lundi 7 mai 2018

7 mai 2018 : 
Un changement de direction et une purge des agents du pouvoir secret ont mis fin à l’impasse dans laquelle se trouvait la bataille pour la Terre, affirment des sources du Pentagone, du Vatican, des services de renseignement et autres. On s’attend à ce que la conséquence en soit la divulgation officielle sur le 11 septembre 2001 et le 11 mars 2011 (Fukushima) ainsi que l’éviction de plusieurs dirigeants du G7*, selon les sources. Pour enclencher ce processus, l’Amiral Mike Rogers, le dirigeant de la NSA qui a «démissionné» le 4 mai, «va témoigner devant le Congrès pour porter le coup fatal à la Cabale», déclarent des sources du Pentagone.
* Le G8 (pour «Groupe des huit»), actuellement connu sous le nom G7 («Groupe des sept»), est un groupe de discussion et de partenariat économique de huit pays réputés être les plus grandes puissances économiques du monde : États-Unis, Japon, Allemagne, France, Russie, Royaume-Uni, Italie, Canada, dont l'un, la Russie, est suspendu depuis 2014.
Un indice apparent de ce changement a été l’élection officielle de FraGiacomo Dalla Torre comme 80ème Grand-Maître des Chevaliers de Malte le 2 mai.
C’est important parce que les Chevaliers de Malte ne sont pas seulement une organisation caritative, mais également un Ordre militaire dont les membres, la crème de la crème de l’élite Occidentale, doivent obéir aux ordres. Un jour, le MI6 m’a envoyé une liste des membres de l’Ordre et j’ai constaté qu’elle comportait suffisamment d’officiers de haut-rang et de dirigeants des services de renseignement Américains pour contrôler le complexe militaro-industriel. Malheureusement, quelqu’un était tellement préoccupé qu’elle soit en ma possession qu’elle a été effacée de mon ordinateur ainsi que d’un disque dur amovible que je pensais avoir bien caché. Néanmoins, d’autre listes publiques montrent que l’Ordre comprend des gens comme George Bush Sr et Jr, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, la Reine Elizabeth, etc.
Ce qui est intéressant à propos de Dalla Torre est qu’il obéit au Pape François, à la différence de son prédécesseur, Fra Robert Festing qui rendait compte au Cardinal Raymond Burke. Voici ce que le sataniste autoproclamé Leo Zagami* avait à déclarer sur ce changement : «Nos pires craintes se sont réalisées lorsque le dernier Ordre traditionnaliste qui représentait une menace pour François, les Chevaliers de Malte, qui sont toujours très influents chez les militaires et dans les services de renseignement du monde entier (y compris la partie conservatrice de la CIA) ont apparemment perdu leur dernière bataille pour la défense de la tradition et du Christianisme». 
*Leo zagami, ancien illuminati ? en français
Zagami m’a raconté qu’il avait mangé des fœtus humains et participé à des cérémonies occultes «d’invocation de démons» et d’autres entités. Je suppose que c’est cela, la «tradition» qu’il défend. Il a également déclaré que le Christianisme était «une religion d’esclaves». Donc, le «Christianisme» qu’il défend est l’esclavage permanent de l’humanité.
En tout cas, ces changements ne sont pas seulement en rapport avec la religion, mais sont également intimement liés aux plus hauts-niveaux de la finance et du pouvoir. La raison en est que le Vatican contrôle secrètement la plupart des gouvernements et des dirigeants mondiaux en leur donnant le choix entre «le plomb et l’argent», c’est-à-dire l’assassinat ou un gros compte à leur nom dans la banque du Vatican, ce qui est confirmé par des sources de la Loge Maçonnique P2 et d’autres.
A ce sujet, le N°3 du Vatican chargé des finances, le Cardinal George Pell, a été évincé du pouvoir apparemment parce qu’il encourt des inculpations pénales pour avoir dissimulé des abus sexuels dans l’église. Par coïncidence, son procès a commencé le 2 mai, le jour-même où les Chevaliers de Malte ont élu leur nouveau dirigeant.
Cela signifie que le sommet de la finance Occidentale, l’essence de l’Etat Secret, possède une nouvelle direction. Ces changements coïncident avec une grande initiative du Pape François d’utiliser des instruments financiers évolués pour financer … une énorme campagne en Amérique du Sud et en Afrique pour lutter contre la pauvreté et la destruction de l’environnement, selon des sources de la Loge Maçonnique P2. Il y a beaucoup de choses dont on nous demande de ne pas parler, mais je peux confirmer que cette initiative dispose de financements apparemment illimités.
En outre, des sources de la CIA en Asie et de la famille Rothschild affirment toutes deux qu’il y une intrigue en cours concernant l’or et les droits sur les actifs historiques. Une source Rothschild, par exemple, déclare que «Julia Divinagracia, alias Alpha & Omega, a été kidnappée». Alpha & Omega, selon des sources concordantes de la CIA et du FSB, a financé aussi bien l’Occident que l’Union Soviétique au cours de la Guerre Froide. Des sources de la CIA, de leur côté, font état de nouvelles tentatives liées aux Rothschild pour s’emparer des mines d’or de Bougainville et d’autres endroits du Sud-Est Asiatique. Des photographies de certains «individus intéressants» sont diffusées par la CIA en rapport avec ces intrigues, affirment les sources.
En tout cas, mis à part ces intrigues Byzantines, il existe une unité clairement affichée au sein du complexe militaro-industriel Américain et une détermination sans faille de leur part à mettre fin définitivement au règne de la Cabale, affirment des sources du Pentagone.
A cette fin, la susmentionnée «casquette blanche Rogers (NSA) rejoint désormais les anciens dirigeants du renseignement Mike Flynn (Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA – Service de renseignement militaire), Buzzy Krongard* (CIA), Louis Freeh, Bob Mueller (FBI), et les militaires dans la garde prétorienne de Trump pour mettre en échec l’Etat Secret», promettent les sources du Pentagone.
*Alvin Bernard "Buzzy" Krongard était le Directeur Opérationnel de la Central Intelligence Agency de 2001 à 2004.
**Louis Freeh, était directeur du FBI de 1993 à 2001
***Robert « Bob » Mueller, était directeur du FBI de 2001 à 2013
Le nouveau Directeur de la NSA, le général Paul Nakasone, va également prendre le contrôle de la CIA et rendra compte à l’état-major interarmes, fait remarquer la source. L’ancien Directeur de la CIA Mike Pompeo, qui dirige maintenant le Département d’Etat, est également sous le contrôle du gouvernement militaire des Etats-Unis, font remarquer les sources.
Un signe apparent qu’il s’agit d’un réel changement, est bien sûr l’initiative de paix dans la Péninsule Coréenne. 
Un autre indice a été la décision du Département d’Etat de mettre fin au financement de la façade de propagande des faux «casques blancs» en Syrie.
Comme le font remarquer les sources : «L’Etat Secret vacille alors que les inculpations sous scellés dépassent maintenant les 29.000, que le Département de la Justice, la CIA, le FBI et le Département d’Etat sont en train d’être purgés et que Bush Sr a été viré de l’hôpital». Se faire admettre à l’hôpital est une méthode éprouvée et efficace des agents de l’Etat Secret pour éviter d’être arrêtés.
Il est intéressant de noter que John «Daesh» McCain a annoncé qu’il allait inviter George W. Bush et Barack Obama à s’exprimer lors de ses «funérailles» prochaines, étant donné qu’il va mourir de «cause naturelle», mais qu’il n’invitera pas Trump.
Bien sûr, l’éléphant dans le magasin de porcelaine que tout le monde évite de mentionner en utilisant l’euphémisme «d’Etat Secret» est Israël et les Sionistes qui ont été les parrains de McCain. Pour eux, les évènements se précipitent. Le Premier Ministre Israélien adorateur de Satan, Benyamin Netanyahou, a été «convoqué à Moscou le 9 mai pour assister à un défilé de victoire où Poutine va envoyer un ultimatum pour mettre fin au dernier conflit qui a empêché le réamorçage monétaire mondial», affirment les sources.
«Le Sionisme est à l’agonie, alors qu’Israël est mondialement isolé dans sa quête de mettre fin à l’accord avec l’Iran et que son rôle sera bientôt révélé dans les attentats du 11 septembre et du 11 mars», ajoutent des sources du Pentagone. 
De plus, le meilleur agent Sioniste à la Maison Blanche, Jared Kushner a été mis à l’écart, font-elles remarquer. Israël est maintenant «encerclé par des armes Russes supérieures, sous la menace d’un boycott mondial, de dépossession et de sanctions (BDS), incapable de contraindre le Congrès de voter une loi contre la liberté d’expression qui punirait les partisans du BDS, vaincu en justice lorsqu’il a perdu dans l’affaire portée devant la Cour Suprême de Jesner contre l’Arab Bank, et s’est vu refuser un siège au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies».  
L’autre sujet abordé par les sources du Pentagone a été que la Deuxième Flotte Américaine a été réactivée pour «protéger la Côte Est et l’UE tout en maintenant la Chine et Israël à l’écart dans une structure de sécurité commune Américano-Russe.
La mention de l’UE dans le contexte d’une «structure de sécurité commune Américano-Russe» signifie que la Russie et les Etats-Unis ont conclu une sorte d’accord à propos de l’UE. C’est curieux parce que l’aéroport Schiphol d’Amsterdam a été fermé toute la nuit le 29 avril en raison d’une «panne de courant». Etant donné que les aéroports modernes ont de multiples systèmes d’alimentation redondants, il y a fort à parier que l’aéroport a été fermé pour permettre à des forces spéciales de se déployer à travers l’Europe afin d’éliminer des cibles cruciales de la Cabale.
Au cours de la semaine prochaine, nous devrons observer de près les dirigeants restants de la Cabale comme Theresa May au Royaume Uni, Angela Merkel en Allemagne et Emmanuel Macron en France.
Concernant Macron, des sources du Conseil National de Transition Français affirment qu’il est tellement isolé de ses propres forces de sécurité qu’il utilise des gardes du corps étrangers avec lesquels il parle en Anglais. Imaginez ce que penseraient les Américains si un Président des Etats-Unis utilisait des gardes du corps non-Américains parlant Espagnol.
Le 5 mai, plus de 5.000 manifestants, dont beaucoup de militaires et de dirigeants politiques, ont marché vers l’hôpital psychiatrique à Paris pour exiger la libération de Marc Granier, un membre des CRS de protection des hautes personnalités. Granier a été victime d’un placement administratif dans un hôpital psychiatrique après avoir révélé des crimes gouvernementaux au plus haut niveau (y compris plusieurs assassinats de personnalités politiques, d’officiers de police, de journalistes, etc.) dans une vidéo sur YouTube diffusée le 2 mai, fait remarquer le Conseil. La vidéo (en Français) peut être vue ici :
Granier a déposé des preuves détaillées au Conseil de Transition ainsi qu’à l’ambassade de Russie à Paris au cas où il lui arriverait quelque chose. Eh bien, cela n’a pas tardé, donc nous allons voir combien de temps ce sataniste de Macron et son pseudo-gouvernement vont rester au pouvoir.
En guise de conclusion, plusieurs dirigeants de la droite Japonaise et des membres d’organisations d’autodéfense mutuelle (qualifiées à tort de syndicats du crime organisé) m’ont contacté pour m’informer que les diverses organisations souterraines du Japon allaient se réunir sous une même bannière. Cela signifie que le Yamaguchi-gumi, l’Inagawa-kai et le Sumiyoshi-kai vont unir leurs forces pour s’assurer que le Japon redeviendra enfin un pays indépendant.
Traduction de Patrick T.
Le christianisme, Jésus est une réponse.
John Todd, un illuminati assassiné par ses dirigeants de Londres
Le démon fut défait il y a 2000 ans.
Sorcières de Salem

Raymond Buckland


John Todd (conspiracy theorist)

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John Wayne Todd
John Todd.jpg
Portrait of John Todd
Born (1949-05-19)May 19, 1949
Died November 10, 2007(2007-11-10) (aged 58)
South Carolina, US
Other names
  • John Todd Collins
  • Lance Collins
  • Kris Sarayn Kollyns
  • Christopher Kollyns
Occupation Public speaker
Years active 1968-1983
Criminal charge Rape
Criminal penalty 30 years imprisonment
Criminal status Convicted

John Wayne Todd (May 19, 1949[1][2] – November 10, 2007),[3] also known as "John Todd Collins", "Lance Collins",[4] "Kris Sarayn Kollyns", and "Christopher Kollyns",[5] was an American speaker and conspiracy theorist. He claimed to be a former occultist who was born into a 'witchcraft family' before converting to Christianity. He was a primary source for many Chick Publications works against Dungeons & Dragons, Catholicism, Neopaganism, and Christian rock.

In his public appearances, Todd made a variety of claims about witches, Satanists, and the Illuminati, who he alleged were conspiring against Christians. These purported conspiracies often included government officials and leaders of Christian organizations. Investigative reports in magazines and books said there were many inconsistencies in his statements about anti-Christian conspiracies and his own past.

In 1988 Todd was convicted in South Carolina on charges of rape and sentenced to 30 years in a prison. In 2004 he was released from prison and placed in a psychiatric facility, where he died in 2007.




Speaking career[edit]

Todd's earliest known public speaking engagements began in 1968, when he was preaching and married to a woman named Linda. He claimed he had been a witch while in the United States Navy, but converted to Christianity while visiting a southern Californian Pentecostal church. After disappearing from public sight for a few months, Todd returned without his wife, saying that God told them to seek other mates. In 1969, Todd joined the United States Army and was stationed in Germany for a few months before being discharged for psychiatric reasons and drug abuse.[2][4]

In 1972 Todd became associated with a Jesus Movement coffeehouse. In 1973, he appeared on a local Christian television show in Phoenix, Arizona, and was invited by evangelist Doug Clark to appear on his Amazing Prophecies show on the Faith Broadcasting Network.[6] However, allegations surfaced that he had been making sexual advances toward young women and teenage girls at the coffeehouse, was incorporating witchcraft teachings into his Bible studies, was carrying a .38 caliber handgun into church meetings, and was using drugs.[2][4] In addition, he impregnated his wife's teenage sister.[4] Todd was dismissed from the coffeehouse ministry, and Clark denounced him on his television show.[2]

In 1974 Todd moved to Dayton, Ohio, where he opened an occult bookstore and began recruiting for a Wiccan coven. In 1976 Todd became the subject of a criminal investigation over reports that he was involving underage girls in sexual initiation rituals for his coven. Following an investigation of his activities by neopagan leaders Isaac Bonewits and Gavin Frost, which uncovered drug use and underage sex, Frost's Church and School of Wicca revoked the charter it had granted to Todd's coven. He was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and given a six-month sentence, but served only two months before being released due to epileptic fits.[4]

Todd resurfaced in the evangelical Christian community in late 1977, this time claiming the existence of a vast Satanic conspiracy led by an order of witches called the Illuminati, supposedly including a number of Christian organizations and well-known Christian figures such as Jim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Bob Jones, Sr.,[7] Oral Roberts, and Pat Robertson.[8] He claimed to have given, as a member of the Illuminati, $8 million to Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel to launch the Christian rock industry,[9] which Todd said was a Satanic invention to entrap Christian young people in rock music and its "demonic beat". He claimed that Falwell had been bribed by the Illuminati with a $50 million donation.[2] He also claimed that US President Jimmy Carter was the Antichrist[2] and that Ayn Rand's 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged was the Illuminati's blueprint for unleashing a planned Satanic takeover.[10][11] He urged Christians to stockpile weapons and food in preparation for a Satanic takeover in 1980.[7][11]

Tapes from Todd around 1979 indicate that he was then teaching Oneness Pentecostal (sometimes called "Jesus Only") theology.[12] Todd significantly curtailed his public speaking after 1979, reportedly moving to rural Montana after issuing warnings that the Satanic takeover had begun.[13] He was later reported to have delivered a speech in Cedar Falls, Iowa in 1983 at the invitation of Randy Weaver.[14]

Later life[edit]

Todd was arrested in May 1987 for the rape of a University of South Carolina graduate student. After his arrest, he was additionally charged with sexually molesting two children who attended a karate school where he worked. He was convicted of the rape in January 1988 and sentenced to 30 years in state prison.[15] In 2004, Todd was released, but he was put in the care of the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit run by the South Carolina Department of Mental Health.[16] On November 10, 2007, Todd died in the institute.[3]

Claims and reactions[edit]

Todd claimed to have served as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, but his discharge papers list him as a general clerk/typist and do not record him having been in Vietnam. Army medical reports referred to "emotional instability with pseudologica phantastica" (compulsive lying), difficulty in telling reality from fantasy, homicidal threats he had made on another, false suicide reports, and a severe personality disturbance.[17] Todd also claimed in his testimony to have murdered an officer in Germany and to have escaped prison with the help of the Illuminati, but his records show no such things occurred.[17] These records were later recovered by investigative journalists working for Christianity Today, who found that he had never been to Vietnam. One report concluded that Todd found it difficult to distinguish reality and fantasy.[2][4] Todd also claimed that John F. Kennedy was still alive and that he had been Kennedy's "personal warlock".[2][4]

While Todd claimed to have left witchcraft in 1972 and converted to fundamentalist Christianity, accounts have him being baptized into a Oneness Pentecostal church in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968, and leading a Wiccan group in Ohio in 1976. When confronted with the latter by Christian evangelists, Todd said that he had gone through a period of "backsliding" during that time. However, when a number of other inconsistencies in Todd's story were reported in the evangelical Christian media, and Todd began denouncing many Christian leaders as part of the Satanic conspiracy or the Illuminati, many evangelists denounced Todd and cut off any further association. Jack Chick was the only influential evangelist to continue to defend Todd.[18]

Todd's speaking engagements during 1978 and 1979 generated controversy and sometimes hysteria at the churches he spoke at. Frequently, there were claims by Todd of gunshots in the parking lot or attacks on his life after the services, but there were no witnesses to confirm his claims.[2] Several Christian organizations and publications investigated Todd's claims and published articles disputing them. These included Cornerstone magazine, the Christian Research Institute, Christianity Today magazine, and the book The Todd Phenomenon by Darryl E. Hicks.

Similarities to other preachers[edit]

Todd was not the only speaker making the rounds in evangelical Christian circles in the 1970s warning young people against the occult. Todd's claims of being a Satanic high priest before his conversion[4] were similar to claims by Hershel Smith and Mike Warnke.[19] In one meeting between Todd and Warnke, the two had a backstage confrontation and Todd accused Warnke of stealing his testimony regarding the Illuminati.[19]

Publications based on Todd's claims[edit]

Todd has appeared in several of Jack Chick's publications. Chick first promoted Todd's message in comic form in The Broken Cross, a comic that portrays a town controlled by organized Satanists, who ignore ritual murders and teach witchcraft to children in school.[20] In another Chick comic book, Spellbound?, a character called "Lance Collins" describes himself as a former druid and member of the Illuminati.[21] The character claims that Satanists control the rock music industry and are infiltrating churches, and urges Christians to burn their rock music records, Ouija boards and Dungeons & Dragons game sets.[22] Both comics offer "deepest appreciation to John Todd, ex-grand Druid priest".[23][24]

Todd's stories about the Illuminati were published as the comic book The Illuminati and Witchcraft in 1980 by Jacob Sailor. His claims partially became the basis for a different book, Witchcraft and the Illuminati, published in 1981 by The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, a Christian Identity group, and reprinted in 1999 by the Christian Patriot Association. This book repeated many of Todd's claims, including the alleged power structure of the Illuminati and the idea that Atlas Shrugged was the Illuminati's secret blueprint, but added Identity beliefs derogatory toward Jews and African-Americans.[10][25]

After Todd's veracity was questioned and investigated, Chick continued to defend him and publish tracts based on Todd's life. Author Cynthia Burack wrote that Chick often made "excuses for behaviours that were inconsistent with Todd's status as a high-profile Christian convert," and that his "propensities to indulge in conspiracy theory and to lash out at putative allies who question his conclusions" in his defense of Todd and other controversial figures (namely Alberto Rivera and Rebecca Brown) resulted in a split between himself and the conservative Christian movement.[18]


  1. Jump up ^ "Sex Offender Archive Record: John Wayne Todd". Sex Offender Archives. Retrieved September 29, 2013. 
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i Plowman, Edward E. (February 2, 1979). "The Legend(s) of John Todd". Christianity Today. 23: 38–42. 
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Kollyns v. Watson, FindACase (D.S.C. April 17, 2008).
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Medway, GJ (2001). Lure of the Sinister: The Unnatural History of Satanism. New York: New York University Press. pp. 169–74. ISBN 0-8147-5645-X. 
  5. Jump up ^ Cearley, Gary Dale (2006). Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness: The Truth about the Vatican and the Birth of Islam. Aux Arcs Publications. p. 25. ISBN 978-1-84728-731-1. 
  6. Jump up ^ Walker, Jesse (2013). The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory. New York: HarperCollins. pp. 208–217. ISBN 978-0-06-213555-1. 
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b Versluis, Arthur (2006). The New Inquisitions: Heretic-Hunting and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Totalitarianism. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 117. ISBN 978-0-19-530637-8. 
  8. Jump up ^ Ellis, Bill (2000). Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and the Media. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. p. 197. ISBN 0-8131-2170-1. 
  9. Jump up ^ Hertenstein, Mike; Trott, Jon (1993). Selling Satan: The Evangelical Media and the Mike Warnke Scandal. Chicago: Cornerstone Press. p. 164. ISBN 0-940895-07-2. 
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b Barkun, Michael (2003). A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. p. 31. ISBN 0-520-23805-2. 
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b Noble, Kerry (2010). Tabernacle of Hate: Seduction Into Right-Wing Extremism (second ed.). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. pp. 78–80. ISBN 978-0-8156-5126-0. 
  12. Jump up ^ "Cornerstone's Near-Miss Interviews with Madalyn Murray O'Hair and John Todd". Cornerstone (48). Archived from the original on September 11, 2004. 
  13. Jump up ^ Barkun, Michael (2003). A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. p. 57. ISBN 0-520-23805-2. 
  14. Jump up ^ Walter, Jess (1996). Every Knee Shall Bow. New York: HarperCollins. pp. 52–53. ISBN 0-06-101131-2. 
  15. Jump up ^ Hook, Debra-Lynn B. (January 23, 1988). "'Survivalist' Protests Verdict". The State. p. 1D. 
  16. Jump up ^ Kollyns v. Hughes, FindACase (D.S.C. August 18, 2006).
  17. ^ Jump up to: a b Metz, Gary. "The John Todd Story". Cornerstone (48). Archived from the original on October 6, 2006. 
  18. ^ Jump up to: a b Burack, Cynthia (2008). Sin, Sex, and Democracy: Antigay Rhetoric and the Christian Right. Albany, New York: SUNY Press. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-7914-7405-1. 
  19. ^ Jump up to: a b Trott, Jon; Hertenstein, Mike (1992). "Selling Satan: The Tragic History of Mike Warnke". Cornerstone. 21 (98). Archived from the original on June 29, 2011. 
  20. Jump up ^ Chick, Jack T. (1974). The Broken Cross. Chick Publications. pp. 6, 23. OCLC 11126870. 
  21. Jump up ^ Chick, Jack T. (1978). Spellbound?. Chick Publications. p. 11. OCLC 54527440. 
  22. Jump up ^ Chick, Jack T. (1978). Spellbound?. Chick Publications. pp. 17–26. OCLC 54527440. 
  23. Jump up ^ Chick, Jack T. (1974). The Broken Cross. Chick Publications. p. 1. OCLC 11126870. 
  24. Jump up ^ Chick, Jack T. (1978). Spellbound?. Chick Publications. p. 1. OCLC 54527440. 
  25. Jump up ^ Barkun, Michael (1997). Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement (Revised ed.). Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. p. 193. ISBN 0-8078-2328-7. 

External links[edit]

Raymond Buckland

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Raymond Buckland
Born 31 August 1934 (1934-08-31)
London, England
Died 27 September 2017 (2017-09-28) (aged 83)
Occupation Writer
Parent(s) Stanley Thomas Buckland, Eileen Lizzie Wells

Raymond Buckland (31 August 1934 – 27 September 2017), whose craft name was Robat, was an English writer on the subject of Wicca and the occult, and a significant figure in the history of Wicca, of which he was a high priest in both the Gardnerian and Seax-Wica traditions.

According to his written works, primarily Witchcraft from the Inside, published in 1971, he was the first person in the United States to openly admit to being a practitioner of Wicca,[citation needed] and he introduced the lineage of Gardnerian Wicca to the United States in 1964, after having been initiated by Gerald Gardner's then-high priestess Monique Wilson in Britain the previous year. He later formed his own tradition dubbed Seax-Wica which focuses on the symbolism of Anglo-Saxon paganism.[1]




Britain: 1934-1962[edit]

Buckland was born in London on 31 August 1934,[2] to Eileen and Stanley Buckland. Buckland was of mixed ethnicity; his mother was English, but his father was Romani.[3] He was raised in the Anglican Church but developed an interest in Spiritualism and the occult at about age 12, after encountering it from a Spiritualist uncle.[4][5]

When World War II broke out in 1939, the family moved to Nottingham, where Buckland attended Nottingham High School. It was here that he became involved in amateur dramatic productions.[1]

He went on to be educated at King's College School. In 1955 he married Rosemary Moss. From 1957 to 1959, he served in the Royal Air Force, and then went on to work in a London publishing company for four years, before he and his wife emigrated to the United States in 1962, where they lived on Long Island, New York.[2]

Whilst living in the United States, Buckland worked for British Airways.[3]

USA: 1962-2017[edit]

In the US, Buckland soon read the books The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Murray and Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner, which gave him an insight into the Witchcraft religion, or Wicca as it is now more commonly known. Some sources relay that Buckland had established a relationship with Gardner when he was living on the Isle of Man and running his witchcraft museum; it seems this relationship was by correspondence.

The two became friends, and had several telephone conversations, which led to Buckland becoming Gardner's spokesman in America[citation needed]. Buckland also met and befriended Margaret St. Clair, author of the occult classic Sign of the Labrys.[6]

Both Buckland and his wife Rosemary travelled to Scotland, where, in Perth, they were initiated into the craft by the High Priestess Monique Wilson (known as the Lady Olwen).[7] Gardner attended the ceremony, but did not perform it himself. Gardner died shortly after, having never met Buckland again.

Coven formed[edit]

The Bucklands returned home to the United States following their meeting with Gardner, bringing the Gardnerian Book of Shadows with them. That same year they founded a coven in Bay Shore. This was the first group in the US following the Gardnerian Wicca lineage of direct initiation. Many fully initiated Gardnerians in the US can trace their origins back to this coven, which was a centre for Neopaganism in America for twenty years.[2] The Bucklands tried to keep their identities secret at first, due to concern about unwanted and negative attention, however journalist Lisa Hoffman of the New York Sunday News published a news story on them without permission.[5] When Buckland and his wife separated in 1973, they both left the coven.[4]

First Museum of Witchcraft and Magick in the United States, 1968-[edit]

In 1968 Buckland formed the First Museum of Witchcraft and Magick in the United States, as influenced by Gardner's Museum of Witchcraft and Magick. It started off as a by-appointment-only policy museum in his own basement. After his collection of artifacts grew he moved the museum to a 19th-century house in Bay Shore. The museum received some media attention, and a documentary was produced about it.

In 1973, following his separation from his wife, Buckland moved his museum to Weirs Beach in New Hampshire. In 1978, he moved to Virginia, disbanded the museum, and put all his artifacts in storage.

In 2008, the artifacts of the Museum were housed and entrusted to the care of The Covenant of the Pentacle Wiccan Church (CPWC), based in New Orleans, Louisiana, and led by Arch Priestess Rev. Velvet Rieth. After a period of neglect and mismanagement of the previous curator, Rev. Velvet, along with many members of her church, were able to begin the restoration process.

In 2015, the artifacts were turned over to the Temple of Sacrifice, a coven based in Columbus, Ohio, and co-founded by Raymond Buckland. The collection will be on display as the Buckland Gallery of Witchcraft & Magick beginning on Saturday, April 29, 2017. The Buckland Gallery is located inside of A Separate Reality Records in the Tremont, Cleveland neighborhood.

Seax-Wica, 1974-1982[edit]

Buckland formed his own Wiccan tradition, Seax-Wica, based upon symbolism taken from Anglo-Saxon paganism.[8] He published everything about the movement in The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. He then began a correspondence course to teach people about Seax-Wica, which grew to having around a thousand members.

Personal life[edit]

Buckland married his first wife, Rosemary, in 1955. They separated in 1973.[2] In 1974 Raymond married Joan Helen Taylor.[3] In 1992 Buckland and his third wife, Tara, moved to a farm in North Central Ohio, where he continued to write, and work as a solitary Wiccan.[1]

His health began failing in 2015, as he suffered first from pneumonia and then a heart attack. After recovering, he experienced more heart and lung problems in late September, 2017, which resulted in his death on 27 September.[9]


In 1969 Buckland published his first book, A Pocket Guide to the Supernatural. He followed this in 1970 with Witchcraft Ancient and Modern and Practical Candleburning Rituals, as well as a novel called Mu Revealed, a spoof on the works of James Churchward, which was written using the pseudonym "Tony Earll" (an anagram for 'not really'). By 1973 he was earning enough money with his books that he could take over running of his museum full-time. Until 2010, he published a book almost every year since, although he shifted largely to fiction in the 21st century.

  • A Pocket Guide to the Supernatural. Ace Books, NY. 1975 [1969]. 
  • Practical Candleburning Rituals. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2000 [1970]. 
  • Witchcraft Ancient and Modern. House of Collectibles, NY. 1970. 
  • Witchcraft From the Inside: Origins of the Fastest Growing Religious Movement in America. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1995 [1971]. 
  • pseudonym Tony Earll (1972) [1970]. MU Revealed. Warner Paperback Library, NY. 
  • with Hereward Carrington (1975). Amazing Secrets of the Psychic World. Parker/Prentice Hall, NJ. 
  • The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. Samuel Weiser (Red Wheel/Weiser), ME. 2005 [1974]. 
  • Here is the Occult. House of Collectibles, NY. 2009 [1974]. 
  • The Anatomy of the Occult. Samuel Weiser, ME. 1977. 
  • The Magick of Chant-O-Matics. Parker/Prentice Hall, NJ. 1980 [1978]. 
  • Practical Color Magick. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1983. 
  • Color Magick: Unleash Your Inner Powers. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2002. 
  • Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2002 [1986]. 
  • Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1988. 
  • Secrets of Gypsy Love Magick. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1990. 
  • Secrets of Gypsy Dream Reading. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1990. 
  • Scottish Witchcraft: The History and Magick of the Picts. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1991. 
  • with Kathleen Binger (1992). The Book of African Divination. Inner Traditions, VT. 
  • Doors to Other Worlds. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1993. 
  • The Truth About Spirit Communication. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1995. 
  • The Committee (novel). Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1993. 
  • Cardinal's Sin: Psychic Defenders Uncover Evil in the Vatican (novel). Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1996. 
  • Ray Buckland's Magic Cauldron. Galde Press, MN. 1995. 
  • Advanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1996. 
  • Witchcraft: Yesterday and Today (video). Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1990. 
  • Gypsy Witchcraft & Magic. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1998. 
  • Gypsy Dream Dictionary. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 1999. 
  • Coin Divination. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2000. 
  • The Buckland Romani Tarot. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2001. 
  • Wicca for Life. Citadel, NY. 2001. 
  • The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism. Visible Ink Press, NY. 2001. 
  • The Fortune-Telling Book. Visible Ink Press, NY. 2003. 
  • Signs, Symbols & Omens: An Illustrated Guide to Magical & Spiritual Symbolism. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2003. 
  • Cards of Alchemy. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2003. 
  • Wicca For One. Citadel, NY. 2004. 
  • Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications. Llewellyn Publications, MN. 2004. 
  • The Spirit Book: The Encyclopedia of Clairvoyance, Channeling, and Spirit Communication. Visible Ink Press, NY. 2005. 
  • Mediumship and Spirit Communication. Buckland Books. 2005. 
  • Face to Face with God?. Buckland Books. 2006. 
  • Ouija - "Yes! Yes!". Doorway Publications. 2006. 
  • Death, Where is Thy Sting?. Buckland Books. 2006. 
  • Dragons, Shamans & Spiritualists. Buckland Books. 2007. 
  • Buckland's Doorway to Candle Magic. Buckland Books. 2007. 
  • the Torque of Kernow (novel). Galde Press/Buckland Books. 2008. 
  • The Weiser's Field Guide to Ghosts. Red Wheel/Weiser. 2009. 


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c Knowles, George (3 June 2007). "Raymond Buckland (1934 - )". Controverscial.Com. Retrieved 16 November 2012. 
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Lewis, James R. Lewis (1999). Witchcraft Today: An Encyclopedia of Wiccan and Neopagan Traditions. ABC=CLIO. pp. xxix. ISBN 9781576071342. 
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b c Rhuddlwm Gawr; Taliesin Enion Vawr (2002). he Word: Welsh Witchcraft, the Grail of Immortality and the Sacred Keys. Camelot Press. p. 54. ISBN 0595258085. 
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Drury, Nevill (2005). The Watkins Dictionary of Magic. Duncan Baird Publishers. ISBN 1780283628. 
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b "An Interview with Raymond Buckland". Cyber Witchcraft. CyberWytchLLC. Retrieved 16 November 2012. 
  6. Jump up ^ "Letter From Hardscrabble Creek: Chasing Margaret" by Chas. S. Clifton, Hardscrabble #17, June 1997.
  7. Jump up ^ Davis, Morgan S. "Monique Wilson" (PDF). Gerald Gardner. Morgan S. Davis. Retrieved 17 March 2012. 
  8. Jump up ^ "Internet Book of Shadows: Saxon Wicca Rites (Raymond Buckland)". Retrieved 22 April 2018. 
  9. Jump up ^ Greene, Heather (September 27, 2017). "Raymond Buckland (1934-2017)". The Wild Hunt. The Wild Hunt. Retrieved 29 September 2017. Early this past week, Buckland was reportedly having some breathing problems, and doctors found that his lungs were filling with fluid. After treatments, Buckland rallied and was reportedly his cheerful self by Wednesday. Then, when doctors asked him to get up and walk around, he experienced chest pain. Buckland passed peacefully with no pain Wednesday evening, in the company of his loved ones. 

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