Golden Hawk, l'oiseau Benu, le phénix, GRAAL, PIERRE SACREE
Les enfants de Ankh, le Dj-edi, les druides et les mages, les personnes nées avec le troisième oeil d'Isis, le co-créateurs de Ptah/Enki, sont devenus les porteurs de la connaissance de la neuf Concepts de création, The Tree of Life, les anciens rituels, le Al Khemi et les outils anciens, le Dj-ed et le BnBn Stone.
Les forgerons a payé un lourd tribut pour leur connaissance du Secret. Ils ont été isolés dans la société et ont été souvent tués par les mâles dominateurs de Seth, quand ils ont voulu dire la vérité, la Gnose, sur la lumière Divine de l'amour de la déesse mère.
Les enfants de la Anhk attendent le retour de la Golden Hawk, l'oiseau Benu, le phénix, qui apportera un nouvel oeuf à la BnBn Stone perdue d'Héliopolis de la terre de feu. Dans ce cas le temps de Seth, le Kali Yuga, l'âge sombre, sera terminée et l'âge d'or du Phénix, l'ère du Verseau va commencer.

The Children of Ankh, the Dj-edi, the Druids and the Magi, the people born with the Third Eye of Isis, the Co-Creators of Ptah/Enki, became the Carriers of the Knowledge of the Nine Concepts of Creation, The Tree of Life, the Old Rituals, t...he Al Khemi and the Ancient Tools, the Dj-ed and the BnBn Stone.
The Blacksmiths paid a high price for their Secret Knowledge. They were isolated in Society and were often killed by the Male Dominators of Seth when they wanted to tell the Truth, the Gnosis, about the Divine Light of Love of the Mother Goddess.
The Children of the Anhk are all waiting for the Return of the Golden Hawk, the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, who will bring a new Egg to the lost BnBn Stone of Heliopolis from the Land of Fire. When this happens the Time of Seth, the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, will be over and the Golden Age of the Phoenix, the Age of Aquarius will start.
The Blacksmiths paid a high price for their Secret Knowledge. They were isolated in Society and were often killed by the Male Dominators of Seth when they wanted to tell the Truth, the Gnosis, about the Divine Light of Love of the Mother Goddess.
The Children of the Anhk are all waiting for the Return of the Golden Hawk, the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, who will bring a new Egg to the lost BnBn Stone of Heliopolis from the Land of Fire. When this happens the Time of Seth, the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, will be over and the Golden Age of the Phoenix, the Age of Aquarius will start.

The Children of Ankh, the Dj-edi, the Druids and the Magi, the people born with the Third Eye of Isis, the Co-Creators of Ptah/Enki, became the Carriers of the Knowledge of the Nine Concepts of Creation, The Tree of Life, the Old Rituals, the Al Khemi and the Ancient Tools, the Dj-ed and the BnBn Stone.
The Blacksmiths paid a high price for their Secret Knowledge. They were isolated in Society and were often killed by the Male Dominators of Seth when they wanted to tell the Truth, the Gnosis, about the Divine Light of Love of the Mother Goddess.
The Children of the Anhk are all waiting for the Return of the Golden Hawk, the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, who will bring a new Egg to the lost BnBn Stone of Heliopolis from the Land of Fire. When this happens the Time of Seth, the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, will be over and the Golden Age of the Phoenix, the Age of Aquarius will start.énix
What was the Aim of the Djedi? PhoenixRising The E/M-field of the Earth is different at every place on Earth. It also changes every day because of the influence of the Moon, the Sun and other powerful fields in the Universe.
At a certain moment in Time, at a certain place on Earth and with the help of special instruments (The Pyramid of Giza, the BnBn Stone) the old Egyptian Magicians, the Djedi, imagined it would be possible to resonate with the Standing Wave of the Center of our Galaxy situated in the Pleiades....
If this happens it will generate a tremendous, almost deadly, Mystical Experience, a giant influx of the Serpent of the Galaxy (the Black Hole) also called the Phoenix (Greek) or the Bennu Bird (Egyptian).
To endure this experience the Mystical Body, the Sahu, the Resurrection Body of Osiris, the Barque of the Sekhem, has to be available. The Sahu, the Light Body, is activated when the Djedi has balanced his chakras in the middle, the Heart Chakra. To experience a mystical union with the One, the Djedi has to live from the Heart.
At that moment the Skywalker will become Immortal. He will Climb Jacobs Ladder, move through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (Sekhem, Bindu, Wormhole) into our (Black Matter) Twin Universe, the Underworld, the Nagual, the Duat, the Daad, Heaven, the Place where the Souls Live.
This Special Alignment of the Stars, The Galactic Cross, the Return of the Galactic Serpent, is the Moment the Egyptian Djedi, the Pharaos in their Coffin, the Jews (The Coming of Christ), the Muslims (the Coming of Christ), the Christians (the Return of Christ, the Resurrection), the Mayas (the Return of Quetzalcoatl, the End of the Maya Calendar, 2012), the Hopis (the Fifth World) and many other cultures are waiting for for a very long time. A Last Remark
The E/M-field of the Earth is at this moment heavily influenced by human activities. Especially the strong fields of the Mobile Infrastructure on Earth have a devastating impact on the harmony of the Human Body. Project yourself! about-raising-djed/
Phoenix bird Daniel Janda
At a certain moment in Time, at a certain place on Earth and with the help of special instruments (The Pyramid of Giza, the BnBn Stone) the old Egyptian Magicians, the Djedi, imagined it would be possible to resonate with the Standing Wave of the Center of our Galaxy situated in the Pleiades....
If this happens it will generate a tremendous, almost deadly, Mystical Experience, a giant influx of the Serpent of the Galaxy (the Black Hole) also called the Phoenix (Greek) or the Bennu Bird (Egyptian).
To endure this experience the Mystical Body, the Sahu, the Resurrection Body of Osiris, the Barque of the Sekhem, has to be available. The Sahu, the Light Body, is activated when the Djedi has balanced his chakras in the middle, the Heart Chakra. To experience a mystical union with the One, the Djedi has to live from the Heart.
At that moment the Skywalker will become Immortal. He will Climb Jacobs Ladder, move through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (Sekhem, Bindu, Wormhole) into our (Black Matter) Twin Universe, the Underworld, the Nagual, the Duat, the Daad, Heaven, the Place where the Souls Live.
This Special Alignment of the Stars, The Galactic Cross, the Return of the Galactic Serpent, is the Moment the Egyptian Djedi, the Pharaos in their Coffin, the Jews (The Coming of Christ), the Muslims (the Coming of Christ), the Christians (the Return of Christ, the Resurrection), the Mayas (the Return of Quetzalcoatl, the End of the Maya Calendar, 2012), the Hopis (the Fifth World) and many other cultures are waiting for for a very long time. A Last Remark
The E/M-field of the Earth is at this moment heavily influenced by human activities. Especially the strong fields of the Mobile Infrastructure on Earth have a devastating impact on the harmony of the Human Body. Project yourself!
Phoenix bird Daniel Janda
Kathleen Stecklair McGinty
Quel était le but de la Djedi ?
Le E/M-domaine de la terre est différent à chaque endroit sur terre. Il change aussi chaque jour à cause de l'influence de la lune, le soleil et autres champs puissants de l'univers.
À un certain moment dans le temps, à un certain endroit sur la terre et avec l'aide d'instruments spéciaux (la pyramide de Gizeh, la pierre BnBn) les magiciens égyptiens anciens, la Djedi, imaginé qu'il serait possible d'entrer en résonance avec les ondes stationnaires du centre de notre galaxie située dans les Pléiades.
Dans ce cas qu'il va générer une expérience énorme, presque mortelle, mystique, un afflux géant du Serpent de la galaxie (trou noir), aussi appelé le Phénix (grec) ou l'oiseau Bennou (égyptien).
Pour supporter cette expérience du corps mystique, le Sahu, le corps de la résurrection d'Osiris, la Barque de la Sekhem, doit être disponible. Le Sahu, le corps de lumière, est activé lorsque le Djedi a équilibré son chakras au milieu, le Chakra du cœur. Pour une union mystique avec celui de l'expérience, la Djedi doit vivre du fond du cœur.
A ce moment la Skywalker deviendra immortel. Il va grimper Jacobs Ladder, traverser le pont d'Einstein-Rosen (Sekhem, Bindu, Wormhole) dans notre univers de Twin (matière noire), le monde souterrain, le Nagual, Douat, le Daad, ciel, le lieu où vivent les âmes.
Cet alignement spécial de the Stars, The Cross galactique, le retour du Serpent galactique, est le Moment le Djedi égyptiens, les pharaons dans leur cercueil, les Juifs (The Coming of Christ), les musulmans (l'entrée du Christ), les chrétiens (le retour du Christ, la Résurrection), les Mayas (le retour de Quetzalcoatl, la fin du calendrier Maya, 2012), les Hopis (la cinquième mondiale) et nombreuses autres cultures attendent depuis très longtemps.
Une dernière remarque
Le E/M-domaine de la terre est en ce moment fortement influencé par les activités humaines. Surtout les champs intenses de l'Infrastructure Mobile sur terre ont un effet dévastateur sur l'harmonie du corps humain. Projet vous-même !
Oiseau Phoenix
Daniel Janda
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