Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar,"The PURE
"The Human Being's body is Perfect Symbol of the UNIVERSE."
... "In REALITY,if One Observes at the INDIVIDUAL level,every movement PHASES are 'WAXING' or 'WANING' in the BODY."
"The wheel of changes keeps on turning."
"Sometimes individual is a child or an old man,sometimes a healthy and sometimes a sick man.No one's remain the same."
" The state of MIND also keeps on changing."
"Sometimes happy and at other times unhappy,sometimes contented,sometimes dissatisfied.The state of the chitta (mind stuff,psyche) also does not remain the same."
"The body is HOMOLOGOUS to the UNIVERSE
"The body also,like the UNIVERSE,resides and moves within the SKY.It also made of the five physical elements (Ether,AIR,Fire,Water and Sky)."
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"
"Pure Knowledge of self realization of Human being."
"Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)}."
" But now Hindus say that our Ram is Great, Muslims
say that our Allah is Great, Christians say that our Jesus Christ is
Great and Sikhs say that our Guru Nanak Ji is Great &so forth."
"The Whole World {living & non living} is a Child of God."
"GOD must be surprising what type of human being we created?."
" God's heart is so generous, that followers of every caste, religion and spiritual practice used to find a place in it."
" He did not see any path, principle or way of worship moving in the opposite direction."
" The whole world is a child of God."
" To find his Supreme-Father an aspirant can take any path."
All have the same ardent desire. He alone is everybody's goal."
" The emotion, faith and belief of each individual, aspirant can be different due to their mind state by birth {Parbdha,destiny}."
" Diversity in the reason for this world."
" The day all ideologies become one, there will be no world."
"It is said ,"From Nothing that Somethings Emerges."
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"
"The Human Being is our caste,Humanity is our Universal Religion,
Hindu,Muslim,Sikh,Christian etc.,Is not our Religion."
"Our Religion is Living being,Mankind is our Religion."
"For Universal true Love & Peace,Do welfare for Living & Non-living."
"Around five thousand years ago there was no religion or any
other religious community."
" There were no Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians etc.. The only religion was Mankind & Humanity. Everyone had and has one religion, Mankind. But as the influence of Kalyug grew, we started developing differences among ourselves."
" The only reason was that the religious family (kul) gurus suppressed the truth written in the scriptures. Whether the reason was selfishness or superficial ostentations. As a result of which, today four religions and many other religious sects have been formed out of one MankindRreligion."
" Consequently it is natural to have differences
among each other. Prabhu / Bhagwan / Ram / Allah / Rab / God /
Khuda / Parmeshwar of everyone is One (Lord Being Or Prabhu).."
" These are synonymous words in different languages. Everyone accepts that the consciousness of all is one, then why these different religious communities?."
"It is absolutely correct that everybody’s Master / Rab / Khuda/
Allah / God / Ram / Parmeshwar is only one whose actual name is
Lord Being and He lives in Satlok / Satdhaam / Sachchkhand in a visible
human like form"
". But now Hindus say that our Ram is great, Muslims
say that our Allah is great, Christians say that our Jesus Christ is
great and Sikhs say that our Guru Nanak Ji is great."
"Story must Read:
" They say in such a way as if four innocent children say that this is my papa, the second one says he is my papa not yours, the third one says he is my father and is the greatest, and then the fourth child says, “No, Oh
fools! This is my daddy, not yours.” When all those four have one
same father. Today our human society is fighting like these ignorant
“Koi kahae humaara Ram bada hai, koi kahe khudaai re |
Koi kahae humaara Isamaseeh bada hai, ye baata rahe lagaai re ||”
When actually in all our religious texts and scriptures, the glory
of that one Prabhu / Master / Rab / Khuda / Allah / Ram / Sahib /
God / Parmeshwar has been sung by clearly writing His name that,
that one Master / Prabhu is Lord Being who lives in a visible
human-like form in Satlok(Human body & Universe is Homologous).
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"
"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"
"May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer.
Thus, everyone is most welcome to join the " Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om" divine mantra for welfare of human being,living being & non-living of universe,so we may receive LOVE & PEACE.For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Theerth ji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples(all types),Churchs(all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas(all types), Gurudwaras(all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME.
" ,
" Consciousness of universal Frds. for Love & Peace within with{Self -Realized} non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*
"The Human Being's body is Perfect Symbol of the UNIVERSE."
... "In REALITY,if One Observes at the INDIVIDUAL level,every movement PHASES are 'WAXING' or 'WANING' in the BODY."
"The wheel of changes keeps on turning."
"Sometimes individual is a child or an old man,sometimes a healthy and sometimes a sick man.No one's remain the same."
" The state of MIND also keeps on changing."
"Sometimes happy and at other times unhappy,sometimes contented,sometimes dissatisfied.The state of the chitta (mind stuff,psyche) also does not remain the same."
"The body is HOMOLOGOUS to the UNIVERSE
"The body also,like the UNIVERSE,resides and moves within the SKY.It also made of the five physical elements (Ether,AIR,Fire,Water and Sky)."
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"
"Pure Knowledge of self realization of Human being."
"Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)}."
" But now Hindus say that our Ram is Great, Muslims
say that our Allah is Great, Christians say that our Jesus Christ is
Great and Sikhs say that our Guru Nanak Ji is Great &so forth."
"The Whole World {living & non living} is a Child of God."
"GOD must be surprising what type of human being we created?."
" God's heart is so generous, that followers of every caste, religion and spiritual practice used to find a place in it."
" He did not see any path, principle or way of worship moving in the opposite direction."
" The whole world is a child of God."
" To find his Supreme-Father an aspirant can take any path."
All have the same ardent desire. He alone is everybody's goal."
" The emotion, faith and belief of each individual, aspirant can be different due to their mind state by birth {Parbdha,destiny}."
" Diversity in the reason for this world."
" The day all ideologies become one, there will be no world."
"It is said ,"From Nothing that Somethings Emerges."
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"
"The Human Being is our caste,Humanity is our Universal Religion,
Hindu,Muslim,Sikh,Christian etc.,Is not our Religion."
"Our Religion is Living being,Mankind is our Religion."
"For Universal true Love & Peace,Do welfare for Living & Non-living."
"Around five thousand years ago there was no religion or any
other religious community."
" There were no Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians etc.. The only religion was Mankind & Humanity. Everyone had and has one religion, Mankind. But as the influence of Kalyug grew, we started developing differences among ourselves."
" The only reason was that the religious family (kul) gurus suppressed the truth written in the scriptures. Whether the reason was selfishness or superficial ostentations. As a result of which, today four religions and many other religious sects have been formed out of one MankindRreligion."
" Consequently it is natural to have differences
among each other. Prabhu / Bhagwan / Ram / Allah / Rab / God /
Khuda / Parmeshwar of everyone is One (Lord Being Or Prabhu).."
" These are synonymous words in different languages. Everyone accepts that the consciousness of all is one, then why these different religious communities?."
"It is absolutely correct that everybody’s Master / Rab / Khuda/
Allah / God / Ram / Parmeshwar is only one whose actual name is
Lord Being and He lives in Satlok / Satdhaam / Sachchkhand in a visible
human like form"
". But now Hindus say that our Ram is great, Muslims
say that our Allah is great, Christians say that our Jesus Christ is
great and Sikhs say that our Guru Nanak Ji is great."
"Story must Read:
" They say in such a way as if four innocent children say that this is my papa, the second one says he is my papa not yours, the third one says he is my father and is the greatest, and then the fourth child says, “No, Oh
fools! This is my daddy, not yours.” When all those four have one
same father. Today our human society is fighting like these ignorant
“Koi kahae humaara Ram bada hai, koi kahe khudaai re |
Koi kahae humaara Isamaseeh bada hai, ye baata rahe lagaai re ||”
When actually in all our religious texts and scriptures, the glory
of that one Prabhu / Master / Rab / Khuda / Allah / Ram / Sahib /
God / Parmeshwar has been sung by clearly writing His name that,
that one Master / Prabhu is Lord Being who lives in a visible
human-like form in Satlok(Human body & Universe is Homologous).
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"
"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"
"May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer.
Thus, everyone is most welcome to join the " Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om" divine mantra for welfare of human being,living being & non-living of universe,so we may receive LOVE & PEACE.For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Theerth ji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples(all types),Churchs(all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas(all types), Gurudwaras(all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME.
" Consciousness of universal Frds. for Love & Peace within with{Self -Realized} non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar, « la PURE
« Le corps de l'être humain est parfait symbole de l'univers. »
« En réalité, si on observe au niveau individuel, chaque PHASES de mouvement sont « Epilation » ou « Déclin » dans le corps. »
« La roue de changements se met à tourner de suite ».
"Parfois individuels est un enfant ou un vieillard, parfois une alimentation saine et parfois un homme malade.De personne demeurent les mêmes. »
« L'état d'esprit aussi continue à en changer. »
"Parfois heureuse et en d'autres temps malheureux, parfois heureux, parfois insatisfaits.L'état de la chitta (choses de l'esprit, psyché) également ne restent pas le même."
« Le corps est homologue à l'univers
(YATHE PINDE toure BRAHMANDE, version de Vedanta). »
"Le corps aussi, comme l'univers, réside et se déplace dans le ciel.Il a également fait des cinq éléments physiques (éther, AIR, feu, eau et ciel)."
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste, « La PURE connaissance de VEDANTA »
« Pure connaissance de réalisation de soi de l'être humain. »
"Le changement est une en qualité intrinsèque de la Nature et aussi bien dans le corps humain {Chitta (choses de l'esprit, psyché)}."
"Mais maintenant hindous disent que notre Ram est grand, musulmans
dire que notre Allah est grand, les chrétiens disent que notre Jésus Christ est
Grands et Sikhs disent que notre Guru Nanak Ji est très bien & ainsi de suite. »
« Le monde entier {vie & non vivants} est un enfant de Dieu. »
« Dieu doit être surprenant quel type d'être humain, nous avons créé?. »
« Cœur de Dieu est si généreux, que les adeptes de chaque caste, la religion et la pratique spirituelle utilisé pour trouver une place dans ce ».
« Il ne voyait pas un chemin d'accès, le principe ou la façon de culte se déplaçant dans la direction opposée. »
« Tout le monde est un enfant de Dieu. »
« Pour trouver son père suprême, un aspirant peut prendre n'importe quel chemin. »
Tous ont le même désir ardent. Lui seul est pour tout le monde objectif. »
"L'émotion, la foi et la croyance de chaque aspirant individuelle, peuvent être différents en raison de leur état d'esprit de naissance {Parbdha, destin}."
« La diversité dans la raison de ce monde. »
« La journée toutes les idéologies deviennent un, il n'y aura pas de monde. »
« On dit,"de rien cette émergence Somethings. »
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste, « La PURE connaissance de VEDANTA »
"L'être humain est notre caste, l'humanité est notre Religion universelle,
Hindoue, musulmane, Sikh, Christian etc., n'est pas notre Religion. »
« Notre Religion vit actuellement, l'humanité est notre Religion. »
« Pour vrai amour & paix universelle, Do bien-être pour vivre & Non-vie. »
« Il y a environ cinq mille ans il y avait pas de religion ou de l'un
autre communauté religieuse. »
"Il n'y a pas de hindous, musulmans, Sikhs ou chrétiens etc... La seule religion était l'humanité de l'humanité, &. Tout le monde avait et a une seule religion, l'humanité. « Mais comme l'influence de Kalyug grandissait, nous avons commencé à développer des différences entre nous ».
"La seule raison est que les gourous de la famille religieuse (kul) a supprimé la vérité écrite dans les Ecritures. Si la raison était l'égoïsme ou parties superficielles. À la suite de laquelle, religions aujourd'hui quatre et beaucoup d'autres sectes religieuses ont été formés sur un MankindRreligion. »
"Par conséquent il est naturel d'avoir des différences
chez les uns des autres. Prabhu / Bhagwan / Ram / Allah / Rab / Dieu /
Khuda / DQ de tout le monde est l'un (Seigneur étant ou Prabhu).. "
"Ce sont des mots synonymes dans différentes langues. Tout le monde accepte que la conscience de tous est l'un, alors pourquoi ces différentes communautés religieuses?. »
"Il est absolument exact que tout le monde est maître / Rab / Khuda /
Allah / Dieu / Ram / DQ est un seul dont le nom réel est
Être éternel et il vit à Satlok / Satdhaam / Sachchkhand dans un visible
l'homme comme forme"
". Mais maintenant les hindous disent que notre Ram est grand, musulmans
dire que notre Allah est grand, les chrétiens disent que notre Jésus Christ est
grande et Sikhs disent que notre Guru Nanak Ji est formidable. »
"Incontournable à l'histoire :
"Ils disent de telle sorte que si les quatre enfants innocents disent que c'est mon papa, l'autre dit qu'il n'est pas mon papa vôtre, la troisième dit qu'il est mon père et qu'il est le plus grand, et puis le quatrième enfant dit: « non, Oh
imbéciles ! Mon papa, ce n'est pas vôtre. " Lorsque tous les quatre ont un
même père. Aujourd'hui notre société humaine se bat comme ces ignorants
"Koi ndeyefatoukane39 humaara Ram bada hai, koi kahe khudaai re |
Koi ndeyefatoukane39 humaara Isamaseeh bada hai, ye lagaai rahe baata re || »
Quand en réalité dans tous nos textes religieux et des écritures, la gloire
de qu'un Prabhu / Master / Rab / Khuda / Allah / Ram / Sahib /
Dieu / DQ a été chanté par clairement écrit son nom que
qu'un seul maître / Prabhu est Seigneur être qui vit dans un visible
forme humanoïde dans Satlok (corps humain & univers est homologue).
Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste, « La PURE connaissance de VEDANTA »
« सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"
« Peuvent tous être heureux. Peuvent tous être en bonne santé. Pouvons nous tous éprouver ce qui est bon et que personne ne souffre.
Ainsi, tout le monde est plus invité à rejoindre le mantra divin « Om Aeim GIRH Shrim Klim chati Om » pour le bien-être de l'être humain, vivant en & non vivants de l'univers, afin que nous puissions recevoir amour & paix.Pour ce tout le monde devrait être chanter le Mantra donné par Swami Sadaguru Shivom Theerth ji Maharaj et Maa Bagulamukhi au repère temps 7.00-07:15 par jour dans les maisons, Temples (tous types), églises (tous types), Bodha-Chaityalayas(all types), Gurudwaras(all types) et tous les endroits de Holly selon leur propre émotion & culte aussi bien à domicile.
« Conscience universelle Thonneau. amour & paix intérieur avec {Self - réalisé} la non-dualité (Advaïta), c'est-à-dire « qu'un seul Dieu » c'est-à-dire * {"Saint homme"} *
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