another type of durable leather; acacia wood; olive oil for the light; spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense; and onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.”

He also notes the construction of the portable tabernacle assembled by the Israelites used acacia wood and gold, as well as linens.

He even cites the mental injury from Egypt’s long history.

“We want compensation from the Turks for damaging the Egyptian psyche through their racism and haughtiness, their contempt for Egypt and the Egyptians, and their disgraceful treatment of the peasant as someone who [merely] plows, sows and reaps – although the harvest from the sweat of his brow filled the stomachs of the indolent Ottomans,” he said.

The plagues included turning the Nile’s water into blood, frogs, lice, flies, diseased livestock, boils, thunder and hail, locusts, darkness, and the deaths of the firstborn.

A stunning DVD called “Navigating History: Egypt” is now available. It explores the nation’s history from Pharaonic mythology to modern-day Islam.”

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Égyptien veut poursuivre Israël sur les fléaux bibliques


« Nos ancêtres anciens... ne mérite pas de payer pour l'erreur de Pharaon »

Un écrivain en Egypte est exigeant que sa nation poursuivre Israël sur les 10 fléaux bibliques.


"Nous voulons des compensations pour les fléaux qui [nous] ont été infligées à la suite les malédictions qui ancêtres antiques de Juifs [cast] sur nos ancêtres anciens, qui ne méritaient pas de payer pour l'erreur souverain de l'Égypte à l'époque, Pharaon, commis," dit le chroniqueur Ahmad al-Gamal, dans une colonne dans le quotidien égyptien Al-Yawm Al-Sabi.


La colonne a été repérée et citée par les fonctionnaires avec le Middle East Media Research Institute, qui surveille et commentaires sur les médias au Moyen-Orient.


Le commentateur préconise en outre engager des poursuites contre Israël pour les « matériaux précieux » utilisés par les Israélites pour construire leur tabernacle du désert, Turquie pour dommages-intérêts pour envahir l'Égypte durant l'empire Ottoman et la France pour l'invasion de Napoléon.


Et il veut que la Grande-Bretagne de payer pour 72 ans d'occupation.


Après que les dix plaies a abouti à leur liberté de l'esclavage égyptien, les Israélites virent bientôt Moïse séparant les eaux de la mer rouge. Maintenant vous pouvez regarder le célèbre « Traversée de la mer rouge » vidéo documentaire, dans lequel des caméras robotisées sous-marines révèlent des chars égyptiens éparpillés à travers le plancher océanique. Économisez $15 – seulement 4,95 $ aujourd'hui seulement !


« Pour ce qui est écrit la Torah prouve qu'il s'agissait de Pharaon qui opprimaient les enfants d'Israël, et non le peuple égyptien. [Mais] ils ont infligé à nos portes, l'invasion de sauterelles qui ne laissent rien derrière eux ; la peste qui transforme les eaux du Nil en sang, afin que personne ne pouvait boire d'entre eux pendant une longue période ; le fléau des ténèbres qui a gardé le monde sombre jour et nuit ; le fléau des grenouilles ; et la peste de la mise à mort des premiers-nés, nommément chaque progéniture premier né de la femme ou la bête et ainsi de suite,"écrit-il.


"Nous voulons une indemnisation pour l'or, argent, cuivre, pierres précieuses, tissus, cuirs et bois d'oeuvre et pour la viande animale [tous], cheveux, peaux et la laine et pour d'autres matériaux que je citerai [ci-dessous], en citant la langue de la Torah. Tous que ce sont les matières que les Juifs utilisent dans leurs rituels. Ce sont des ressources qui ne peuvent être trouvées parmi les vagabonds du désert, à moins qu'ils l'emmenaient avant leur départ...", poursuit-il.


Le rapport MEMRI a noté al-Gamal réclame à l'aide de "toutes les mesures de la loi" de percevoir une indemnité. »


Il cite la description de la Bible de l'exode.


"Les histoires de l'état de Saintes Écritures que les Israélites partent de la vallée [Nil] pendant la nuit et se rendit à la péninsule du Sinaï. Ceci est connu pour être un désert, étaient il n'y a pas besoin de grandes quantités d'or, argent, pierres précieuses, viandes, huiles, tissus et similaires. Par conséquent, il est clair que les Israélites ont pris toutes ces choses d'Egypte avant leur départ. Chapitre 25 de l'exode, au départ [des Israélites] [d'Egypte], affirme: « l'Eternel dit à Moïse : dis aux Israélites de me faire une offre... Ce sont les offrandes vous devez recevoir de leur part : or, argent et bronze ; fil bleu, pourpre et d'écarlate et fin lin ; poil de chèvre ; RAM peaux teintes rouge et un autre type de cuir résistant ; bois d'Acacia ; huile d'olive pour la lumière ; épices pour l'huile d'onction et le parfum odoriférant ; et pierres d'onyx et autres pierres précieuses pour être monté sur l'éphod et le pectoral. »


Il note également la construction du tabernacle portable assemblé par les Israélites utilisés le bois d'acacia et or, ainsi que linge de maison.


Il cite même le traumatisme mental de la longue histoire de l'Égypte.


« Nous voulons une indemnité aux Turcs pour avoir endommagé la psyché égyptienne par leur racisme et leur arrogance, leur mépris pour l'Égypte et les Égyptiens et leur traitement scandaleux du paysan comme quelqu'un qui [simplement] laboure, sème et récolte – bien que la récolte de la sueur de son front rempli les estomacs des Ottomans indolents, » dit-il.


Les fléaux inclus transformant des eaux du Nil en sang, grenouilles, poux, mouches, animaux malades, furoncles, tonnerre et grêle, criquets, l'obscurité et la mort des premiers-nés.


Un magnifique DVD appelé « Navigation histoire : l'Egypte » est maintenant disponible. Il explore l'histoire de la nation de la mythologie pharaonique à l'Islam moderne. »


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