On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:06 PM, George Filer <> wrote:
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![]() ![]() Photo of UFO taken from airliner on October 17, 2013 over Brazil.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
October 23, 2013
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The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Retired CIA Spy Says Roswell Real, Pyramid Earth Defenses? Geoglyphs around the World, Alien Craft Crashes in 1884 Nebraska, Fukushima Most Serious Radiological Disaster Ever, and Mars Letter Z.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Filer’s Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week plus: 739 forwarded to more thousands and to 68. Social Networks: I suggest you forward them to your friends and neighbors and ask them to read the evidence with an open mind.
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was “Be Happy” and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned and my two beautiful daughters Elizabeth Lynn died March 8, 2013 and Dr. Victoria Anne Filer died April 27, 2013.
Filer’s Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week plus: 739 forwarded to more thousands and to 68 Social Networks: I suggest you forward them to your friends and neighbors and ask them to read the evidence with an open mind.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
Special ReportsRetired CIA Spy Says Roswell UFO Incident RealNewspaper account published July 8, 1947 regarding the UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico.
Ground Report’s Robert Tilford states, “Chase Brandon, a well respected 25-year Central Intelligence Agency veteran, claims the UFO crash at Roswell was real.”
Brandon served as a spy and undercover covert operations officer in the CIA’s infamous Clandestine Service for 25 years and claims the CIA has information on the Roswell UFO incident that proves “it’s real” and happened exactly the way it was first reported when the Army announced it had captured a UFO back in 1947.
He claims the information is housed in a special section of CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia, called the Historical Intelligence Collection room.
“It was a vaulted area and not everybody could get in it,” Brandon told the Huffington Post recently, “One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles that were mostly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell”, he said.
“I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged around inside it, put the box back on the shelf and said, ‘My god, it really happened!”
“Some written material and some photographs, and that’s all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box,” he said.
“But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred” ‘It was a craft that did not come from this planet’:
UFOs Are Under Intelligent ControlRobert M. Collins writes, I’ve heard it all before, May I remind you that if UFOs are under Intelligent control we don't control the evidence, forget scientific anything, if it were really just a science problem we should have hard evidence by now, we don't. Therefore, it's an Intelligence problem which is what I did in the AF. Yes I agree, there is a lot of junk out there.
And, no arm chair anything here. I've worked with many people since 1985 with lots of data to back it up. 22 years in the AF, graduate Physics training and 6 years holding a Top Secret/Code Word clearance; met a lot people in the know at the Foreign Technology Division-WP now NASIC...For what's over this house and seen through out the world see below. Regards Robert M. Collins Pyramid Earth Defenses?![]() Note: Many pyramids are still producing measurable electromagnetic output, I wonder if they could stop a large meteorite
Geoglyphs around the World![]() Irish mythology of the Anunnaki predates Sumerian civilization by a thousand years or more. Enki had been the first of the Anunnaki to hazard a trip to Earth to begin a mining operation for gold. First Enki apparently settled Ireland and later founded a civilization in ancient Sumeria.
Around 3400 BC, when early Egypt was only a century old the ancient Peruvians already displayed many of the attributes we associate with civilization. There were large permanent settlements with artistic and religious values and were capable of organizing massive construction projects including pyramids. The builders of these great structures were often Caucasian and often with unusually large skulls.
Researchers said it may be the oldest skull ever found in the Americas: an elongated-faced woman known as the Peñon Woman died anywhere from 12,700 to 13,000 years ago at the age of 27 in Mexico.
The remains of one of the oldest North Americans ever found have been recovered in Washington State. The 9,300-year old skeleton is 90% complete and belongs to a Caucasian male about five foot ten inches tall. Described as one of the most complete skeletons ever unearthed in the Americas it was discovered near Kennewick, Washington in July of 1996 and dubbed "Kennewick Man." Now it is the subject of a court battle between anthropologists who desire to learn all they can about it, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which wants to cover it up, by turning this remarkable
![]() Indian tribes who want it reburied without further study based on the claim that the skeleton is an "Indian" and therefore should not be studied. The Indians had no explanation as to how one of their "ancestors" could be Caucasian.
As if the discovery of an 9000 year old Caucasian in the United States would not of itself be sensational enough, the excitement over Kennewick man has led to a breaking down of "an iron curtain of silence" which had previously existed in the news media and among some archeologist and anthropologist over the finding of at least six other Caucasoids of greater antiquity than any Asiatic Indian remains known in North America! This includes the nearly ten-thousand-year-old mummy of a Caucasoid male found in Spirit Cave, Nevada, and the skeletal remains of a nine year old Caucasoid female child found in Nevada of equal antiquity. From their graves, men, women, and children are speaking to us and their tale is that of an ancient culture stretching at the least from Arizona to Washington State. Their story, long unknown, now uncovered, rushes to greet us from the misty depths of the past. A sensational story of life and death in America B.C.
Interestingly enough the Kennewick man had imbedded in his pelvic bone a two inch Clovis spear point of gray volcanic rock thrown by an enemy with every intent to kill. Kennewick Man survived the attack but the spear point remained imbedded in his hip. Some have jokingly speculated that this was the first incidence of "Cowboys and Indians with the Indians winning." It should be pointed out that there is little proof that there was a single Indian of Siberian extract in the entire Northwest when Kennewick man lived there. The present non-Caucasian Indians in that region are believed to have been there less than a thousand years, which makes them the invaders and Kennewick man and his people the "native Americans" of the Northwest.
By Steve Connor Science Editor and Stephen H. Hull M.A.; B.A. (Hons.) Archaeological Data Management Provincial Archaeology Office St. John's, Newfoundland
Alien Craft Crashes in 1884 Nebraska![]() It was the second UFO crash Buder knows of and the first to be recorded in newspapers of the time. But once the story came out, it started a worldwide wave of similar stories - some more reputable than others. One such case is the 1897 crash near Aurora, Texas, where four alien bodies are supposedly buried in a graveyard. Eyder Peralta, a reporter for the Houston Chronicle, investigated that crash and turned up nothing. But the Nebraska crash is the first reported. It was only after the incident near Max that it became a sort of mythology. "That means that all these other hoax crashes that started seem to have gotten their start at Max, Neb.," Buder said. It's a piece of Nebraska history only occasionally touched on; it is Roswell before there was a Roswell to speak of. "I'd say right now there's only a few dozen people in Nebraska who even know about it," Buder said. But how does a craft just disappear, just dissolve in a crash? What about the "cogs" that the craft threw off as it approached the ground? Did those, too, simply disappear? It's a legend taken more seriously than most of the era in ufology circles, which is not to say there aren't skeptics.
Alan Boye even wrote in his recent book, "The Complete Roadside Guide to Nebraska," that "there are, of course, many people who do not believe the story and others who claim it is yet another UFO story neglected and laughed at by skeptics." But skeptical or not, Buder asserts that it was the beginning of the wave of stories, ground zero for what would turn into airship sightings as time went on. He sees the building of the railroad coinciding with the sightings of the era.
![]() Fukushima Most Serious Radiological Disaster Ever![]() ![]() Watch the broadcast here Channel 4 News (UK), Oct. 16, 2013: Fukushima: why next month is its biggest since 2011 The World Nuclear Report in 2013 said the operation had the potential to cause “by far the most serious radiological disaster to date” if it goes wrong. It warns of the possibility of apocalyptic scenarios including the evacuation of 10 million people in the surrounding area, including Tokyo. [...] 400 tonnes of irradiated spent fuel from reactor 4 [...] which needs to be removed from the now highly unstable structure in case of any kind of earthquake [...] so many risks and unknowns, including whether the fuel assemblies have been damaged, which could lead to the radiation risks if the casings have been breached. The worst case scenario is if the fuel assemblies are dropped, which could ultimately lead to a partial meltdown – but that is not thought to be likely.
Professor Neil Hyatt, a nuclear expert at Sheffield University, told Channel 4 News reports have been “very clear on the worst that can happen”, adding: “Is that feasible? Yes. Is it realistic? That’s hard to say. This is probably a world first in terms of the engineering challenge.” [...] Tepco Spokeswoman: “The removal of the fuels is an experienced technology used everywhere over the world. The risks are evaluated and well under control.” Professor Hiroaki Koide, Kyoto University Reactor Research Institute, Welcome to Fukushima (2013): “In the fuel pool of Reactor No. 4 there is still 4,000 times the amount of fuel in Hiroshima. Even now there are still aftershocks at Fukushima. If there is a big shock and the pool is destroyed, there will be 10 times more contamination in the atmosphere than now.” Watch Professor Koide in the documentary here
Mars Letter Z![]() Bill Furner I notice at the end of your Mufon video, you mention that "Z seems to appear time and time again"
Here is Z again.
News PropagandaBe careful of the propaganda that may be produced by the six companies that control all your news. The news media pushes their point of view on numerous subjects. They seem to want attack Syria and Iran, Global Warming exists, UFOs do not exist, Don’t worry about Fukushima or the National Debt, Take away the peoples’ guns, God does not exist, Supports same sex marriage, The Tea party is wrong, We need Obama care, etc. In every story produced in the news media there is often another point view.
In addition subliminals and entrainment technology is deployed through the television waves. A recent review of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies shows that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite participants being unaware. Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing. Financial firms, for instance, often use these technologies to aid in persuasion and sales marketing to help put the customer in a particular mode.
For example hundreds of millions are spent by the pharmaceutical industry to lobby Congress. For Truth: Follow the Money and Who Profits?
In a snippet from a Truthstream points out, why should we trust the government to manage health insurance, when it cannot even create a basic functioning website that cost five hundred million dollars? During the Shutdown, why were government employees paid to stay on to barricade memorials and man public spaces that normally aren’t even staffed anyway, just to keep people out?
New Jersey Conference November 9th![]() The speaker roster is as follows: Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Jose' Escamilla, Mike Stevenson, and George Filer.
For more details, speaker biographies and payment information please go to
We look forward to seeing you all there. Please purchase your tickets in advance, as this is a highly sought after event, especially with the speakers we have featured. See you there!! Dave Stinnett Director, N.J. UFO Conference
Sightings in the United StatesArizona Triangle![]() I took five photos with my cell phone but only two photos were any good as once again my camera began flickering wildly and again refused to photograph correctly. My wife and numerous others also sighted the object; but I did not see it leave. Numerous cars were parked on the roadway viewing the craft! Thanks to MUFON CMS California Solid Beam of Light![]() Colorado Disc![]() Connecticut Orb![]() North Haven -- This object has appeared on September and again on October 19, 2013. He called me to tell me he saw it again on his way home. What I witnessed was on the highway between exit 14 and 15. I pulled over to get my camera to video what I was witnessing. I was able to capture it with a fixed focal length lens a 50mm, at 720 pixels. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Triangle![]() Fort Ogden -- This is a craft that flew right over our home around 8 pm as my wife was recording on October 19, 2013. My daughter and I were about a 1/4 of a mile away at the post office when everything lit up brighter then the moon and we looked over to see this craft 500 yards from us. It was not far above the tree tops and moving very slow and we heard no sound. It was bigger than a 747 and it moved along a southern path across 17 highway right in front of us. Then it turned like a car and went parallel to the highway and headed back over the highway and then just vanished. When we got home she was outside and said you won’t believe what flew
over the house and I said we were right next to it and tell me you got it on video and she had. She said she heard an electrical whirl or buzzing sound but very low decibels. My daughter and I both agreed that it was triangle shaped with some things like arms coming off of it with a ton of solid lit lights and some flashing strobes on the sides and some kind of spinning thing on it. We have lots of videos of strange craft and this one that’s here almost every night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
![]() Massachusetts Five These Bright Orbs![]() Nevada Three Bright Lights![]() What got our attention the most was that the three lights were in a perfect row, staying stationary? Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Parachute UFO![]() Gloucester Township -- I was driving on Sicklerville Road about a mile from my home just past dusk and I looked up to see a brightly colored parachute that also twinkled with all sorts of colors on October 14, 2013. It hovered and descended just like a parachute. It was very intriguing, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. But then I noticed another identical object to the right descending at the same rate. They seemed to be very far away so I drove on and soon they were behind me as the road turned. I'm sure I'm not the only one to lay eyes on these objects, whatever they may be, and I bet there are a lot of other folks out there wondering about them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Cylinder![]() Ohio 25 Lights![]() Pennsylvania Orbs![]() I was definitely excited and a bit nervous, but not afraid as I called upon my infantry training to calm myself. These too had an orangish, amber-like hue, but these were closer and very bright; seeming almost to sparkle in a slow pulsating effect pulsing in unison, about every second or so. The first one "shrunk" and took off - straight up and through the low-hanging clouds - followed by the second one, immediately thereafter. The third one too became only a small, dim light as well. I’d guess they were about six to ten feet in diameter. I pulled at the Route 15 diner when another light appeared - or, more accurately, it was there when I turned around and looked. Anyway, I kept watching it as I fumbled with my gloves, goggles and leather "Snoopy cap" and, finally, managed to get my phone out from under my leather riding jacket.
The light was moving south, just as the others had and Id only just gotten my wife on the phone when it suddenly disappeared. It was simply too far to tell for sure. I was trying to bring my wife up to speed – when another light suddenly appeared like the first heading due south. I asked her get dressed to see this one! I asked my wife to stay out for awhile but she didn’t see anything. I scanned the skies on my way to York, but saw nothing else. Thanks to MUFON CMS South Carolina Light![]() Texas Triangle![]() Fort Worth -- It was about 11:40 PM, last Tuesday on October 15, 2013, I was watching TV when I heard a loud pulsating humming sound outside. I ran out and was stunned to see a large triangular craft with a white light on each point of the object. The craft was about 75 feet away from me and about 50 feet in length. The reason that I was so shocked was because I have been hearing this humming sound every night for the past week. Also this has not been the first time I have seen the object and I am not the only one who has seen it, almost every person in my family has seen these triangles right over my house. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Orb on Security Cameras![]() North Ogden -- Reviewing two security cameras set up specifically to view magnitude 8.5 stars they captured a moving object on October 18, 2013. It was moving west while making about ten course changes. Upon reaching mid camera view, it quickly sped off camera view in a westerly direction. A CML2331 board camera were set up pointing east, a with 25 degree viewing area lens. The object is very small point of light moving with multiple course changes in the video with the Moon underneath. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights![]() Worldwide UFO SightingsAustralia Multiple Sightings
Brazil UFO Spotted from Airliner![]() Canada Orbs and LightsGrand Bay-Westfield, New Brunswick – I observed a very large silent object that had two lights flying low across the water looking towards Millidgeville in Saint John, heading north along the river.
The lights on top of each other like a phone tower on October 2, 2013, but it all moved together as a single unit at 9:30 PM, blackening any lights from the city behind it. I thought it might be a blimp, when I realized how big it was. Other than the lights, it was black, so I can't tell you the exact shape, except long and round.
It was hovering over the coast behind one island, so I knew it was far away. I ran to get my mother, and she saw it too. It flew north and low along the river slower than an airplane until trees obstructed our view. Thanks to ![]() Croatia Fire BallZagreb – The flying object looked like a fire ball (like an airplane on fire) without any sound, moving very fast on October 7, 2013. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Air Show UFO![]() Qatar Disc UFODoha -- I was in a car going on Rawdat al Khail Street, towards Doha just outside the city and saw two constant green lights and a red one flashing twice. Straight ahead I saw four strange lights coming from the northwest towards me as if there was a police car in the sky! The UFO flew over our car, and then stopped abruptly on October 8, 2013, about 5:50 PM.
Its lights were larger than any aircraft lights and all four lights seemed to be quadrant parts of a single disc. Both green lights of the disc occupied the left half of the disc, and the red light kept moving from the top right position to the bottom right in a clockwise manner and then back to the top right position and so on. It flew quite low above me, and I could not see any wings, blades or tail which a plane or a helicopter would have. Its diameter looked like it was several meters large. It abruptly stopped as our car sped away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Nelspruit, Mpumalanga – A very bright shiny light was seen with a radiating light that bounced off the clouds, like a row of silver linings on October 1, 2013, at 8:20 PM to 8:30 PM. It disappeared into the clouds from time to time, but a glow was still visible. It glowed pink in a large more or less elliptic shape. It remained still in one place and either the object or its glow was visible for about ten minutes. Then it disappeared abruptly. We saw it from Uitkyk, 20 km south of Nelspruit, to the west of the escarpment. Thanks to
UK/EnglandTile Hill, Coventry, West Midlands -- As I passed a Sainsbury’s Building on October 8, 2013, I saw an object that I thought may be stationary police helicopter that started to move west. I got to the other side of building and could see it was 50 to 80 feet in length and 20 to 30 feet across.
I drove as fast as I could along Tile Hill Lane where I could see it in the distance now moving north between 1900-1930 hours. I turned on to Banner Lane, parked in layby and got out to try and see it again. I phoned a couple of friends to tell them and saw it again. By time I turned camera on to attempt a photo it had moved north behind buildings and trees out of my view. I compared it to two separate aircraft landing at Birmingham International Airport and both were higher but I could hear their engines. At first is was similar in size to helicopter then changed to a larger object with single white light at front, and two amber flashing lights at outer edges, a single red light at rear and a row of 3-5 white lights ten foot from the red light. Thanks to Glasgow, Scotland -- I was in my garden at around 10 PM on October 10, 2013. I was having a cigarette, and gazing at the stars as it was a very clear, crisp evening. I witnessed triangular set of lights flying across the sky directly above me from North to South. The lights maintained their triangular shape perfectly until heading south where they then lost their shape and changed suddenly to circular motions, dancing around one another while maintain their speed and direction. I witnessed this event from a village north of Glasgow. The lights travelled at speed and covered my visible horizon in about 10-15 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Support Earth Changing ResearchI was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50.
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