Le Département d'Etat est en révolte ouverte contre la Maison Blanche et le Secrétaire d'Etat Rex Tillerson, invitant le Président Donald Trump à nettoyer la maison.
State Dept. Revolts Against Trump For Securing Border
Clinton cronies at State DOUBLED the inflow of Muslim migrants after 9th Circuit ruling

Image Credits: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The State Department is in open revolt against the White House and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, inviting President Donald Trump to clean house.
For many Americans, Trump, made famous for his “You’re Fired” approach to his “Apprentice” reality TV show, has just been given a once-in-a-lifetime repeat performance of that line now that he is president.
Those federal employees feeling secure that civil service rules assure them permanent State Department employment in DC despite their open opposition to Trump’s foreign policies might be well advised to start thinking twice about how well they could adapt to a presidential reassignment to a remote outpost in Alaska, or at the southernmost tip of the United States in Texas, along the Mexican border.
This week a State Department “dissent channel” memo surfaced, objecting to President Trump’s Executive Order issued Jan. 27, temporarily suspending travel for 90 days from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. By Friday over 1,000 State Department employees had put their signatures to the resistance statement.
“A policy which closes our doors to over 200 million legitimate travelers in the hopes of preventing a small number of travelers who intend to harm Americans from using the visa system to enter the US will not achieve its aim of making our country safer,” the State Department dissent memo reads, in language that clearly asserts the bureaucrats in the State Department have a superior lock on foreign policy wisdom than does the president.
Given Trump’s history as a highly successful multi-billionaire CEO, dissenting State Department employees are making a dangerous bet expressing their opinion that they know better than their boss.
The New York Times reported that the State Department currently has 7,600 Foreign Service officers and 11,000 civil servants. This means some 5% (the 1,000 signing the dissent memorandum) of current State Department employees are in open revolt against the newly-inaugurated Chief Executive of the US.
The State Department’s open revolt invites Secretary Tillerson to put under scrutiny for discipline, reassignment, and/or outright dismissal the 1,000 employees signing the dissent memo.
This, plus the “mass exodus” of top State Department policy and management officials that resigned in response to Trump’s election and his selection of Tillerson to be secretary of state, gives President Trump and Secretary Tillerson an extraordinary opportunity to “clean house” with a decision to fire for insubordination all State Department policy officials that signed the dissent memorandum expressing their open disdain for the border security objectives central to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
The depth of the State Department revolt is not fully appreciated until we examine the extent to which leftist State Department officials went to flood into the US a disproportionately large number of refugees from the seven terror-supporting countries specified in the Trump executive order – acting almost as if it were the State Department’s job to get as many refugees into the Untied States as possible from these seven terror-supporting countries before the window closed.
The Washington Times has reported the State Dept. has more than doubled the refugee inflow from the seven terror-prone nations since U.S. District Court Judge James Robart in Seattle imposed a temporary restraining order on the enforcement of President Trump’s executive order imposing the temporary travel ban.
“A staggering 77 percent of the 1,100 refugees let in since Judge James L. Robart’s Feb. 3 order have been from the seven suspect countries. Nearly a third are from Syria alone — a country that President Trump has ordered be banned altogether from the refugee program,” the Washington Times noted. “Another 21 percent are from Iraq. By contrast, in the two weeks before Judge Robart’s order, just 9 percent of refugees were from Syria and 6 percent were from Iraq.”
But the State Department open rebellion against President Trump does not stop there.
The ConservativeTreeHouse.com argued that a CNN report on Thursday claiming the Russians were trying to influence the election in France so as to insure a win for anti-globalist Marine Le Pen, president of the National Front – a strong opponent of the European Union with a Trump-like “France First” message.
“In essence, CNN -and by extension the progressive State Department officials remaining within the shadow deep state construct- is trying to influence the French Presidential Race,” the ConservativeTreeHouse.com story stressed. “Blaming the Russians in advance is an attempt to weaken Marine Le Pen.”
The article went on to comment only difference between November 2016 and today is that this time CNN is attempting to get out ahead of an election rather than inventing the back-story “the Russians did it” to explain why Hillary Clinton lost an election her leftist supporters presumed she had won from the moment she declared her candidacy for president.
Predictably, Twitter on Friday morning in the aftermath of the Ninth Circuit’s Court of Appeals decision to leave Judge Robart’s decision in place has nothing about the issue trending, despite numerous tweets being posted by Americans angry at the appellate court’s decision and demanding that President Trump clean house at the State Department.
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