FEMA Region 3 Has Been Activated: Emergency Situation Breaking In West Virginia – Civil Unrest Simmering
(By WatchmenOfAmerica.com)
January 10, 2014 (Friday) 6:05 p.m.EST
Reports have come in to Sentinel Command of massive fighting breaking loose in West Virginia over Bottled water as the Chemical Spill Situation continues.
Fema Region 3 has been activated, National Guard has been called out as the area has been declared a state of emergency.
All water in the area has been contaminated with the chemical (4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol), a chemical used in the coal industry. This chemical will make a person sick but it is not deadly unless ingested in huge quantity.
The incident occurred Thursday on the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia’s capital and largest city, upriver from the eastern U.S. state’s largest water treatment plant.
All stores have been depleted of bottled water, situation has become desperate as citizens are now fighting over resources.
Over 300,000 are affected in a 9 county area.
CDiC issued the state of emergency, Schools, restaurants and businesses have been shut down.
KCHS-TV8 newsroom was contacted to confirm or verify the reports of civil unrest and/or activation of the National Guard. Although the newsroom representative was not able to confirm any reports of civil unrest, it is interesting to note the very nonchalant attitude of the reporter when asked about the National Guard.
In emergency situations, the National Guard is commonly used to provide relief. Essentially, it’s an emergency that requires military intervention, and the matter should therefore be taken very seriously. We believe the attitude of the main steam media should be more in line with conveying the seriousness of the emergency such that it requires military support, versus their lackadaisical attitude to facilitate acclimation of the public to military presence.
Although unsubstantiated by the main stream KCHS reporters, civil unrest reports are coming from the citizenry. KCHS is clueless of these reports, and it is nit clear whether they are suppressing information so as not to create a panic.