The Alien Agenda for Planet Earth


L'ordre du jour exotique pour la planète Terre


39 Commentaires

Les étrangers ont un ordre du jour pour la planète terre et l'humanité. Ce que nous savons. Exactement ce que ce programme pourrait être fait actuellement l'objet d'une grande partie chauffée débat parmi la communauté Ufologique. Cependant, une chose que la plupart peut s'entendre sur, est que de comprendre l'ordre du jour alien est d'une importance capitale pour nous tous. Parce que : pourquoi les étrangers sont ici ; et ce qu'ils ont prévu pour nous, sont probablement les plus grandes questions de l'humanité.

Quand il s'agit du sujet des ovnis et nombre de visiteurs étranger, nous dit-on, toutes sortes de choses : beaucoup de c'est contradictoire, par toutes sortes de gens. On nous présente un tableau ahurissant des théories et des scénarios fantastiques, expériences de vie changeant personnelle et merveilleuses révélations télépathiquement canalisé via un intermédiaire humain - par des entités bienveillantes d'à travers le Cosmos. Ufologie, semble-t-il, est rapidement transformer en une sorte de système de croyances tout-vues-sont-valide. Et le fait que la religion a organisé aujourd'hui semble être re-positionne pour tenir compte de l'acceptation : de science grand public, que, « Nous ne sommes pas seuls », sert seulement à souligner ce de plus en plus tendance.

Au-delà de la croyance, qui est tragique. Parce que au milieu de toute cette clameur les seules voix qui peuvent être entendus nous appartiennent. Ou, devrais-je dire, ceux d'entre nous qui crient le plus fort.

Maintenant ce que nous avons tous, sérieusement, devez faire ici, c'est fermer (le fu...) pendant un moment et écouter. Parce qu'il existe d'autres, entend des voix calme essayant de se faire dessus le murmure implacable. Ces voix appartiennent à la logique, la raison et les émissaires étrangers envoyés vers la planète terre de civilisations extraterrestres. Quoi de plus, ces voix mérite un public attentif : parce que ce qu'ils ont à dire a une signification profonde pour nous tous.

Oui, Mesdames et Messieurs, votre attention s'il vous plaît. Appliquons la logique un peu froid, dur à une des questions qui génère tellement désaccord parmi la communauté Ufologue plus en plus agressif : l'ordre du jour de l'étranger. Pourquoi les étrangers ici ?

Toutefois, avant que nous puissions comprendre les motivations qui déplacent les étrangers de faire ce qu'ils font nous devons d'abord examiner quelque chose de la nature de la réalité qui les produit. L'essentiel ici est que, pour comprendre le comportement et la nature exotique, nous devons d'abord tenir compte de la nature fondamentale de l'espace et le temps.

La physique einsteinienne nous dit que l'espace et le temps sont l'un, qu'ils assimilent à la même chose : l'espace-temps. Ergo, la mesure physique de l'univers : sa taille, est inextricablement liée à la longueur de sa durée. Maintenant, certains d'entre nous pensent et certains d'entre nous savent sans l'ombre d'un doute que les étrangers sont rendent millions d'années-lumière à travers le Cosmos à venir nous voir sur la planète terre. Donc, il faut aussi accepter que : afin de leur faire cela, ils doivent surmonter la dimensionnalité spatiale associée à l'espace-temps. Mais est-ce tout ce qu'il est qui lui ? Qu'en est-il de dimensionnalité de temporelle également partie intégrante de l'espace-temps ? Laissons-nous cela hors de l'équation au total ? Pourquoi ferions-nous cela ? Pour conserver une vision du monde peu accueillant qui s'oppose à l'existence de civilisations extraterrestres ? Non, nous devons nous bercer d'illusions n'est plus et accepter, comme un fait, quelque chose qui a été se nous à l'évidence pendant plusieurs décennies. Les étrangers peuvent voyager dans le temps.

Et, mes amis, voilà pourquoi ils sont ici. Voyage dans le temps est tout à fait envisageable. Étrangers probablement maîtrisent il y a plusieurs millénaires. La chose est, cependant, les civilisations extraterrestres sont technicisées comme c'est notre civilisation. Leur technologie est peut-être années-lumière de ce que nous possédons mais nous sommes encore une course technologique et étrangers bien comprennent qu'un jour nous trouverons un moyen de conquérir l'espace et le temps.

(N.-B. Ce jour peut arriver beaucoup plus tôt que vous le pensez. S'il vous plaît télécharger et lire ce fichier pdf : Alien Technology a expliqué.

Voici le lien : Alien technologie expliquée.)

Alors pourquoi, je vous entends demander, la perspective de notre acquisition de technologie de voyage de temps devrait donc grandement perturber nos visiteurs d'à travers le Cosmos ? Ce que nous devons garder à l'esprit ici, c'est qu'ils ont : selon la preuve, depuis un certain temps. Ils nous ont observe depuis des milliers d'années. Et ils ont été témoins de choses terribles que nous faisons les uns aux autres. Ils ont vu nos guerres. Ils ont vu notre mépris total pour le bien-être de nos concitoyens. Et ils ont regardé comme nous laissons nos enfants mourir de faim. Ils ont vu tout cela ; donc, à juste titre, ils nous craignent.
Maintenant, pour le moment, nous ne pouvions pas menacer ET dans une forme quelconque de façon. Mais que se passera-t-il lorsque nous acquérir la technologie qui nous permettra de déchirer le tissu de l'espace-temps ? Que se passera-t-il lorsque nous avons la possibilité de sauter en arrière: à un point dans un passé lointain de ET, quand notre technologie deviendrait soudainement plus avancée que la sienne ? Nous serions alors en mesure de le détruire complètement. En outre, nous avons pu visiter une telle dévastation sur n'importe quelle race alien : peu importe comment loin devant nous ils sont, en ce moment, sur le plan technologique. Aux étrangers, nous sommes l'homme boogeyman dans leur placard. Leur ennemi juré potentiel. Ils ont de bonnes raisons de craindre de nous.

À ce stade nous devons élargir notre perspective un peu et poser une autre question pertinente : comment la possession de la technologie de voyage de temps affecte les relations entre les races extraterrestres qui le posséder ? Imaginons un scénario peu probable : qui va nous permettre d'explorer cette question et, en appliquant un minimum de logique, arriver à une réponse pertinente. Imaginons ce qui en découlerait devraient deux races extraterrestres décident d'entrer en guerre avec l'autre. Cette première chose nous devons déterminer ici est : ces antagonistes attaquerait mutuellement dans l'ici et maintenant dans le présent ? Logique veut qu'ils ne le serait pas. Ils exploiteraient chacun leur capacité de voyager dans le temps pour essayer d'obtenir un avantage sur l'autre. Et pour la catastrophe serait se déplie. On assisterait deux races extraterrestres bonds mutuellement en arrière à travers le temps dans le but d'obtenir un avantage suffisant pour totalement annihiler un l'autre. Il n'y a que deux résultats possibles à ce scénario. Soit on gagne et anéantit l'autre ; qui entraînerait alors le vainqueur étant attaqué par une alliance de races extraterrestres neutres, cherchant à s'assurer que l'agresseur ne peut jamais faire la même chose pour eux. Ou les deux protagonistes parviennent à effacer complètement l'autre de la ligne du temps cosmologique au total. Veuillez noter : il n'y a aucun gagnant de toute façon.

En conséquence, il y a des conclusions inéluctables que l'on peut tirer ici. Races extraterrestres ne vous engagez pas dans la folie de la guerre. Pour eux, la paix est l'impératif universel. Et nos visiteurs extraterrestres veulent nous faire adopter cet impératif universel.

C'est pourquoi ils sont ici. Et c'est ce qu'ils essaient de nous communiquer.

Ce qui est plus, nous avons la preuve que c'est, en effet, le cas. Dans les premières heures du 16 mars 1967, un OVNI est apparu sur Malmstrom Air Force Base dans le Montana : USA et complètement désactivé un vol de dix Minuteman transportant des ogives nucléaires des missiles balistiques intercontinentaux. Le témoin principal de cet événement était le capitaine Robert Salas USAF (RET.), qui a été : au moment de l'incident, le député lutter contre le commandant de l'équipage missile en charge les systèmes d'armes concernées. Il a et autres témoins fiables, signalent également que dix missiles plus : dans une autre usine, ont également été pris vers le bas par un OVNI cette nuit-là.
Ce qui est plus, nous avons la preuve que c'est, en effet, le cas. Dans les premières heures du 16 mars 1967, un OVNI est apparu sur Malmstrom Air Force Base dans le Montana : USA et complètement désactivé un vol de dix Minuteman transportant des ogives nucléaires des missiles balistiques intercontinentaux. Le témoin principal de cet événement était le capitaine Robert Salas USAF (RET.), qui a été : au moment de l'incident, le député lutter contre le commandant de l'équipage missile en charge les systèmes d'armes concernées. Il a et autres témoins fiables, signalent également que dix missiles plus : dans une autre usine, ont également été pris vers le bas par un OVNI cette nuit-là.

Le capitaine Robert Salas USAF (ret.)
Et ce n'est pas un événement isolé. Auteur, livre de Robert Hastings: ovnis et armes nucléaires, une rencontre extraordinaire dans les Sites d'armes nucléaires, catalogues des dizaines d'incidents connexes qui sont sont produits au cours des six dernières décennies.

Ensuite, nous avons l'école élémentaire de Ariel rencontre. Cela a eu lieu à Ruwa : au Zimbabwe, le 16 septembre 1994. Ici nous n'avons pas moins de soixante deux témoins : tous les enfants âgés de cinq à onze ans, qui a fréquenté l'école. Ils sont tous diront la même chose : remarquablement constant, histoire. Lors d'une pause dans les leçons : quand ils étaient tous jouant à l'extérieur sous le soleil, une soucoupe volante s'est posée à côté de l'aire de jeu et deux petits étrangers avec des yeux en amande énormes issu de l'artisanat. Ces visiteurs extraterrestres alors communiqué un message terrible pour les jeunes. Ils ont implanté une vision terrifiante : d'un monde futur consumé par le feu, directement dans leurs jeunes esprits. (Tous les enfants décrivent les aliens communication, « avec leurs yeux. ») Ce message par télépathie implanté est apparu pour avertir d'un holocauste nucléaire imminent. Je dis imminente parce que je suis en supposant que l'avertissement décrit les événements qui seront dérouleront dans les vies des moyennes de ces enfants. Et le plus ancien d'entre eux sera désormais au début de la trentaine. (Donc, oui gens, nous sommes à court de temps.)

Témoin de l'enfant à une rencontre extraterrestre
Maintenant nous allons juste faire une pause pour un moment ici et évaluer ce que nous avons jusqu'à présent. Les étrangers ont atteint un niveau d'avancement technologique : qui comprend la maîtrise de voyage dans le temps, qui les empêche de jamais aller à la guerre entre eux. Étrangers apprécient également que la race humaine sera, un jour, atteindre ce même niveau d'avancement et si nous ne changeons radicalement notre attitude belliqueuse en attendant constituerait une menace très réelle de civilisations extraterrestres dans le futur. En outre, ils ont: à de nombreuses reprises, clairement démontré leur capacité à interférer directement avec notre technologie d'armes nucléaires. Et en plus de tout cela ils ont déjà envoyé nous un message direct, décrivant ce qui finira par l'humanité ne serions-nous jamais assez bête pour utiliser notre technologie d'armes nucléaires.

Le patron est pour nous tous de voir. Et le fil qui passe par ce modèle peut se résume en une seule phrase : la paix est l'impératif universel. C'est le message. C'est pourquoi les étrangers sont ici. Ils ont besoin de nous d'adopter une paix universelle non seulement comme une expédient politique mais comme un principe fondamental qui sous-tend notre propre existence. Nous avons de le vouloir vraiment. Et, par-dessus tout, nous devons dire à nos visiteurs extraterrestres qu'on le veuille.

Eh bien, mes amis, vous voulez la paix universelle ? De plus, vous êtes prêt à dire ET que tu veux la paix universelle ? Si vous pouvez, en toute honnêteté, répondez oui à tous les deux de ces questions, alors vous êtes prêt à aller de l'avant.

Voici ce que vous devez faire :

S'il vous plaît aller à et signer la pétition de paix universelle.

S'il vous plaît, utilisez ce lien : la pétition de paix universelle.
Aliens have an agenda for Planet Earth and the Human Race. This much we know. Exactly what that agenda might be is currently the subject of much heated debate among the UFO community. However, one thing that most can agree on, is that understanding the alien agenda is of paramount importance to us all. Because: why aliens are here; and what they have planned for us, are probably the biggest questions facing Mankind.

When it comes to the subject of UFOs, and alien visitation, we are told all manner of things: much of it contradictory, by all manner of people. We are presented with a bewildering array of theories and fantastic scenarios, life changing personal experiences and wondrous revelations telepathically channeled – via some human intermediary - by benevolent entities from across the Cosmos. Ufology, it would appear, is rapidly morphing into some kind of all-views-are-valid belief system. And the fact that organized religion now seems to be re-positioning itself to accommodate the acceptance: by mainstream science, that, 'We are not alone', only serves to underscore this growing trend.

Which is tragic beyond belief. Because – amidst all this clamour – the only voices that can be heard belong to us. Or, should I say, those of us that shout the loudest.

Now what we all, seriously, need to do here is to shut (the fu..) up for a moment and listen. Because there are other, quiet voices trying to make themselves heard above the relentless babble. These voices belong to logic, reason and the alien emissaries sent to Planet Earth by Extraterrestrial Civilizations. What is more, these voices deserve an attentive audience: because what they have to say has profound significance for us all.

So, ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Let's apply a little cold, hard logic to one of the questions that generates so much disagreement among the increasingly fractious UFO community: the Alien Agenda. Why are aliens here?

However – before we can understand the motivations that move aliens to do the things that they do – we first have to consider something of the nature of the reality that produced them. The bottom line here is that, to understand alien nature and behaviour, we first have to factor in the fundamental nature of space and time.

Einsteinian physics tells us that space and time are one, that they equate with the same thing: space-time. Ergo, the physical extent of the Universe: its size, is inextricably bound up with the length of its duration. Now some of us believe – and some of us know beyond any shadow of a doubt – that aliens are travelling millions of light years across the Cosmos to visit us here on Planet Earth. Therefore, we also have to accept that: in order for them to do this, they must have overcome the spatial dimensionality associated with space-time. But is this all there is to it? What about space-time's equally integral temporal dimensionality? Do we leave this out of the equation altogether? Why would we do this? To preserve a cosy little world view that precludes the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations? No, we must delude ourselves no longer and accept, as a fact, something that has been staring us in the face for several decades. Aliens can travel through time.

And this, my friends, is why they are here. Time travel is entirely feasible. Aliens probably mastered it many millennia ago. The thing is, though, extraterrestrial civilizations are technology based – as is our civilization. Their technology might be light years ahead of what we possess – but we are still a technological race – and aliens fully understand that one day we will find a way to conquer both space and time.

(NB. That day may arrive a lot sooner than you think. Please download and read this pdf: Alien Technology Explained.

Here's the link: Alien Technology Explained.)

So why, I hear you ask, should the prospect of our acquisition of time travel technology so greatly disturb our visitors from across the Cosmos? What we need to bear in mind here is that they have: according to the evidence, been around a long time. They have been observing us for thousands of years. And they have witnessed the terrible things that we do to each other. They have seen our wars. They have seen our total disregard for the well-being of our fellow men. And they have watched as we let our own children starve to death. They have seen all this; so, quite rightly, they fear us.

Now, at the moment, we couldn't threaten ET in any way shape or form. But what will happen once we acquire the technology that will allow us to tear apart the fabric of space-time? What will happen when we have the ability to jump backwards: to a point in ET's distant past, when our technology would suddenly become more advanced than his? We would then be in a position to destroy him completely. Furthermore, we could visit such devastation on any alien race: regardless of how far ahead of us they are, right now, technologically. To aliens, we are the boogeyman man in their closet. Their potential nemesis. They have good reason to fear us.

At this point we need to broaden our perspective a little and ask another, pertinent question: how does the possession of time travel technology affect the relationships between the alien races that possess it? Let's imagine an unlikely scenario: that will allow us to explore this question and, by applying a modicum of logic, arrive at a relevant answer. Let's imagine what would ensue should two alien races decide to go to war with each other. This first thing we need to determine here is: would these antagonists attack each other in the here and now – in the present? Logic dictates that they wouldn't. They would each exploit their ability to travel through time to try and gain an advantage over one another. And so the disaster would unfold. We would witness two alien races leap-frogging each other backwards through time in an attempt to gain sufficient advantage to totally annihilate one another. There are only two possible outcomes to this scenario. Either one wins and wipes out the other; which would then lead to the victor being attacked by an alliance of neutral alien races seeking to ensure that the aggressor cannot ever do the same to them. Or both protagonists manage to completely erase each other from the cosmological time-line altogether. Please note: there are no winners either way.

Consequently, there are inescapable conclusions that can be drawn here. Alien races do not engage in the madness of war. For them, peace is the universal imperative. And our extraterrestrial visitors want us to adopt that universal imperative.

This is why they are here. And this is what they are trying to communicate to us.

What's more, we have evidence that this is, indeed, the case. In the early hours of March 16, 1967, a UFO appeared over Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana: USA, and completely disabled a flight of ten Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads. The main witness to this event was Captain Robert Salas USAF (ret.) who was: at the time of the incident, the deputy combat missile crew commander in charge of the affected weapon systems. He, and other reliable witnesses, also report that ten more missiles: at another facility, were also taken down by a UFO that same night.

Captain Robert Salas USAF (ret.)
And this isn't an isolated event. Author, Robert Hastings' book: UFOs and Nukes, Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, catalogues dozens of related incidents that have occurred over the last six decades.

Then we have the Ariel Elementary School encounter. This took place at Ruwa: in Zimbabwe, on September 16, 1994. Here we have no fewer than sixty two witnesses: all of them children between the ages of five and eleven, that attended the school. They all tell the same: remarkably consistent, story. During a break in lessons: when they were all outside playing in the sunshine, a flying saucer landed beside the play area and two small aliens – with huge almond shaped eyes – emerged from the craft. These extraterrestrial visitors then communicated a terrible message to the youngsters. They implanted a terrifying vision: of a future world consumed by fire, directly into their young minds. (All the children describe the aliens communicating, 'With their eyes.') This telepathically implanted message appeared to warn of an impending nuclear holocaust. I say impending because I am supposing that the warning described events that will unfold within the lifetimes' of these children. And the oldest of them will now be in their early thirties. (So, yes folks, we are running out of time.)

Child witness to an alien encounter
Now let's just pause for a moment here and evaluate what we have so far. Aliens have achieved a level of technological advancement: that includes the mastery of time travel, which precludes them from ever going to war with one another. Aliens also appreciate that the human race will, one day, attain this same level of advancement and could – if we don't radically change our belligerent behaviour in the meanwhile – constitute a very real threat to extraterrestrial civilizations in the future. Furthermore, they have: on numerous occasions, clearly demonstrated their ability to directly interfere with our nuclear weapons technology. And – on top of all this – they have already sent us a direct message describing what will befall mankind should we ever be foolish enough to use our nuclear weapons technology.

The pattern is there for us all to see. And the thread that runs right through this pattern can be summed-up in a single phrase: Peace is the Universal Imperative. This is the message. This is why aliens are here. They need us to adopt Universal Peace – not just as an expedient political policy – but as a basic tenet that underpins our very existence. We have to truly want it. And, above all else, we have to tell our extraterrestrial visitors that we want it.

Well, my friends, do you want Universal Peace? Moreover, are you ready to tell ET that you want Universal Peace? If you can, in all honesty, answer yes to both of these questions then you are ready to proceed.

Here's what you need to do:

Please go to and sign The Universal Peace Petition.

Please use this link: The Universal Peace Petition.

This is what you will be signing.
At this point, I'm sure, there'll be quite a few of you asking: 'What good is a petition going to do? Would aliens even be aware of it?' Well it is an on-line petition. And we know our governments and intelligence agencies are monitoring where we go, what we do and what we say on-line. So why not ET? Where is there a better place to find out what we are thinking: with regard to the extraterrestrial visitation issue, than out there in cyberspace?

You should, as well, try and imagine the social impact that this petition could have if millions of people supported it. Imagine millions of people – from all over the world – demanding peace and actively seeking extraterrestrial intervention: for aliens to intercede and divest us of our insane nuclear, biological and chemical weapon systems. Wouldn't such developments be newsworthy? Wouldn't they become the hottest topic of conversation across the media, society and the internet?

My friends, this petition could deliver very real results. It does need enormous support: and millions of signatures, before it can achieve those results but, if enough people put in enough effort, we can get there.

You should also understand that – by supporting this petition – you are also actively promoting mutually beneficial contact between the Human Race and Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

So who is up for the challenge ahead? Are you?

If you are, then your collaboration: with the Alien Agenda for Planet Earth, begins here.


My Dear Friend

This article is available for download in pdf format.

Please download and share this pdf with your friends, and encourage them to sign my petition, to help promote Universal Peace.

Here's the link: The Alien Agenda for Planet Earth.

Alternatively you could download this one page pdf and send it: as an attachment to an email or FaceBook message, to people that you know.

Download PDF: 

By doing this you could well be making a serious contribution to the future health of our planet and all life upon it.

Be the change you want to see.

Many thanks for reading.

Peace, Love & Respect

peter dunn


Jossph Kent
03/01/2014 9:58pm

I heartily agree with your assessment of the Alien Agenda, Peter. Universal Peace is the answer. The question is: Will we ever get there? Being a Christian (one of those re-adjusted I feel that it is imperative that we make an effort to reach this goal. Jesus has stood for Peace and not War. Unfortunately, many so-called Christians have used Religion as a basis for needless biases and wars. We all need to Unite and be as One when it comes to Peace on Earth. I pray that this will happen!!

03/05/2014 4:47am

Hi Jossph

We most certainly can attain peace - if enough of us want it, and are prepared to work for it. The one thing we mustn't do, is sit around waiting for our governments to deliver peace for us. This is never going to happen.

Peace, Love & Respect

peter dunn

03/13/2014 5:51pm

Interesting experiment

03/26/2014 3:14am

Oh if it were only that simple? Alien Agendas? I am more inclined to ask about Human Agendas? We will never be fully aware of what is really going on because humanity is greedy, power crazed and bloody complicated. Our own psychologies make no sense most of the time. Everybody's motivations are different and those motivations are grown from personal experience, which takes on many forms. In essence - who's view of reality do we run with? Yours? Mine? Throw aliens and Time Travel into the mix and what do we have? Endless possibilities, a myriad of outcomes, a thousand and one realities and the man on the street just doesn't have a say, how ever hard we might wish for it and run our little blog pieces and publish our books on the subjects with the 'evidence' we think we have gathered in truth and integrity. At the end of the day, I think we (humanity AND the aliens) are all lost to chance, circumstance, cause and effect which can be skewed by the slightest ripple. Sure I'll sign your petition, who knows, it may make a difference, but who in the end is going to make the big changes that are needed to set humanity and it's place in the grand scheme of things on the right path? You? Me? The government? Which government? What leader/s has the power to change the hearts and minds of every living man, woman and child on the planet? And if there are Alien intelligences out there who are interfering with our already fragile time-line/s who would we trust? How on Earth, or not, would we know anything about an alien psychology, philosophy, i.e their motivations and agendas? Do they tell the truth? Do they lie? Do they manipulate other species for their own ends? I don't know do you? How could you know. Whatever we think we might know is just another narrative, a story, a possibility. so how can we ever be sure that trusting an alien intelligence is the right thing to do? Especially considering that most people on the planet don't even trust their own government or their own neighbours come to that! I suppose it comes down to that very dubious state of being that can be summed up in one of two words - trust and faith - two very dangerous words!

10/01/2014 12:13pm

Yep! I'm with you Laura.

10/02/2014 3:53am

Hi Laura

Extraterrestrials don't trust our governments either - that's why they delivered their message to 62 schoolchildren at Ruwa - and not the president of the US or to the UN. Extraterrestrials are fully aware that our governments represent vested interests: none of which are ours.

As for trusting an alien intelligence - they want us to adopt Universal Peace (the Universal Imperative) because it suits both their interests and ours. This can be logically deduced from their actions as described in my article.

Many thanks for your interest and for signing my petition.


peter dunn

05/12/2014 6:07am


09/12/2014 11:44am

I have been an avid reader of all things Alien, but having said that i put every bit of info through my own personal PC My Mind, & common sense & a touch of reality always Kicks In Most Times, & after reading & watching so many Variations Of The Truth i have come to this (Conclusion) that the Power Of The Illuminati The Bildenbergs The Rothschilds The Rockerfellers are all behind the New World Order & possibly have very Evil Aliens to help them achieve this NWO which is going to take place( In November 2014), this will coincide with an Alien Invasion Who Are Not I Repeat Not Your Friends & will try to convince you they are, if you believe them you will end up in a Prison Called A Fema Camp & here you will stay, & the only way out is either Death Or To Be A Slave With No Pay For The Rest Of Your Poor Slave Life, you can believe what i am saying as i have no Axe To Grind & are just like you caught up in this Whole Unholy Mess Just Like You,i have 2 sons & a daughter who i cannot realy talk to about this as they are like most people always working & hardly ever Venture Onto Youtube or any news channels who would point them in the right Direction In Regard To There Future Etc,but one only has to look & ask oneself Why Has America Built 800 Prisons Fema Is Just Hoodwink The Public, & why have they had built Special 3/4 Storey Trains Complete With 18 Century Shackels, which are going to be used to Transport You Direct To There One Of 800 Prisons, i am sure that after reading this surely( Common Sense Should Kick In), & remember this American Public if you get this wrong you & your (Loved Ones Will Face Either Death Or Imprisonment) for eternity, heed well my Warnings as possibly no one else will give you this warning, & i firmly believe this Horrible Death Plan Will Be Started In November 2014 so you have not long to make some plans for your Survival as the Evil Ones Are Almost Ready To Start There Plan For The New World Order, you can email me at anytime & i will try to help if i can but you can help yourself by contacting your friends & reatives but remember Obama Has Even Got Foreign Troops To Help Shoot You Imprison You & Enslave You, you are the only ones who can help themselves, i am just a voice at the other end of the phone please think this through & you will see what is going to happen, you can log onto & type in How Many Fema Camps, Fema Camps Near You, Fema Trains & Shacles, Something Big Is Happening In America, The Illuminati Exposed, Hollywood Illuminati, the list goes on & on you & us we are (Doomed Unless We Stand Up & Be Counted ) i only prayer is you believe what i have told you i am 71 & like most people have children who deserve to have the chance to live just like you parents & people have, so take heart & start today it is sooner than you think November Is Almost Here, Grinling Gibbons. a name famous since 1721,

03/09/2014 6:20am

Wow, you are completely insane.

peter dunn
03/14/2014 7:43am

Thanks for that Evan.

You are aware that over 50% of people now believe that UFOs are a real phenomenon and that they are of extraterrestrial origin don't you?

With this being the case - I warmly welcome you to the madhouse.


peter dun

James Carlson
03/15/2014 9:55pm

I recently noted the above comments regarding UFO interference with ICBM sites at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967, and decided to correct a few misconceptions that the authors of the associated bits – in tandem with Robert Salas and Robert Hastings – seem to be so obsessed with. This apparently stems, for the most part, from their refusal to accept the claims of the only two people who were actually present at Echo Flight: Eric D. Carlson, the commander of Echo Flight, and Walt Figel, his deputy commander. Both men have repeatedly asserted that UFOs were not involved with those events in 1967. You are welcome to believe whatever you like, but Robert Salas, author of "Faded Giant", and Robert Hastings, author of "UFOs and Nukes" have been repeatedly accused of lying about and/or embellishing details of these incidents by those military veterans who served their nation well during the hottest period of the Vietnam War and the coldest stretch of the Cold War. The fact that there is not even one single condition of evidence to prove the claims these men have addressed is a point that very few of you have shown any willingness to consider.

If you wish to know exactly what happened in 1967, and why the missiles at Echo Flight actually failed, and why the Oscar Flight claims are so pointlessly irresponsible, I encourage you to examine (without any cost, a deal Hastings and Salas have been unwilling to match) the following narratives: [this one is an examination of the issues for those unfamiliar with the case]

I would also recommend that you examine the numerous interviews and articles at the Reality Uncovered website: Many of the articles discuss the events at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight in March 1967, and include interviews with both the commander and the deputy commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967. To this day, Robert Salas insists that both men confirm his claims of UFO interference, which both men deny strongly. Robert Hastings refuses entirely to discuss these matters in detail or to answer any questions regarding the testimonies of these two men, preferring instead to attack the integrity and credibility of those publically raising such issues. He refuses to offer anything substantial in the way of evidence, and fails entirely to explain the details of his claims or to answer any of the valid questions raised by his insistence. What he has done is rely on the craven use of blatant lies and baseless insults in regard to his critics without once managing to refute or even discuss their criticisms. Even worse, he has neglected to defend his own theories against numerous accusations of massive fraud and profiteering on a scale UFO proponent communities have only rarely been subjected to.

A lot information regarding these alleged "UFO" incidents can be found at the Reality Uncovered forum, in particular the Echo Flight Incident thread at Every single detail, digression, discussion or subject of argument asserted by both of these dishonest and irresponsible men has been explained and discussed in great detail in the documents and on the websites you've been directed to. Not one question has been left unanswered, a statement that neither Hastings nor Salas can honestly affirm. Both men, in fact, are proven liars who have created fiction and called it fact, something anyone willing to actually do the research can determine very readily for himself, as the events they've wrapped their pathetic clams around – contrary to their prior assertions – have been completely declassified since before 1980.

Tim Hebert, an ex-USAF missileer himself, has also written some very enlightening articles regarding the Echo Flight case on his blog at You should probably take the time to read them, as the information they contain are important to those wanting to know the truth. He has written an especially enlightening series of articles on Robert Salas' claims in regard to Oscar Flight that can be read at The fact that he is an ex-missileer himself gives his work an authority that those without such a background should take seriously. He has served his nation with far more responsibility than that mustered by Robert Salas, and he did so for longer than the USAF required for the education he received, an insistent point of fact that Salas is unable to equal, since he left the Air Force for a civilian career as

James Carlson
03/15/2014 9:58pm

civilian career as soon as he met the lowest standards of his expectedf duty. While there is no moral assessment implied in this discussion, it is nonetheless hard not to recognize and compare the value that each man has placed on their duty. Robert Salas left the USAF as soon as he could legally do so, took his education and began a new career, while Tim Hebert continued to serve his nation, and learned much more in regard to those same missile systems that Salas has attempted to portray himself as having some expertise with. In addition, the fact remains that Robert salas failed to mention "UFO" is association with ANYTHING that may or may not have occurred at Malmstrom AFB for 30-years, and did so only after two very important asociated events took place: the complete declassification of the Echo Flight incident, and the attempts of an ignorant few to link that incident with a UFO sighting, report and investigation that never occurred. The fact that Salas has been unable to name even a single eye-witness to the UFO he has invented from nothing seems to have escaped the notice of those exhibiting the will to believe such incandescent crap.

Dr. David Clarke, for many years an accepted expert regarding the British military forces' investigations of the UFO phenomenon, has also discussed the Echo Flight case in the context of the "UFO and Nukes" connection asserted by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas. You can and should read his article on the subject at

The folk tales currently being spread by Hastings and Salas like so much infectious manure have not merely been dismissed as one possible interpretation of their claims; they have been repeatedly dismantled and shredded – proven as lies by witness testimony and documented evidence that many UFO proponents wish to ignore, since they continue to show themselves incapable of otherwise explaining in the context of a real flying saucer. There is no doubt whatsoever that Salas with the assistance of Hastings has created this UFO case outright. There were no actual UFOs involved – it is a lie and nothing more. Witnesses that both men have presented to the public have actually come forward to dispute the claims these men have made. They insist that their statements were taken out of context and distorted purposely in order to suggest the presence of UFOs where no such presence could otherwise be established. Salas and Hastings have perpetrated a UFO hoax of the worst sort, and have attempted to destroy the reputations and career service of better men than themselves.

The commander of Echo Flight on March 16, 1967, CAPT (Ret.) Eric D. Carlson, has released the following very definitive statement:

"Let me start by stating that, as best as I can recall, my only contact with Salas and Hastings has been on the phone. I did tell Salas that he could release my name to whomever he wished, don't know why he needed my permission. I have talked to a newspaper writer in Great Falls, several years age, and a TV producer from one of those UFO shows. With both these individuals I denied any knowledge of any UFO's at Malmstrom. In addition, I stated that there was no, repeat no, incident at Oscar flight as Salas maintains. The man is either lying or delusional.

"My only contact with Hastings was a call I received from him regarding his book. I stated that his book sounded interesting and he later sent me a copy which I read and gave away .... At no time did I mention anyone's mental status; yours, mine, his, or Salas', although in retrospect I could comment on Salas'.

"My memory is quite good regarding the events at Malmstrom and there is no doubt in my mind that there were no reports of UFO's and no incident at Oscar flight. I will be willing to discuss this with anyone who is truly interested in the facts."

His deputy commander at Echo Flight, COL (Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., has insisted as well that UFOs were not involved, and adds that his version of this event has been distorted by both Robert Salas and Robert Hastings in order to give the impression that an actual UFO was involved. He asserts very strongly that no UFOs were involved, nor were UFOs ever reported. Regarding the comments made in the past by Robert Hastings regarding Figel's impression of me or of the acts I have undertaken, COL Figel has never, throughout the years I've known him, accused me of lying, and has, in fact, been refreshingly open and definitive in regard to the events of March 1967, and has repeatedly confirmed all of the aspects of this story that I have published or otherwise made available and that my father, Eric D. Carlson, has repeatedly confirmed. No other assessment of my relationship with Figel or my father is necessary or has any bearing on the facts the three of us have publically addressed.

Walt Figel has released numerous comments regarding the incidents of March 1967, including the f

James Carlson
03/15/2014 9:58pm

civilian career as soon as he met the lowest standards of his expectedf duty. While there is no moral assessment implied in this discussion, it is nonetheless hard not to recognize and compare the value that each man has placed on their duty. Robert Salas left the USAF as soon as he could legally do so, took his education and began a new career, while Tim Hebert continued to serve his nation, and learned much more in regard to those same missile systems that Salas has attempted to portray himself as having some expertise with. In addition, the fact remains that Robert salas failed to mention "UFO" is association with ANYTHING that may or may not have occurred at Malmstrom AFB for 30-years, and did so only after two very important asociated events took place: the complete declassification of the Echo Flight incident, and the attempts of an ignorant few to link that incident with a UFO sighting, report and investigation that never occurred. The fact that Salas has been unable to name even a single eye-witness to the UFO he has invented from nothing seems to have escaped the notice of those exhibiting the will to believe such incandescent crap.

Dr. David Clarke, for many years an accepted expert regarding the British military forces' investigations of the UFO phenomenon, has also discussed the Echo Flight case in the context of the "UFO and Nukes" connection asserted by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas. You can and should read his article on the subject at

The folk tales currently being spread by Hastings and Salas like so much infectious manure have not merely been dismissed as one possible interpretation of their claims; they have been repeatedly dismantled and shredded – proven as lies by witness testimony and documented evidence that many UFO proponents wish to ignore, since they continue to show themselves incapable of otherwise explaining in the context of a real flying saucer. There is no doubt whatsoever that Salas with the assistance of Hastings has created this UFO case outright. There were no actual UFOs involved – it is a lie and nothing more. Witnesses that both men have presented to the public have actually come forward to dispute the claims these men have made. They insist that their statements were taken out of context and distorted purposely in order to suggest the presence of UFOs where no such presence could otherwise be established. Salas and Hastings have perpetrated a UFO hoax of the worst sort, and have attempted to destroy the reputations and career service of better men than themselves.

The commander of Echo Flight on March 16, 1967, CAPT (Ret.) Eric D. Carlson, has released the following very definitive statement:

"Let me start by stating that, as best as I can recall, my only contact with Salas and Hastings has been on the phone. I did tell Salas that he could release my name to whomever he wished, don't know why he needed my permission. I have talked to a newspaper writer in Great Falls, several years age, and a TV producer from one of those UFO shows. With both these individuals I denied any knowledge of any UFO's at Malmstrom. In addition, I stated that there was no, repeat no, incident at Oscar flight as Salas maintains. The man is either lying or delusional.

"My only contact with Hastings was a call I received from him regarding his book. I stated that his book sounded interesting and he later sent me a copy which I read and gave away .... At no time did I mention anyone's mental status; yours, mine, his, or Salas', although in retrospect I could comment on Salas'.

"My memory is quite good regarding the events at Malmstrom and there is no doubt in my mind that there were no reports of UFO's and no incident at Oscar flight. I will be willing to discuss this with anyone who is truly interested in the facts."

His deputy commander at Echo Flight, COL (Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., has insisted as well that UFOs were not involved, and adds that his version of this event has been distorted by both Robert Salas and Robert Hastings in order to give the impression that an actual UFO was involved. He asserts very strongly that no UFOs were involved, nor were UFOs ever reported. Regarding the comments made in the past by Robert Hastings regarding Figel's impression of me or of the acts I have undertaken, COL Figel has never, throughout the years I've known him, accused me of lying, and has, in fact, been refreshingly open and definitive in regard to the events of March 1967, and has repeatedly confirmed all of the aspects of this story that I have published or otherwise made available and that my father, Eric D. Carlson, has repeatedly confirmed. No other assessment of my relationship with Figel or my father is necessary or has any bearing on the facts the three of us have publically addressed.

Walt Figel has released numerous comments regarding the incidents of March 1967, including the f

James Carlson
03/15/2014 10:01pm

Walt Figel has released numerous comments regarding the incidents of March 1967, including the following very definitive statement addressed to me:


"First – your dad has not lied about anything nor do believe that he is even capable of lying about anything at all. He was, is, and always will be an honorable man. You should remember that always – I will.

"Second – Bob Salas was never associated with any shutdown of any missiles at any time in any flight and you can take that to the bank. Just think about this for a split second. He is a person wrapped up in UFOs to the Nth degree. Yet he could not remember he was not at Echo. Then he thought he was at November – wrong again. Then he thought he was at Oscar – wrong again.

"Third – There is no record about anything happening at November or Oscar except in people’s minds that are flawed beyond imagination. Salas has created events out of the thin air and can’t get the facts straight even then. My best friend to this day was the flight commander of the 10th SMS at the time. He and I have discussed this silly assertion in the past couple of years – he thinks it is all madeup nonsense for sure. I put both Salas and Hastings in touch with him and he has told them both that an incident at November or Oscar never happened. In addition he was subsequently stationed at Norton AFB where the engineers tested the possible problems. No little green men were responsible.

"Fourth – I have always maintained that I do not nor have I ever believed that UFOs exist in any form at any place at any time. I have never seen one or reported that I have seen one. I have always maintained that they had nothing to do with the shutdown of Echo flight in Montana.

"Fifth – The event at Malmstrom has a hand written log from me that was turned in just like all the other logs that I wrote over several years. I would think that if I wrote something like that in the log, there would be copies, it would have been classified at the beginning and then released along with the classified SAC messages and base reports. Nothing in that urgent SAC message even hints of UFOs at all and I think that it would if the official logs or telephone calls had referenced that fact.

"Sixth – When it happened, neither your dad nor I were “visibly shaken” by the events. It was just another day with a unexpected event in our lives. It was rather underwhelming at the time. No one rushed out to see us, no one made us sign any papers, no one interrogated us for hours on end.

"There is no Air Force “cover-up” [of the events of March 1967]; it just did not happen the way Salas and [sic] has portrayed the course of events. I am sorry that you are all caught up in a pissing contest with these people, I really am. They are just not going to let go no matter what you say or do. He has made a 15 year career pandering about the country talking about things he has no knowledge about. I am not at all interested in taking them on – it’s not worth my effort – I have more important things to do with my life. I much rather just stay out of it.

"Hopefully, we can move on. I did read about a briefing on the 27th here in DC. I am here in VA about 10 miles away. Interesting. Hopefully this helps you and confirms to you at least that your dad is a straight shooter and does not lie to anyone."

Robert Salas' commander at Oscar Flight, Frederick Meiwald, insists that he doesn't even believe in UFOs – a strange comment to make in light of Salas' insistence that a UFO took out the missiles at Oscar Flight during an incident that resulted in an injury to one non-commissioned officer, requiring that man to be evacuated from the site by helicopter. When interviewed by Robert Hastings, he stated unequivocally that he doesn't remember anything at all about a UFO. In fact, Robert Hastings himself has written:

“Meiwald then elaborated and said that he couldn’t support everything Salas has said about the incident because he had been resting/sleeping when the first missile or two dropped offline — which occurred moments after Salas received a report from the Oscar Flight Security Controller about a UFO hovering over the Launch Control Facility’s front gate.

“Although Salas had quickly told Meiwald about that telephone conversation, Meiwald says that he can’t remember it.”

In another interview conducted by Hastings, Meiwald is equally clear (RH is Robert Hastings and FM is Frederick Meiwald):

"RH: Okay. Now, when Bob, I think moments [after] he woke you up, or you got up and sat down at the commander’s console — he of course had received a call from the Flight Security Controller, saying that there was a bright red, oval-shaped object hovering over the security fence gate — my understanding is that is what he told you as s

James Carlson
03/15/2014 10:03pm

"RH: Okay. Now, when Bob, I think moments [after] he woke you up, or you got up and sat down at the commander’s console — he of course had received a call from the Flight Security Controller, saying that there was a bright red, oval-shaped object hovering over the security fence gate — my understanding is that is what he told you as soon as you were at your console, that he had received this call and, uh, that of course coincided with the missiles beginning to malfunction. Do you recall him telling you that?

"FM: I really don’t remember that portion of it, relative to the bright object. I remember an unusual condition [but] as far as the details, uh, I can’t elaborate on that."

The following exchange is also revealing:

"RH: Okay. He of course has also said that you two were, uh, when you were back at Malmstrom, you were debriefed by OSI and required to sign non-disclosure statements. Do you remember that?

"FM: I remember being directed to do that. But that was no problem. I’ve been one of these people, when told to forget something, I forget it—eventually [inaudible].

"RH: Right, well, is that a polite way of saying that you really don’t want to discuss this, even though you know more than you’re saying?

"FM: No, I’m saying I don’t remember."

For nearly ten years Salas was using Meiwald as confirmation of the events at both November Flight and Oscar Flight, stating that either my father or someone else called Meiwald on March 16 and told him all about Echo Flight. When interviewed by Hastings, Meiwald stated, "Whatever happened over at Echo, I have no idea." He has rebuffed completely the attempts by Hastings and Salas to establish confirmation for the UFOs they've invented, and yet both men continue to insist that he has confirmed every aspect of Salas' ridiculous UFO claims.

Meiwald has also clearly stated in other interviews with Salas that only 3-4 missiles failed during the one missile failures event he has recalled; he's NEVER stated outright that the UFO story he told Salas in 1996 had anything at all to do with missile failures; it's never even been mentioned in context. The plain fact is that Frederick Meiwald has NEVER associated the one instant of missile failures he recalls with a UFO. This association is a complete invention asserted by Robert Salas, one that Meiwald has never even hinted at.

My father, the commander of Echo Flight in March 1967, was present when all ten missiles were taken off of strategic alert by an electronic noise pulse generated internally at the launch control facility at Echo Flight. This pulse interfered with the normal operation of the logic coupler on the guidance and control module for that facility, causing thereby the failure of the missiles, which were, in effect, simply turned off. The incident was very well documented and was thoroughly investigated, and every word that Robert Salas and Robert Hastings have ever said on the subject has been repeatedly discounted or proven outright to be little more than lies and embellishments created for the purpose of making money from the sales of their books, the sales of associated videos, and the speaking fees they charge as a matter of course when retelling their ridiculous little folk tales.

I'm not asking you to believe these points I've outlined. It isn't necessary, as they're already included in the public record and can be examined by anyone who's interested in the subject. I do ask, however, that you give some further thought to the silly little claims you've discussed for your own benefit and for the protection of your reputation. You should be aware that there is another point of view in regard to these matters – one that has been repeatedly confirmed by those men who were actually involved with this singular event in USAF history, has been very well-documented through the years, and was very thoroughly investigated by the USAF for some months after the incident itself. It is due to this that any continued support for the claims these frauds have made will eventually be considered little more than the very poor judgment of a few very confused and ignorant men. It is entirely up to you whether you are to be included in that assessment. Your ignorance of such issues will have no bearing whatsoever on the eventual consideration of your own reputation; only your perceived support of these ill-considered claims will have any effect.

There were only two witnesses at Echo Flight in March 1967: the commander of the flight, CAPT Eric D. Carlson, and the deputy commander, COL Walter Figel, Jr. Both men have publically affirmed that there was no UFO. Robert Hastings is merely an agitator – a liar and a fraud who has repeatedly misrepresented the claims of the men involved in these incidents. He started utilizing this methodology years ago, found out it was convincing to a few ignorant people, and continues hi

James Carlson
03/15/2014 10:05pm

Both men have publically affirmed that there was no UFO. Robert Hastings is merely an agitator – a liar and a fraud who has repeatedly misrepresented the claims of the men involved in these incidents. He started utilizing this methodology years ago, found out it was convincing to a few ignorant people, and continues his path of slander and disruption as a result of past minor successes. He's just a petty con-man and a fraudulent huckster – nothing more. Robert Salas is a proven liar and a fraud, a man who conceived of this strategy in concert with James Klotz and Dale Goudie in order to convince actual USAF witnesses to come forward and assert their own claims. This strategy has proven to be a failure, although it has provided Salas with a second career to foster, which makes it an intolerable insult aside from the obvious insults he has already committed against my family. Together, Hastings and Salas represent the very worst aspects of American UFOlogy. It is they and men like them who have proven to be the primary source of the stench normal humans – including those necessary to enable any well funded investigation of UFO phenomena – tend to associate with the issues UFO proponents tend to support. In other words, if you truly want to persuade others to appreciate what you value sufficient to support your goals, you are going to have to show some measure of good judgment. When you give the impression of support for an obvious fraud, whether or not that support actually exists, you are presenting an impression that is injurious to your ultimate goals. In any case, do as you will. It is advisable, however, to take into account what others have already proven.

Most sincerely,
James Carlson
Albuquerque, NM

Cindy Sutton
09/08/2014 6:30am

The number of people who believe in alien existence and visitation may be even higher than the numbers you stated. I, as well as the majority of my family and friends, have all had encountered beings from other dimensions. I and my daughter had a vision of the skies covered with alien craft, here to protect the earth from destruction. It was a warning, and I firmly believe that they are in contact with our government, to work with them to show them the fatality of using harmful weapons. I hope that everyone who has been contacted, take this information seriously. As history has pointed out, other people have destroyed their civilization through war and weapons.

04/02/2014 4:55pm

You may or may not agree with his approach but I can assure you that the ETs DEFINITELY DO EXIST. I HAVE SEEN ONE WITH MY OWN EYES. There IS a cover up. The aliens are real.

My dear ET friends, if you are reading this, restore my memory. I am ready now. Make contact again. You were right about the 16 years.

Sorry if that last bit was cryptic folks but it wasn't aimed at you lol.

03/14/2014 9:33am

Dude.... really.... I'm going to share one thing= There are ways to explain things. yes people have theories and sure the concept of personal conviction yields power. However, a person in the 21st century must be aware that there is huge differences between fantasy and reality. The brain is a very powerful thing which thinks and thinks and thinks.. my brain thinks a lot of crazy stuff and a lot of useful stuff. It is very important to make the best judgements to decipher what information.. what angles.. what stuff my brain is producing and find the "usable" stuff. 'Filter the noise' so to speak. In todays world you must have evidence to declare information to be true and I think this is a very good approach to un-blurring the lines. I am, in fact, interested in hearing about the alien agenda,, unfortunately I do think I have any information about this topic after reading this page... If there is something you want to tell us... please do.. I would love to read,, However reading suppositions and theories ... ehh .. I can make these things up all day long in my head.. I call it daydreaming .... yes, i have heard about sparks rendering nukes inert in outer space and stuff.. but what does that do for us here? ? K now that I am typing I realized I have more to say than one thing,,, ... Regarding this petition..... I say that if you want to end weapons of mass destruction then rather than talking about it. DO SOMETHING! Think ? why do we need these technologies.. Oh ya ,, we need physical power,, heat , electricity etc... (thermal energy = explosives btw) and food... So dude,, experiment and start building things on earth that will fulfill these needs without nuclear stuff... I think man and his self supplied fear is what is holding people back ... caz if you think that there is some mystical "they" people that have these technologies but are keeping them from us... let me word it like this .. WHY are you waiting for some store to sell you something to free you from the fact that you had to buy the thing from the store? If you aren't waiting for that,, then what are you waiting for? Start making something !!!! If some dude played with magnets and found a way to make endless energy? why are you waiting for him to just hand it to you.. you can buy magnets.. you have a brain... are you waiting for the dude to appear at your door like a jehovah witness, but instead handing you some metal box you can plug into your wall or that you can run away with? I have a funny inclination ,, a thought ,, that everyone wants to be free... It may be possible that even mr obama himself wouldn't be opposed to a solution that would free us from needing the government. He would have time to enjoy his life with his family .... there are thousands of reasons we could propose, pro and con ... To put more reality in my thought here, I also think that he would only be "okay" with this, is it was a workable plan. So he wouldn't have to worry. WE created the government,, remember? to fix problems,,, and yes now it has got out of hand.. because everyone wants mom and dad(the gov) to provide for them. caz it worked in the past, now we are all drinking the milk past expiration.. waiting for gov to fix all the problems.. to protect ourselves from our own "unwillingness to have self discipline" We are not helpless people, but the fact remains that when there is milk and bread on the table we must rise to the occasion and seek to put more food on the table, but more and more,, people are living content, just watching things happen.. taking and not refilling.. buying into this idea that our opinion defines who we are.... and our future,, ... that happiness is a goal, and not inherent.. at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you think .. it doesn't matter what you intend.. it doesn't matter what you want ...(sure these things may affect the quantum field of future possibility, but if you fixate on this you have completely missed the point here..) In the reality of things, a person may have this perfect "plan", they may have the best intentions in the world,, but have you ever noticed that what takes place in the moment is not always what you intend or anticipate? hmmm...?? how bout THAT for food for thought .... It is very important the be here and now.. CONSCIOUS :) ... here is my leaving thought ... -> keep on keepin' on.. It only matters what you have accomplished and what you are accomplishing, at this very moment, at this very breath.... What you have to show for .... please leave the world better off than when you got here .. i doubt that Einstein was a super human, created from the future peoples and inserted into the past to make a difference and was SOOOO different from all of us that we all have to wait for another person like that... He was probably just an observant person... That what I see when I read general relativity... once you get past the math and what he is saying and think,, how / why is he saying these th

03/14/2014 9:34am

ings is when the picture starts to make sense... I have strong convictions that we all have this magnificence, but the internal programming of deception is so deeply ingrained in our DNA that we even find ways to fool ourselves. plus when other people, all trying to believe the same thing, get together and find a whole bunch of little things/reasons that seem to add up, the fantasy starts to appear more real... like a lion, the laziness goes more than one generation. Wake up, get up, and do stuff ... I grant you permission to be human and create things to help the planet, & other organisms.

03/21/2014 6:34am

Hello Friend ... Everything you say is very beautiful and makes sense, however, we must not forget that just as there are extraterrestrial beings for good, there are extraterrestrial beings of evil as reported by many people who have had experiences .. . How well here we can cite the reptilians who simply abduct people and especially our women to satisfy their sexual fantasies ... Not everything is as perfect as you put here in this petition, and the U.S. government knows this, which inevitably would be understood from the point where the U.S., the gun is free to any citizen, even with exaggerated levels of murders and killings in public ... There are many things we do not know and that the U.S. government knows, but does not communicate in! ! ...

03/22/2014 9:13am

I have what my friends call E.Ts DADDY some say its a rock but whin they hold it and get to see all the features to do with something that was alive at one time they say wow it looks like it was alive and turned petrified .The thing is i'm not know body special in the field to prove too them that they need to take a better look at what I had found.I'ts not them so they just blow me off .But if they found it they be on T.V. saying they really found somethink We put a two videos of it on youtu {look up} {is this a skull of a grey}WE traced it/and also put a face back on it.Hope you all like it.

07/02/2014 1:37pm

Nice video. Is that supposed to be the skull of a midget alien? It's a rock dude.

07/02/2014 6:03pm

Hi Zoltar

What video? Skull of a midget alien/rock? Where?

Your comment doesn't seem to connect in anyway with this blog post. The features you mention aren't present anywhere in this blog post. Did you get lost somewhere along the way my friend?



03/31/2014 8:33am

Everything that is said here is exactly where I am in the UFO/ET area. I have read articles and discovered evidence on numerous occasions that supports this exact message. The late GEORGE ADAMSKI and the late DESMOND LESLIE have immeasurable evidence that proves this. Please log on to For free online books by George Adamski and Desmond Leslie. Thank you Peter Dunn. I urge all of us to sign this petition!

04/12/2014 3:28pm

March 20th 2014 I found my etheric self on a craft with a human looking being. He severed my little and ring fingers on my left hand. Which I have an idea why. And put a beam of light through my right hand. No communication at all. Since then I have seen a bright light outside my back door window in the south east sky between, approximately, 3:00 to 6:30 am. This is not a star. This light is much bigger and brighter than I have seen before.

06/03/2014 8:02pm

We need to rid the planet of elitism and eliminate the big bankers and oil goons aswell

06/04/2014 1:15am

Well, that's the point Eric isn't it - that's what it all comes down to. We will never be able to acknowledge an alien intelligence is interacting with Humanity whilst the 'powers that be' i.e large corporations, oil barons, governments etc. pull all the strings. They don't want the man on the street to find out how easy it could really be to live, with free energy and all the other possible advantages (and disadvantages) being in a universal community would provide us, because of course, they could no longer control us. But then we could walk away from human control into a more powerful alien community's control. So maybe in a way the governments etc. are trying to protect us from a greater evil so to speak. Who knows what is out there! At the end of the day though, like you say, humanity has a long way to go with it's own problems before we could cope with anything outside our little sphere of life.

06/04/2014 2:19am

Hi Eric - many thanks for your interest

On ridding ourselves of the banker elites - please read:

On ridding ourselves of our dependency on oil - please read:

And if you could sign the Universal Peace Petition - I would be most grateful.

Here's the link:

Many thanks my friend.

Peace, Love and Respect

peter dunn

PS. I nearly forgot - the 62 children involved with the 'Ruwa Incident' are all now young adults - and they all, still, stand by their story.

06/24/2014 12:01pm

Allegedly written and leaked by a government officer involved with ultra-top¬-secret programs. It’s an encyclopedia of sort, regarding intelligent extraterrestrial species.
Could it be that our government works with living flesh and blood extraterrestrials? Or is this just a massive hoax?
Give it a read, believe it or not, you’ll definitely get chills.

07/22/2014 12:28am

ufo.ovni.alien théorie.know we are here

07/24/2014 3:40am

Just released: “The Reagan Briefing on Roswell” Now they can no longer deny the truth of Roswell! This amazing Transcript of classified tape recording made at Camp David, Maryland during a presidential briefing regarding the subject of UFOs and ALIEN VISITATION of EARTH!

Grinling Gibbons
08/26/2014 11:02am

I do believe in UFO,s & little & big Aliens who i suspect were responsible for cros breeding us with themseles, i have arrived at this answer of how we suddenly got so many Gigantic Buildings & other things that we could not have given our brins or inteligence at that time, i further believe that the US Army, Airforce & Navy have technology that is at minium 50-100 yrs ahead of any other government forces on this planet, & when see,s the Black Budget as it is known as & can see the Billions of Taxpayers Money being used & possibly used against them when the time is right, & one can imagine that they have a Star Wars Machine Already In Space to use as they see fit,i can also imagine that they already have buildings & much much more on Mars or any planet that serves there purpose, we the genral public are always the last to know & i would state that even most of the US Poloticians are in the dark to be told anything about these Clandestine Goings On, they are simply told something like this is to secret to be told to anyone & we will & do decide what if ever is sponen about the Black Budget Or Alien Technology & how they came to have it, i have seen reports that suggest that they have Motorways that zigzag right across america & that they have a train that can travel at speeds of 10,000 miles an hour & is worked by Vacuumen if you seem surpprised by this look at the Wicopedia im sure it will say something about this technology,it is a well known fact that the US Forces shall we say have had & perfected there own UFO,s & that they are working with Aliens on secret things that if told you would not believe it possible, i suggest people should dig deeper & there is no better place to start than who has an enormous amount of evidence films video,s & lots more to entertain your imagination, you might also care to look at the Inner World Thats the inside of this planet of ours, there it is reputed to have 8 different Alien Peop;es living & working together with towns & cities just like ours & they also have Free Electricity not like us ah, well i wish you all happy hunting & to believe nothing but remember everything thats been my Motto All My Life,

11/06/2014 4:16am

I have found this online: I think it is worth spreading around!

It seems like everyone has their own ideas, preferences and beliefs regarding the potential nature of visitation and Contact. Having seen the way that researchers such as Dr David Jacobs and the late Dr Karla Turner are discounted ignored, or vilified for their unromantic approach to the subject of abduction phenomena, it is little wonder we are still "in the dark", so to speak. We are ignoring the little evidence we do have.

ETs are here. They have come here looking for something, because we certainly did not invite them to come. They are flying around, engaging in clandestine operations on our soil. They demonstrate overwhelming technological superiority, as well as incredible mental abilities. Through our media and through alternative sources we are being fed certain ideas about ETs. Can we put the pieces together for ourselves?

Speaking of inexplicable sources, I also came across a variety of "channeled" messages, allegedly from ETs. I do not know if these are genuine or not. Honestly, I do not know which would be more unsettling. Among the many, many conflicting messages flying around there is only one that makes any sense, more or less. If you are curious about these things, visit http://alliesofhumanity and see what I mean.

Will Scaber
11/11/2014 7:59am

What a pile of pitiful, pitiful humans. Instead of boldly and courageously demanding their leaders and peers change their greedy and bloodthirsty ways they cowardly ask for help from other beings. Well, I have some news for you. Until you have the courage to place your own greedy, self interests at risk and stand up and DEMAND real change from your leaders and peers, no respectable civilized species will want anything to do with such weak pitiful creatures. If you want peace, MAKE IT. If you want to save the planet, SAVE IT. If you want respectful contact with other beings, RESPECT OTHER BEINGS. When you show your worthiness to join the cosmic fold, it will be considered.

11/12/2014 5:24am

Hi Will

What you have written above would make sense if we lived in countries ruled by truly representative, democratic systems of governance: we don't.

Please read:

Our 'leaders' only real function is to facilitate the ripping off of those they are supposed to represent by those that create and control money. This even extends to promulgating war on behalf of the banks. Wars have to be paid for - so our 'leaders' borrow: on our behalf, the money: which the banks create from nothing, from the banks to pay for all the death and destruction.

You will - no doubt - be familiar with the phrase: 'The first casualty of war is the truth.' Well my friend, that is a complete fallacy. Our 'leaders' start telling us lies: which are repeated over and over in the media owned by those profit from war, before ever the first shot is fired.

You should also understand that the Universal Petition Petition represents a Peace Pact directly (with no intermediaries) between Mankind and Extraterrestrials.

Further to this, everyone that signs the petition is sending a message: to every other person on the planet, that goes like this: 'I am not your enemy'. Hopefully this will make it much harder for lying bastard politicians to convince people otherwise.

Peace my friend.

peter dunn

11/23/2014 9:04am

What you say is true, however it also alludes to the ability of humans to justify and accept horrific acts. If the way Humans treat their fellow earthlings on factory farms, for no other reason than greed, is any indication of how they might treat other less technologically advanced species on other planets, then it is imperative that this human disease on the planet not be allowed to escape to infect other worlds.

Less than one percent of the human species acts in a way that shows they are worthy of taking their place in the cosmic fold. The suffering and destruction wrought on the planet and its inhabitants is entirely supported and encouraged by 99% of the human population, if not directly, then certainly indirectly by their silence.

Humans make choices each and every day by their actions. Make no mistake, You choose the destruction of your planet. You choose the suffering of your fellow humans through your ignorance and greed. You choose the suffering of your fellow earthlings through your actions as well as your in-actions.

Nature has a way of cleansing diseased planets like the earth which sometimes results in the death of the host planet. We must allow nature to take its course.

There will be no formal contact between the cosmic groups and humans. There is no point. Humans must first show they are worthy and capable by setting aside their egoist, greedy ways and standing up to their masters. 1% is not enough to justify intervention or contact.

12/10/2014 4:58pm

Seriously, the motivation of these aliens to keep the status quo can be of many. If you had a bunch of sheep to herd, because you depend on their flesh & furr & what not, you make sure the balance of the wolves and sheeps are such that they both survive under the disguise of "universal peace". The question is what do these "aliens" or possessed entities want to harvest from us humans? energy? soule? something more complex, we dont understand yet? Do you care if you step over an ant by accident or on purpose? Aliens can be of many sorts I imagine, I am sure there are hostile smart ones as well, since the whole universe works like that! it's a balance, neither can win!

12/30/2014 4:11pm

I agree with Will, they wont have direct contact with the human mass unless we prove that we can handle ourselves... the thing is we are evolving, as a species, we have the possibility to evolve, if we choose to...our past masters (jesus, Buddha) didnt have to deal with problems that we currently have, they had the problematic of the ego, we yet have another problem, our nutrition, if were not careful enough of our diet, we not only would have to deal with our ego, or the devil as some religions know it, but we are literally being poisoned everyday... I believe we will go far as a species and eventually contact outer advanced civilizations, but first LETS DETOX OUR BEINGS LETS PURIFY OUR MINDS, LETS DETOX OUR BODYES, AND LISTEN TO WHAT OUR SPIRIT HAS TO SAY, I however will sign the peace petition.


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