La guerre contre le terrorisme est une fraude

The War on Terror is a Fraud: How the West has Fostered Radical Islam and Actively Keeps it Alive

will's picture 

Have you ever heard, "what you resist persists"? That fighting against something actually feeds into it? This might not be news to most of us here, but it turns out the U.S., the very country fighting so hard against terrorism worldwide, is actually helping fund it:

In 2009, a series of events occurred that ought to have raised questions in the press. First, the United States began a troop surge in Afghanistan designed to deliver the final blow to the Taliban insurgency. Then the United States provided a $7.5 billion aid package to Pakistan. Around the same time, the Carnegie Foundation published a study which revealed a majority of Pakistan aid goes to the intelligence agency ISI and the military. The problem with these three events is that earlier in the year, U.S. officials revealed to the New York Times that the ISI was funding the Taliban, and was responsible for providing direct assistance and helping with some of their strategic strikes.

The press did cover these stories, but independent of one another. Not one media institution connected the dots that the United States was actively funding the harm that its armed forces were simultaneously fighting. Following the official narrative of the war, it certainly doesn't make any sense that the United States was indirectly prolonging the quagmire. Perhaps such mistakes are the inevitability of a bloated war bureaucracy, or that U.S. officials simply didn't realize the connection. Unfortunately, a collection of evidence points to a more sinister explanation: the United States and its allies have been deliberately proliferating radical Islam for decades, only to later spend trillions fighting the enemy they created.



dreamer's picture 

A few notes on this,

 Religion plays a part but, all wars are bankers wars. Personally I am offended to be associated with political decisions which are called american. We the people are not the made up word we know as  americans. *thieves and killers of first nations is a hard title to put on any area of land*    The promotion of fear is the prime objective of the hawks on the hill.   So much for doctrines and dogmas.  All poly ticks are in cahoots. In my 58 years there were only a few short years where our country was not un-officially at war with someone. War is a sales pitch to sell weaponry to other countrys and of course to weed out the most healthy and vibrant young men and women.  Scoop up the depleated lands in a race for a retarded concept called money. Millions of lives have been sacrificed to keep the fear burning. Few in the world understand forgiveness. Too often I have heard "i can forgive but i will never forget". which is meaningless. They fully understand revenge. This circle logic has no conclusion. The dragon will eventually eat it's own tail. A global conscious awakening is the only thing to halt the useless battle of men against men.

  None of this is any excuse to cease from an assention path of understanding cosmic law. This would be the only true self governance. Giving your personal power away to men in suits....laughable. The basis for the word government- to govern, to control, ment - the mind. These are things best reserved for the individual. Otherwise we end up with the earthly condition we are in now.  Gaia always rejects the virus at the appropriate time. I am just hoping she doesn't toss the baby out with the bathwater. My eternal soul giggles at my humans retoric. There is nothing to do. There is no "do". To be is all there is here in the now.  A conscious decision to look one way or the other will determine a higher vibration or a lower vibration. Choose well.

La guerre contre le terrorisme est une fraude : comment l'Ouest a favorisé de l'Islam Radical et la maintient activement Alive


Avez-vous jamais entendu parler, « ce que vous résistez persiste » ? Cette lutte contre quelque chose de réellement RSS dedans ? Cela pourrait ne pas être communiqués à la plupart d'entre nous ici, mais il s'avère que les États-Unis, le pays lutter durement contre le terrorisme dans le monde entier, est effectivement aider à financer :


En 2009, une série d'événements ont eu lieu qui devait ont soulevé des questions dans la presse. Tout d'abord, les États-Unis a commencé une vague de troupes en Afghanistan, conçu pour offrir le coup de grâce à l'insurrection des talibans. Ensuite, les États-Unis ont fourni un paquet d'aide de 7,5 milliards $ au Pakistan. Vers la même époque, la Fondation Carnegie a publié une étude qui a révélé qu'une majorité de l'aide au Pakistan va à l'Agence de renseignement ISI et les militaires. Le problème avec ces trois événements, c'est que plus tôt dans l'année, des responsables américains ont révélé au New York Times que l'ISI finançait les talibans et qu'il était responsable de l'aide directe et un coup avec certains de leurs frappes stratégiques.


La presse couvrait ces histoires, mais indépendant des uns des autres. Pas une seule institution médiatique relié les points qui les États-Unis finançait activement du préjudice que ses forces armées combattaient en même temps. À la suite du récit officiel de la guerre, il ne fait certainement aucun sens que les États-Unis a été prolonger indirectement le bourbier. De telles erreurs sont peut-être l'inévitabilité d'une bureaucratie pléthorique de guerre, ou que des responsables américains n'a pas simplement réaliser la connexion. Malheureusement, une collection d'éléments de preuve pointe vers une explication plus sinistre : les États-Unis et ses alliés ont proliféré délibérément l'Islam radical depuis des décennies, seulement pour passer plus tard lutte contre l'ennemi, ils ont créé des milliards

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