
Tisulsky Princess — Girl in a Casket — Is at Least 800 Million Years Old!

Spread the truth

Tisulsky Princess — Girl in a Casket — Age of Burial According to the Professor Is at Least 800 Million Years Old!
In the near future, russian scientists publish their findings, and that the scientific world will plunge into shock. Age burial, according to the professor, at least 800 million years old! This refutes the Darwinian theory of the origin of man from apes. The woman was buried in the Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era millions of years before the dinosaurs, long before the formation of the planet coal, when, in the modern view is still the land of a complete plant kingdom.


It happened at the beginning of September 1969 in the village of Rzhavchik Tisulskago region of Kemerovo region. During the stripping work at coal mine in the core dvadtsatimetrovogo coal seam lies at a depth of over 70 meters, two meters, miner Karnaukhov discovered a marble casket of amazingly accurate mechanical manufacture.
At the command area, commander Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygina had all work stopped immediately. The casket was brought to the surface and began to open, peck on the edges of fossilized time putty. Not so much from the blows, but from the effects of solar heat, putty into a clear liquid and flowed. One looking for experiences even tried it on the language (in a week was crazy, and in February froze at the door of his house.)

Casket lid was adjusted perfectly accurate. For a more permanent connection inside edge fringed double face pyatnadtsatisantimetrovuyu plugged into the wall thickness. Tisulsky Princess Discovery was a shock to the audience. Casket coffin was filled to the brim with pink — blue crystal clear liquid. By spring stitch, which rests high (about 180 C), a slim, unusual beauty woman — who looked about thirty, with a fine European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. Her Hair was a thick, dark brown with a reddish tint, slightly curled and fell to the her waist. At her sides were soft white hands with short, neatly cropped nails.


She was dressed in a white lace transparent dress length just below the knee. With short sleeves embroidered with colorful flowers. Underwear was not. It seemed that she is not dead, but sleeping. At the head — a black, rectangular, rounded at one end, metal box (something like a cell phone) of approximately 25 to 10 cm
The coffin was open for all to see about 10 to 15 hours. See the miracle was the whole village. Almost immediately, the finding reported in the district center. Validating the authorities, fire, military, militia. By 14 o’clock in the field of brick-red helicopter landed and took a dozen solid “friends” in mufti, who once said that the place contagious and told the audience away from the sepulcher. Then sealed off the place of discovery and rewrote all who touched the coffin, and even standing near, ostensibly for a medical emergency.

Coffin “friends” dragged, it was in the helicopter, but the burden was too heavy, and decided to make it easier by removing the liquid. After pumping fluid out of the coffin corpse right in front began to blacken. Then the liquid is again filled in, and the blackness was rapidly disappearing. After a minute late on the cheeks blush is played again, and all of the mortal remains of the former acquired lifelike appearance. The coffin was closed and brought in a helicopter to get together with the remnants of the land putty in cellophane bags and ordered the witnesses to disperse. After that, the helicopter soared skyward and headed for Novosibirsk.

Five days from Novosibirsk to Rzhavchik came elderly professor and read in country club lecture on the preliminary results of a recent laboratory findings. The professor said that this discovery will turn rzhavchikskaya very understanding of history. In the near future, Soviet scientists publish their findings, and that the scientific world will plunge into shock. Age burial, according to the professor, at least 800 million years old! This refutes the Darwinian theory of the origin of man from apes. The woman was buried in the Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era millions of years before the dinosaurs, long before the formation of the planet coal, when, in the modern view is still the land of a complete plant kingdom.
Originally coffin woman standing in the middle of a wooden vault deep thicket of the forest. Over time, the vault is completely rooted in the ground, collapsed and without oxygen for hundreds of millions of years into a solid layer of coal.

Initially put forward an alien version, but genetic analysis of a woman’s body showed a 100 — percent uniformity of the modern Russian man. Today, we are one to one are the same as were our ancestors 800 million years ago!
The level of civilization to which belonged to a woman, more than all the previously known, including our own, because the nature of the fabric from which made dress “Princess” is not amenable to scientific analysis. Equipment for the production of such material is not invented by mankind. Not managed to identify the composition and pink-blue liquid, identified only some of its constituent components, formed the oldest varieties of onions and garlic. On a metal box professor did not say anything, except that it is being studied.


Lecturer left, and after a couple of days in the local newspaper came tisulskoy tiny note that was found near the village of Rzhavchik archaeological relic, which will shed light on the story. Rzhavchane protested so much sensation, and in the newspaper three lines! Indignation subsided itself when Tisulsky area was suddenly surrounded by the military, the police went from house to house, removing “seditious” number in the population, and the place where he found the tomb, carefully dug and filled up with earth.

Yet despite the efforts of the authorities of the people in the village were found fighters for truth. One of the characters run around all instances, even wrote a letter to the Central Committee, but died a year (according to the official version — from heart failure). When, in the year one after the other in car crashes killing all six “pioneers” coffin surviving witnesses silenced forever.

In 1973, when, according to the authorities, “all was quiet” on the shores and islands of Lake Berchikul that six kilometers from the place of occurrence of the sarcophagus, all summer to late autumn in secrecy conducted large-scale excavations. Job site was surrounded by soldiers and police. But, as they say, murder will out! One guest workers who participated in the excavation and kept quiet for a long time, went to the shopping area, slightly drunk, and said that the islands discovered an ancient cemetery Stone Age. Share the details they flatly refused, but the village has seen both at the dig site and then flew to “brick” and the helicopter was taking something, and on completion of work on the islands and shores of Berchikulya are hundreds of carefully dug up and buried underground tombs …



Princesse de Tisulsky Fille de dans un cercueil enterrement selon le professeur est au moins 800 millions ans vieux !
Dans un proche avenir, les scientifiques russes publient leurs résultats, et que le monde scientifique plongera dans choquent. Enterrement, selon le professeur, l’âge à moins de 800 millions ans ! Il réfute la théorie darwinienne de l’origine de l’homme du singe. La femme a été enterrée dans la période carbonifère de l’ère paléozoïque des millions d’années avant les dinosaures, bien avant la formation du charbon planète, quand, dans la vision moderne est encore la terre d’un Royaume d’usine complète.


Il est arrivé au début de septembre 1969 dans la région du village de Rzhavchik Tisulskago de la région de Kemerovo. Lors des travaux de décapage à la mine de charbon dans le noyau dvadtsatimetrovogo couche de charbon se trouve à une profondeur de plus de 70 mètres, deux mètres, mineur Karnaukhov a découvert un cercueil en marbre de fabrication MECANIQUE étonnamment précis.
Dans la zone commande, commandant Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygina eu tous travailler arrêté immédiatement. Le cercueil a été porté à la surface et a commencé à ouvrir, picorer sur les bords du mastic fois fossilisés. Non pas tant par les coups, mais contre les effets de la chaleur solaire, mastic dans un liquide clair et a coulé. Un seul à la recherche d’expériences a même essayé sur la langue (dans une semaine était fou et en février a gelé à la porte de sa maison.)

Couvercle de cercueil a été ajusté parfaitement exactes. Pour une connexion permanente à l’intérieur de la bordure frangée double-face pyatnadtsatisantimetrovuyu branché sur l’épaisseur de la paroi. Tisulsky princesse découverte fut un choc pour le public. Cercueil de cercueil était rempli à ras bord avec le fil rose cristalline liquide bleu. Par point de printemps, qui repose élevé (environ 180 C), une femme mince, insolite beauté qui avait l’air une trentaine, avec une fine traits européens et grande, yeux bleus grands ouverts. Ses cheveux était un épais, brun foncé avec une teinte rougeâtre, légèrement ondulés et est tombé à son tour de taille. À ses côtés étaient douces mains blanches avec short, recadrée soigneusement les ongles.

Elle était vêtue d’une longueur de robe transparente dentelle blanche juste au-dessous du genou. Manches courtes brodé de fleurs colorées. Sous-vêtements n’était pas. Il semblait qu’elle n’est pas mort, mais endormi. À la tête, un noir, rectangulaire, arrondi à une extrémité, metal box (quelque chose comme un téléphone cellulaire) d’environ 25 à 10 cm
Le cercueil a été ouvert à tous de voir environ 10 à 15 heures. Voir que le miracle était tout le village. Presque immédiatement, la conclusion a signalé au centre du quartier. La validation des autorités, feu, militaires, miliciens. De 14:00 dans le domaine du rouge brique hélicoptère a atterri et s’est déroulée une douzaine solides « amis » dans le mufti, qui disait que la contagieuse et a dit à l’auditoire loin au sépulcre. Alors bouclé le lieu de découverte et réécrit tout ce qui a touché le cercueil et même debout près, sous prétexte d’une urgence médicale.

Cercueil « amis » traînés, c’était dans l’hélicoptère, mais le fardeau était trop lourd et a décidé de rendre plus facile en retirant le liquide. Après le pompage de fluide sur le cercueil cadavre juste en face a commencé à noircir. Puis le liquide est à nouveau rempli et que la noirceur est rapidement en voie de disparition. Après une minute de retard sur les joues, fard à joues est joué encore une fois, et tous les restes de l’ancien acquis aspect réaliste. Le cercueil a été fermé et présentée dans un hélicoptère Réunissez-vous avec les restes de mastic de la terre dans des sacs de cellophane et commandé les témoins à se disperser. Après cela, l’hélicoptère a grimpé vers le ciel et choux pour Novossibirsk.

Cinq jours de Novossibirsk à Rzhavchik est venu le vieux professeur et lire dans country club Conférence sur les résultats préliminaires d’un résultats de laboratoire récentes. Le professeur a dit que cette découverte va se retourner rzhavchikskaya très compréhensif de l’histoire. Dans un proche avenir, les scientifiques soviétiques publient leurs résultats, et que le monde scientifique plongera dans choquent. Enterrement, selon le professeur, l’âge à moins de 800 millions ans ! Il réfute la théorie darwinienne de l’origine de l’homme du singe. La femme a été enterrée dans la période carbonifère de l’ère paléozoïque des millions d’années avant les dinosaures, bien avant la formation du charbon planète, quand, dans la vision moderne est encore la terre d’un Royaume d’usine complète.
À l’origine de cercueil femme debout au milieu d’un bosquet de voûte en bois profond de la forêt. Au fil du temps, la voûte est totalement ancrée dans le sol, s’est effondré et sans oxygène pour des centaines de millions d’années dans une solide couche de charbon
Initialement présenté une version alien, mais analyse génétique du corps de la femme a montré un 100 Pourcentage uniformité de l’homme russe moderne. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes un à un sont les mêmes que nos ancêtres il y a 800 millions ans !
Le degré de civilisation à laquelle appartenait à une femme, plus que tous les précédemment connus, y compris la nôtre, parce que la nature du tissu qui fait robe « Princesse » ne se prête pas à l’analyse scientifique. Équipement pour la production de ces matières n’est pas été inventé par l’humanité. Pas réussi à identifier la composition et le liquide bleu-rose, identifié seulement certains de ses éléments constitutifs, forment les plus anciennes variétés d’oignons et l’ail. Sur une boîte en métal professeur ne dit rien, sauf que c’est à l’étude.




Chargé de cours à gauche, et après que quelques jours dans le journal local est venu tisulskoy Remarque minuscules qui se trouvait près de la relique archéologique du village de Rzhavchik, qui va faire la lumière sur l’histoire. Rzhavchane protesté sensation tellement, et dans le journal, trois lignes ! Indignation elle-même disparu lorsque Tisulsky zone a été soudainement encerclé par les militaires, les policiers sont allés de maison en maison, supprimer « séditieux » nombre de la population et l’endroit il a trouvé le tombeau, soigneusement creusé et rempli de terre.


Pourtant malgré les efforts des autorités du peuple dans le village ont été retrouvé combattants pour la vérité. Un des personnages courons autour de toutes les instances, même écrit une lettre au Comité Central, mais est mort un an (selon la version officielle, d’insuffisance cardiaque). Lorsque, dans l’année, l’un après que l’autre dans la voiture s’écrase tuant six tous les « pionniers » cercueil témoignages de rescapés fait taire pour toujours.


En 1973, alors que, selon les autorités, « tout était calme » sur les rives et les îles du lac Berchikul que six kilomètres du lieu de survenance du sarcophage, durant tout l’été à fin de l’automne dans le secret dirigea des fouilles à grande échelle. Lieu de travail était entouré de soldats et policiers. Mais, comme on dit, meurtre sortira ! Un travailleurs invités qui ont participé à l’excavation et gardé le silence pendant une longue période, est allé à la rue commerçante, un peu ivre et dit que les îles ont découvert un ancien cimetière de l’âge de pierre. Partagez les détails qu’ils ont catégoriquement refusés, mais le village a vu tous les deux sur le site de fouille et s’est ensuite envolé pour « brique » et l’hélicoptère prenait quelque chose, et sur l’achèvement des travaux sur les îles et les rivages de Berchikulya sont des centaines de soigneusement creusés vers le haut et enterré des tombes souterraines...

Tisulsky Princess — Girl in a Casket — Is at Least 800 Million Years Old!

Spread the truth

Tisulsky Princess — Girl in a Casket — Age of Burial According to the Professor Is at Least 800 Million Years Old!
In the near future, russian scientists publish their findings, and that the scientific world will plunge into shock. Age burial, according to the professor, at least 800 million years old! This refutes the Darwinian theory of the origin of man from apes. The woman was buried in the Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era millions of years before the dinosaurs, long before the formation of the planet coal, when, in the modern view is still the land of a complete plant kingdom.


It happened at the beginning of September 1969 in the village of Rzhavchik Tisulskago region of Kemerovo region. During the stripping work at coal mine in the core dvadtsatimetrovogo coal seam lies at a depth of over 70 meters, two meters, miner Karnaukhov discovered a marble casket of amazingly accurate mechanical manufacture.
At the command area, commander Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygina had all work stopped immediately. The casket was brought to the surface and began to open, peck on the edges of fossilized time putty. Not so much from the blows, but from the effects of solar heat, putty into a clear liquid and flowed. One looking for experiences even tried it on the language (in a week was crazy, and in February froze at the door of his house.)

Casket lid was adjusted perfectly accurate. For a more permanent connection inside edge fringed double face pyatnadtsatisantimetrovuyu plugged into the wall thickness. Tisulsky Princess Discovery was a shock to the audience. Casket coffin was filled to the brim with pink — blue crystal clear liquid. By spring stitch, which rests high (about 180 C), a slim, unusual beauty woman — who looked about thirty, with a fine European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. Her Hair was a thick, dark brown with a reddish tint, slightly curled and fell to the her waist. At her sides were soft white hands with short, neatly cropped nails.


She was dressed in a white lace transparent dress length just below the knee. With short sleeves embroidered with colorful flowers. Underwear was not. It seemed that she is not dead, but sleeping. At the head — a black, rectangular, rounded at one end, metal box (something like a cell phone) of approximately 25 to 10 cm
The coffin was open for all to see about 10 to 15 hours. See the miracle was the whole village. Almost immediately, the finding reported in the district center. Validating the authorities, fire, military, militia. By 14 o’clock in the field of brick-red helicopter landed and took a dozen solid “friends” in mufti, who once said that the place contagious and told the audience away from the sepulcher. Then sealed off the place of discovery and rewrote all who touched the coffin, and even standing near, ostensibly for a medical emergency.

Coffin “friends” dragged, it was in the helicopter, but the burden was too heavy, and decided to make it easier by removing the liquid. After pumping fluid out of the coffin corpse right in front began to blacken. Then the liquid is again filled in, and the blackness was rapidly disappearing. After a minute late on the cheeks blush is played again, and all of the mortal remains of the former acquired lifelike appearance. The coffin was closed and brought in a helicopter to get together with the remnants of the land putty in cellophane bags and ordered the witnesses to disperse. After that, the helicopter soared skyward and headed for Novosibirsk.

Five days from Novosibirsk to Rzhavchik came elderly professor and read in country club lecture on the preliminary results of a recent laboratory findings. The professor said that this discovery will turn rzhavchikskaya very understanding of history. In the near future, Soviet scientists publish their findings, and that the scientific world will plunge into shock. Age burial, according to the professor, at least 800 million years old! This refutes the Darwinian theory of the origin of man from apes. The woman was buried in the Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era millions of years before the dinosaurs, long before the formation of the planet coal, when, in the modern view is still the land of a complete plant kingdom.
Originally coffin woman standing in the middle of a wooden vault deep thicket of the forest. Over time, the vault is completely rooted in the ground, collapsed and without oxygen for hundreds of millions of years into a solid layer of coal.

Initially put forward an alien version, but genetic analysis of a woman’s body showed a 100 — percent uniformity of the modern Russian man. Today, we are one to one are the same as were our ancestors 800 million years ago!
The level of civilization to which belonged to a woman, more than all the previously known, including our own, because the nature of the fabric from which made dress “Princess” is not amenable to scientific analysis. Equipment for the production of such material is not invented by mankind. Not managed to identify the composition and pink-blue liquid, identified only some of its constituent components, formed the oldest varieties of onions and garlic. On a metal box professor did not say anything, except that it is being studied.


Lecturer left, and after a couple of days in the local newspaper came tisulskoy tiny note that was found near the village of Rzhavchik archaeological relic, which will shed light on the story. Rzhavchane protested so much sensation, and in the newspaper three lines! Indignation subsided itself when Tisulsky area was suddenly surrounded by the military, the police went from house to house, removing “seditious” number in the population, and the place where he found the tomb, carefully dug and filled up with earth.

Yet despite the efforts of the authorities of the people in the village were found fighters for truth. One of the characters run around all instances, even wrote a letter to the Central Committee, but died a year (according to the official version — from heart failure). When, in the year one after the other in car crashes killing all six “pioneers” coffin surviving witnesses silenced forever.

In 1973, when, according to the authorities, “all was quiet” on the shores and islands of Lake Berchikul that six kilometers from the place of occurrence of the sarcophagus, all summer to late autumn in secrecy conducted large-scale excavations. Job site was surrounded by soldiers and police. But, as they say, murder will out! One guest workers who participated in the excavation and kept quiet for a long time, went to the shopping area, slightly drunk, and said that the islands discovered an ancient cemetery Stone Age. Share the details they flatly refused, but the village has seen both at the dig site and then flew to “brick” and the helicopter was taking something, and on completion of work on the islands and shores of Berchikulya are hundreds of carefully dug up and buried underground tombs …



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