Virgo nouvelle lune dans les maisons
Virgo New Moon in the Houses

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A lunation to be a born again Virgin, and renew your essential nature from any dirty influences that threaten its integrity. This year's Virgo New Moon is September 13th (2015) and is at 20 degrees.
Here are some forecast possibilities, for your Virgo House. Find 20 degrees Virgo around your own birth chart wheel. Get a free chart, and look for the Virgo symbol.
It's also a solar eclipse - see a forecast eclipses in the Houses.
Virgo New Moon in the First House: (House of Aries and Mars)
The atmosphere of the Self -- looks, social behaviors, aura -- are foremost for this lunation. With Virgo as your rising sign, your way of meeting life is conscientious, reserved and sensible. This lunation calls for a fresh infusion of vitality to how you present yourself. You might be inspired to update your look, and clear out the closet of stale fashions of another time (or that don't fit). What does your appearance say about your well-being? Cleaning House: New cards or image online, purge negative "not you" triggers to self image, ritual bath, a vision of your highest health.
Virgo New Moon in the Second House: (House of Taurus and Venus)
Attention turns to values, natural gifts and investments. End support for what's out of sync with your values. Choices that reflect your instinct for what endures, what's natural and beautiful. Committing to daily practice of your art or craft. Time to invest in your life's work, with a class, or certification program.
Virgo New Moon in the Third House: (House of Gemini and Mercury)
This lunation concerns the lively social scenes of everyday life. Virgo here wants to process what's taken in (information, stories, news) and glean what's useful for day-to-day living. New Moons are times for endings. You could end habits that have you spinning on useless info that never gleans anything, only mental vexation. Good one to begin research, share in a forum or collaboration or set a goal that brings varied threads of your work together. Cleaning House: Getting rid of old magazines, newspapers. Make space on your bookshelf. Start a new journal.
Virgo New Moon in the Fourth House: (House of Cancer and the Moon)
A lunation with attention on origins, and the shelter of home and close circles (family and friends). Time to purify your home, to make it your refuge and place to recharge. Stellar one to infuse the air with healing currents, like with aromatherapy. Cleaning House: Exorcising your home of preoccupations with the past. Make new memories of comfort, safety. Put up images that remind you of meaningful ties.
Virgo New Moon in the Fifth House: (House of Leo and the Sun)
Virgo here is very sincere about play, responsibility to children and an artistic practice. A lunation to rededicate yourself to living your dreams, with your choices day-to-day. A new love could begin that's pure romance. Cleaning House: Confront weary-worn beliefs about your creative abilities. Take a chance on self-expression with a class or workshop.
Virgo New Moon in the Sixth House: (House of Virgo and Mercury or Chiron)
The pinnacle for all things that effect your well-being. Good timing to set in new habits and cut out unhealthy ones. The action could be centered on work, the J.O.B. that sustains you. There could be a change or realization about what's next in your working life, and planning out the steps. Cleaning House: Detoxing. Breaking free of negativity loops. A dedication ceremony to your whole self.
Virgo New Moon in the Seventh House: (House of Libra and Venus)
This lunation puts a charge on the one-on-one thing - love, enemies and frenemies, your public. One to do a love spell, by writing down qualities you seek in your future beloved. Acts and words that dissolve binding kinds of cords with another. In other words, great time for closure, with what's in your power. Finding peace from a sense of responsibility -- making peace with your part in the give and take. Cleaning House: A letting go ritual, of what's unresolved with another. Making space for new relationships.
Virgo New Moon in the Eighth House: (House of Scorpio and Pluto)
A portentous lunation that involves a big surrender to the unknown, and swirling in the cauldron of the dark. New Moons are about giving over to the healing moment -- it takes trust in yourself and the great mystery. With Virgo here, you have instincts for the timing of this kind of total soul healing. This New Moon creates that dark portal, to get to hard-to-reach areas of the psyche and soul. Cleaning House: Invite assistance to exorcise demons and cut cords with energy vamps. Track and face fears.
Virgo New Moon in the Ninth House: (House of Sagittarius and Jupiter)
This lunation is about expanding your sphere, whether with travel or gaining wisdom. Virgo in this house craves knowledge that's hands-on, and can be applied to actual living. One for committing to a direction of study -- taking aim with the Archer's arrow. Setting realistic goals that get you excited, and have you visioning the pathway to making it real. Cleaning House: Breaking out of routine. Taking your knowledge to the next level. A working travel experience.
Virgo New Moon in the Tenth House: (House of Capricorn and Saturn)
Time for holistic renewal in the sphere of your life's calling. If you've set your sights too low, and feel it, now's the time to adjust your aim to the top of the mountain. Good time to plan your strategy, like going on informational interviews. What aspirations make sense and align with the current anguished rhythm of collapsing and reconstructing. Cleaning House: Let go of what's not worth the effort, or comes from what's expected by family or society. Make space for your own version of success!
Virgo New Moon in the Eleventh House: (House of Aquarius and Uranus)
A lunation with a beam on practical genius. You might invent something, from your prescient ability to tune in to what's needed, in a system or process. A timely one to look at ways to join in -- volunteering, brain storming for a better world, putting inspired ideas into practice. Be alert to flashes of brilliance to do with refinement, purification, living the wholesome life. Cleaning House: Exit networks or online forums that are no longer in sync with your vision and values. Pick up practical nuggets ahead of their time, from dreams or day-flashes.
Virgo New Moon in the Twelfth House: (House of Pisces and Neptune)
Time to retreat and listen -- to your mind, soul and body. A chance to unravel knots and shamanically track how your thoughts effect your body, what's there in the body memory for release, and more. Tune in to the subtle energies that you encounter, and the ones that follow you into your dreamtime. The imaginative stream is a fast current, to pick out what's most vibrant. Turn the treasures of your interior life into gold, and find practical ways to share your experience. Cleaning House: Release the ghosts of the past and present. Sage your space. Purify with earth energies (crystals).
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