Earth from the Moon
Earth from the Moon! To celebrate tonight’s scheduled 11:27 p.m. EDT launch of our Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft, it’s moon day on NASA's new Instagram, where we bring you photos from our planet and beyond.
This image taken July 20, 1969 from Apollo 11 shows the Earth rising over the limb of the moon much as the Harvest Moon does from our planetary perspective. Over the stark, scarred surface of the moon, the Earth floats in the void of space, a watery jewel swathed in ribbons of clouds.
To learn more about our LADEE mission, visit and to learn more about the moon, visit planets/profile.cfm?Object=Moon...
For more images from NASA on Instagram, follow us at @NASA.
Image credit: NASA
#nasa #moon #earthrise #space #ladeeAfficher la suite
This image taken July 20, 1969 from Apollo 11 shows the Earth rising over the limb of the moon much as the Harvest Moon does from our planetary perspective. Over the stark, scarred surface of the moon, the Earth floats in the void of space, a watery jewel swathed in ribbons of clouds.
To learn more about our LADEE mission, visit and to learn more about the moon, visit
For more images from NASA on Instagram, follow us at @NASA.
Image credit: NASA
#nasa #moon #earthrise #space #ladeeAfficher la suite

Terre de la lune ! Pour célébrer le lancement régulier 11 h 27, heure avancée de ce soir de notre vaisseau spatial lunaire atmosphère et environnement de poussière Explorer (LADEE), c'est le jour de la lune sur Instagram nouvelle de la NASA, où nous vous apportons de photos de notre planète et au-delà.
Cette image prise le 20 juillet 1969 du Apollo 11 montre la terre levant sur le limbe de la lune, autant que la lune de moisson de notre point de vue planétaire. Sur la surface dure, marquée de la lune, la terre flotte dans le vide de l'espace, un bijou larmoyants drapée de rubans de nuages.
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