An Abductee’s Tender Documents
An Abductee’s Tender Documents Of His Extraterrestrial Romance

“I don’t know much, but I do know for sure that I lost my virginity to an extraterrestrial woman,” says David Huggins. The 70-year-old from Hoboken, New Jersey has been making paintings of his encounters with aliens for many years.
“I believe what he experienced was real to him,” filmmaker Brad Abrahams tells ANIMAL over the phone. You can sense that, deeply, in the teaser for his documentary in progress, Love And Saucers. Abrahams tracked Huggins down through his neighbor, after hearing him mentioned in a radio interview with an abduction investigator. Over the few days Abrahams spent in his house, Huggins painted and showed him impressionistic, surreal scenes of beings with glowing eyes, spaceship beams, and interterrestrial babies — spindly, translucent, clutching – babies that he fathered, all across the galaxy.
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